ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

Carto Library Contents

The Carto library contains the objects for displaying data. The PageLayout and Map objects are in this library along map layers, renders for all the supported data types. This library also contains the MxdServer and MapServer objects used by servers to display map data in a client server environment.


Interface Description
IACAcetateLayer Provides access to members that control ArcIMS acetate layer.
IACAcetateLayerAdmin Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS acetate layer.
IACAxl Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS Axl.
IACCalloutMarkerSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS callout marker symbol.
IACConnector Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS service.
IACFeatureLayer Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS feature layer.
IACFeatureLayerAdmin Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS feature layer.
IACGradientFillSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS gradient fill symbol.
IACGroupRenderer Provides access to members that control ArcIMS group renderers.
IACHashLineSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS hash line symbol.
IACImageLayer Indicator interface that identifies an ArcIMS image layer.
IACImageLayerAdmin Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS image layer.
IACLabelRenderer Provides access to members that control ArcIMS label renderer.
IACLayer Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS layer.
IACLayer2 Provides access to members that control the ArcIMS layer.
IACLayerAdmin Provides access to the XML-String for the Layerinfo.
IACLineLabelPosition Provides access to members that control ArcIMS line label position.
IACMap Provides access to mebers that control the ArcIMS map service.
IACMapAdmin Provides access to connecting to an ArcIMS map service.
IACRasterFillSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS raster fill symbol.
IACRasterMarkerSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS raster marker symbol.
IACRasterShieldSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS raster shield symbol.
IACRenderer Indicator interface that identifies ArcIMS renderers.
IACScaleDependentRenderer Provides access to members that control ArcIMS scale dependent renderers.
IACShieldSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS shield symbol.
IACSimpleFillSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple fill symbol.
IACSimpleLabelRenderer Indicator interface that identifies an ArcIMS simple label renderer.
IACSimpleLineSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple line symbol.
IACSimpleMarkerSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple marker symbol.
IACSimplePolygonSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple polygon symbol.
IACSimpleRenderer Provides access to members that control ArcIMS simple renderer.
IACSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS symbols.
IACTextMarkerSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS text marker symbol.
IACTextSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS text symbol.
IAction Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage general actions settings and funcationality.
IActionCollection Provides access to the methods and properties needed to manage a collection of actions.
IActionProcessor Provides access to the methods and properties needed to manage and process a list of actions.
IActionState Provides access to methods that will allow the configuration or reset of internal state information.
IActiveView Provides access to members that control the active view - the main application window.
IActiveViewEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the active view changes.
IACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol Provides access to members that control ArcIMS true type marker symbol.
IACValueMapLabelRenderer Indicator interface that identifies an ArcIMS value map label renderer.
IACValueMapRenderer Provides access to members that control ArcIMS value map renderer.
IAdvancedShader Access to members that allow a shader to process tiled bitmap information.
IAISRequest Provides access to members that controls an AIS request.
IAnnoClass Provides access to members that control the annotation class.
IAnnoClassAdmin Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface.
IAnnoClassAdmin2 Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface.
IAnnoClassAdmin3 Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface.
IAnnotateFeature Provides access to members that control the labeling (annotation) of one feature.
IAnnotateFeature2 Provides access to members that control the labeling (annotation) of one feature.
IAnnotateLayerProperties Provides access to members that work with the display of dynamic labels (text) for a feature layer.
IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection Provides access to members that work with a collection of annotation settings for a feature layer.
IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection2 Provides access to members that work with a collection of annotation settings for a feature layer.
IAnnotateLayerTransformationProperties Provides access to members that control transformation properties for the display of dynamic labels (text) for a feature layer..
IAnnotateMap Provides access to members that control the Labeling (annotation) of a map.
IAnnotateMap2 Provides access to members that control the Labeling (annotation) of a map.
IAnnotateMapProperties Provides access to members that control the annotate map properties.
IAnnotateProperties Indicator interface for annotation properties.
IAnnotationClassExtension Provides access to members that control the annotation class.
IAnnotationClassExtension2 Provides access to members that control the annotation class.
IAnnotationElement Provides access to members that control Annotation Features.
IAnnotationErrorEvents Provides access to events that occur when errors occur with the annotation objects.
IAnnotationExpressionEngine Provides access to members that work with low level information about a script based labeling expression.
IAnnotationExpressionParser Provides access to members to parse annotation expressions.
IAnnotationExpressionParser2 Provides access to members to parse annotation expressions.
IAnnotationFeature Provides access to members that control the annotation feature.
IAnnotationFeature2 Provides access to members that control the annotation feature.
IAnnotationLayer Provides access to members that control the annotation layer.
IAnnotationLayerFactory Provides access to members that create/find annotation layers.
IAnnotationPropertiesConverter Provides access to members that convert annotation properties from one type to another.
IAnnotationSublayer Provides access to the properties of an annotation sublayer.
IAOIBookmark Provides access to members that control an AOI bookmark.
IAreaPatch Provides access to the interface that identifies a separate style gallery class for area patches.
IAreaSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control area series.
IArrayOfIShader Access to members that managae an arrray of IShader objects.
IAttributeTable Provides access to the base table.
IBackground Provides access to members that control frame backgrounds.
IBackgroundTabStyle Provides access to members that control background tab style grid labels.
IBarrierCollection Provides access to members that control a collection of objects that act as barriers to label placement.
IBarrierProperties Provides access to members that control how objects (text, features, graphics) act as barriers for labelling.
IBarrierProperties2 Provides access to members that control how objects (text, features, graphics) act as barriers for labelling with the cancel tracker.
IBarSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control bar graph series.
IBasemapLayer Provides access to members of a basemap layer.
IBasemapSubLayer Wrapper for layers in the basemap.
IBasicGeoprocessor Provides access to members that control the basic geoprocessor.
IBasicHistogram Provides access to members that control histogram objects created from different data sources.
IBasicMap Provides access to members that control the basic map.
IBasicMap2 Provides access to members that control the basic map.
IBasicMapIdentifyObject Provides access to members that control the basic map identify object.
IBasicOverposterEvents Provides access to events that occur on the BasicOverposter.
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties Provides access to members that control the placement of labels relative to features using conflict detection.
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties2 Provides access to members that control the maximum distance labels/symbols are placed away from their respective features.
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties3 Provides access to members that control the placement of labels relative to features using conflict detection.
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties4 Provides access to members that control the placement of labels relative to features using conflict detection.
IBivariateRenderer Provides access to members that control the rendering of bivariate symbology based on two constiuent renderers.
IBorder Provides access to members that control frame borders.
IBoundsProperties Provides access to members that control Bounds Properties.
IBoxPlotSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control box plot series.
IBubbleSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control bubble series.
IBufferProcessingParameter Provides access to members that set and retrieve parameters for the buffering process.
IBufferProcessingSymbology Provides access to members that set and retrieve symbology to be applied for buffer output.
ICacheControlInfo Provides access to members that provide the cache control info.
ICacheDatasetInfo Provides access to members that provides cache storage info.
ICacheDescriptionInfo Provides access to members that provide the cache description info.
ICacheDescriptionInfo2 Provides access to members that provide the cache description info.
ICacheInfo Provides access to members that provide the map cache info.
ICacheInfo2 Provides access to members that provide the map cache info.
ICacheStorageInfo Provides access to members that provides cache storage info.
ICad3DRenderMode Provides access to members that control the Render Mode type for Cad drawing.
ICadastralFabricLayer Provides access to members that control the cadastral fabric layer.
ICadastralFabricLayerEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the CadastralFabricLayer changes.
ICadastralFabricParcelLayer Provides access to members that control the cadastral fabric parcel layer.
ICadastralFabricSelection Provides access to members that control the selection of cadastral features to designate to a cadastral job.
ICadastralFabricSubLayer Indicator interface that identifies the cadastral fabric feature layer.
ICadastralFabricSubLayer2 Provides access to members that describe the layer.
ICadIdentifyObj2 Provides access to members that control Identified Cad Objects.
ICadLayer Provides access to properties that give information on the CAD drawing.
ICalcRendererValues Provides access to members that are used to calculate the renderer statistics required for some uses of a ChartRenderer.
ICalcRendererValues2 Provides access to members that are used to calculate the renderer statistics required for some uses of a ChartRenderer.
ICalibratedMapGridBorder Provides access to members that control the calibrated map grid border.
ICartoItemInfoHelper Provides access to helper functions to sync metadata inside documents and xml file.
ICenterAndScale Provides access to the Center And Scale Map Area Interface.
ICenterAndSize Provides access to the Center And Size Map Area Interface.
ICFDataSourcePageExtension Provides access to the ICFDataSourcePageExtension interface.
IChangeDatabaseVersion Provides access to the Change Database Version operation.
IChartRenderer Provides access to members that control the drawing of chart symbols (pie, bar, stacked bar) on a map to represent features.
ICircleElement Indicator interface that identifies a Circle element.
IClassBreakInfo Provides members to decribe class break for a class break renderer.
IClassBreakInfos Provides access to the ClassBreakInfos Interface.
IClassBreaksDef Provides access to the available properties of a ClassBreaksDef object.
IClassBreaksRenderer Provides access to members that control a renderer which is used to draw graduated color (choropleth) and graduated symbol maps.
IClassBreaksUIProperties Provides access to members that control some user interface properties of a ClassBreaksRenderer. The properties set through this interface do NOT affect what is drawn on the map.
IClassBreaksUIProperties2 Provides access to members that control some user interface properties of a ClassBreaksRenderer. The properties set through this interface do NOT affect what is drawn on the map.
ICodedValueAttributes Provides access to members that determine if coded values are used.
IColorChannelMapping Provides access to methods that control the mapping of bands to RGB color channels.
IColorRampSymbol Provides access to members that control ColorRamp symbolization.
IColorRampSymbol2 Provides access to members that control ColorRamp symbolization.
IColorSymbol Provides access to member that identifies color symbol.
IColumnProperties Provides access to members that control common properties of columns.
ICompositeGraphicsLayer Provides access to members that control a collection of graphics layers that behave like single layer.
ICompositeGraphicsLayer2 Provides access to members that control a collection of graphics layers that behave like single layer.
ICompositeLayer Provides access to members that work with a collection of layers that behaves like a single layer.
ICompositeLayer2 Provides access to members that control whether a layer is expanded in the TOC.
ICompositeMapSurround Provides access to members that control map surrounds that are composed of graphic elements.
IConditionalAction Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage conditional actions.
IConditionalAction2 Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage conditional actions.
IConditionalAction3 Provides access to properties and methods for conditional action control such as whether to favor the query attribute or location test first.
IConditionalAction4 Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage conditional actions.
IContextAnalyzer Provides access to members used to determine the correct context menu id for a given context object.
IConvertFDOAnnoToCoverageAnno Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface.
IConvertLabelsToAnnotation Provides access to the properties that control the conversion of labels to annotation.
ICornerGridLabel Provides access to members that control the corner properties of grid labels.
ICoverageAnnotationLayer Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer.
ICoverageAnnotationLayer2 Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer.
ICoverageAnnotationLayerFactory Provides access to members that create/find coverage annotation layers.
ICoverageAnnotationLayerWrite Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer writing methods.
ICoverageAnnotationSel Provides access to members that control a coverage annotation layer.
ICustomOverlayGrid Provides access to members that control the custom overlay grid.
IDataBrowser Provides access to members that control the data browser.
IDataClassificationDef Provides access to the available properties of a DataClassificationDef object.
IDataExclusion Provides access to members that control the exclusion of data values from a renderer.
IDataExclusion2 Provides access to members that control the exclusion of data values from a renderer.
IDataGraphBase Provides access to members that control the data graph.
IDataGraphCollection Provides access to members that control graph collection in map document.
IDataGraphCollectionEvents Provides access to events that occur when the collection of graphs in the document changes.
IDataGraphT Provides access to members that control data graph.
IDataGraphTAxisProperties Provides access to members that control graph axis properties.
IDataGraphTElement Provides access to members that control graphic element for data graph.
IDataGraphTEvents Provides access to events that occur when graph object changes.
IDataGraphTGeneralProperties Provides access to members that control general data graph properties.
IDataGraphTLegendProperties Provides access to members that control graph legend properties.
IDataGraphTPenProperties Provides access to members that control properties of the line.
IDataGraphTPrivate Provides access to members for internal use.
IDataGraphTSymbolProperties Provides access to members that control properties of the symbols for line graph, scatter plot, or box plot.
IDataGroupSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control grouping of the graph data.
IDataLayer Provides access to members that control the data source properties of a layer.
IDataLayer2 Provides access to additional members that control the data source properties of a layer.
IDataLayerExtension Provides access to members that allow a layer to override the base path used for relative path names.
IDataNormalization Provides access to members that control the data normalization properties of a renderer.
IDataObjectArray Array of DataObject elements
IDataObjectEx A Data Object.
IDataObjectGroup DataObjectGroup
IDataObjectGroupArray DataObjectGroupArray
IDataObjectGroups DataObjectGroups
IDataObjects Data Object Array with Spatial Reference
IDataObjectTable Data Table
IDataObjectTable2 Data Table interface 2
IDataObjectTables Data Tables.
IDataObjectType DataObjectType
IDataObjectTypes DataObjectType Array
IDataSampling Provides access to members that control the data sampling properties of a renderer.
IDatasetRenderer Provides access to members that control functions common to all dataset renderers.
IDataSortSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control sorting of the graph data.
IDataSourceDescription Provides access to the available properties of a datasource description object.
IDataSourceHelperLayer Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Layer Level.
IDataSourceHelperMap Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Map Level.
IDataSourceHelperMapDocument Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Map Document Level.
IDataSourceHelperStandaloneTable Provides access to members that help repair/replace data sources at the Table Level.
