Interface |
Description |
IACAcetateLayer |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS acetate layer. |
IACAcetateLayerAdmin |
Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS acetate layer. |
IACAxl |
Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS Axl. |
IACCalloutMarkerSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS callout marker symbol. |
IACConnector |
Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS service. |
IACFeatureLayer |
Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS feature layer. |
IACFeatureLayerAdmin |
Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS feature layer. |
IACGradientFillSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS gradient fill symbol. |
IACGroupRenderer |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS group renderers. |
IACHashLineSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS hash line symbol. |
IACImageLayer |
Indicator interface that identifies an ArcIMS image layer. |
IACImageLayerAdmin |
Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS image layer. |
IACLabelRenderer |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS label renderer. |
IACLayer |
Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS layer. |
IACLayer2 |
Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS layer. |
IACLayerAdmin |
Provides access to the XML-String for the Layerinfo. |
IACLineLabelPosition |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS line label position. |
IACMap |
Provides access to mebers that control the ArcIMS map service. |
IACMapAdmin |
Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS map service. |
IACRasterFillSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS raster fill symbol. |
IACRasterMarkerSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS raster marker symbol. |
IACRasterShieldSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS raster shield symbol. |
IACRenderer |
Indicator interface that identifies ArcIMS renderers. |
IACScaleDependentRenderer |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS scale dependent renderers. |
IACShieldSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS shield symbol. |
IACSimpleFillSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple fill symbol. |
IACSimpleLabelRenderer |
Indicator interface that identifies an ArcIMS simple label renderer. |
IACSimpleLineSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple line symbol. |
IACSimpleMarkerSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple marker symbol. |
IACSimplePolygonSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple polygon symbol. |
IACSimpleRenderer |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple renderer. |
IACSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS symbols. |
IACTextMarkerSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS text marker symbol. |
IACTextSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS text symbol. |
IAction |
Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage general actions settings and funcationality. |
IActionCollection |
Provides access to the methods and properties needed to manage a collection of actions. |
IActionProcessor |
Provides access to the methods and properties needed to manage and process a list of actions. |
IActionState |
Provides access to methods that will allow the configuration or reset of internal state information. |
IActiveView |
Provides access to members that control the active view - the main application window. |
IActiveViewEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the active view changes. |
IACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS true type marker symbol. |
IACValueMapLabelRenderer |
Indicator interface that identifies an ArcIMS value map label renderer. |
IACValueMapRenderer |
Provides access to members that control ArcIMS value map renderer. |
IAdvancedShader |
Access to members that allow a shader to process tiled bitmap information. |
IAISRequest |
Provides access to members that controls an AIS request. |
IAnnoClass |
Provides access to members that control the annotation class. |
IAnnoClassAdmin |
Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface. |
IAnnoClassAdmin2 |
Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface. |
IAnnoClassAdmin3 |
Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface. |
IAnnotateFeature |
Provides access to members that control the labeling (annotation) of one feature. |
IAnnotateFeature2 |
Provides access to members that control the labeling (annotation) of one feature. |
IAnnotateLayerProperties |
Provides access to members that work with the display of dynamic labels (text) for a feature layer. |
IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection |
Provides access to members that work with a collection of annotation settings for a feature layer. |
IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection2 |
Provides access to members that work with a collection of annotation settings for a feature layer. |
IAnnotateLayerTransformationProperties |
Provides access to members that control transformation properties for the display of dynamic labels (text) for a feature layer.. |
IAnnotateMap |
Provides access to members that control the Labeling (annotation) of a map. |
IAnnotateMap2 |
Provides access to members that control the Labeling (annotation) of a map. |
IAnnotateMapProperties |
Provides access to members that control the annotate map properties. |
IAnnotateProperties |
Indicator interface for annotation properties. |
IAnnotationClassExtension |
Provides access to members that control the annotation class. |
IAnnotationClassExtension2 |
Provides access to members that control the annotation class. |
IAnnotationElement |
Provides access to members that control Annotation Features. |
IAnnotationErrorEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when errors occur with the annotation objects. |
IAnnotationExpressionEngine |
Provides access to members that work with low level information about a script based labeling expression. |
IAnnotationExpressionParser |
Provides access to members to parse annotation expressions. |
IAnnotationExpressionParser2 |
Provides access to members to parse annotation expressions. |
IAnnotationFeature |
Provides access to members that control the annotation feature. |
IAnnotationFeature2 |
Provides access to members that control the annotation feature. |
IAnnotationLayer |
Provides access to members that control the annotation layer. |
IAnnotationLayerFactory |
Provides access to members that create/find annotation layers. |
IAnnotationPropertiesConverter |
Provides access to members that convert annotation properties from one type to another. |
IAnnotationSublayer |
Provides access to the properties of an annotation sublayer. |
IAOIBookmark |
Provides access to members that control an AOI bookmark. |
IAreaPatch |
Provides access to the interface that identifies a separate style gallery class for area patches. |
IAreaSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control area series. |
IArrayOfIShader |
Access to members that managae an arrray of IShader objects. |
IAttributeTable |
Provides access to the base table. |
IBackground |
Provides access to members that control frame backgrounds. |
IBackgroundTabStyle |
Provides access to members that control background tab style grid labels. |
IBarrierCollection |
Provides access to members that control a collection of objects that act as barriers to label placement. |
IBarrierProperties |
Provides access to members that control how objects (text, features, graphics) act as barriers for labelling. |
IBarrierProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control how objects (text, features, graphics) act as barriers for labelling with the cancel tracker. |
IBarSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control bar graph series. |
IBasemapLayer |
Provides access to members of a basemap layer. |
IBasemapSubLayer |
Wrapper for layers in the basemap. |
IBasicGeoprocessor |
Provides access to members that control the basic geoprocessor. |
IBasicHistogram |
Provides access to members that control histogram objects created from different data sources. |
IBasicMap |
Provides access to members that control the basic map. |
IBasicMap2 |
Provides access to members that control the basic map. |
IBasicMapIdentifyObject |
Provides access to members that control the basic map identify object. |
IBasicOverposterEvents |
Provides access to events that occur on the BasicOverposter. |
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels relative to features using conflict detection. |
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control the maximum distance labels/symbols are placed away from their respective features. |
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties3 |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels relative to features using conflict detection. |
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties4 |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels relative to features using conflict detection. |
IBivariateRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the rendering of bivariate symbology based on two constiuent renderers. |
IBorder |
Provides access to members that control frame borders. |
IBoundsProperties |
Provides access to members that control Bounds Properties. |
IBoxPlotSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control box plot series. |
IBubbleSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control bubble series. |
IBufferProcessingParameter |
Provides access to members that set and retrieve parameters for the buffering process. |
IBufferProcessingSymbology |
Provides access to members that set and retrieve symbology to be applied for buffer output. |
ICacheControlInfo |
Provides access to members that provide the cache control info. |
ICacheDatasetInfo |
Provides access to members that provides cache storage info. |
ICacheDescriptionInfo |
Provides access to members that provide the cache description info. |
ICacheDescriptionInfo2 |
Provides access to members that provide the cache description info. |
ICacheInfo |
Provides access to members that provide the map cache info. |
ICacheInfo2 |
Provides access to members that provide the map cache info. |
ICacheStorageInfo |
Provides access to members that provides cache storage info. |
ICad3DRenderMode |
Provides access to members that control the Render Mode type for Cad drawing. |
ICadastralFabricLayer |
Provides access to members that control the cadastral fabric layer. |
ICadastralFabricLayerEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the CadastralFabricLayer changes. |
ICadastralFabricParcelLayer |
Provides access to members that control the cadastral fabric parcel layer. |
ICadastralFabricSelection |
Provides access to members that control the selection of cadastral features to designate to a cadastral job. |
ICadastralFabricSubLayer |
Indicator interface that identifies the cadastral fabric feature layer. |
ICadastralFabricSubLayer2 |