IDefinitionExpressionEvents Provides access to events that occur when the Definition Expression changes.
IDimensionClassExtension Provides access to members that control the dimension class extension for a dimension feature class.
IDimensionClassExtension2 Provides access to members that control the dimension class extension for a dimension feature class.
IDimensionFeature Provides access to members that control a dimension feature.
IDimensionGraphic Provides access to members that control a dimension graphic.
IDimensionLayer Indicator interface that identifies dimension layers.
IDimensionProtectNames Protect names interface.
IDimensionShape Provides access to members that control a dimension shape.
IDimensionStyle Provides access to members that control the properties of a dimension style.
IDimensionStyleDisplay Provides access to members that control a dimension style's display.
IDimensionStyles Provides access to members that control a collection of dimension styles for a dimension feature class.
IDimensionStyleText Provides access to members that control a dimension style's text.
IDirectData Provides access to enable direct access to data.
IDisplayExpressionProperties Provides access to the properties for generating a display string.
IDisplayRelationshipClass Provides access to members that are used to set up joins.
IDisplayString Provides access to members that work with a layer's display expression.
IDisplayTable Provides access to members that work with the display table associated with a standalone table.
IDisplayTableExchange Provides access to methods that control the renderer display table.
IDMSGridLabel Provides access to members that control the DMS Grid Label.
IDMSGridLabel2 Provides access to members that control the additional properties of DMS grid labels.
IDMSGridLabel3 Provides access to members that control the DMS Grid Label.
IDocumentInfo Provides access to members that control the Document Info.
IDocumentInfo2 Provides access to members that control the Document Info.
IDocumentInfo3 Provides access to members that control the Document Info.
IDocumentPreview Provides access to members that control the Document Preview.
IDomainInfo Domain Info
IDotDensityRenderer Provides access to members that control the drawing of varying densities of dots within polygon features to represent different quantities.
IDotDensityRenderer2 Provides access to members that control the drawing of varying densities of dots within polygon features to represent different quantities.
IDotDensityUIRenderer Provides access to members that work with additional renderer properties which appear on the user interface.
IDoubleFillScaleBar Provides access to members that control a scale bar that uses two fill symbols to draw bar.
IDrawAnnotationGeometry Provides access to annotation layer geometry drawing properties.
IDynamicCacheLayerManager Provides access to dynamic layers cache management.
IDynamicCacheLayerManager2 Provides access to dynamic layers cache management.
IDynamicHit Provides access to dynamic hit-test results.
IDynamicLayer Provides access to members that work with dynamic display.
IDynamicLayer2 Provides access to layers that work with dynamic display.
IDynamicLayerDescription Provides access to the available properties of a dynamic layer description object.
IDynamicLegendClass Dynamic information for a legend class.
IDynamicLegendItem Dynamic legend properties
IDynamicLegendLayer Provides access to members that control dynamic legend information provided by a layer.
IDynamicLegendRenderer Provides access to members that instrument layer drawing to detect which legend classes are visible.
IDynamicMap Provides access to dynamic display.
IDynamicMapTableDescription Provides access to the available properties of a dynamic map table description object.
IEditOperation Indicator interface that identifies an operation as an edit operation.
IEditResult Edit Result.
IEditResults Array of EditResult elements.
IEditTemplate IEditTemplate Interface
IEditTemplateFactory IEditTemplateFactory Interface
IEditTemplateManager IEditTemplateManager Interface
IElement Provides access to members that control the Element.
IElementCollection Provides access to members that control the Graphics element collection.
IElementCollection2 Provides access to members that control the Graphics element collection.
IElementEditCallout Provides access to members that control the Element edit vertices object.
IElementEditVertices Provides access to members that control the Element edit vertices object.
IElementEditVerticesOperation Provides access to members that control Element Edit Vertices Operation.
IElementOperation Provides access to members that control Element Operations.
IElementProperties Provides access to members that control the Element Properties.
IElementProperties2 Provides access to members that control More Element Properties.
IElementProperties3 Provides access to members that control More Element Properties.
IElementShutdown Provides access to members that control the IElementShutdown interface.
IEllipseElement Indicator interface that identifies an Ellipse element.
IEnumDimensionStyle Provides access to members that enumerate through Dimension styles.
IEnumElement Provides access to members that control the Element enumerator object.
IEnumLayer Provides access to members that allow iteration through a set of layers.
IEnumLocatedNetworkElement Provides access to members that hand out enumerated network elements, and reset the enumeration.
IEnumMap Provides access to members that control the map enumerator.
IEnumMapSurround Provides access to members that control the map surround enumerator.
IEnumRasterUniqueValueColor Provides access to members that enumerate row indexes in descriptor table for chosen class.
IEnumSpatialBookmark Provides access to members that control the spatial bookmark list.
IExportInfoGenerator Provides access to members that help generate export information.
IExportSupport Provides access to export support members.
IExpression Provides access to members that control expression calculation.
IExtentStack Provides access to members that control the extent stack.
IFDOAttributeConversion Provides access to members that control the attribute conversion to a FDO graphics layer.
IFDOGraphicsContainer Provides access to members that control the FDO Graphics Container.
IFDOGraphicsLayer Provides access to members that control properties of an annotation layer.
IFDOGraphicsLayer2 Provides access to members that control properties of an annotation layer.
IFDOGraphicsLayerFactory Provides access to members that create/find FDO graphics layers.
IFDOGraphicsLayerRead Provides access to members that control the FDO graphics layer read methods.
IFeatureBookmark Provides access to members that control a feature bookmark.
IFeatureCache Provides access to members that control a cache of features in memory for a particular spatial extent.
IFeatureCache2 Provides access to members that control a cache of features in memory for a particular spatial extent.
IFeatureCursorBuffer Provides access to members that control the buffering of features.
IFeatureCursorBuffer2 Provides access to additional functions and configuration capabilities for the buffer generation.
IFeatureExportInfoGenerator Provides access to members that help generate export information for features.
IFeatureExtent Provides access to the Feature Extent Map Area Interface.
IFeatureFindData Provides access to data associated with each row in the MxFind dialog when finding features.(Obsolete at 8.1 use IFeatureFindData2).
IFeatureFindData2 Provides access to data associated with each row in the MxFind dialog when finding features.
IFeatureGeometryAccess Provides access to the methods that indicate the access to the geomtry.
IFeatureIdentifyObj Provides access to a member that sets the feature used by the identify object.
IFeatureIDSet Provides access to members that work with a set of features ids.
IFeatureIndex Provides access to members that control the creation of an index on a feature class.
IFeatureIndex2 Provides access to members that control the creation of an index on a feature class.
IFeatureLayer Provides access to members that control common aspects of a feature layer.
IFeatureLayer2 Provides access to additional members that control common aspects of a feature layer.
IFeatureLayerDefinition Provides access to members that define a subset of the features from the underlying feature class.
IFeatureLayerDefinition2 Provides additional access to members that define a subset of the features from the underlying feature class.
IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription Provides access to the FeatureLayer drawing options.
IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription2 Provides access to the FeatureLayer drawing options.
IFeatureLayerExtendedDefinition Provides access to the extended definiton expression of a CadFeatureLayer.
IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents Provides access to events that occur when the selection changes.
IFeatureLayerSymbology Provides access to members that control default feature layer symbology.
IFeatureRenderer Provides access to members that control functionality common to all feature renderers.
IFeatureRendererUpdate Provides access to members that control functionality common to all feature renderers.
IFeatureSelection Provides access to members that control feature selection.
IFeatureSelectionRenderer Provides access to members that control functionality common to all feature selection renderers.
IFeatureServerInfo Provides access to the available properties of a feature server info object.
IFeatureServiceLayerFactory Provides access to members that control the creation of feature service layers and tables through a factory.
IFieldDomainInfo Field Domain Information Array.
IFieldDomainInfos Field Domain Information Array.
IFieldInfoSet Provides access to members that store an ordered set of field info.
IFillShapeElement Provides access to members that control the Fill Shape element.
IFind Provides access to members that control finding.
IFindObj Provides access to members that are used to find objects.
IFindObject Provides access to members that are used to feature find objects.
IFormattedGridLabel Provides access to members controlling the number format of a grid label.
IFrameDecoration Provides access to members that control frame decorations.
IFrameDraw Provides access to members that control frame drawing.
IFrameElement Provides access to members that control the Frame element object.
IFrameProperties Provides access to members that control the General properties for a frame.
IFunctionSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control function series.
IGdbRasterCatalogLayer Provides access to members that control GeoDatabase RasterCatalog Layer.
IGeoFeatureLayer Provides access to members that control geographic aspects of a feature layer.
IGeoImageDescription Provides access to members that control an image description.
IGeoImageDescription2 Provides access to members that control an image description.
IGeoImageDescription3 Provides access to members that control an image description.
IGeoReference Provides access to members that control the georeferencing operations.
IGeoReferenceEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the layer changes.
IGeoRefSaveAsDlg Provides access to members that control a dialog for saving the results of a georeferencing opertion.
IGFLayerTableDataMappings Array of GFLayerTableDataMapping
IGFSReplicaDescription Replica description to create replica of features and symbology of published layers by Graphic Feature Server.
IGFSReplicationAgent Provides access to replica operations.
IGFSTableDescription Table Description
IGFSTableDescriptions Provides access to the GFS Table Descriptions Interface.
IGlobeRasterStretch Provides access to specify if the renderer is an ArcMap Layer Renderer or ArcGlobe.
IGpsConnection Provides access to members that control the connection properties of the communications port connected to a GPS receiver.
IGpsDisplayProperties Provides access to GPS display properties.
IGpsFeed Provides access to members that control the properties of a real-time feed object that gets its input from a GPS connection.
IGraphicElement Provides access to members that control the Graphic Element object.
IGraphicElements Provides access to members that control the Graphic Elements object.
IGraphicFeature A Graphic Feature
IGraphicFeatureLayer Graphic Feature Layer
IGraphicFeatureLayer2 GraphicFeatureLayer2.
IGraphicFeatureLayers Graphic Feature Layers
IGraphicFeatures Array of Graphic Features
IGraphicFeatureServer Provides access to members of Graphic Feature Server.
IGraphicFeatureServer2 Provides access to members of Graphic Feature Server with version and edit with rollbackOnFailure.
IGraphicFeatureServerInit Provides access to additional members that support initializing a feature server.
IGraphicFeatureServerReplication Provides access to replication members of Graphic Feature Server.
IGraphicsComposite Provides access to members that control objects that are composed of graphic elements.
IGraphicsContainer Provides access to members that control the Graphics Container.
IGraphicsContainerEvents Provides access to events that occur when the graphics container changes.
IGraphicsContainerProperty Provides access to members that control Graphics Container Properties.
IGraphicsContainerSelect Provides access to members that control graphic container selection.
IGraphicsLayer Provides access to members that control the Graphics Layer.
IGraphicsLayerScale Provides access to members that control the Graphics Layer Scale.
IGraphicSnap Provides access to members that control snapping graphics.
IGraphicSnapEnvironment Provides access to members that control the Collection of snap agents used for snapping graphics.
IGraphicSnapEnvironment2 Provides access to members that control the Collection of snap agents used for snapping graphics.
IGraticule Provides access to the members that control the graticule.
IGridAxisTicks Provides access to members that control the tick axis properties of a grid.
IGridHatch Provides access to members that control the hatch marks along the meridians and parallels of a grid.
IGridInteriorLabels Provides access to members that control the interior labels on a grid.
IGridLabel Provides access to members that control the way a map grid is labeled.
IGridLabel2 Provides additional access to members that control the way a map grid is labeled.
IGridLabelExport Provides access to members that export a Grid Label into a graphic element.
IGridLadderLabels Provides access to members that control the ladder label properties of a grid.
IGroupElement Provides access to members that control the Group element.
IGroupElement2 Provides access to members that control the Group element.
IGroupElement3 Provides access to members that control the Group element.
IGroupLayer Provides access to members that control a collection of layers that behaves like a single layer.
IGroupSymbolElement Provides access to members that control Group Symbol Elements.
IHighlightSuppressionAction Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage the highlight/suppression action.
IHillShadeInfo Provides access to methods that control hill shading.
IHistogramSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control histogram series.
IHorizontalBarLegendItem Provides access to members that work with horizontal bar legend items.
IHorizontalLegendItem Provides access to members that work with legend item arrangement.
IHotlinkContainer Provides access to members that manage all the hotlinks of a layer (e.g. field based hyperlinks or those that that call macros).
IHotlinkExpression Provides access to members that work with a layer's hyperlink expression.
IHotLinkExpressionProperties Provides access to the properties for generating a hyperlink expression.
IHotlinkMacro Provides access to members that control a hyperlink that calls a macro.
IHTMLPopupIdentify Provides access to members that consume the HTML popup tool content.
IHTMLPopupIdentify2 Provides access to members that consume the HTML popup tool content.
IHTMLPopupInfo Provides access to members that control the HTML popup tool.
IHTMLPopupInfo2 Provides access to members that control the HTML popup tool.
IHyperlink Provides access to members that control a dynamic hyperlink (i.e. one that can exist with or without a container).
IHyperlinkContainer Provides access to members that manage all the hyperlinks of a layer.
IIdentify Provides access to members that identify features.
IIdentify2 Provides access to members that set the current scale of the display.
IIdentifyDisplay Provides access to members that will identify based on display.
IIdentifyGroup Indicator interface identifying a layer as a top-level group for identify.
IIdentifyObj Provides access to members that control feature identification for a layer.
IIdentifyObject Provides access to identify object's properties (pairs of name and value).
IIdentifyObjWindow Provides access to members that control the window returned from an object that implements IIdentifyObj.
IImageCooker AIS cache reader object.
IImageDescription Provides access to the Image Description Interface.
IImageDisplay Provides access to the Image Display Interface.
IImageDisplay2 Provides access to the Image Display Interface.
IImageInset Provides access to members that control the image inset map surrounds.
IImageQueryFilter Provides access to members that control an image query filter.
IImageResult Provides access to the Image Result Interface.
IImageResult2 Provides access to the Image Result Interface.
IImageResults Raster Value Result Array.
IImageServer Provides access to members that control an image server.
IImageServer2 Provides access to members that control an image server.
IImageServer3 Provides access to members that control an image server object (SO).
IImageServer4 Provides access to members that control an image server object (SO).
IImageServerDownloadResult Provides access to the Image Server Download Result Interface.
IImageServerDownloadResults Provides access to the Image Server Download Results Interface.
IImageServerEditResult Provides access to the Image Server Edit Result Interface.
IImageServerEditResults Provides access to the Image Server Edit Results Interface.
IImageServerIdentifyResult Provides access to members that control an identify result.
IImageServerIdentifyResultEdit Provides access to additional members that control an identify result.
IImageServerIdentifyResults Provides access to the Image Server Identify Results Interface.
IImageServerInit Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server.
IImageServerInit2 Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server.
IImageServerInit3 Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server.
IImageServerLayer Provides access to members that control an image server layer.
IImageServerLayer2 Provides access to additional members that control an image server layer.
IImageServerLayer3 Provides access to additional members that control an image server layer.
IImageServerMeasureResult Provides access to members that control a measure result.
IImageServerName Provides access to members that control a Image Server name.
IImageServerObjectLANProxy Provides access to members that control ImageServer LAN proxy.
IImageServerObjects Provides access to core objects contained within an image server object.
IImageServiceInfo Provides access to the properties of an image service.
IImageServiceInfo2 Provides access to the properties of an image service.
IImageServiceInfo3 Provides access to the properties of an image service.
IImageType Provides access to the Image Type Interface.
IImageView Provides access to members that control an image (service) view.
IIMSGlobeConnection Provides access to methods that describe the ims connection within and globe client communicating with ims.
IIMSGlobeSubServiceDescription Provides access to SubServices -- or in otherword, layers.
IIMSGlobeXMLNode Provides access to an XML node.
IIMSGlobeXMLParser Provides access to xml parsing functionality.
IIMSMapLayer Provides access to members that control the IMS map layer.
IIMSSubLayer Provides access to members that control the IMS sub layer.
IIMSSymbolImporter Provides access to create ARCIMS symbols based on ArcXML.
IIndexGrid Provides access to members that control the index grid.
IIndexGridTabStyle Provides access to members that control the way an index grid's labels are drawn.
IIndexQuery Provides access to members that control the index created with IFeatureIndex.
IIndexQuery2 Provides access to members that control the index created with IFeatureIndex.
IInkGraphic Provides access to the InkGraphic object.
IInteractiveSearch Provides access to visible features.
IInvalidArea2 Provides access to members that control the accumulating and manipulating of invalid display areas.
IInvalidArea3 Provides access to members that control the accumulating and manipulating of invalid display areas.
IISLFootprintDisplayProps Provides access to additional members that control the display of raster footprints in an image server layer.
IJoinTableSourceDescription Provides access to the available properties of a Join Table Source Description object.
IJPIPServer Provides access to JPIP Server properties and methods.
IKmlConversion Provides access to stateless methods that convert Maps or Layers into KMZ files or streams.
ILabelCache Provides access to members that control a label cache.
ILabelClassDescription Provides access to the Label Class Description Interface.
ILabelClassDescription2 Provides access to the Label Class Description Interface.
ILabelClassDescriptions Provides access to the Label Class Descriptions Interface.
ILabelEngineLayerProperties Provides access to some of the main properties for labeling features.
ILabelEngineLayerProperties2 Provides access to some of the main properties for labeling features.
ILabelEnvironment Provides access to members that work with the labeling environment.
ILabelingDescription Provides access to the Labeling Description Interface.
ILabelPlacementDescription Provides access to the Label Placement Description Interface.
ILabelStyle Provides access to members that control the label symbol and placement properties.
ILabelStyle2 Provides access to members that control the label symbol and placement properties.
ILasAttributeRenderer Provides access to members that control functions common to all LAS attribute renderers.
ILasDatasetLayer Provides access to members that control a Lasdataset layer.
ILayer Provides access to members that work with all layers.
ILayer2 Provides access to additional members that work with all layers.
ILayerAction Provides access to methods and properties that identify the action as a layer action and allow those properties to be managed.
ILayerCacheInfo Provides access to available properties of a layer cache info object.
ILayerCacheInfos Provides access to the LayerCacheInfo Collection Interface.
ILayerDescription Provides access to the available properties of a layer description object.
ILayerDescription2 Provides access to the available properties of a layer description object.
ILayerDescription3 Provides access to the available properties of a layer description object.
ILayerDescriptions Provides access to the Layer Descriptions Interface.
ILayerDescriptor Provides access to the available properties of a layer descriptor object.
ILayerDrawingDescription Provides access to the type of the object to be a layer drawing description.
ILayerDrawingDescriptionFactory Provides access to the FeatureLayer drawing options.
ILayerDrawingDescriptions LayerDrawingDescription Array.
ILayerDrawingPhase Provides access to members that control the drawing phase of a layer.
ILayerDrawingProperties Provides access to members that control layer drawing properties.
ILayerDrawSetup Provides access to layer draw setups.
ILayerEffectDIM Provides access to members that control DIM layer effect.
ILayerEffects Provides access to members that control layer effects.
ILayerEvents Provides access to events that occur when layer visibility changes.
ILayerExtensionDraw Provides access to events before and after a layer draws.
ILayerExtensionInvalidate Provides access to partial refresh override.
ILayerExtensions Provides access to the extensions of a layer.
ILayerFactory Provides access to members that control the creation of layers through a factory.
ILayerFactoryHelper Provides access to members used to create layers from names.
ILayerFields Provides access to members that work with a layer's fields.
ILayerFile Provides access to members that control the reading and writing of layer document files.
ILayerGeneralProperties Provides access to layer general properties.
ILayerInfo Provides access to members that return layer images.
ILayerMasking Provides access to means to mask layers with other layers.
ILayerPosition Provides access to members that control a layer's default position in the map interface.
ILayerPropertySheet Provides access to layers that implement their own custom property sheet.
ILayerResultOptions Provides access to methods that control geometry options.
ILayerStatus Provides access to feedback on the status of a layer's time-consuming actions.
ILayerSymbologyExtents Provides access to layer extents based on the symbology.
ILayoutImage Provides access to the Layout Image Interface.
ILegend Provides access to members that control a legend.
ILegend2 Provides access to additional members that control a legend.
ILegend3 Provides access to additional members that control a legend.
ILegendClass Provides access to members that control the legend/TOC entry for a renderer class.
ILegendClasses Provides access to the Legend Classes Interface.
ILegendClassFormat Provides access to members that control formatting information for a legend class.
ILegendFormat Provides access to members that control formatting information for a legend.
ILegendFormat2 Provides access to members that control formatting information for a legend.
ILegendGroup Provides access to members that control the collection of legend classes provided by a renderer.
ILegendGroups Provides access to the Legend Groups Interface.
ILegendInfo Provides access to members that control legend information provided by a renderer.
ILegendItem Provides access to members that control how a layer appears in a legend. Can be stored in a style.
ILegendItem2 Provides access to members that control how a layer appears in a legend. Can be stored in a style.
ILegendItem3 Provides access to members that control how a layer appears in a legend. Can be stored in a style.
ILegendLayout Provides access to members that control scaling properties for legend graphics.
ILevelMasking Provides access to means to mask layers with other layers based on symbol levels.
ILevelRenderer Provides access to members that control the drawing of symbols for features, where symbols are separated into levels, and each level drawn separately.
ILicensedComponent Provides access to means to determine if this component is licensed.
ILineElement Provides access to members that control the Line element.
ILineLabelPlacementDescription Provides access to the Line Label Placement Description Interface.
ILineLabelPlacementPriorities Provides access to members that control placement position priorities for line labels.
ILineLabelPosition Provides access to members that control the relative position of line labels.
ILinePatch Indicator interface that identifies a separate style gallery class for line patches.
ILineSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control line series.
ILocatedNetworkTrafficValue Provides access to traffic information for the current element id.
ILocationTrigger Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage action's location trigger. A location trigger allows developers to extend location based triggering of actions, e.g., extend location trigger to include crosses or departing / arriving.
ILocatorRectangle Provides access to the members that control the map frame locator rectangle.
ILocatorRectangle2 Provides access to the members that control the map frame locator rectangle.
ILODInfo Provides access to members that provide the LOD info.
ILODInfos Provides access to the LOD Info Collection Interface.
ILookupLegendClass Provides access to functionality for looking up a renderer's legend class via a feature.
ILookupSymbol Provides access to functionality for looking up a renderer's symbol via a feature.
IMap Provides access to members that control the map.
IMapAdmin Provides access to Map administration methods.
IMapAdmin2 Provides access to Map administration methods.
IMapAdmin3 Provides access to Map administration methods.
IMapAdmin4 Provides access to Map administration methods.
IMapArea Provides access to the Map Area Interface.
IMapAutoExtentOptions Provides access to the Map's auto extent options.
IMapBarriers Provides access to members that control map barriers.
IMapBarriers2 Provides access to members that control map barriers.
IMapBookmarks Provides access to members that control the map bookmarks.
IMapBookmarks2 Provides access to members that control the map bookmarks.
IMapCache Provides access to Map spatial cache.
IMapCacheExporter Provides access to methods that convert cache format.
IMapCacheStorageFormatConvertor Provides access to methods that convert cache format.
IMapCacheToRasterFunction Provides access to members that control a map cache to raster function.
IMapCacheToRasterFunctionArgument Provides access to members that control a map cache to raster function.
IMapClipOptions Provides access to the Map's clipping options.
IMapCooker Provides access to members that controls a map cache generator.
IMapCooker2 Provides access to more members that controls a map cache generator.
IMapCooker3 Provides access to more members that controls a map cache generator.
IMapDescription Provides access to the available properties of a map description object.
IMapDescription2 Provides access to the available properties of a map description object.
IMapDescription3 Provides access to the available properties of a map description object.
IMapDescriptions Provides access to the Map Descriptions Interface.
IMapDescriptor Provides access to the available properties of a map descriptor object.
IMapDocument Provides access to members that control the reading and writing of map document files.
IMapEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map changes.
IMapEvents2 Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map changes.
IMapEvents3 Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map changes.
IMapExtent Provides access to the Map Extent Map Area Interface.
IMapFrame Provides access to the members that control the map element object.
IMapFrameDescription Provides access to the available properties of a map frame description object.
IMapFrameDescriptions Provides access to the Map Frame Descriptions Interface.
IMapFrameEvents Provides access to the events that occur when the state of the map frame changes.
IMapGeographicTransformations Provides access to members that control the map's set of geographic transformations and the directions in which they are applied.
IMapGrid Provides access to members that control a map grid.
IMapGridBorder Provides access to members that control the map grid border.
IMapGrids Provides access to members that control the map grids in a data frame.
IMapIdentifyObject Provides access to members that control the map identify object.
IMapImage Provides access to the Map Image Interface.
IMapImages Provides access to the Map Images Interface.
IMapInset Provides access to members that control the inset map surrounds.
IMapInset2 Provides access to members that control the inset map surrounds.
IMapLayerInfo Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object.
IMapLayerInfo2 Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object.
IMapLayerInfo3 Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object.
IMapLayerInfo4 Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object.
IMapLayerInfos Provides access to the Map Layer Info Collection Interface.
IMapLayers Provides access to layers.
IMapLayers2 Provides access to layers.
IMaplexDictionaries Provides access to members that control a collection of Maplex dictionaries.
IMaplexDictionary Provides access to members that control a Maplex dictionary.
IMaplexDictionaryEntry Provides access to members that control a single entry in a Maplex dictionary.
IMaplexKeyNumberGroup Provides access to members that control a Maplex key numbering group.
IMaplexKeyNumberGroups Provides access to members that control a collection of Maplex Key Numbering Groups.
IMaplexLabelStackingProperties Provides access to members that control the placement of stacked labels.
IMaplexLabelStyle Provides access to an indicator interface for a Maplex LabelStyle object.
IMaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties Provides access to members that control the placement of labels along a line feature.
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer.
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties2 Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer.
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties3 Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer.
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties4 Provides access to members that control the placement of labels for a layer.
IMaplexOverposterProperties Provides access to members that are common to all layers being labeled.
IMaplexOverposterProperties2 Provides access to members that are common to all layers being labeled.
IMaplexRotationProperties Provides access to members that control the placement of rotated labels.
IMaplexRotationProperties2 Provides access to members that control the placement of rotated labels.
IMapNavigator Provides access to the map navigator controller.
IMapOverposter Provides access to members that control the Labeling (annotation) of a map.
IMapReader Provides access to members that support reading a map document.
IMaps Provides access to members that control the maps collection.
IMaps2 Provides access to members of map collection.
IMapServer Provides access to members that serve maps.
IMapServer2 Provides access to members that serve maps.
IMapServer3 Provides access to members that serve maps.
IMapServer4 Provides access to members that serve maps.
IMapServerBookmark Provides access to the Map Server Bookmark Interface.
IMapServerBookmarks Provides access to the Map Server Bookmarks Interface.
IMapServerData Provides access to map features and their values.
IMapServerDataAccess Provides access to the data source behind the MapServer.
IMapServerFindResult Provides access to the Map Server Find Result Interface.
IMapServerFindResults Provides access to the Map Server Find Results Interface.
IMapServerGeoTransformation Provides access to members that control the export set of geographic transformations.