Provides access to members that describe the layer. |
ICadIdentifyObj2 |
Provides access to members that control Identified Cad Objects. |
ICadLayer |
Provides access to properties that give information on the CAD drawing. |
ICalcRendererValues |
Provides access to members that are used to calculate the renderer statistics required for some uses of a ChartRenderer. |
ICalcRendererValues2 |
Provides access to members that are used to calculate the renderer statistics required for some uses of a ChartRenderer. |
ICalibratedMapGridBorder |
Provides access to members that control the calibrated map grid border. |
ICartoItemInfoHelper |
Provides access to helper functions to sync metadata inside documents and xml file. |
ICenterAndScale |
Provides access to the Center And Scale Map Area Interface. |
ICenterAndSize |
Provides access to the Center And Size Map Area Interface. |
ICFDataSourcePageExtension |
Provides access to the ICFDataSourcePageExtension interface. |
IChangeDatabaseVersion |
Provides access to the Change Database Version operation. |
IChartRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of chart symbols (pie, bar, stacked bar) on a map to represent features. |
ICircleElement |
Indicator interface that identifies a Circle element. |
IClassBreakInfo |
Provides members to decribe class break for a class break renderer. |
IClassBreakInfos |
Provides access to the ClassBreakInfos Interface. |
IClassBreaksDef |
Provides access to the available properties of a ClassBreaksDef object. |
IClassBreaksRenderer |
Provides access to members that control a renderer which is used to draw graduated color (choropleth) and graduated symbol maps. |
IClassBreaksUIProperties |
Provides access to members that control some user interface properties of a ClassBreaksRenderer. The properties set through this interface do NOT affect what is drawn on the map. |
IClassBreaksUIProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control some user interface properties of a ClassBreaksRenderer. The properties set through this interface do NOT affect what is drawn on the map. |
ICodedValueAttributes |
Provides access to members that determine if coded values are used. |
IColorChannelMapping |
Provides access to methods that control the mapping of bands to RGB color channels. |
IColorRampSymbol |
Provides access to members that control ColorRamp symbolization. |
IColorRampSymbol2 |
Provides access to members that control ColorRamp symbolization. |
IColorSymbol |
Provides access to member that identifies color symbol. |
IColumnProperties |
Provides access to members that control common properties of columns. |
ICompositeGraphicsLayer |
Provides access to members that control a collection of graphics layers that behave like single layer. |
ICompositeGraphicsLayer2 |
Provides access to members that control a collection of graphics layers that behave like single layer. |
ICompositeLayer |
Provides access to members that work with a collection of layers that behaves like a single layer. |
ICompositeLayer2 |
Provides access to members that control whether a layer is expanded in the TOC. |
ICompositeMapSurround |
Provides access to members that control map surrounds that are composed of graphic elements. |
IConditionalAction |
Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage conditional actions. |
IConditionalAction2 |
Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage conditional actions. |
IConditionalAction3 |
Provides access to properties and methods for conditional action control such as whether to favor the query attribute or location test first. |
IConditionalAction4 |
Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage conditional actions. |
IContextAnalyzer |
Provides access to members used to determine the correct context menu id for a given context object. |
IConvertFDOAnnoToCoverageAnno |
Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface. |
IConvertLabelsToAnnotation |
Provides access to the properties that control the conversion of labels to annotation. |
ICornerGridLabel |
Provides access to members that control the corner properties of grid labels. |
ICoverageAnnotationLayer |
Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer. |
ICoverageAnnotationLayer2 |
Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer. |
ICoverageAnnotationLayerFactory |
Provides access to members that create/find coverage annotation layers. |
ICoverageAnnotationLayerWrite |
Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer writing methods. |
ICoverageAnnotationSel |
Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer. |
ICustomOverlayGrid |
Provides access to members that control the custom overlay grid. |
IDataBrowser |
Provides access to members that control the data browser. |
IDataClassificationDef |
Provides access to the available properties of a DataClassificationDef object. |
IDataExclusion |
Provides access to members that control the exclusion of data values from a renderer. |
IDataExclusion2 |
Provides access to members that control the exclusion of data values from a renderer. |
IDataGraphBase |
Provides access to members that control the data graph. |
IDataGraphCollection |
Provides access to members that control graph collection in map document. |
IDataGraphCollectionEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the collection of graphs in the document changes. |
IDataGraphT |
Provides access to members that control data graph. |
IDataGraphTAxisProperties |
Provides access to members that control graph axis properties. |
IDataGraphTElement |
Provides access to members that control graphic element for data graph. |
IDataGraphTEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when graph object changes. |
IDataGraphTGeneralProperties |
Provides access to members that control general data graph properties. |
IDataGraphTLegendProperties |
Provides access to members that control graph legend properties. |
IDataGraphTPenProperties |
Provides access to members that control properties of the line. |
IDataGraphTPrivate |
Provides access to members for internal use. |
IDataGraphTSymbolProperties |
Provides access to members that control properties of the symbols for line graph, scatter plot, or box plot. |
IDataGroupSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control grouping of the graph data. |
IDataLayer |
Provides access to members that control the data source properties of a layer. |
IDataLayer2 |
Provides access to additional members that control the data source properties of a layer. |
IDataLayerExtension |
Provides access to members that allow a layer to override the base path used for relative path names. |
IDataNormalization |
Provides access to members that control the data normalization properties of a renderer. |
IDataObjectArray |
Array of DataObject elements |
IDataObjectEx |
A Data Object. |
IDataObjectGroup |
DataObjectGroup |
IDataObjectGroupArray |
DataObjectGroupArray |
IDataObjectGroups |
DataObjectGroups |
IDataObjects |
Data Object Array with Spatial Reference |
IDataObjectTable |
Data Table |
IDataObjectTable2 |
Data Table interface 2 |
IDataObjectTables |
Data Tables. |
IDataObjectType |
DataObjectType |
IDataObjectTypes |
DataObjectType Array |
IDataSampling |
Provides access to members that control the data sampling properties of a renderer. |
IDatasetRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functions common to all dataset renderers. |
IDataSortSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control sorting of the graph data. |
IDataSourceDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a datasource description object. |
IDataSourceHelperLayer |
Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Layer Level. |
IDataSourceHelperMap |
Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Map Level. |
IDataSourceHelperMapDocument |
Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Map Document Level. |
IDataSourceHelperStandaloneTable |
Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Table Level. |
IDefinitionExpressionEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the Definition Expression changes. |
IDimensionClassExtension |
Provides access to members that control the dimension class extension for a dimension feature class. |
IDimensionClassExtension2 |
Provides access to members that control the dimension class extension for a dimension feature class. |
IDimensionFeature |
Provides access to members that control a dimension feature. |
IDimensionGraphic |
Provides access to members that control a dimension graphic. |
IDimensionLayer |
Indicator interface that identifies dimension layers. |
IDimensionProtectNames |
Protect names interface. |
IDimensionShape |
Provides access to members that control a dimension shape. |
IDimensionStyle |
Provides access to members that control the properties of a dimension style. |
IDimensionStyleDisplay |
Provides access to members that control a dimension style's display. |
IDimensionStyles |
Provides access to members that control a collection of dimension styles for a dimension feature class. |
IDimensionStyleText |
Provides access to members that control a dimension style's text. |
IDirectData |
Provides access to enable direct access to data. |
IDisplayExpressionProperties |
Provides access to the properties for generating a display string. |
IDisplayRelationshipClass |
Provides access to members that are used to set up joins. |
IDisplayString |
Provides access to members that work with a layer's display expression. |
IDisplayTable |
Provides access to members that work with the display table associated with a standalone table. |
IDisplayTableExchange |
Provides access to methods that control the renderer display table. |
IDMSGridLabel |
Provides access to members that control the DMS Grid Label. |
IDMSGridLabel2 |
Provides access to members that control the additional properties of DMS grid labels. |
IDMSGridLabel3 |
Provides access to members that control the DMS Grid Label. |
IDocumentInfo |
Provides access to members that control the Document Info. |
IDocumentInfo2 |
Provides access to members that control the Document Info. |
IDocumentInfo3 |
Provides access to members that control the Document Info. |
IDocumentPreview |
Provides access to members that control the Document Preview. |
IDomainInfo |
Domain Info |
IDotDensityRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of varying densities of dots within polygon features to represent different quantities. |
IDotDensityRenderer2 |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of varying densities of dots within polygon features to represent different quantities. |
IDotDensityUIRenderer |
Provides access to members that work with additional renderer properties which appear on the user interface. |
IDoubleFillScaleBar |
Provides access to members that control a scale bar that uses two fill symbols to draw bar. |
IDrawAnnotationGeometry |
Provides access to annotation layer geometry drawing properties. |
IDynamicCacheLayerManager |
Provides access to dynamic layers cache management. |
IDynamicCacheLayerManager2 |
Provides access to dynamic layers cache management. |
IDynamicHit |
Provides access to dynamic hit-test results. |
IDynamicLayer |
Provides access to members that work with dynamic display. |
IDynamicLayer2 |
Provides access to layers that work with dynamic display. |
IDynamicLayerDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a dynamic layer description object. |
IDynamicLegendClass |
Dynamic information for a legend class. |
IDynamicLegendItem |
Dynamic legend properties |
IDynamicLegendLayer |
Provides access to members that control dynamic legend information provided by a layer. |
IDynamicLegendRenderer |
Provides access to members that instrument layer drawing to detect which legend classes are visible. |
IDynamicMap |
Provides access to dynamic display. |
IDynamicMapTableDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a dynamic map table description object. |
IEditOperation |
Indicator interface that identifies an operation as an edit operation. |
IEditResult |
Edit Result. |
IEditResults |
Array of EditResult elements. |
IEditTemplate |
IEditTemplate Interface |
IEditTemplateFactory |
IEditTemplateFactory Interface |
IEditTemplateManager |
IEditTemplateManager Interface |
IElement |
Provides access to members that control the Element. |
IElementCollection |
Provides access to members that control the Graphics element collection. |
IElementCollection2 |
Provides access to members that control the Graphics element collection. |
IElementEditCallout |
Provides access to members that control the Element edit vertices object. |
IElementEditVertices |
Provides access to members that control the Element edit vertices object. |
IElementEditVerticesOperation |
Provides access to members that control Element Edit Vertices Operation. |
IElementOperation |
Provides access to members that control Element Operations. |
IElementProperties |
Provides access to members that control the Element Properties. |
IElementProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control More Element Properties. |
IElementProperties3 |
Provides access to members that control More Element Properties. |
IElementShutdown |
Provides access to members that control the IElementShutdown interface. |
IEllipseElement |
Indicator interface that identifies an Ellipse element. |
IEnumDimensionStyle |
Provides access to members that enumerate through Dimension styles. |
IEnumElement |
Provides access to members that control the Element enumerator object. |
IEnumLayer |
Provides access to members that allow iteration through a set of layers. |
IEnumLocatedNetworkElement |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated network elements, and reset the enumeration. |
IEnumMap |
Provides access to members that control the map enumerator. |
IEnumMapSurround |
Provides access to members that control the map surround enumerator. |
IEnumRasterUniqueValueColor |
Provides access to members that enumerate row indexes in descriptor table for chosen class. |
IEnumSpatialBookmark |
Provides access to members that control the spatial bookmark list. |
IExportInfoGenerator |
Provides access to members that help generate export information. |
IExportSupport |
Provides access to export support members. |
IExpression |
Provides access to members that control expression calculation. |
IExtentStack |
Provides access to members that control the extent stack. |
IFDOAttributeConversion |
Provides access to members that control the attribute conversion to a FDO graphics layer. |
IFDOGraphicsContainer |
Provides access to members that control the FDO Graphics Container. |
IFDOGraphicsLayer |
Provides access to members that control properties of an annotation layer. |
IFDOGraphicsLayer2 |
Provides access to members that control properties of an annotation layer. |
IFDOGraphicsLayerFactory |
Provides access to members that create/find FDO graphics layers. |
IFDOGraphicsLayerRead |
Provides access to members that control the FDO graphics layer read methods. |
IFeatureBookmark |
Provides access to members that control a feature bookmark. |
IFeatureCache |
Provides access to members that control a cache of features in memory for a particular spatial extent. |
IFeatureCache2 |
Provides access to members that control a cache of features in memory for a particular spatial extent. |
IFeatureCursorBuffer |
Provides access to members that control the buffering of features. |
IFeatureCursorBuffer2 |
Provides access to additional functions and configuration capabilities for the buffer generation. |
IFeatureExportInfoGenerator |
Provides access to members that help generate export information for features. |
IFeatureExtent |
Provides access to the Feature Extent Map Area Interface. |
IFeatureFindData |
Provides access to data associated with each row in the MxFind dialog when finding features.(Obsolete at 8.1 use IFeatureFindData2). |
IFeatureFindData2 |
Provides access to data associated with each row in the MxFind dialog when finding features. |
IFeatureGeometryAccess |
Provides access to the methods that indicate the access to the geomtry. |
IFeatureIdentifyObj |
Provides access to a member that sets the feature used by the identify object. |
IFeatureIDSet |
Provides access to members that work with a set of features ids. |
IFeatureIndex |
Provides access to members that control the creation of an index on a feature class. |
IFeatureIndex2 |
Provides access to members that control the creation of an index on a feature class. |
IFeatureLayer |
Provides access to members that control common aspects of a feature layer. |
IFeatureLayer2 |
Provides access to additional members that control common aspects of a feature layer. |
IFeatureLayerDefinition |
Provides access to members that define a subset of the features from the underlying feature class. |
IFeatureLayerDefinition2 |
Provides additional access to members that define a subset of the features from the underlying feature class. |
IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription |
Provides access to the FeatureLayer drawing options. |
IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription2 |
Provides access to the FeatureLayer drawing options. |
IFeatureLayerExtendedDefinition |
Provides access to the extended definiton expression of a CadFeatureLayer. |
IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the selection changes. |
IFeatureLayerSymbology |
Provides access to members that control default feature layer symbology. |
IFeatureRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functionality common to all feature renderers. |
IFeatureRendererUpdate |
Provides access to members that control functionality common to all feature renderers. |
IFeatureSelection |
Provides access to members that control feature selection. |
IFeatureSelectionRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functionality common to all feature selection renderers. |
IFeatureServerInfo |
Provides access to the available properties of a feature server info object. |
IFeatureServiceEditExtension |
IFeatureServiceLayerEditExtension |
IFeatureServiceLayerFactory |
Provides access to members that control the creation of feature service layers and tables through a factory. |
IFieldDomainInfo |
Field Domain Information Array. |
IFieldDomainInfos |
Field Domain Information Array. |
IFieldInfoSet |
Provides access to members that store an ordered set of field info. |
IFillShapeElement |
Provides access to members that control the Fill Shape element. |
IFind |
Provides access to members that control finding. |
IFindObj |
Provides access to members that are used to find objects. |
IFindObject |
Provides access to members that are used to feature find objects. |
IFormattedGridLabel |
Provides access to members controlling the number format of a grid label. |
IFrameDecoration |
Provides access to members that control frame decorations. |
IFrameDraw |
Provides access to members that control frame drawing. |
IFrameElement |
Provides access to members that control the Frame element object. |
IFrameProperties |
Provides access to members that control the General properties for a frame. |
IFunctionSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control function series. |
IGdbRasterCatalogLayer |
Provides access to members that control GeoDatabase RasterCatalog Layer. |
IGeoFeatureLayer |
Provides access to members that control geographic aspects of a feature layer. |
IGeoImageDescription |
Provides access to members that control an image description. |
IGeoImageDescription2 |
Provides access to members that control an image description. |
IGeoImageDescription3 |
Provides access to members that control an image description. |
IGeoReference |
Provides access to members that control the georeferencing operations. |
IGeoReferenceEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the layer changes. |
IGeoRefSaveAsDlg |
Provides access to members that control a dialog for saving the results of a georeferencing opertion. |
IGFLayerTableDataMapping |
IGFLayerTableDataMappings |
Array of GFLayerTableDataMapping |
IGFSReplicaDescription |
Replica description to create replica of features and symbology of published layers by Graphic Feature Server. |
IGFSReplicationAgent |
Provides access to replica operations. |
IGFSTableDescription |
Table Description |
IGFSTableDescriptions |
Provides access to the GFS Table Descriptions Interface. |
IGlobeDocument |
IGlobeRasterStretch |
Provides access to specify if the renderer is an ArcMap Layer Renderer or ArcGlobe. |
IGpsConnection |
Provides access to members that control the connection properties of the communications port connected to a GPS receiver. |
IGpsDisplayProperties |
Provides access to GPS display properties. |
IGpsFeed |
Provides access to members that control the properties of a real-time feed object that gets its input from a GPS connection. |
IGraphicElement |
Provides access to members that control the Graphic Element object. |
IGraphicElements |
Provides access to members that control the Graphic Elements object. |
IGraphicFeature |
A Graphic Feature |
IGraphicFeatureLayer |
Graphic Feature Layer |
IGraphicFeatureLayer2 |
GraphicFeatureLayer2. |
IGraphicFeatureLayers |
Graphic Feature Layers |
IGraphicFeatures |
Array of Graphic Features |
IGraphicFeatureServer |
Provides access to members of Graphic Feature Server. |
IGraphicFeatureServer2 |
Provides access to members of Graphic Feature Server with version and edit with rollbackOnFailure. |
IGraphicFeatureServerInit |
Provides access to additional members that support initializing a feature server. |
IGraphicFeatureServerReplication |
Provides access to replication members of Graphic Feature Server. |
IGraphicsComposite |
Provides access to members that control objects that are composed of graphic elements. |
IGraphicsContainer |
Provides access to members that control the Graphics Container. |
IGraphicsContainerEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the graphics container changes. |
IGraphicsContainerProperty |
Provides access to members that control Graphics Container Properties. |
IGraphicsContainerSelect |
Provides access to members that control graphic container selection. |
IGraphicsLayer |