IMapServerGroupLayer Provides access to map server sublayers.
IMapServerHyperlink Provides access to the Map Server Hyperlink Interface.
IMapServerHyperlinks Provides access to the Map Server Hyperlinks Interface.
IMapServerIdentifyObject Provides access to the available properties of a map server identify object.
IMapServerIdentifyResult Provides access to the Map Server Identify Result Interface.
IMapServerIdentifyResult2 Provides access to the Map Server Identify Result Interface.
IMapServerIdentifyResults Provides access to the Map Server Identify Results Interface.
IMapServerInfo Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object.
IMapServerInfo2 Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object.
IMapServerInfo3 Provides access to the MapServerInfo.
IMapServerInfo4 Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object.
IMapServerInit Provides access to members that support initializing a map server.
IMapServerInit2 Provides access to additional members that support initializing a map server.
IMapServerLayer Provides access to the available properties of a map server layer object.
IMapServerLayout Provides access to members that serve layout components of maps.
IMapServerLegendClass Provides access to the Map Server Legend Class Interface.
IMapServerLegendClasses Provides access to the Map Server Legend Classes Interface.
IMapServerLegendGroup Provides access to the Map Server Legend Group Interface.
IMapServerLegendGroups Provides access to the Map Server Legend Groups Interface.
IMapServerLegendInfo Provides access to the Map Server Legend Info Interface.
IMapServerLegendInfos Provides access to the Map Server Legend Infos Interface.
IMapServerLegendPatch Provides access to the Map Server Legend Patch Interface.
IMapServerObjectLANProxy Provides access to members that control MapServer LAN proxy.
IMapServerObjects Provides access to core objects contained within the map document.
IMapServerObjects2 Provides access to core objects contained within the map document.
IMapServerObjects3 Provides access to core objects contained within the map document.
IMapServerProxyImpl Provides access to implementation of map server proxy object.
IMapServerRelationship Provides access to the Map Server Relationship Interface.
IMapServerRelationships Provides access to the Map Server Relationships Interface.
IMapServerRESTLayer Provides access to the available properties of a map server rest layer object.
IMapServerRow Provides access to the Map Server Row Interface.
IMapServerRow2 Provides access to the Map Server Row Interface.
IMapServerRows Provides access to the Map Server Rows Interface.
IMapServerSourceDescription Indicator interface that indicates a data source for a dynamic layer or standalone table.
IMapServerSublayer Provides access to the available properties of a map server sublayer object.
IMapServerSublayer2 Provides access to the available properties of a map server sublayer object.
IMapServerTimeInfo Provides access to core objects contained within the map document.
IMapServerTimeInfo2 Provides access to core objects contained within the map document.
IMapSurround Provides access to members that control the map surround.
IMapSurroundEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the map surrounds changes.
IMapSurroundFactory Provides access to members that create Map Surrounds.
IMapSurroundFrame Provides access to the members that control the map surround element interface.
IMapTableDescription Provides access to the available properties of a table description object.
IMapTableInfo Provides access to the Table Info.
IMapTableInfo2 Provides access to additional properties for map tables.
IMapTableSourceDescription Provides access to the available properties of a Map Table Source Description object.
IMapTableSubtypeInfo Provides access to MapTableSubtypeInfo members.
IMapTableSubtypeInfos MapTableSubtypeInfo Array.
IMapTableTimeDescription Provides access to time properties of a LayerDescription.
IMapTableTimeInfo Provides access to time properties of a MapLayerInfo.
IMapTimeDescription Provides access to time properties of a MapDescription.
IMapTimeDescription2 Provides access to time properties of a MapDescription.
IMapTimeDisplay Provides access to members that control the current time on the map.
IMapTimeDisplay2 Provides access to members that control the current time on the map.
IMarker3DRotationAngles Provides access to members that get and put 3D rotation angles in 3D marker symbols.
IMarkerElement Provides access to members that control the Marker element.
IMarkerNorthArrow Provides access to members that control the Marker north arrow.
IMeasuredGrid Provides access to the members that control the lines that make up the map grid.
IMgrsGrid Provides access to members that control the properties of an MGRS grid.
IMixedFontGridLabel Provides access to members that define the appearance of the secondary group of digits in the grid label.
IMixedFontGridLabel2 Provides additional access to members that define the appearance of the secondary group of digits in the grid label.
IMobileLayerInfo This is depricated at 10.0: Provides access to some of the available properties of a Mobile layer info object.
IMobileLayerInfos This is depricated at 10.0: Provides access to the Mobile Layer Info Collection Interface.
IMobileMapInfo This is depricated at 10.0: Provides access to the MobileMapInfo.
IMobileServer Provides access to the available Mobile Server Object Extension properties and methods.
IMobileSync Provides access to the available Mobile Sync properties and methods.
IMobileSync2 Provides access to the available Mobile Sync properties and methods.
IModifyDimensionFeedback Provides access to members to control the display feedback for modifying existing dimension features.
IMosaicLayer Provides access to members that control the Mosaic layer.
IMosaicLODInfoHelper Provides access to members that controls a LOD helper.
IMosaicRule Provides access to members that control a mosaic rule.
IMosaicSubLayer Provides access to the members of Mosaic Layer.
IMSDHelper Provides methods to open, save, repair mapserver definition files.
IMSDHelper2 Provides methods to open, save, repair mapserver definition files.
IMultiPartTextElement Provides access to methods and properties for maintaining multipart elements.
IMultiResolutionRenderer Provides access to multi-resolution renderers.
IMxdContents Provides access to members to pass data into and out off a MXD map document file. Coclasses that implement this interface can limited the implementation to one property if required.
IMxdServer Provides access to members that support opening a map document and generating images of it.
IMxdServerObjects Provides access to the core objects contained within the map document.
IMxdServerQuery Provides access to functionality that allows the client to query features on the map.
IMxdServerStatus Provides access to the MxdServer current operation status.
IMXFeatureFindData Provides access to Data assoc to each row in the MxFind dialog when finding features.
INestedLegendItem Provides access to members that work with nested legend items.
INetworkEdgeRenderer Provides access to members that control the display properties of the renderer.
INetworkEdgeRenderer2 Provides access to members that control the display properties of the renderer.
INetworkIdentifyObj Provides access to members that identify network elements.
INetworkLayer Provides access to members that control a network layer.
INetworkLayerSymbology Provides access to members that symbolize network layers.
INetworkRenderer Provides access to members that control functions common to all Network renderers.
INetworkRendererCollection Provides access to members that manage the collection of network renderers.
INetworkSourceRenderer Provides access to members that control the display properties of the sources consumed by the renderer.
INetworkTrafficRenderer Provides access to members that control drawing traffic along a network dataset.
INewDimensionFeedback Provides access to members to control the display feedback for creating new dimension features.
INITFGraphicsLayer Provides access to members that control a NITF graphics layer.
INorthArrow Provides access to members that control the north arrow.
INorthArrow2 Provides access to members that control the north arrow.
IOleFrame Provides access to the members that control the Graphic Element that holds an OLE object.
IOlePictureElement Provides access to members that control the Ole Style Picture element.
IOrderedLayerFields Provides access to members that work with a layer's ordered fields.
IOverflowGraphicsContainer Provides access to members that control the Overflow Graphics Container.
IOverposter Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection.
IOverposter2 Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection.
IOverposter3 Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection.
IOverposter4 Provides access to members that place labels for features using conflict detection.
IOverposterLayerProperties Provides access to members that control the placement of labels or symbols on top of features (barriers).
IOverposterLayerProperties2 Provides access to members that control the placement of labels or symbols on top of features (barriers).
IOverposterOptions Provides access to overposter options.
IOverposterOptions2 Provides access to overposter options.
IOverposterProperties Provides access to members that control label placement.
IOverview Provides access to members that control the overview.
IOverview2 Provides access to members that control the overview.
IPage Provides access to members that control the Page.
IPageDescription Provides access to the available properties of a page description object.
IPageEvents Provides access to events that occur when the Page changes.
IPageLayout Provides access to members that control the Page Layout.
IPageLayout2 Provides access to members that control the Page Layout.
IPageLayout3 Provides access to members that control the Page Layout.
IPageLayoutExtensions Provides access to the extensions of a page layout.
IPageLayoutSnap Provides access to members that control snap agents that are used with PageLayout.
IParagraphTextElement Indicator interface that identifies Paragraph Text Element objects.
IParameterInfo Provides generic access to object parameters for GP framework.
IPatch Provides access to members that work with a legend patch.
IPictureElement Provides access to members that control the Picture element.
IPictureElement2 Provides access to members that control the Picture element.
IPictureElement3 Provides access to members that control the Picture element.
IPictureElement4 Provides access to members that control the Picture element.
IPictureElement5 Provides access to members that control the Picture element.
IPictureNorthArrow Provides access to members that control the picture north arrow.
IPieChartRenderer Provides access to members that work with additional chart renderer properties specific to pie charts.
IPieSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control pie series.
IPlacedObject Provides access to members work with symbols that are placed as labels.
IPlacedObject2 Provides access to members work with symbols that are placed as labels.
IPlacedObject3 Provides access to members work with symbols that are placed as labels.
IPluginImageLayer Provides access to members that controls a plugin image layer.
IPMFTitleTextElement Indicator interface that identifies PMFTitleTextElement objects.
IPointLabelPlacementDescription Provides access to the Point Label Placement Description Interface.
IPointPlacementPriorities Provides access to members that control placement position priorities for point labels.
IPointSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control scatter plot series.
IPolarSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control polar series.
IPolygonElement Indicator interface that identifies a Polygon element.
IPolygonLabelPlacementDescription Provides access to the Polygon Label Placement Description Interface.
IPositionTrails Provides access to members that display trails of previous positions on the map.
IPrincipalDigitsGridLabel Provides access to members that control the properties of grid labels that display numbers with principal digits.
IPrintAndExport Output interface.
IProjectedGrid Provides access to members that control the projection information for map grids.
IPropertyInfo Information about properties of graphic features.
IPropertyInfos Property infos for a graphic feature.
IProportionalSymbolRenderer Provides access to members that control the drawing of varying size symbols for each feature, each sized in proportion to a field value.
IProtectNameCarto Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
IPublishLayer Provides access to a layer's capability for being published with the ArcGIS Publisher extension.
IPushPin Provides access to members that control a push pin.
IQueryByLayer Provides access to the QueryByLayer interface.
IQueryResult Provides access to query results.
IQueryResultOptions Provides access to methods that control query results.
IQuerySize Provides access to means to getting the size of an element.
IQueryTableDataSourceDescription Provides access to the available properties of a table datasource description object.
IRasterBasemapLayer Provides access to members of a raster basemap layer.
IRasterBasemapLayerFactory Provides access to members of a raster basemap layer.
IRasterCatalogDisplayProps Provides access to members that create or modify a raster catalog.
IRasterCatalogDisplayProps2 Provides access to members that create or modify a raster catalog.
IRasterCatalogLayer Provides access to members that create or modify a raster catalog.
IRasterCatalogRendererPicker Provides access to methods that choose appropriate raster renderers for a RasterCatalog.
IRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer Provides access to members that relate to the classified rendering of rasters.
IRasterClassifyUIProperties Provides access to members that control the classification properties in the UI.
IRasterDataExclusion Provides access to members that exclude data values from classification.
IRasterDataSourceDescription Provides access to the available properties of a raster datasource description object.
IRasterDefaultsEnv Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv2 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv3 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv4 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv5 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv6 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv7 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv8 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDefaultsEnv9 Provides access to members that control the default raster environment.
IRasterDiscreteColorRenderer Provides access to methods that control a raster discrete color renderer.
IRasterDisplayProps Provides access to members that control the raster display properties.
IRasterDRAShader Access to members that allow a DRA shader to process pixel channels.
IRasterExporter Provides access to members that control a Bitmap converter.
IRasterFormatInfo Provides access to members that provide basic information about a raster format.
IRasterFunctionInfo Provides access to members that describe a raster function.
IRasterFunctionInfos Provides access to the properties of a list of raster function info.
IRasterIdentifyObj Provides access to members that identify an object in the raster layer.
IRasterIdentifyObj2 Provides access to members that identify an object in the raster layer.
IRasterItemDescription Provides access to the properties of a raster item description for adding a raster.
IRasterItemDescriptions Provides access to the properties of a list of raster item descriptions for adding a raster.
IRasterLayer Provides access to members that create or modify a raster layer.
IRasterLayerDrawingDescription Provides access to the RasterLayer drawing options.
IRasterLayerExport Provides access to members that control exporting from a Raster Layer.
IRasterLayerExport2 Provides access to members that control exporting from a Raster Layer.
IRasterLayerExport3 Provides access to members that control exporting raster from a layer.
IRasterRenderer Provides access to methods that define a generic raster renderer.
IRasterRenderer2 Provides access to additional RasterRenderer methods.
IRasterRendererClassInfo Provides access to members which contain info about renderer classes.
IRasterRendererColorRamp Provides access to members that control the color ramp of a renderer.
IRasterRendererInfo Provides access to methods that define a generic raster renderer.
IRasterRendererMaker Provides access to members that can determine the default display of a raster dataset.
IRasterRendererMaker2 Provides access to members that can determine the default display of a raster dataset.
IRasterRendererUniqueValues Provides access to members that control unique values.
IRasterRendererUpdate Provides access to members that control updating raster renderers.
IRasterRGBRenderer Provides access to members which control the raster Red/Green/Blue renderer.
IRasterRGBRenderer2 Provides access to additional members which control the raster Red/Green/Blue renderer.
IRasterShader Access to members that allow a raster shader to process pixel channels.
IRasterSpatialSelection Provides access to members that control the behavior of the spatial selection.
IRasterStretch Provides access to members which control contrast stretching.