Provides access to members that control the Graphics Layer. |
IGraphicsLayerScale |
Provides access to members that control the Graphics Layer Scale. |
IGraphicSnap |
Provides access to members that control snapping graphics. |
IGraphicSnapEnvironment |
Provides access to members that control the Collection of snap agents used for snapping graphics. |
IGraphicSnapEnvironment2 |
Provides access to members that control the Collection of snap agents used for snapping graphics. |
IGraticule |
Provides access to the members that control the graticule. |
IGridAxisTicks |
Provides access to members that control the tick axis properties of a grid. |
IGridHatch |
Provides access to members that control the hatch marks along the meridians and parallels of a grid. |
IGridInteriorLabels |
Provides access to members that control the interior labels on a grid. |
IGridLabel |
Provides access to members that control the way a map grid is labeled. |
IGridLabel2 |
Provides additional access to members that control the way a map grid is labeled. |
IGridLabelExport |
Provides access to members that export a Grid Label into a graphic element. |
IGridLadderLabels |
Provides access to members that control the ladder label properties of a grid. |
IGroupElement |
Provides access to members that control the Group element. |
IGroupElement2 |
Provides access to members that control the Group element. |
IGroupElement3 |
Provides access to members that control the Group element. |
IGroupLayer |
Provides access to members that control a collection of layers that behaves like a single layer. |
IGroupSymbolElement |
Provides access to members that control Group Symbol Elements. |
IHighlightSuppressionAction |
Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the highlight/suppression action. |
IHillShadeInfo |
Provides access to methods that control hill shading. |
IHistogramSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control histogram series. |
IHorizontalBarLegendItem |
Provides access to members that work with horizontal bar legend items. |
IHorizontalLegendItem |
Provides access to members that work with legend item arrangement. |
IHotlinkContainer |
Provides access to members that manage all the hotlinks of a layer (e.g. field based hyperlinks or those that that call macros). |
IHotlinkExpression |
Provides access to members that work with a layer's hyperlink expression. |
IHotLinkExpressionProperties |
Provides access to the properties for generating a hyperlink expression. |
IHotlinkMacro |
Provides access to members that control a hyperlink that calls a macro. |
IHTMLPopupIdentify |
Provides access to members that consume the HTML popup tool content. |
IHTMLPopupIdentify2 |
Provides access to members that consume the HTML popup tool content. |
IHTMLPopupInfo |
Provides access to members that control the HTML popup tool. |
IHTMLPopupInfo2 |
Provides access to members that control the HTML popup tool. |
IHyperlink |
Provides access to members that control a dynamic hyperlink (i.e. one that can exist with or without a container). |
IHyperlinkContainer |
Provides access to members that manage all the hyperlinks of a layer. |
IIdentify |
Provides access to members that identify features. |
IIdentify2 |
Provides access to members that set the current scale of the display. |
IIdentifyDisplay |
Provides access to members that will identify based on display. |
IIdentifyGroup |
Indicator interface identifying a layer as a top-level group for identify. |
IIdentifyObj |
Provides access to members that control feature identification for a layer. |
IIdentifyObject |
Provides access to identify object's properties (pairs of name and value). |
IIdentifyObjWindow |
Provides access to members that control the window returned from an object that implements IIdentifyObj. |
IImageCooker |
AIS cache reader object. |
IImageDescription |
Provides access to the Image Description Interface. |
IImageDisplay |
Provides access to the Image Display Interface. |
IImageDisplay2 |
Provides access to the Image Display Interface. |
IImageInset |
Provides access to members that control the image inset map surrounds. |
IImageQueryFilter |
Provides access to members that control an image query filter. |
IImageResult |
Provides access to the Image Result Interface. |
IImageResult2 |
Provides access to the Image Result Interface. |
IImageResults |
Raster Value Result Array. |
IImageServer |
Provides access to members that control an image server. |
IImageServer2 |
Provides access to members that control an image server. |
IImageServer3 |
Provides access to members that control an image server object (SO). |
IImageServer4 |
Provides access to members that control an image server object (SO). |
IImageServerDownloadResult |
Provides access to the Image Server Download Result Interface. |
IImageServerDownloadResults |
Provides access to the Image Server Download Results Interface. |
IImageServerEditResult |
Provides access to the Image Server Edit Result Interface. |
IImageServerEditResults |
Provides access to the Image Server Edit Results Interface. |
IImageServerIdentifyResult |
Provides access to members that control an identify result. |
IImageServerIdentifyResultEdit |
Provides access to additional members that control an identify result. |
IImageServerIdentifyResults |
Provides access to the Image Server Identify Results Interface. |
IImageServerInit |
Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server. |
IImageServerInit2 |
Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server. |
IImageServerInit3 |
Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server. |
IImageServerLayer |
Provides access to members that control an image server layer. |
IImageServerLayer2 |
Provides access to additional members that control an image server layer. |
IImageServerLayer3 |
Provides access to additional members that control an image server layer. |
IImageServerMeasureResult |
Provides access to members that control a measure result. |
IImageServerName |
Provides access to members that control a Image Server name. |
IImageServerObjectLANProxy |
Provides access to members that control ImageServer LAN proxy. |
IImageServerObjects |
Provides access to core objects contained within an image server object. |
IImageServiceInfo |
Provides access to the properties of an image service. |
IImageServiceInfo2 |
Provides access to the properties of an image service. |
IImageServiceInfo3 |
Provides access to the properties of an image service. |
IImageType |
Provides access to the Image Type Interface. |
IImageView |
Provides access to members that control an image (service) view. |
IIMSGlobeConnection |
Provides access to methods that describe the ims connection within and globe client communicating with ims. |
IIMSGlobeSubServiceDescription |
Provides access to SubServices -- or in otherword, layers. |
IIMSGlobeXMLNode |
Provides access to an XML node. |
IIMSGlobeXMLParser |
Provides access to xml parsing functionality. |
IIMSMapLayer |
Provides access to members that control the IMS map layer. |
IIMSSubLayer |
Provides access to members that control the IMS sub layer. |
IIMSSymbolImporter |
Provides access to create ARCIMS symbols based on ArcXML. |
IIndexGrid |
Provides access to members that control the index grid. |
IIndexGridTabStyle |
Provides access to members that control the way an index grid's labels are drawn. |
IIndexQuery |
Provides access to members that control the index created with IFeatureIndex. |
IIndexQuery2 |
Provides access to members that control the index created with IFeatureIndex. |
IInkGraphic |
Provides access to the InkGraphic object. |
IInteractiveSearch |
Provides access to visible features. |
IInvalidArea2 |
Provides access to members that control the accumulating and manipulating of invalid display areas. |
IInvalidArea3 |
Provides access to members that control the accumulating and manipulating of invalid display areas. |
IISLFootprintDisplayProps |
Provides access to additional members that control the display of raster footprints in an image server layer. |
IJoinTableSourceDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a Join Table Source Description object. |
IJPIPServer |
Provides access to JPIP Server properties and methods. |
IKmlConversion |
Provides access to stateless methods that convert Maps or Layers into KMZ files or streams. |
ILabelCache |
Provides access to members that control a label cache. |
ILabelClassDescription |
Provides access to the Label Class Description Interface. |
ILabelClassDescription2 |
Provides access to the Label Class Description Interface. |
ILabelClassDescriptions |
Provides access to the Label Class Descriptions Interface. |
ILabelEngineLayerProperties |
Provides access to some of the main properties for labeling features. |
ILabelEngineLayerProperties2 |
Provides access to some of the main properties for labeling features. |
ILabelEnvironment |
Provides access to members that work with the labeling environment. |
ILabelingDescription |
Provides access to the Labeling Description Interface. |
ILabelPlacementDescription |
Provides access to the Label Placement Description Interface. |
ILabelStyle |
Provides access to members that control the label symbol and placement properties. |
ILabelStyle2 |
Provides access to members that control the label symbol and placement properties. |
ILasAttributeRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functions common to all LAS attribute renderers. |
ILasDatasetLayer |
Provides access to members that control a Lasdataset layer. |
ILayer |
Provides access to members that work with all layers. |
ILayer2 |
Provides access to additional members that work with all layers. |
ILayerAction |
Provides access to methods and properties that identify the action as a layer action and allow those properties to be managed. |
ILayerCacheInfo |
Provides access to available properties of a layer cache info object. |
ILayerCacheInfos |
Provides access to the LayerCacheInfo Collection Interface. |
ILayerDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a layer description object. |
ILayerDescription2 |
Provides access to the available properties of a layer description object. |
ILayerDescription3 |
Provides access to the available properties of a layer description object. |
ILayerDescriptions |
Provides access to the Layer Descriptions Interface. |
ILayerDescriptor |
Provides access to the available properties of a layer descriptor object. |
ILayerDrawingDescription |
Provides access to the type of the object to be a layer drawing description. |
ILayerDrawingDescriptionFactory |
Provides access to the FeatureLayer drawing options. |
ILayerDrawingDescriptions |
LayerDrawingDescription Array. |
ILayerDrawingPhase |
Provides access to members that control the drawing phase of a layer. |
ILayerDrawingProperties |
Provides access to members that control layer drawing properties. |
ILayerDrawSetup |
Provides access to layer draw setups. |
ILayerEffectDIM |
Provides access to members that control DIM layer effect. |
ILayerEffects |
Provides access to members that control layer effects. |
ILayerEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when layer visibility changes. |
ILayerExtensionDraw |
Provides access to events before and after a layer draws. |
ILayerExtensionInvalidate |
Provides access to partial refresh override. |
ILayerExtensions |
Provides access to the extensions of a layer. |
ILayerFactory |
Provides access to members that control the creation of layers through a factory. |
ILayerFactoryHelper |
Provides access to members used to create layers from names. |
ILayerFields |
Provides access to members that work with a layer's fields. |
ILayerFile |
Provides access to members that control the reading and writing of layer document files. |
ILayerGeneralProperties |
Provides access to layer general properties. |
ILayerInfo |
Provides access to members that return layer images. |
ILayerMasking |
Provides access to means to mask layers with other layers. |
ILayerPosition |
Provides access to members that control a layer's default position in the map interface. |
ILayerPropertySheet |
Provides access to layers that implement their own custom property sheet. |
ILayerResultOptions |
Provides access to methods that control geometry options. |
ILayerStatus |
Provides access to feedback on the status of a layer's time-consuming actions. |
ILayerSymbologyExtents |
Provides access to layer extents based on the symbology. |
ILayerTablesAndDataMappings |
ILayoutImage |
Provides access to the Layout Image Interface. |
ILegend |
Provides access to members that control a legend. |
ILegend2 |
Provides access to additional members that control a legend. |
ILegend3 |
Provides access to additional members that control a legend. |
ILegendClass |
Provides access to members that control the legend/TOC entry for a renderer class. |
ILegendClasses |
Provides access to the Legend Classes Interface. |
ILegendClassFormat |
Provides access to members that control formatting information for a legend class. |
ILegendFormat |
Provides access to members that control formatting information for a legend. |
ILegendFormat2 |
Provides access to members that control formatting information for a legend. |
ILegendGroup |
Provides access to members that control the collection of legend classes provided by a renderer. |
ILegendGroups |
Provides access to the Legend Groups Interface. |
ILegendInfo |
Provides access to members that control legend information provided by a renderer. |
ILegendItem |
Provides access to members that control how a layer appears in a legend. Can be stored in a style. |
ILegendItem2 |
Provides access to members that control how a layer appears in a legend. Can be stored in a style. |
ILegendItem3 |
Provides access to members that control how a layer appears in a legend. Can be stored in a style. |
ILegendLayout |
Provides access to members that control scaling properties for legend graphics. |
ILevelMasking |
Provides access to means to mask layers with other layers based on symbol levels. |
ILevelRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of symbols for features, where symbols are separated into levels, and each level drawn separately. |
ILicensedComponent |
Provides access to means to determine if this component is licensed. |
ILineElement |
Provides access to members that control the Line element. |
ILineLabelPlacementDescription |
Provides access to the Line Label Placement Description Interface. |
ILineLabelPlacementPriorities |
Provides access to members that control placement position priorities for line labels. |
ILineLabelPosition |
Provides access to members that control the relative position of line labels. |
ILinePatch |
Indicator interface that identifies a separate style gallery class for line patches. |
ILineSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control line series. |
ILocatedNetworkTrafficValue |
Provides access to traffic information for the current element id. |
ILocationTrigger |
Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage action's location trigger. A location trigger allows developers to extend location based triggering of actions, e.g., extend location trigger to include crosses or departing / arriving. |
ILocatorRectangle |
Provides access to the members that control the map frame locator rectangle. |
ILocatorRectangle2 |
Provides access to the members that control the map frame locator rectangle. |
ILODInfo |
Provides access to members that provide the LOD info. |
ILODInfos |
Provides access to the LOD Info Collection Interface. |
ILookupLegendClass |
Provides access to functionality for looking up a renderer's legend class via a feature. |
ILookupSymbol |
Provides access to functionality for looking up a renderer's symbol via a feature. |
IMap |
Provides access to members that control the map. |
IMapAdmin |
Provides access to Map administration methods. |
IMapAdmin2 |
Provides access to Map administration methods. |
IMapAdmin3 |
Provides access to Map administration methods. |
IMapAdmin4 |
Provides access to Map administration methods. |
IMapArea |
Provides access to the Map Area Interface. |
IMapAutoExtentOptions |
Provides access to the Map's auto extent options. |
IMapBarriers |
Provides access to members that control map barriers. |
IMapBarriers2 |
Provides access to members that control map barriers. |
IMapBookmarks |
Provides access to members that control the map bookmarks. |
IMapBookmarks2 |
Provides access to members that control the map bookmarks. |
IMapCache |
Provides access to Map spatial cache. |
IMapCacheExporter |
Provides access to methods that convert cache format. |
IMapCacheStorageFormatConvertor |
Provides access to methods that convert cache format. |
IMapCacheToRasterFunction |
Provides access to members that control a map cache to raster function. |
IMapCacheToRasterFunctionArgument |
Provides access to members that control a map cache to raster function. |
IMapClipOptions |
Provides access to the Map's clipping options. |
IMapCooker |
Provides access to members that controls a map cache generator. |
IMapCooker2 |
Provides access to more members that controls a map cache generator. |
IMapCooker3 |
Provides access to more members that controls a map cache generator. |
IMapDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a map description object. |
IMapDescription2 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map description object. |
IMapDescription3 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map description object. |
IMapDescriptions |
Provides access to the Map Descriptions Interface. |
IMapDescriptor |
Provides access to the available properties of a map descriptor object. |
IMapDocument |
Provides access to members that control the reading and writing of map document files. |
IMapEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map changes. |
IMapEvents2 |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map changes. |
IMapEvents3 |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map changes. |
IMapExtent |
Provides access to the Map Extent Map Area Interface. |
IMapFrame |
Provides access to the members that control the map element object. |
IMapFrameDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a map frame description object. |
IMapFrameDescriptions |
Provides access to the Map Frame Descriptions Interface. |
IMapFrameEvents |
Provides access to the events that occur when the state of the map frame changes. |
IMapGeographicTransformations |
Provides access to members that control the map's set of geographic transformations and the directions in which they are applied. |
IMapGrid |
Provides access to members that control a map grid. |
IMapGridBorder |
Provides access to members that control the map grid border. |
IMapGrids |
Provides access to members that control the map grids in a data frame. |
IMapIdentifyObject |
Provides access to members that control the map identify object. |
IMapImage |
Provides access to the Map Image Interface. |
IMapImages |
Provides access to the Map Images Interface. |
IMapInset |
Provides access to members that control the inset map surrounds. |
IMapInset2 |
Provides access to members that control the inset map surrounds. |
IMapLayerInfo |
Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object. |
IMapLayerInfo2 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object. |
IMapLayerInfo3 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object. |
IMapLayerInfo4 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object. |
IMapLayerInfos |
Provides access to the Map Layer Info Collection Interface. |
IMapLayers |
Provides access to layers. |
IMapLayers2 |
Provides access to layers. |
IMaplexDictionaries |
Provides access to members that control a collection of Maplex dictionaries. |
IMaplexDictionary |
Provides access to members that control a Maplex dictionary. |
IMaplexDictionaryEntry |
Provides access to members that control a single entry in a Maplex dictionary. |
IMaplexKeyNumberGroup |
Provides access to members that control a Maplex key numbering group. |
IMaplexKeyNumberGroups |
Provides access to members that control a collection of Maplex Key Numbering Groups. |
IMaplexLabelStackingProperties |
Provides access to members that control the placement of stacked labels. |
IMaplexLabelStyle |
Provides access to an indicator interface for a Maplex LabelStyle object. |
IMaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels along a line feature. |
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer. |
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer. |
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties3 |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer. |
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties4 |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer. |
IMaplexOverposterProperties |
Provides access to members that are common to all layers being labeled. |
IMaplexOverposterProperties2 |
Provides access to members that are common to all layers being labeled. |
IMaplexRotationProperties |
Provides access to members that control the placement of rotated labels. |
IMaplexRotationProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control the placement of rotated labels. |
IMapNavigator |
Provides access to the map navigator controller. |
IMapOverposter |
Provides access to members that control the Labeling (annotation) of a map. |
IMapReader |
Provides access to members that support reading a map document. |
IMaps |
Provides access to members that control the maps collection. |
IMaps2 |
Provides access to members of map collection. |
IMapServer |
Provides access to members that serve maps. |
IMapServer2 |
Provides access to members that serve maps. |
IMapServer3 |
Provides access to members that serve maps. |
IMapServer4 |
Provides access to members that serve maps. |
IMapServerBookmark |
Provides access to the Map Server Bookmark Interface. |
IMapServerBookmarks |
Provides access to the Map Server Bookmarks Interface. |
IMapServerData |
Provides access to map features and their values. |
IMapServerDataAccess |
Provides access to the data source behind the MapServer. |
IMapServerFindResult |
Provides access to the Map Server Find Result Interface. |
IMapServerFindResults |