IRasterStretch2 Provides access to members which control stretch.
IRasterStretch3 Provides access to members which control stretch.
IRasterStretchAdvancedLabels Provides additional labels.
IRasterStretchColorRampRenderer Provides access to members that control the color ramp of a contrast stretch.
IRasterStretchMinMax Provides access to min/max members which control contrast stretching.
IRasterTypeInfo Provides access to members that describe a raster type.
IRasterTypeInfos Provides access to the properties of a list of raster type infos.
IRasterUniqueValueRenderer Provides access to members that relate to the unique value rendering of rasters.
IReadingDirection Provides access to members that control the reading direction.
IRealTimeDestination Provides access to members that display a destination to track as the current position updates.
IRealTimeFeed Provides access to basic properties of RealTimeFeed.
IRealTimeFeedEvents Provides access to the events fired by a real-time feed object.
IRealTimeFeedManager Provides access to basic properties of RealTimeFeedManager.
IRealTimeFeedManagerEvents Provides access to the events fired by a real-time feed manager object.
IRealTimeFeedSimulator Provides access to the members of a real-time feed simulator.
IRealTimeFeedSnap Provides access to properties that control the snapping behavior for the current position.
IRealTimeLog Provides access to members for logging real-time data.
IRectangleElement Indicator interface that identifies a Rectangle element.
IReferenceSystem Provides access to basic properties and methods provided by every reference system (grids, graticules, etc).
IRelateDescription Provides access to the RelateDescription Interface.
IRelatedRecordGroup Provides access to the RelatedRecordGroup members.
IRelatedRecordGroups Provides access to the RelatedRecordGroup Collection Interface.
IRelatedRecordSet Provides access to the RelatedRecordSet members.
IRelateInfo Provides access to members that describe a relate.
IRelateInfo2 Provides access to members that describe a relate.
IRelateInfos Provides access to the RelateInfos Interface.
IRelationshipClassCollection Provides access to members that return the memory relationship classes defined for standalone tables or layers in ArcMap.
IRelationshipClassCollectionEdit Provides access to members that add and remove memory relationship classes from a standalone table or layer.
IRemoteFindObj Provides access to remote objects found.
IRenderedRaster Provides access to members that controls a rendered raster.
IRenderedRaster2 Provides access to members that control a rendered Raster.
IRenderedThumbnailBuilder Provides access to members that control a rendered thumbnail builder.
IRendererClasses Provides access to members that provides the information of layer annotation classes.
IRendererFields Provides access to members that work with the list of fields for renderers that use multiple value fields.
IRenderingRule Provides access to members that control a rendering rule.
IRepresentationLegendClass Provides access to the properties and methods of a RepresentationLegendClass.
IRepresentationRenderer Provides access to the properties and methods of a RepresentationRenderer.
IRotateOperation Provides access to members that control the Rotate Operation.
IRotationRenderer Provides access to members that control the drawing of rotated marker symbols based on field values.
IRotationRenderer2 Provides access to members that control the rotation of marker symbols based on field values, expression, or random. Used for all symbols, not just 3D; used for all apps, including ArcMap.
IRowIdentifyObject Provides access to members that control the row used by the identify object.
IRulerSettings Provides access to members that control Ruler setup.
IScaleBar Provides access to members that control the scalebar map surrounds.
IScaleBar2 Provides access to members that control the scalebar map surrounds.
IScaleDependentRenderer Provides access to members that control a renderer which is composed of mulitple renderers, of which only one is enabled within a particular scale range.
IScaleLine Provides access to members that control a line scale bar.
IScaleMarks Provides access to members that control the scale bar mark properties.
IScaleText Provides access to members that control the scale text.
IScaleText2 Provides access to members that control the scale text.
IScatterPlotMatrixSeriesProperties Provides access to members that control ScatterPlotMatrix graph.
ISecureLayer Provides functionality to control access to a layer's contents.
ISecureLayer2 Provides access to control and test a layer's content related to authentication.
ISelection Provides access to members that control a collection of selectable objects.
ISelectionEnvironment Provides access to members that control the selection environment.
ISelectionEnvironmentLayer Provides access to members that control the behavior of invisible layers when a new selection is made.
ISelectionEnvironmentStorage Provides access to members that controls whether objects save their selections.
ISelectionEnvironmentThreshold Provides access to members that control the selection environment warning threshold.
ISelectionEvents Provides access to events that occur when the selection changes.
ISelectionLayerDefinition Provides access to members that are used to create a selection layer from an existing selection layer.
ISeriesProperties Provides access to members that control graph series.
IServerLayerExtension Provides access to Server Layer Extension.
IServerSymbolOutputOptions Provides access to properties on ServerSymbolOutputOptions.
IServiceData Service Data
IServiceDataOptions Service Data Options.
IServiceLayerCredits Get the service layer credits text.
IServiceLayerImageFormat Provides access to members that control the image format set of service layers.
IShader Access to members that allow a shader to process pixel channels.
IShadow Provides access to members that control frame drop shadows.
ISimpleMapGridBorder Provides access to the members that control the simple map grid border.
ISimpleMapImage Provides access to members that control a simple MapImage.
ISimpleNetworkRenderer Provides access to members that control drawing network junctions, edges, or turns with one symbol.
ISimpleRenderer Provides access to members that control a renderer which draws the same symbol for each feature.
ISingleFillScaleBar Provides access to members that control a scale bar that uses a single fill symbol to draw bar.
ISizeRenderer Provides access to members that control the drawing of sized marker symbols based on field values, expression, or random.
ISnapGrid Provides access to members that control the Snapping grid.
ISnapGuides Provides access to members that control the Snapping guides.
ISpatialBookmark Provides access to members that control a spatial bookmark.
ISQLSyntaxInfo Provides access to the SQL Syntax Info Interface.
IStandaloneTable Provides access to members that control a standalone table.
IStandaloneTableCollection Provides access to members that control the standalone table collection.
IStandaloneTableDescription Provides access to StandaloneTableDescription.
IStandaloneTableDescriptions Provides access to the Table Descriptions Interface.
IStandaloneTableInfo Provides access to StandaloneTableInfo.
IStandaloneTableInfos Provides access to the Table Descriptions Interface.
IStandardAnnotateMap Provides access to Esri-default Annotate Map properties.
IStatisticDescription Provides access to properties describing a statistic to be requested from the server.
IStatisticDescriptions StatisticDescription Array
IStatisticsRequest Provides access to properties describing a request for statistics from a Map Server.
ISubtypeInfo Provides access to Subtype Information.
ISubtypeInfos Subtype Information Array.
ISymbolBackground Provides access to members that control the SymbolBackground object.
ISymbolBorder Provides access to members that control the SymbolBorder object.
ISymbolCollectionElement Provides further access to members that control Collection Symbol Elements.
ISymbolLevels Provides access to members that control symbol level drawing.
ISymbolShadow Provides access to members that control the SymbolBorder object.
ISymbolSubstitution Provides access to members that control dynamic symbol substitution for display.
ITableCollection Provides access to members that control a table collection.
ITableDataSourceDescription Provides access to the available properties of a table datasource description object.
ITableDefinition Provides access to members that define a subset of the rows from the underlying table.
ITableExtensions Provides access to the extensions of a table.
ITableFactory Provides access to members that control the creation of tables through a factory.
ITableHistogram Provides access to members that control a histogram created from tabular data.
ITableHistogram2 Provides access to members that control a histogram created from tabular data.
ITableIdentity Table Identity
ITableSelection Provides access to members that control table selection.
ITemplateInfo A Template Object
ITemplateInfos Array of Templates
ITemporalSearch Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage searching temporal datasets.
ITemporaryLayer Provides access to temporary layer properties.
ITerrainAttributeRenderer Provides access to members that control functions common to all Terrain renderers.
ITerrainLayer Provides access to members that control a Terrain layer.
ITerrainLayer2 Provides access to members that control a Terrain layer.
ITerrainRenderer Provides access to members that control functions common to all Terrain renderers.
ITerrainRenderer2 Provides access to members that control functions common to all Terrain renderers.
IText3DElement Provides access to members that control a Text3D graphic element.
ITextElement Provides access to members that control the Text element.
ITileCacheInfo Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info.
ITileCacheInfoEx Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info.
ITileCacheStats Provides access to members that provide the map cache info.
ITileDescription Provides access to the TileDescription.
ITiledImageServer Provides access to members that serve tiled maps.
ITiledMapServer Provides access to members that serve tiled maps.
ITiledMapServer2 Provides access to members that serve tiled maps.
ITiledMapServer3 Provides access to members that serve tiled maps.
ITileImageInfo Provides access to more members that provide the map cache info.
ITileImageInfo2 Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info.
ITilesTable Wrapper object to encapsulate a cache tiles containenr table.
ITimeData Provides access to time related properties of a layer.
ITimeData2 Provides access to time related properties of a layer.
ITimeDataCustomUI Provides access to interface that indicates if a layer has a associated UI of its own.
ITimeDataDisplay Provides access to time animation related properties of a layer.
ITimeDimensionDefinition Provides access to properties that define time based on multi-dimensional data.
ITimeDisplayTable Interface that allows retrieve time related table properties.
ITimeDisplayTable2 Interface that allows retrieve time related table properties.
ITimeTableDefinition Provides access to time related properties of a layer.
ITinColorRampRenderer Provides access to members that draw TIN features based on a continuous attribute like elevation, slope, or aspect.
ITinContourRenderer Provides access to members that control contour rendering.
ITinIdentifyObj Provides access to query TIN.
ITinIdentifyObj2 Provides access to query TIN.
ITinIllumination Provides access to members that determine whether shading is turned on or off for a TIN face renderer.
ITinLayer Provides access to members that control a TIN layer.
ITinLayer2 Provides additional access to members that control a TIN layer.
ITinRenderer Provides access to members that control functions common to all TIN renderers.
ITinSingleSymbolRenderer Provides access to members that draw tin nodes, edges, or faces with one symbol.
ITinUniqueValueRenderer Provides access to members that assign symbols to TIN features based upon tag value or edge type.
ITOCClass Provides access to the TOC Class interface.
ITOCGroup Provides access to the TOC Group interface.
ITopologyErrorSelection Provides access to members that control topology selection.
ITopologyLayer Provides access to members that control the topology layer.
ITransparencyRenderer Provides access to members that control the drawing of features with varying transparency, where transparency is determined by feature values.
IUniqueValueInfo Provides members to decribe unique value class for a unique value renderer.
IUniqueValueInfos Provides access to the UniqueValueInfos Interface.
IUniqueValueRenderer Provides access to members that control a renderer where symbols are assigned to features based on unique attribute values.
IUniqueValueRenderer2 Provides access to members that control a renderer where symbols are assigned to features based on unique attribute values.
IUniqueValuesDef Provides access to the available properties of a UniqueValueDef object.
IVerticalLegendItem Provides access to members that work with legend item arrangement.
IViewManager Provides access to members used to describe or define view behavior.
IViewRefresh Provides access to members that are useful for refreshing views.
IWCSLayer Provides access to members that create or modify a raster layer.
IWCSServer Provides access to the available WCS Server properties and methods.
IWMSGroupLayer Provides access to members that control the WMS group layer.
IWMSIdentifyObject Provides access to idenify a WMS layer.
IWMSLayer Provides access to members that control the WMS sub layer.
IWMSLayer2 Provides access to members that control the WMS sub layer.
IWMSMapLayer Provides access to members that control the WMS map layer.
IWMSServer Provides access to the available WMS Server properties and methods.
IWMTSLayer Provides access to the properties of WMTS Layer.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
ACAcetateLayer ArcIMS container for drawing graphics on top of the map.
ACCalloutMarkerSymbol ArcIMS Callout Marker Symbol.
ACConnector An object that connects to ArcIMS servers.
ACFeatureLayer ArcIMS layer for displaying features.
ACGradientFillSymbol ArcIMS Gradient Fill Symbol.
ACGroupRenderer ArcIMS Group Renderer.
ACHashLineSymbol ArcIMS Hash Line Symbol.
ACImageLayer ArcIMS layer for displaying images.
ACMap Container for the display and manipulation of ArcIMS map services.
ACRasterFillSymbol ArcIMS Raster Fill Symbol.
ACRasterMarkerSymbol ArcIMS Raster Marker Symbol.
ACRasterShieldSymbol ArcIMS Raster Shield Symbol.
ACScaleDependentRenderer ArcIMS Scale Dependent Renderer.
ACShieldSymbol ArcIMS Shield Symbol.
ACSimpleFillSymbol ArcIMS Simple Fill Symbol.
ACSimpleLabelRenderer ArcIMS Simple Label Renderer.
ACSimpleLineSymbol ArcIMS Simple Line Symbol.
ACSimpleMarkerSymbol ArcIMS Simple Marker Symbol.
ACSimplePolygonSymbol ArcIMS Simple Polygon Symbol.
ACSimpleRenderer ArcIMS Simple Renderer.
ACTextMarkerSymbol ArcIMS Text Marker Symbol.
ACTextSymbol ArcIMS Text Symbol.
ACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol ArcIMS True Type Marker Symbol.
ACValueMapLabelRenderer ArcIMS Value Map Label Renderer.
ACValueMapRenderer ArcIMS Value Map Renderer.
AISRequest An executable AIS request on an Image Service.
AlternatingScaleBar A map surround for displaying a single alternating scale bar.
AnnotateFeature A renderer for labeling one feature.
AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection A collection of annotation settings for a feature layer.
AnnotateMap A renderer for labeling feature layers in a map.
AnnotateMapProperties A collection of annotate layer properties.
AnnotationElement An annotation feature handed out by the geodatabase.
AnnotationExpressionParser The expression parser handed out by the AnnotationExpressionEngine.