Provides access to the Map Server Find Results Interface. |
IMapServerGeoTransformation |
Provides access to members that control the export set of geographic transformations. |
IMapServerGroupLayer |
Provides access to map server sublayers. |
IMapServerHyperlink |
Provides access to the Map Server Hyperlink Interface. |
IMapServerHyperlinks |
Provides access to the Map Server Hyperlinks Interface. |
IMapServerIdentifyObject |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server identify object. |
IMapServerIdentifyResult |
Provides access to the Map Server Identify Result Interface. |
IMapServerIdentifyResult2 |
Provides access to the Map Server Identify Result Interface. |
IMapServerIdentifyResults |
Provides access to the Map Server Identify Results Interface. |
IMapServerInfo |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object. |
IMapServerInfo2 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object. |
IMapServerInfo3 |
Provides access to the MapServerInfo. |
IMapServerInfo4 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object. |
IMapServerInit |
Provides access to members that support initializing a map server. |
IMapServerInit2 |
Provides access to additional members that support initializing a map server. |
IMapServerLayer |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server layer object. |
IMapServerLayout |
Provides access to members that serve layout components of maps. |
IMapServerLegendClass |
Provides access to the Map Server Legend Class Interface. |
IMapServerLegendClasses |
Provides access to the Map Server Legend Classes Interface. |
IMapServerLegendGroup |
Provides access to the Map Server Legend Group Interface. |
IMapServerLegendGroups |
Provides access to the Map Server Legend Groups Interface. |
IMapServerLegendInfo |
Provides access to the Map Server Legend Info Interface. |
IMapServerLegendInfos |
Provides access to the Map Server Legend Infos Interface. |
IMapServerLegendPatch |
Provides access to the Map Server Legend Patch Interface. |
IMapServerObjectLANProxy |
Provides access to members that control MapServer LAN proxy. |
IMapServerObjects |
Provides access to core objects contained within the map document. |
IMapServerObjects2 |
Provides access to core objects contained within the map document. |
IMapServerObjects3 |
Provides access to core objects contained within the map document. |
IMapServerProxyImpl |
Provides access to implementation of map server proxy object. |
IMapServerRelationship |
Provides access to the Map Server Relationship Interface. |
IMapServerRelationships |
Provides access to the Map Server Relationships Interface. |
IMapServerRESTLayer |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server rest layer object. |
IMapServerRow |
Provides access to the Map Server Row Interface. |
IMapServerRow2 |
Provides access to the Map Server Row Interface. |
IMapServerRows |
Provides access to the Map Server Rows Interface. |
IMapServerSourceDescription |
Indicator interface that indicates a data source for a dynamic layer or standalone table. |
IMapServerSublayer |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server sublayer object. |
IMapServerSublayer2 |
Provides access to the available properties of a map server sublayer object. |
IMapServerTimeInfo |
Provides access to core objects contained within the map document. |
IMapServerTimeInfo2 |
Provides access to core objects contained within the map document. |
IMapSurround |
Provides access to members that control the map surround. |
IMapSurroundEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map surrounds changes. |
IMapSurroundFactory |
Provides access to members that create Map Surrounds. |
IMapSurroundFrame |
Provides access to the members that control the map surround element interface. |
IMapTableDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a table description object. |
IMapTableInfo |
Provides access to the Table Info. |
IMapTableInfo2 |
Provides access to additional properties for map tables. |
IMapTableSourceDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a Map Table Source Description object. |
IMapTableSubtypeInfo |
Provides access to MapTableSubtypeInfo members. |
IMapTableSubtypeInfos |
MapTableSubtypeInfo Array. |
IMapTableTimeDescription |
Provides access to time properties of a LayerDescription. |
IMapTableTimeInfo |
Provides access to time properties of a MapLayerInfo. |
IMapTimeDescription |
Provides access to time properties of a MapDescription. |
IMapTimeDescription2 |
Provides access to time properties of a MapDescription. |
IMapTimeDisplay |
Provides access to members that control the current time on the map. |
IMapTimeDisplay2 |
Provides access to members that control the current time on the map. |
IMarker3DRotationAngles |
Provides access to members that get and put 3D rotation angles in 3D marker symbols. |
IMarkerElement |
Provides access to members that control the Marker element. |
IMarkerNorthArrow |
Provides access to members that control the Marker north arrow. |
IMeasuredGrid |
Provides access to the members that control the lines that make up the map grid. |
IMgrsGrid |
Provides access to members that control the properties of an MGRS grid. |
IMixedFontGridLabel |
Provides access to members that define the appearance of the secondary group of digits in the grid label. |
IMixedFontGridLabel2 |
Provides additional access to members that define the appearance of the secondary group of digits in the grid label. |
IMobileLayerInfo |
This is depricated at 10.0: Provides access to some of the available properties of a Mobile layer info object. |
IMobileLayerInfos |
This is depricated at 10.0: Provides access to the Mobile Layer Info Collection Interface. |
IMobileMapInfo |
This is depricated at 10.0: Provides access to the MobileMapInfo. |
IMobileServer |
Provides access to the available Mobile Server Object Extension properties and methods. |
IMobileSync |
Provides access to the available Mobile Sync properties and methods. |
IMobileSync2 |
Provides access to the available Mobile Sync properties and methods. |
IModifyDimensionFeedback |
Provides access to members to control the display feedback for modifying existing dimension features. |
IMosaicLayer |
Provides access to members that control the Mosaic layer. |
IMosaicLODInfoHelper |
Provides access to members that controls a LOD helper. |
IMosaicRule |
Provides access to members that control a mosaic rule. |
IMosaicSubLayer |
Provides access to the members of Mosaic Layer. |
IMSDHelper |
Provides methods to open, save, repair mapserver definition files. |
IMSDHelper2 |
Provides methods to open, save, repair mapserver definition files. |
IMultiPartTextElement |
Provides access to methods and properties for maintaining multipart elements. |
IMultiResolutionRenderer |
Provides access to multi-resolution renderers. |
IMxdContents |
Provides access to members to pass data into and out off a MXD map document file. Coclasses that implement this interface can limited the implementation to one property if required. |
IMxdServer |
Provides access to members that support opening a map document and generating images of it. |
IMxdServerObjects |
Provides access to the core objects contained within the map document. |
IMxdServerQuery |
Provides access to functionality that allows the client to query features on the map. |
IMxdServerStatus |
Provides access to the MxdServer current operation status. |
IMXFeatureFindData |
Provides access to Data assoc to each row in the MxFind dialog when finding features. |
INestedLegendItem |
Provides access to members that work with nested legend items. |
INetworkEdgeRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the display properties of the renderer. |
INetworkEdgeRenderer2 |
Provides access to members that control the display properties of the renderer. |
INetworkIdentifyObj |
Provides access to members that identify network elements. |
INetworkLayer |
Provides access to members that control a network layer. |
INetworkLayerSymbology |
Provides access to members that symbolize network layers. |
INetworkRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functions common to all Network renderers. |
INetworkRendererCollection |
Provides access to members that manage the collection of network renderers. |
INetworkSourceRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the display properties of the sources consumed by the renderer. |
INetworkTrafficRenderer |
Provides access to members that control drawing traffic along a network dataset. |
INewDimensionFeedback |
Provides access to members to control the display feedback for creating new dimension features. |
INITFGraphicsLayer |
Provides access to members that control a NITF graphics layer. |
INorthArrow |
Provides access to members that control the north arrow. |
INorthArrow2 |
Provides access to members that control the north arrow. |
IOleFrame |
Provides access to the members that control the Graphic Element that holds an OLE object. |
IOlePictureElement |
Provides access to members that control the Ole Style Picture element. |
IOrderedLayerFields |
Provides access to members that work with a layer's ordered fields. |
IOverflowGraphicsContainer |
Provides access to members that control the Overflow Graphics Container. |
IOverposter |
Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection. |
IOverposter2 |
Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection. |
IOverposter3 |
Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection. |
IOverposter4 |
Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection. |
IOverposterLayerProperties |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels or symbols on top of features (barriers). |
IOverposterLayerProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control the placement of labels or symbols on top of features (barriers). |
IOverposterOptions |
Provides access to overposter options. |
IOverposterOptions2 |
Provides access to overposter options. |
IOverposterProperties |
Provides access to members that control label placement. |
IOverview |
Provides access to members that control the overview. |
IOverview2 |
Provides access to members that control the overview. |
IPage |
Provides access to members that control the Page. |
IPageDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a page description object. |
IPageEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the Page changes. |
IPageLayout |
Provides access to members that control the Page Layout. |
IPageLayout2 |
Provides access to members that control the Page Layout. |
IPageLayout3 |
Provides access to members that control the Page Layout. |
IPageLayoutExtensions |
Provides access to the extensions of a page layout. |
IPageLayoutSnap |
Provides access to members that control snap agents that are used with PageLayout. |
IParagraphTextElement |
Indicator interface that identifies Paragraph Text Element objects. |
IParameterInfo |
Provides generic access to object parameters for GP framework. |
IPatch |
Provides access to members that work with a legend patch. |
IPictureElement |
Provides access to members that control the Picture element. |
IPictureElement2 |
Provides access to members that control the Picture element. |
IPictureElement3 |
Provides access to members that control the Picture element. |
IPictureElement4 |
Provides access to members that control the Picture element. |
IPictureElement5 |
Provides access to members that control the Picture element. |
IPictureNorthArrow |
Provides access to members that control the picture north arrow. |
IPieChartRenderer |
Provides access to members that work with additional chart renderer properties specific to pie charts. |
IPieSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control pie series. |
IPlacedObject |
Provides access to members work with symbols that are placed as labels. |
IPlacedObject2 |
Provides access to members work with symbols that are placed as labels. |
IPlacedObject3 |
Provides access to members work with symbols that are placed as labels. |
IPluginImageLayer |
Provides access to members that controls a plugin image layer. |
IPMFTitleTextElement |
Indicator interface that identifies PMFTitleTextElement objects. |
IPointLabelPlacementDescription |
Provides access to the Point Label Placement Description Interface. |
IPointPlacementPriorities |
Provides access to members that control placement position priorities for point labels. |
IPointSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control scatter plot series. |
IPolarSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control polar series. |
IPolygonElement |
Indicator interface that identifies a Polygon element. |
IPolygonLabelPlacementDescription |
Provides access to the Polygon Label Placement Description Interface. |
IPositionTrails |
Provides access to members that display trails of previous positions on the map. |
IPrincipalDigitsGridLabel |
Provides access to members that control the properties of grid labels that display numbers with principal digits. |
IPrintAndExport |
Output interface. |
IProjectedGrid |
Provides access to members that control the projection information for map grids. |
IPropertyInfo |
Information about properties of graphic features. |
IPropertyInfos |
Property infos for a graphic feature. |
IProportionalSymbolRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of varying size symbols for each feature, each sized in proportion to a field value. |
IProtectNameCarto |
Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
IPublishLayer |
Provides access to a layer's capability for being published with the ArcGIS Publisher extension. |
IPushPin |
Provides access to members that control a push pin. |
IQueryByLayer |
Provides access to the QueryByLayer interface. |
IQueryResult |
Provides access to query results. |
IQueryResultOptions |
Provides access to methods that control query results. |
IQuerySize |
Provides access to means to getting the size of an element. |
IQueryTableDataSourceDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a table datasource description object. |
IRasterBasemapLayer |
Provides access to members of a raster basemap layer. |
IRasterBasemapLayerFactory |
Provides access to members of a raster basemap layer. |
IRasterCatalogDisplayProps |
Provides access to members that create or modify a raster catalog. |
IRasterCatalogDisplayProps2 |
Provides access to members that create or modify a raster catalog. |
IRasterCatalogLayer |
Provides access to members that create or modify a raster catalog. |
IRasterCatalogRendererPicker |
Provides access to methods that choose appropriate raster renderers for a RasterCatalog. |
IRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer |
Provides access to members that relate to the classified rendering of rasters. |
IRasterClassifyUIProperties |
Provides access to members that control the classification properties in the UI. |
IRasterDataExclusion |
Provides access to members that exclude data values from classification. |
IRasterDataSourceDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a raster datasource description object. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv2 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv3 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv4 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv5 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv6 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv7 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv8 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDefaultsEnv9 |
Provides access to members that control the default raster environment. |
IRasterDiscreteColorRenderer |
Provides access to methods that control a raster discrete color renderer. |
IRasterDisplayProps |
Provides access to members that control the raster display properties. |
IRasterDRAShader |
Access to members that allow a DRA shader to process pixel channels. |
IRasterExporter |
Provides access to members that control a Bitmap converter. |
IRasterFormatInfo |
Provides access to members that provide basic information about a raster format. |
IRasterFunctionInfo |
Provides access to members that describe a raster function. |
IRasterFunctionInfos |
Provides access to the properties of a list of raster function info. |
IRasterIdentifyObj |
Provides access to members that identify an object in the raster layer. |
IRasterIdentifyObj2 |
Provides access to members that identify an object in the raster layer. |
IRasterItemDescription |
Provides access to the properties of a raster item description for adding a raster. |
IRasterItemDescriptions |
Provides access to the properties of a list of raster item descriptions for adding a raster. |
IRasterLayer |
Provides access to members that create or modify a raster layer. |
IRasterLayerDrawingDescription |
Provides access to the RasterLayer drawing options. |
IRasterLayerExport |
Provides access to members that control exporting from a Raster Layer. |
IRasterLayerExport2 |
Provides access to members that control exporting from a Raster Layer. |
IRasterLayerExport3 |
Provides access to members that control exporting raster from a layer. |
IRasterRenderer |
Provides access to methods that define a generic raster renderer. |
IRasterRenderer2 |
Provides access to additional RasterRenderer methods. |
IRasterRendererClassInfo |
Provides access to members which contain info about renderer classes. |
IRasterRendererColorRamp |
Provides access to members that control the color ramp of a renderer. |
IRasterRendererInfo |
Provides access to methods that define a generic raster renderer. |
IRasterRendererMaker |
Provides access to members that can determine the default display of a raster dataset. |
IRasterRendererMaker2 |
Provides access to members that can determine the default display of a raster dataset. |
IRasterRendererUniqueValues |
Provides access to members that control unique values. |
IRasterRendererUpdate |
Provides access to members that control updating raster renderers. |
IRasterRGBRenderer |
Provides access to members which control the raster Red/Green/Blue renderer. |
IRasterRGBRenderer2 |
Provides access to additional members which control the raster Red/Green/Blue renderer. |
IRasterShader |
Access to members that allow a raster shader to process pixel channels. |
IRasterSpatialSelection |
Provides access to members that control the behavior of the spatial selection. |
IRasterStretch |
Provides access to members which control contrast stretching. |
IRasterStretch2 |
Provides access to members which control stretch. |
IRasterStretch3 |
Provides access to members which control stretch. |
IRasterStretchAdvancedLabels |
Provides additional labels. |
IRasterStretchColorRampRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the color ramp of a contrast stretch. |
IRasterStretchMinMax |
Provides access to min/max members which control contrast stretching. |
IRasterTypeInfo |
Provides access to members that describe a raster type. |
IRasterTypeInfos |
Provides access to the properties of a list of raster type infos. |
IRasterUniqueValueRenderer |
Provides access to members that relate to the unique value rendering of rasters. |
IReadingDirection |
Provides access to members that control the reading direction. |
IRealTimeDestination |
Provides access to members that display a destination to track as the current position updates. |
IRealTimeFeed |
Provides access to basic properties of RealTimeFeed. |
IRealTimeFeedEvents |
Provides access to the events fired by a real-time feed object. |
IRealTimeFeedManager |
Provides access to basic properties of RealTimeFeedManager. |
IRealTimeFeedManagerEvents |
Provides access to the events fired by a real-time feed manager object. |
IRealTimeFeedSimulator |
Provides access to the members of a real-time feed simulator. |
IRealTimeFeedSnap |
Provides access to properties that control the snapping behavior for the current position. |
IRealTimeLog |
Provides access to members for logging real-time data. |
IRectangleElement |
Indicator interface that identifies a Rectangle element. |
IReferenceSystem |
Provides access to basic properties and methods provided by every reference system (grids, graticules, etc). |
IRelateDescription |
Provides access to the RelateDescription Interface. |
IRelatedRecordGroup |
Provides access to the RelatedRecordGroup members. |
IRelatedRecordGroups |
Provides access to the RelatedRecordGroup Collection Interface. |
IRelatedRecordSet |
Provides access to the RelatedRecordSet members. |
IRelateInfo |
Provides access to members that describe a relate. |
IRelateInfo2 |
Provides access to members that describe a relate. |
IRelateInfos |
Provides access to the RelateInfos Interface. |
IRelationshipClassCollection |
Provides access to members that return the memory relationship classes defined for standalone tables or layers in ArcMap. |
IRelationshipClassCollectionEdit |
Provides access to members that add and remove memory relationship classes from a standalone table or layer. |
IRemoteFindObj |
Provides access to remote objects found. |
IRenderedRaster |
Provides access to members that controls a rendered raster. |
IRenderedRaster2 |
Provides access to members that control a rendered Raster. |
IRenderedThumbnailBuilder |
Provides access to members that control a rendered thumbnail builder. |
IRendererClasses |
Provides access to members that provides the information of layer annotation classes. |
IRendererFields |
Provides access to members that work with the list of fields for renderers that use multiple value fields. |
IRenderingRule |
Provides access to members that control a rendering rule. |
IRepresentationLegendClass |
Provides access to the properties and methods of a RepresentationLegendClass. |
IRepresentationRenderer |
Provides access to the properties and methods of a RepresentationRenderer. |
IRotateOperation |
Provides access to members that control the Rotate Operation. |
IRotationRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of rotated marker symbols based on field values. |
IRotationRenderer2 |
Provides access to members that control the rotation of marker symbols based on field values, expression, or random. Used for all symbols, not just 3D; used for all apps, including ArcMap. |