AnnotationFeature An Esri annotation feature.
AnnotationFeatureClassDescription An Esri annotation feature class description.
AnnotationFeatureClassExtension An Esri annotation feature class extension.
AnnotationJScriptEngine An object tha parses annotation expressions using JScript.
AnnotationPythonEngine An object tha parses annotation expressions using Python Script.
AnnotationVBScriptEngine An object that parses annotation expressions using VBScript.
AOIBookmark An AOI bookmark.
AreaPatch Classs implements an Area legend patch.
AreaPatchStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Area Patch items.
ArrayOfIShader Object Array containing Shaders.
BackgroundStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Background style items.
BackgroundTabStyle A background tab style grid label for index grids.
BarrierCollection A collection of objects that act as barriers to label placement.
BasemapLayer Layer containing a Basemap.
BasemapSubLayer Wrapper for layers in the basemap.
BasicGeoprocessor A basic geoprocessor.
BasicOverposter An engine that places labels for features using conflict detection.
BasicOverposterLayerProperties Controls the placement of labels or symbols relative to features using conflict detection.
BasicOverposterProperties Basic label placement control properties.
BasicPlacedObject Placed object handed out by the standard label engine.
BasicTableHistogram A histogram data structure that is created from table data. Use this to pass data to a classification object.
BiUniqueValueRenderer A bivariate renderer that combines a unique values renderer with a class breaks renderer (either graduated colors or graduated symbol type symbology).
BmpPictureElement The Graphic Element to display BMP Pictures.
BorderStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Border style items.
ButtonTabStyle A button tab style grid label for index grids.
CacheControlInfo Cache control info object.
CacheDatasetInfo Cache dataset info.
CacheDescriptionInfo Cache description info object.
CacheInfo A Cache Info object.
CacheRasterDatasetName A raster dataset name for Globe and Map cache.
CacheStorageInfo Cache storage info.
CadAnnotationLayer An Esri Cad annotation layer.
CadastralFabricLayer Cadastral Fabric Layer Object.
CadastralFabricLayerFactory A factory for create cadastral fabric layers.
CadastralFabricSubLayer Cadastral Fabric Feature Layer Object.
CadFeatureLayer Esri CAD Feature Layer class.
CadLayer Esri CAD Layer class.
CalcRendererValues An object that calculates renderer statistics which are required for some uses of the ChartRenderer object.
CalibratedMapGridBorder A map grid border that is calibrated.
CenterAndScale The Center And Scale coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the center and scale.
CenterAndSize The Center And Size coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the center, size and units.
ChangeDatabaseVersion Change Database Version operation.
ChartRenderer A chart renderer used to draw pie, bar, and stacked bar chart symbols.
CircleElement The Graphic Element to display Circles.
ClassBreakInfo ClassBreaksRendererInfoClass Class
ClassBreakInfos A collection of ClassBreakInfo objects.
ClassBreaksDef A coclass that describes how to generate class breaks.
ClassBreaksRenderer A renderer that can be used to draw graduated color (choropleth) and graduated symbol maps.
ColorRampStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Color Ramp items.
ColorRampSymbol Esri ColorRampSymbol for raster rendering.
ColorStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Color Symbol items.
ColorSymbol Esri ColorSymbol for raster rendering.
CompositeGraphicsLayer A collection of graphics layers that behave like single layer.
ContinuousTabStyle A continuous tab style grid label for index grids.
ConvertFDOAnnoToCoverageAnno Performs the attribute transfer.
ConvertLabelsToAnnotation An Esri convert labels to annotation helper class.
CornerGridLabel A grid label with special corner display properties.
CoverageAnnotationLayer An Esri coverage annotation layer.
CustomOverlayGrid A custom map grid.
DataObject DataObject co-class.
DataObjectArray DataObjectArray co-class.
DataObjectGroup DataObject Group.
DataObjectGroupArray DataObjectGroup Array
DataObjectGroups DataObjectGroups
DataObjects DataObjectArray co-class.
DataObjectTable DataObjectTable co-class.
DataObjectTables DataObjectTables co-class.
DataObjectType DataObjectType co-class.
DataObjectTypes DataObjectTypes co-class.
DataSourceHelper Coclass that implements the data source repair methods for MXD.
DefaultNetworkLayerSymbology The default network layer symbolizer that generates symbology for network layers.
DimensionClassDescription The class description for dimension feature classes.
DimensionClassExtension A class extension which contains all the style properties for a dimension feature class.
DimensionFeature Esri Dimension Feature class.
DimensionGraphic The graphic asscoiated with a DimensionFeature.
DimensionLayer A collection of properties for a dimension layer.
DimensionShape A dimension shape associated with a dimesion feature.
DimensionStyle A container of properties which dictate how a dimension feature is displayed.
DimensionStyles A collection of DimensionStyle objects.
DisplayExpressionProperties Maintains the properties for generating a display string.
DMSGridLabel A grid label in degrees, minutes and seconds.
DocumentInfo The DocumentInfo coclass is used to read and write map document properties.
DomainInfo DomainInfo co-class.
DotDensityRenderer A dot density renderer.
DoubleAlternatingScaleBar A map surround for displaying a double alternating scale bar.
DummyGraduatedMarkerLayer A dummy layer used to display legend items in the style gallery (Singleton).
DummyLayer A dummy layer used to display legend items in the style gallery (Singleton).
DynamicCacheLayerManager Dynamic cache layer management utility class.
DynamicDisplay Dynamic display class, used by the dynamic map.
DynamicGlyph Dynamic glyph class. A dynamic glyph is a handle to a resource that is used to render a dynamic symbol.
DynamicGlyphFactory Dynamic glyph factory class.
DynamicHit dynamic hit-test results class.
DynamicMapEvents Map events. Note: this class only provides access to the IDynamicMapEvents outbound interface.
EditResult EditResult co-class.
EditResults EditResult array co-class.
EditTemplate EditTemplate Class
EditTemplateFactory EditTemplateFactory Class
EditTemplateManager EditTemplateManager Class
ElementCollection Collection of elements.
EllipseElement The Graphic Element to display Ellipses.
EmfPictureElement The Graphic Element to display Emf Pictures.
EngineCadAnnotationLayerFactory Esri CAD Annotation Layer Factory.
EngineCadFeatureLayerFactory Esri CAD Feature Layer Factory.
EngineCadLayerFactory Esri CAD Layer Factory.
EngineCoverageAnnotationLayerFactory A factory for creating coverage annotation layers.
EngineIMSLayerFactory IMS Layer Factory.
EngineNetworkLayerFactory The factory used to create NetworkLayers.
EngineTopologyLayerFactory A factory for creating topology layers.
EngineWMSMapLayerFactory Provides programmatic access to a WMS map layer factory.
ExportInfoGenerator Generates information for exporting into the display.
FDOGraphicsLayer A collection of properties for an annotation layer (feature data object graphics layer).
FDOGraphicsLayerFactory A graphics layer factory.
FDOGraphicsSublayer A collection of properties for an annotation sublayer layer (feature data object graphics sublayer).
FeatureBookmark A feature bookmark.
FeatureCache A cache of features in memory for a particular spatial extent.
FeatureCursorBuffer A cursor for buffering features.
FeatureExtent The Feature Extent coclass allows you to zoom to selected features in a layer.
FeatureFindData Stores feature info for finding.
FeatureIDSet Set of feature ids.
FeatureIndex A feature class index.
FeatureLayer A collection of features and their visual representation.
FeatureLayerDrawingDescription Feature layer drawing description.
FeatureLayerDrawingDescriptionFactory Feature layer drawing description factory.
FeatureLayerFactory A factory for creating layers based on feature classes and layer files.
FeatureLayerSelectionEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents interface in VB.
FeatureServerConfigurationFactory FeatureServer Configuration Factory Class.
FeatureServerLayerFactory Provides programmatic access to a map server layer factory.
FeatureServiceEditExtension FeatureService edit extension.
FeatureServiceLayerEditExtension FeatureService Layer edit extension.
FeatureServiceWorkspaceFactory FeatureService workspace factory.
FieldDomainInfo A colcass that contains Field Domain information including Default Value.
FieldDomainInfos A colcass that contains Array of Field Domain information.
FieldInfo Stores extended field information.
FieldInfoSet Maintains an ordered set of field info objets.
FillSymbolStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Fill Symbol items.
FormattedGridLabel A grid label that uses a formatted number.
FrameElement The Frame element to provide a neatline or background.
GdbRasterCatalogLayer Geodabase RasterCatalog source and display options.
GeoImageDescription A class that specifies an image to read from an ArcGIS server image service.
GeoReferenceEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IGeoReferenceEvents interface in VB.
GFLayerTableDataMapping GraphicFeature layer/table and underlying dataset name
GFLayerTableDataMappings GFLayerTableDataMappings co-class.
GFSReplicaDescription Graphic Feature Service Replica Description co-class.
GFSReplicationAgent A class used to perform replica operations.
GFSTableDescription Table Description for Replication and Feature Queries.
GFSTableDescriptions Graphic Feature Layer Descriptins for Replication and Feature Queries.
GifPictureElement Graphic Element to display GIF Pictures.
GpsConnection Used to establish a connection to the computer's communication port.
GpsFeed Used to connected to a GPS unit through the communication port, implements IRealTimeFeed, and fires events when the GPS location changes.
GraphicElements The Graphic Elements collection CoClass.
GraphicFeature Graphic Feature co-class.
GraphicFeatureLayer GraphicFeatureLayer co-class.
GraphicFeatureLayers GraphicFeatureLayers co-class.
GraphicFeatures GraphicFeatures co-class.
GraphicFeatureServer The Graphic Feature Server component provides programmatic access to the Graphic Features.
GraphicFeatureServerIP Graphic Feature Server Message Proxy.
GraphicFeatureServerLP Graphic Feature Server LAN Proxy.
GraphicFeatureServerObjectDescription Server object description for the GraphicFeatureServer.
GraphicsContainerEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IGraphicsContainerEvents interface in VB.
GraphicsLayerScale An Esri graphics layer scale.
GraphicSnapEnvironment Collection of Snap Agents used to snap a graphic point.
GraphicsSubLayer Graphic sublayer handed back by the composite graphics layer.
Graticule A map grid that divides the map with meridians and parallels.
GridSnap Snap to grid agent.
GroupElement The Group Graphic Element to display a group of graphic elements.
GroupLayer A collection of layers that behaves like a single layer.
GroupLayerFactory A factory for creating group layers.
GuideSnap Snap to guides agent.
HollowScaleBar A map surround for displaying a hollow scale bar.
HorizontalBarLegendItem Horizontal bar legend item.
HorizontalLegendItem Horizontal legend item.
HotLinkExpressionParser The expression parser handed out by the HotLink Expression Engines.
HotLinkExpressionProperties Maintains the properties for generating a hyperlink string.
HotLinkJScriptEngine An object tha parses hotlink expressions using JScript.
HotLinkPythonEngine An object tha parses hotlink expressions using Python.
HotLinkVBScriptEngine An object that parses hotlink expressions using VBScript.
Hyperlink Hyperlink class implements hyperlinks functionality.
ImageCooker ImageCooker Class.
ImageDescription The Image Description coclass contains settings of the image to be generated.
ImageDisplay The Image Display coclass contains the display characteristics of the image to be generated.
ImageInset A map surround for displaying an inset.
ImageQueryFilter An image query filter.
ImageResult The Image Result coclass contains information about the generated image.
ImageResults A coclass that contains Array of Image Result coclasses.
ImageServer The ArcGIS Server Image Server class.
ImageServerConfigurationFactory ImageServer Configuration Factory Class.
ImageServerDownloadResult An Image Server Download Result object.
ImageServerDownloadResults A collection of Image Server Download Result objects.
ImageServerEditResult An Image Server Edit Result object.
ImageServerEditResults A collection of Image Server Edit Result objects.
ImageServerIdentifyResult An Image Server Identify Result object.
ImageServerIdentifyResults A collection of Image Server Identify Result objects.
ImageServerIP Image Server Message Proxy.
ImageServerLayer Image server layer source and display options.
ImageServerLayerFactory The image service layer factory.
ImageServerLP Image Server LAN Proxy.
ImageServerMeasureResult An Image Server Measure Result object.
ImageServerName The Image Server name object.
ImageServerObjectDescription Server object description for the ImageServer object.
ImageServiceInfo A class that provides information on an ArcGIS server image service.
ImageType The Image Type coclass contains information about the type of image to be generated.
ImageView An image view object.
ImgPictureElement Graphic Element to display IMG Pictures. This coclass is deprecated. It will not be available in a future release.
IMSGlobeConnection IMS Globe connection File.
IMSGlobeXMLNode IMS Globe Sub Service.
IMSGlobeXMLParser IMS Globe Sub Service.
IMSMapLayer A container for the display and manipulation of IMS layers.
IMSSubFeatureLayer A collection of IMS features as a sublayer of an IMSMapLayer.
IMSSubLayer An IMS Layer as a sublayer of an IMSMapLayer.
IMSSymbolImporter Creates symbols defined in ArcXML.
IndexGrid A map grid that divides the map into a grid for indexing.
InkGraphic Ink Graphic Object.
InvalidArea Accumulates a region from multiple objects and invalidates this area on the display.
JoinTableSourceDescription A coclass that contains settings of a join that the table is participating.
Jp2PictureElement Graphic Element to display JPEG2000 Pictures.
JpgPictureElement Graphic Element to display JPG Pictures.
JPIPServer The JPIP Server Object Extension.
LabelCache Standard labeling label cache.
LabelClassDescription Lable Class Description coclass.
LabelClassDescriptions A coclass that contains a collection of Lable Class Description coclasses.
LabelEngineLayerProperties A container for the properties of feature labels.
LabelEnvironment An object that works with the labeling environment.
LabelingDescription Labeling Description coclass.
LabelStyle An object that controls label symbol and placement properties.
LabelStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Label style items.
LasDatasetLayer The Terrain Layer class.
LasDatasetLayerFactory The LasDataset Layer Factory is used to help look for LasDataset layers.
LasPointElevationRenderer LasDataset point renderer component.
LasUniqueValueRenderer LAS dataset unique value renderer component.
LayerCacheInfo The layer cache info object provides information about a layer's cache in a cached map service.
LayerCacheInfos A collection of LayerCacheInfo objects.
LayerDescription The Layer Description coclass contains settings of a layer in a map.
LayerDescriptions A collection of Layer Description objects.
LayerDescriptor The Layer Descriptor coclass contains a description of a layer in a map.
LayerDrawingDescriptionFactory Generic layer drawing description factory that finds the right factory for a given layer.
LayerDrawingDescriptions A colcass that contains Array of LayerDrawingDescription.
LayerFactoryHelper Helper class to create layers from names.
LayerFile The LayerFile coclass is used to read and write layer document files.
LayerResultOptions Layer Result Options CoClass.
LayerTablesAndDataMappings A class used to keep layers/ tables and data mappings together.
LayoutImage The Layout Image coclass contains information about the generated layout image.
Legend A map surround for displaying a legend.
LegendClass The legend/TOC entry for a single renderer class.
LegendClasses A collection of LegendClass objects.
LegendClassFormat Formatting information for the legend/TOC entry of a renderer class.
LegendFormat A legend format.
LegendGroup The collection of legend classes provided by a renderer.
LegendGroups A collection of LegendGroup objects.
LegendItemStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Legend items.
LineElement The Graphic Element to display lines.
LineLabelPlacementDescription Line Lable Placement Description coclass.
LineLabelPlacementPriorities Controls placement position priorities for line labels.
LineLabelPosition Controls the relative positions of line labels.
LinePatch Class implements a Line legend patch.
LinePatchStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Line Patch items.
LineSymbolStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Line Symbol items.
LocatorRectangle A map locator rectangle.
LODInfo A LOD Info object.
LODInfos A collection of LOD Info objects.
Map A container for the display and manipulation of map data.
MapCooker A map cache generator class.
MapDescription The Map Description coclass contains settings of a map in the current document.
MapDescriptions A collection of Map Description objects.
MapDescriptor The Map Descriptor coclass contains a description of a map in the current document.
MapDocument The MapDocument coclass is used to read and write map document files.
MapEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IMapEvents interface in VB.
MapEvents2 Map events. Note: this class only provides access to the IMapEvents2 outbound interface.
MapEvents3 Map events. Note: this class only provides access to the IMapEvents3 outbound interface.
MapExtent The Map Extent coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the new extent.
MapFrame A graphic element for displaying maps.
MapFrameDescription The Map Frame Description coclass contains settings of a map frame in the current document.
MapFrameDescriptions A collection of Map Frame Description objects.
MapImage The Map Image coclass contains information about the generated map image.
MapImages A collection of Map Image objects.
MapInset A map surround for displaying an inset.
MapLayerInfo The Map Layer Info coclass provides read-only information about a layer in a map.
MapLayerInfos A collection of Map Layer Info objects.
MaplexAnnotationPropertiesConverter Converts placement properties between the Maplex and standard placement engines.
MaplexDictionaries A collection of dictionaries.
MaplexDictionary A collection of dictionary entries.
MaplexDictionaryEntry A single dictionary entry that specifies an abbreviation or translation.
MaplexKeyNumberGroup A Maplex key number group.
MaplexKeyNumberGroups A collection of Maplex key number groups.
MaplexLabelEngineLayerProperties Properties that specify the labeling of a layer and conversion of labels to annotation.
MaplexLabelStackingProperties Properties that specify the label stacking rules.
MaplexLabelStyle An object that controls label symbol and placement properties.
MaplexLabelStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Maplex Label style items.
MaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties Properties that specify the offset along line rules.
MaplexOverposterLayerProperties Properties that specify the label placement rules per layer.
MaplexOverposterProperties Properties that specify the label placement rules common to all layers, and associated methods.
MaplexRotationProperties Properties that specify the label rotation rules.
MapReader The MapReader component provides programmatic access to the contents of a map document.
MapSelection Maintains the map's feature selection.
MapServer The MapServer component provides programmatic access to the contents of a map document on disk, and creates images of the map contents based on user requests. Designed for use in building map-based web services and web applications.
MapServerBasicSublayer Provides programmatic access to a basic map server sublayer.
MapServerBookmark The Map Server Bookmark coclass provides information about a bookmark.
MapServerBookmarks A collection of Map Server Bookmark objects.
MapServerConfigurationFactory MapServer Configuration Factory Class.
MapServerFindResult The Map Server Find Result coclass provides information about a 'find result'.
MapServerFindResults A collection of Map Server Find Result objects.
MapServerFindSublayer Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Find capability.
MapServerHyperlink The Map Server Hyperlink coclass contains settings about a hyperlink.
MapServerHyperlinks A collection of Map Server Hyperlink objects.
MapServerIdentifyResult The Map Server Identify Result coclass provides information about an 'identify result'.
MapServerIdentifyResults A collection of Map Server Identify Result objects.
MapServerIdentifySublayer Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Identify capability.
MapServerInfo The Map Server Info coclass provides read-only information about a map.
MapServerIP Map Server Message Proxy.
MapServerLayer Provides programmatic access to a map server layer.
MapServerLayerFactory Provides programmatic access to a map server layer factory.
MapServerLegendClass The Map Server Legend Class coclass contains settings about a legend class.
MapServerLegendClasses A collection of Map Server Legend Class objects.
MapServerLegendGroup The Map Server Legend Group coclass provides information about a legend group.
MapServerLegendGroups A collection of Map Server Legend Group objects.
MapServerLegendInfo The Map Server Legend Info coclass provides legend information for a layer.
MapServerLegendInfos A collection of Map Server Legend Info objects.
MapServerLegendPatch The Map Server Legend Patch coclass contains settings about a legend patch.
MapServerLP Map Server LAN Proxy.
MapServerObjectDescription Server object description for the MapServer object.
MapServerQuerySublayer Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Find and Identify capability.
MapServerRelationship The Map Server Relationship coclass contains information about a relationship if one exists.
MapServerRelationships A collection of Map Server Relationship objects.
MapServerRESTLayer Provides programmatic access to a a layer based on MapServer using REST access.
MapServerRESTSubLayer Provides programmatic access to a MapServer SubLayer.
MapServerRow The Map Server Row coclass contains information about a row.
MapServerRows A collection of Map Server Row objects.
MapSurroundFrame A graphic element for displaying map surrounds.
MapTableSourceDescription A coclass that contains settings to describe the source of the table.
MapTableSubtypeInfo A coclass that contains SubtypeInfos.
MapTableSubtypeInfos A coclass that contains Array of MapTableSubtypeInfo.
MapTitle A map surround for displaying a map title.
MarginSnap Snap to margins agent.
MarkerElement The Graphic Element to display markers.
MarkerNorthArrow A map surround for displaying a marker north arrow.
MarkerSymbolStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Marker Symbol items.
MeasuredGrid A map grid that divides the map into a grid of units in any coordinate system.
MgrsGrid The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) object.
MixedFontGridLabel A grid label that uses mixed fonts.
MobileLayerInfo This is depricated at 10.0: The Mobile Layer Info coclass provides read-only information about a layer in a map.
MobileLayerInfos This is depricated at 10.0: A collection of Mobile Layer Info objects.
MobileMapInfo This is depricated at 10.0: The Mobile Server Info coclass provides read-only information about a map.
MobileServer The Mobile Server Object Extension provides functionality for Mobile clients.
MobileServerIP Mobile Server Message Proxy.
MobileServerLP Map Server LAN Proxy.
MobileServerObjectDescription MobileServer Object Description Class.
MobileSync The Mobile Sync provides functionality for get and posting data in a map for Mobile clients.
ModifyDimensionFeedback A display feedback for modifying existing dimension features.
MosaicLayer The layer implementation of the Mosaic Dataset.
MosaicLODInfoHelper A LOD helper.
MosaicRule A mosaic rule class.
MSDHelper Coclass implementing methods to open, save, repair mapserver definition files.
MultiPatchElement The MultiPatch Graphics Element CoClass.
MultithreadedCommander A multithreaded image processor (commander).
MxdServer The MxdServer component provides programmatic access to the contents of a map document on disk, and creates images of the map contents based on user requests. Designed for use in building map-based web services and web applications.
NestedLegendItem Nested legend item.
NetCDFLayerFactory A factory for creating NetCDF layers.
NetCDFTableFactory A factory for creating NetCDF tables.
NetworkDirtyAreaRenderer A renderer used to display network dataset dirty areas.
NetworkLayer Esri Network Layer CoClass.
NetworkTrafficRenderer A renderer used to display network dataset traffic.
NewDimensionFeedback A display feedback for creating new dimension features.
NITFGraphicsLayer A NITF graphics layer containing NITF CGM graphics.
NorthArrowStyleGalleryClass Use to create new North Arrow symbols.
Overview A map surround for displaying an overview.
Page The On Screen Page.
PageDescription The Page Description coclass contains a description of the page layout in the current document.
PageLayout Page Layout class contains maps and map surrounds.
ParagraphTextElement The Graphic Element to display text which flows into an area geometry.
PictureElement Picture Graphic Element.
PMFTitleTextElement The Graphic Element to display dynamic PMF titles.
PngPictureElement Graphic Element to display PNG Pictures.
PointLabelPlacementDescription Point Lable Placement Description coclass.
PointPlacementPriorities Controls placement position priorities for point labels.
PolygonElement The Graphic Element to display polygons.
PolygonLabelPlacementDescription Polygon Lable Placement Description coclass.
PrintAndExport Print And Export component.
PropertyInfo PropertyInfo co-class.
PropertyInfos PropertyInfos co-class.
ProportionalSymbolRenderer A proportional symbol renderer, used to draw symbols of varying size for each feature, sized in proportion to a field value.
QueryByLayer Query By Layer Class.
QueryResult A Query Result CoClass for storing information about the results of a query.
QueryResultOptions Query Result Options CoClass.
QueryTableDataSourceDescription A coclass that contains settings to describe a dynamic table from registered workspace by providing SQL statement.
RasterBasemapLayer Basemap Layer containing a Raster.
RasterBasemapLayerFactory Factory to create Raster Basemap Layers
RasterCatalogLayer Raster catalog source and display options.
RasterCatalogLayerFactory The Raster Catalog Layer Factory.
RasterCatalogRendererPickerDefault A chooser for picking raster renderer for a raster catalog.
RasterClassifyColorRampRenderer A renderer with a color ramp for rasters with classified values.
RasterColormapRenderer A raster colormap renderer.
RasterDataSourceDescription A coclass that contains settings to describe a dynamic raster from a registered workspace.
RasterDefaultsEnv A container for default raster environmental variables.
RasterDiscreteColorRenderer A raster discrete color renderer.
RasterDRAShader The raster shader for rendering pixels in dyanmic range adjustment mode.
RasterExporter A helper class for converting a Raster to an in-memory image.
RasterFormatInfo Information about raster file formats.
RasterFunctionInfo A raster function info object.
RasterFunctionInfos A collection of raster function info objects.
RasterIdentifyObj A raster object identified on the display.
RasterItemDescription An image service rendering rule class.
RasterItemDescriptions A list of raster item description objects.
RasterLayer Raster layer source and display options.
RasterLayerDrawingDescription Raster layer drawing description.
RasterLayerDrawingDescriptionFactory Raster layer drawing description factory.
RasterLayerExport A helper class to export raster data from a raster layer.
RasterLayerFactory The Raster Layer Factory is used to help look for rasters on disk.
RasterRendererMakerDefault A way to determine which renderer is used for the default display of a raster dataset.
RasterRGBRenderer A true-color RGB renderer.
RasterRGBSymbol Esri RasterRGBSymbol for raster rendering.
RasterServiceHelper A Web Service helper class.
RasterShader The raster shader for rendering pixels.
RasterStretchColorRampRenderer A renderer with a color ramp for rasters with continuous values.
RasterThumbnailBuilder A helper class for converting a Raster to an in-memory raster thumbnail.
RasterTypeInfo A raster type info object.
RasterTypeInfos A collection of raster type info objects.
RasterUniqueValueRenderer A renderer for rasters with unique values.
RealTimeFeedManager The real-time feed manager object.
RealTimeFeedSimulator The real-time feed simulator object.
RectangleElement The Graphic Element to display rectangles.
RelateDescription A colcass that describes a relate for QueryRelatedRows.
RelatedRecordGroup A colcass that contains related records for every source id.
RelatedRecordGroups A colcass that contains array of related record groups.
RelatedRecordSet A colcass that contains related record groups and the fields of those related records.
RelateInfo A colcass that contains the infromation about the relate.
RelateInfos A collection of relates.
RenderedRaster A raster that is rendered using a renderer.
RenderingRule An image service rendering rule class.
RepresentationLegendClass A legend class object identifying a representation rule.
RepresentationMarkerStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Representation Marker items.
RepresentationRenderer A renderer that draws features using representation information stored in the layer’s data source.
RepresentationRuleStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Representation Rule items.
RoundedTabStyle A rounded tab style grid label for index grids.
RulerSettings Ruler settings for use with a PageLayout.
RulerSnap Snap to ruler agent.
Scalebar Obsolete scale bar coclass. Exists to preserve document format.
ScaleBarStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Scale Bar items.
ScaleDependentRenderer A scale dependent renderer that is composed of multiple renderers, each operating within a particular scale range.