IRowIdentifyObject |
Provides access to members that control the row used by the identify object. |
IRulerSettings |
Provides access to members that control Ruler setup. |
IScaleBar |
Provides access to members that control the scalebar map surrounds. |
IScaleBar2 |
Provides access to members that control the scalebar map surrounds. |
IScaleDependentRenderer |
Provides access to members that control a renderer which is composed of mulitple renderers, of which only one is enabled within a particular scale range. |
IScaleLine |
Provides access to members that control a line scale bar. |
IScaleMarks |
Provides access to members that control the scale bar mark properties. |
IScaleText |
Provides access to members that control the scale text. |
IScaleText2 |
Provides access to members that control the scale text. |
IScatterPlotMatrixSeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control ScatterPlotMatrix graph. |
ISDGenerator |
ISecureLayer |
Provides functionality to control access to a layer's contents. |
ISecureLayer2 |
Provides access to control and test a layer's content related to authentication. |
ISelection |
Provides access to members that control a collection of selectable objects. |
ISelectionEnvironment |
Provides access to members that control the selection environment. |
ISelectionEnvironmentLayer |
Provides access to members that control the behavior of invisible layers when a new selection is made. |
ISelectionEnvironmentStorage |
Provides access to members that controls whether objects save their selections. |
ISelectionEnvironmentThreshold |
Provides access to members that control the selection environment warning threshold. |
ISelectionEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the selection changes. |
ISelectionLayerDefinition |
Provides access to members that are used to create a selection layer from an existing selection layer. |
ISeriesProperties |
Provides access to members that control graph series. |
IServerLayerExtension |
Provides access to Server Layer Extension. |
IServerSymbolOutputOptions |
Provides access to properties on ServerSymbolOutputOptions. |
IServiceData |
Service Data |
IServiceDataOptions |
Service Data Options. |
IServiceLayerCredits |
Get the service layer credits text. |
IServiceLayerImageFormat |
Provides access to members that control the image format set of service layers. |
IShader |
Access to members that allow a shader to process pixel channels. |
IShadow |
Provides access to members that control frame drop shadows. |
ISimpleMapGridBorder |
Provides access to the members that control the simple map grid border. |
ISimpleMapImage |
Provides access to members that control a simple MapImage. |
ISimpleNetworkRenderer |
Provides access to members that control drawing network junctions, edges, or turns with one symbol. |
ISimpleRenderer |
Provides access to members that control a renderer which draws the same symbol for each feature. |
ISingleFillScaleBar |
Provides access to members that control a scale bar that uses a single fill symbol to draw bar. |
ISizeRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of sized marker symbols based on field values, expression, or random. |
ISnapGrid |
Provides access to members that control the Snapping grid. |
ISnapGuides |
Provides access to members that control the Snapping guides. |
ISpatialBookmark |
Provides access to members that control a spatial bookmark. |
ISQLSyntaxInfo |
Provides access to the SQL Syntax Info Interface. |
IStandaloneTable |
Provides access to members that control a standalone table. |
IStandaloneTableCollection |
Provides access to members that control the standalone table collection. |
IStandaloneTableDescription |
Provides access to StandaloneTableDescription. |
IStandaloneTableDescriptions |
Provides access to the Table Descriptions Interface. |
IStandaloneTableInfo |
Provides access to StandaloneTableInfo. |
IStandaloneTableInfos |
Provides access to the Table Descriptions Interface. |
IStandardAnnotateMap |
Provides access to Esri-default Annotate Map properties. |
IStatisticDescription |
Provides access to properties describing a statistic to be requested from the server. |
IStatisticDescriptions |
StatisticDescription Array |
IStatisticsRequest |
Provides access to properties describing a request for statistics from a Map Server. |
ISubtypeInfo |
Provides access to Subtype Information. |
ISubtypeInfos |
Subtype Information Array. |
ISymbolBackground |
Provides access to members that control the SymbolBackground object. |
ISymbolBorder |
Provides access to members that control the SymbolBorder object. |
ISymbolCollectionElement |
Provides further access to members that control Collection Symbol Elements. |
ISymbolLevels |
Provides access to members that control symbol level drawing. |
ISymbolShadow |
Provides access to members that control the SymbolBorder object. |
ISymbolSubstitution |
Provides access to members that control dynamic symbol substitution for display. |
ITableCollection |
Provides access to members that control a table collection. |
ITableDataSourceDescription |
Provides access to the available properties of a table datasource description object. |
ITableDefinition |
Provides access to members that define a subset of the rows from the underlying table. |
ITableEdit |
ITableEditResult |
ITableEditResults |
ITableEdits |
ITableExtensions |
Provides access to the extensions of a table. |
ITableFactory |
Provides access to members that control the creation of tables through a factory. |
ITableHistogram |
Provides access to members that control a histogram created from tabular data. |
ITableHistogram2 |
Provides access to members that control a histogram created from tabular data. |
ITableIdentities |
ITableIdentity |
Table Identity |
ITableSelection |
Provides access to members that control table selection. |
ITemplateInfo |
A Template Object |
ITemplateInfos |
Array of Templates |
ITemporalSearch |
Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage searching temporal datasets. |
ITemporaryLayer |
Provides access to temporary layer properties. |
ITerrainAttributeRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functions common to all Terrain renderers. |
ITerrainLayer |
Provides access to members that control a Terrain layer. |
ITerrainLayer2 |
Provides access to members that control a Terrain layer. |
ITerrainRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functions common to all Terrain renderers. |
ITerrainRenderer2 |
Provides access to members that control functions common to all Terrain renderers. |
IText3DElement |
Provides access to members that control a Text3D graphic element. |
ITextElement |
Provides access to members that control the Text element. |
ITileCacheInfo |
Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info. |
ITileCacheInfoEx |
Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info. |
ITileCacheStats |
Provides access to members that provide the map cache info. |
ITileDescription |
Provides access to the TileDescription. |
ITiledImageServer |
Provides access to members that serve tiled maps. |
ITiledMapServer |
Provides access to members that serve tiled maps. |
ITiledMapServer2 |
Provides access to members that serve tiled maps. |
ITiledMapServer3 |
Provides access to members that serve tiled maps. |
ITileImageInfo |
Provides access to more members that provide the map cache info. |
ITileImageInfo2 |
Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info. |
ITilesTable |
Wrapper object to encapsulate a cache tiles containenr table. |
ITimeData |
Provides access to time related properties of a layer. |
ITimeData2 |
Provides access to time related properties of a layer. |
ITimeDataCustomUI |
Provides access to interface that indicates if a layer has a associated UI of its own. |
ITimeDataDisplay |
Provides access to time animation related properties of a layer. |
ITimeDimensionDefinition |
Provides access to properties that define time based on multi-dimensional data. |
ITimeDisplayTable |
Interface that allows retrieve time related table properties. |
ITimeDisplayTable2 |
Interface that allows retrieve time related table properties. |
ITimeTableDefinition |
Provides access to time related properties of a layer. |
ITinColorRampRenderer |
Provides access to members that draw TIN features based on a continuous attribute like elevation, slope, or aspect. |
ITinContourRenderer |
Provides access to members that control contour rendering. |
ITinIdentifyObj |
Provides access to query TIN. |
ITinIdentifyObj2 |
Provides access to query TIN. |
ITinIllumination |
Provides access to members that determine whether shading is turned on or off for a TIN face renderer. |
ITinLayer |
Provides access to members that control a TIN layer. |
ITinLayer2 |
Provides additional access to members that control a TIN layer. |
ITinRenderer |
Provides access to members that control functions common to all TIN renderers. |
ITinSingleSymbolRenderer |
Provides access to members that draw tin nodes, edges, or faces with one symbol. |
ITinUniqueValueRenderer |
Provides access to members that assign symbols to TIN features based upon tag value or edge type. |
ITOCClass |
Provides access to the TOC Class interface. |
ITOCGroup |
Provides access to the TOC Group interface. |
ITopologyErrorSelection |
Provides access to members that control topology selection. |
ITopologyLayer |
Provides access to members that control the topology layer. |
ITransparencyRenderer |
Provides access to members that control the drawing of features with varying transparency, where transparency is determined by feature values. |
IUniqueValueInfo |
Provides members to decribe unique value class for a unique value renderer. |
IUniqueValueInfos |
Provides access to the UniqueValueInfos Interface. |
IUniqueValueRenderer |
Provides access to members that control a renderer where symbols are assigned to features based on unique attribute values. |
IUniqueValueRenderer2 |
Provides access to members that control a renderer where symbols are assigned to features based on unique attribute values. |
IUniqueValuesDef |
Provides access to the available properties of a UniqueValueDef object. |
IVerticalLegendItem |
Provides access to members that work with legend item arrangement. |
IViewManager |
Provides access to members used to describe or define view behavior. |
IViewRefresh |
Provides access to members that are useful for refreshing views. |
IWCSLayer |
Provides access to members that create or modify a raster layer. |
IWCSServer |
Provides access to the available WCS Server properties and methods. |
IWMSGroupLayer |
Provides access to members that control the WMS group layer. |
IWMSIdentifyObject |
Provides access to idenify a WMS layer. |
IWMSLayer |
Provides access to members that control the WMS sub layer. |
IWMSLayer2 |
Provides access to members that control the WMS sub layer. |
IWMSMapLayer |
Provides access to members that control the WMS map layer. |
IWMSServer |
Provides access to the available WMS Server properties and methods. |
IWMTSLayer |
Provides access to the properties of WMTS Layer. |