ScaleLine A map surround for displaying a scale line.
ScaleText A map surround for displaying a scale text.
ScaleTextStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Scale Text items.
SelectionEnvironment Defines the feature selection environment.
ServerLayerExtension A server layer extension used to store extended properties for a server layer.
ServerSymbolOutputOptions Options to control the server symbol output.
ServiceData Service Data
ServiceDataOptions Service Data Options
ShadowStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Shadow style items.
SidPictureElement Graphic Element to display SID Pictures. This coclass is deprecated. It will not be available in a future release.
SimpleElementSelection Simple selection object. Implements drawing and selecting but not clipboard support.
SimpleIdentifyObject Simple Feature Identify Object.
SimpleMapGridBorder A map grid border that uses simple lines.
SimpleMapImage A raster that is rendered using a renderer.
SimpleMapServerIdentifyObject Provides programmatic access to a simple map server layer identify object.
SimpleNetworkRenderer A simple renderer used to display network dataset junctions, edges, and turns.
SimpleRasterIdentifyObj A simplified raster object identified on the display.
SimpleRenderer A simple renderer where the same symbol is drawn for each feature.
SimpleTinIdentifyObj Object that mantains information collected during the identify operation.
SimpleWMSIdentifyObject Provides programmatic access to a simple WMS layer identify object.
SingleDivisionScaleBar A map surround for displaying a single division scale bar.
SnapGrid Snapping Grid for use with a PageLayout.
SnapGuides Snapping Guides for use with a PageLayout.
SQLSyntaxInfo The SQL Syntax Info coclass supplies information about SQL functionality.
StandaloneTable A standalone table.
StandaloneTableDescription The StandaloneTable Description coclass contains settings of a standalone table in a map.
StandaloneTableDescriptions A collection of Standalone Table Description objects.
StandaloneTableInfo The coclass contains information for standalone table in a map.
StandaloneTableInfos A collection of Standalone Table Info objects.
StatisticDescription A statistic to be requested from the server.
StatisticDescriptions A collection of statistics to be requested from the server.
StatisticsRequest A request of statistics from a Map Server.
SteppedScaleLine A map surround for displaying a stepped scale line.
SubtypeInfo A colcass that contains Subtype information including Domains.
SubtypeInfos A colcass that contains Array of Subtype information.
SymbolBackground Background drawn using a symbol.
SymbolBorder Border drawn using a symbol.
SymbolShadow Shadow drawn using a symbol.
TableDataSourceDescription A coclass that contains settings to describe a dynamic table from registered workspace.
TableEdit TableEdit
TableEditResult TableEditResult
TableEditResults TableEditResult
TableEdits TableEdits
TemplateInfo TemplateInfo co-class.
TemplateInfos TemplateInfos co-class.
TerrainDirtyAreaRenderer Terrain dirty area renderer component.
TerrainLayer The Terrain Layer class.
TerrainLayerFactory The Terrain Layer Factory is used to help look for Terrains.
TerrainPointAttributeRenderer Terrain point renderer component.
TerrainPointElevationRenderer Terrain point renderer component.
TerrainPointUniqueValueRenderer Terrain point unique value renderer component.
Text3DElement The Text3D Graphics Element CoClass.
TextElement The Graphic Element to display text.
TextSymbolStyleGalleryClass Use to create new Text Symbol items.
TifPictureElement Graphic Element to display TIF Pictures.
TileCacheInfo A Tile Cache Info object.
TileImageInfo A Tile Image Info object.
TilesTable A Tiles Table object.
TimeQueryFilter TimeQueryFilter Class
TinAspectRenderer TIN aspect renderer component.
TinBreaklineRenderer TIN breakline renderer component.
TinContourRenderer TIN contour renderer component.
TinEdgeRenderer TIN edge renderer component.
TinElevationRenderer TIN elevation renderer component.
TinFaceRenderer TIN face renderer component.
TinFaceValueRenderer TIN face value renderer component.
TinLayer The TIN Layer class.
TinLayerFactory The TIN Layer Factory is used to help look for TINs on disk.
TinNodeElevationRenderer TIN node elevation renderer component.
TinNodeRenderer TIN node renderer component.
TinNodeValueRenderer TIN node value renderer component.
TinSlopeRenderer TIN slope renderer component.
TopologyLayer A collection of properties for a topology layer.
TrackCancel A CancelTracker for use in Server Context.
UniqueValueInfo UniqueValueRendererInfoClass Class
UniqueValueInfos A collection of UniqueValueInfo objects.
UniqueValueRenderer A unique values renderer where symbols are assigned to features based on an unique attribute values.
UniqueValuesDef A coclass that describes how to generate unique values.
VerticalLegendItem Vertical legend item.
WCSImageServer The WCS Server Object Extension for Image Server services.
WCSLayer WCS layer source and display options.
WCSLayerFactory Provides access to a WCS layer factory.
WCSServer The WCS Server Object Extension.
WMSGroupLayer A container for the display of WMS group layers.
WMSImageServer The WMS Server Object Extension for Image Service.
WMSLayer A container for the display of WMS sub layers.
WMSMapLayer A container for the display and manipulation of WMS layers.
WMSServer The WMS Server Object Extension.
WMTSLayer Provides programmatic access to WMTS layer.
WMTSLayerFactory Provides programmatic access to a WMTS server layer factory.


Structure Description
esriGpsDateTime Describes date and time.
esriGpsDgpsInfo Describes DGPS information.
esriGpsDOPInfo Describes the dilution of precision (DOP) information.
esriGpsGroundCourse Describes the ground course.
esriGpsMagneticVariance Describes magnetic variance.
esriGpsPositionInfo Describes the current positional data received from the GPS unit.
esriGpsSatelliteData Describes the satellite information.


Enumeration Description
acCapType ArcIMS cap type options.
acFillType ArcIMS fill type options.
acFontStyle ArcIMS font style options.
acGeometryType ArcIMS geometry types.
acGradientFillType ArcIMS gradient fill type options.
acHashLineType ArcIMS hash line type options.
acHTextAlignment ArcIMS horizontal text alignment options.
acJoinType ArcIMS join type options.
acLabelMode ArcIMS label mode options.
acLabelWeight ArcIMS label weight options.
acLineLabelPosition ArcIMS line label position options.
acLineType ArcIMS line type options.
acMarkerType ArcIMS marker type options.
acNumLabels ArcIMS number of labels options.
acPrintMode ArcIMS print mode options.
acRangeType ArcIMS range type options.
acShieldSymbolType ArcIMS shield symbol type options.
acVTextAlignment ArcIMS vertical text alignment options.
annoError Esri Annotation Error Codes.
dimError Dimensioning Error Codes.
enumActionCategory Action Processing Category.
enumHighlightSuppression Action Subtype for Highlight/Suppression Action.
enumTriggerType Trigger Type for Conditional Actions.
esriAnchorPointEnum Element anchor points.
esriAnnotationStatus Annotation status values.
esriAnnotationStorageType Storage options for annotation.
esriBackgroundTabType Types of background tabs for index grids.
esriBarStyle Esri standard bar style options.
esriBasicNumLabelsOption Duplicate label placement options.
esriBasicOverposterFeatureType Type of features to be labeled.
esriBasicOverposterWeight Barrier weighting levels for features/labels.
esriBufferSpatialReferenceType Used to set the buffer projection system.
esriBufferType Provides access to members that control the types of buffering.
esriCacheCompressionMode Map cache compression mode.
esriCachedMapServiceType Cached Map Service Type
esriCacheExporterMode Map cache export mode.
esriCad3DRenderMode The Rendering mode of a Cad Drawing.
esriCadastralFabricRenderer Renderer to display elements of the Cadastral Fabric.
esriCadastralFeature Cadastral Feature Type.
esriCadastralParcelLayerType Cadastral Parcel Solution Type.
esriCadastralParcelType Cadastral Parcel Lock Type.
esriClassifyMethod Classify method.
esriConversionStatus Conversion Status from Map to CIM
esriDataGraphTLegendAlignment Esri graph legend alignment options.
esriDataGraphTLegendTextSyle Esri graph legend text style options.
esriDataGraphTPenType Esri line graph drawing options.
esriDataGraphTSymbolType Esri graph symbol drawing options.
esriDataNormalization Various methods to normalize Data.
esriDataSampling Various methods to sample Data.
esriDataStatType Type of statistic (for QueryDataStatistics requests).
esriDimensionDisplay Dimension display options.
esriDimensionMarkerFit Dimension Marker Fit Options.
esriDimensionTextDisplay Dimension Text Display Options.
esriDimensionTextFit Dimension Text Fit Options.
esriDimensionType Dimension types supported by DimensionFeature.
esriDMSGridLabelType DMS grid label type options.
esriDynamicLegendType Options for instrumenting a renderer for sampling legend information.
esriExtentTypeEnum Map auto extent options.
esriFeatureEditTool Feature Editing tool.
esriFindOption Find Option.
esriGlobeDocumentType Type of globe document bound to the GlobeDocument coclass.
esriGlobeDocumentVersionInfo Version compatibility status of the globe document bound to the GlobeDocument coclass, with respect to the current software accessing the document.
esriGpsBaudRate Lists the valid settings for baudrate of a communications port.
esriGpsConnectionError Lists the valid status of communication with GPS. Positive value means 'Connection is open'. Zero or negative value means 'connection is closed'. A negative value is an error code.
esriGpsConnectionStatus Lists the valid status of communication with GPS.
esriGpsLatLongFormat Lists the valid values for GPS positions' latitude-longitude display format.
esriGpsParity Lists the valid settings for the parity settings of a communications port.
esriGpsSpeedUnits Lists the valid units used in setting and displaying the speed of the GPS position as it moves across the map.
esriGpsStopBits Lists the valid values for the stop bits setting of a communications port.
esriGraphColorType Esri graph color type options.
esriGraphicFeatureServerErrors GraphicFeatureServer Object Error Codes.
esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCodeEnum Graphic Feature Server Logging Messages.
esriGridAxisEnum Map grid axes.
esriGridCornerEnum Map grid corners.
esriGridSquareLabelStyleEnum 100,000 meter grid square label style.
esriHorzPosEnum Scalebar horizontal position options.
esriHTMLPopupStyle HTML Popup Presentation Style.
esriHyperlinkType Hyperlink type.
esriIdentifyOption Identify Option.
esriImageFormat Image File Format.
esriImageReturnType Image Return Type.
esriImageServerError Error codes associated with an Image Server.
esriImageServerMessageCodeEnum Message codes for ImageService.
esriImageServiceDataType The Image Service data types.
esriImageServiceSourceType The Image Service source types.
esriISLFootprintDisplayOptEnum Image Server Layer's raster footprint display options.
esriJPIPServerMessageCodeEnum JPIPServer Logging Messages.
esriLabelEnvLabelStyleMethod Label environment, label style source options.
esriLabelEnvPlacement Label environment, label placement options.
esriLabelExpressionType Type of Label Expresion.
esriLabelRotationType Label rotation value options.
esriLabelWhichFeatures Esri standard feature labeling options.
esriLayerEventHint Hints for Layer changes.
esriLegendItemArrangement Legend item arrangement options for the order of patches, labels, and descriptions.
esriMaintainDensityBy Options to maintain density for dot density renderer.
esriMapCacheStorageFormat Update Mode for Map Cache
esriMapCacheUpdateMode Update Mode for Map Cache
esriMapClipType Map clipping types
esriMapDocumentType Type of map document bound to the MapDocument coclass.
esriMapDocumentVersionInfo Version compatibility status of the map document bound to the MapDocument coclass, with respect to the current software accessing the doucment.
esriMaplexAbbrevType Identifies the types of dictionary abbreviations.
esriMaplexAnchorPointType Maplex anchor point options.
esriMaplexConnectionType Identifies the connection types options in Maplex.
esriMaplexConstrainOffset Maplex Constrain Offset Enumeration.
esriMaplexContourAlignmentType Maplex contour label alignment options.
esriMaplexContourLadderType Maplex contour label laddering options.
esriMaplexGraticuleAlignmentType Maplex zone identifier options.
esriMaplexKeyNumberHorizontalAlignment Identifies the options for horizontal alignment in a Maplex key numbering group.
esriMaplexKeyNumberResetType Identifies the options for reseting the key numbers in a Maplex key numbering group.
esriMaplexLabelAnchorPoint Label Anchor Point Enumeration.
esriMaplexLineFeatureType Identifies the Maplex special feature classification.
esriMaplexLinePlacementMethod Identifies the Maplex overposter line labeling method.
esriMaplexMultiPartOption Maplex labeling multipart geometry options.
esriMaplexOffsetAlongLineMethod Methods used to place label along line.
esriMaplexPlacementQuality Identifies the placement quality options for the Maplex label engine.
esriMaplexPointPlacementMethod Identifies the Maplex overposter point labeling method.
esriMaplexPolygonFeatureType Identifies the Maplex special polygon feature classification.
esriMaplexPolygonPlacementMethod Identifies the Maplex overposter polygon labeling method.
esriMaplexRotationAlignmentType Label alignment value options.
esriMaplexStackingJustification Identifies the justification options for a stacked label.
esriMaplexStrategyIdentifier Maplex strategy identifier options.
esriMaplexUnit Identifies the units options in Maplex.
esriMaplexZoneIdentifier Maplex zone identifier options.
esriMappingMsgCodeEnum Map Components Logging Messages.
esriMapServerMsgCodeEnum MapServer Logging Messages.
esriMensurationOperation A list of mensuration operations.
esriMobileServerMessageCodeEnum MobileServer Logging Messages.
esriMultiAreaType Esri standard multiple area series placement options.
esriMultiBarType Esri standard multiple bar series placement options.
esriNetworkArrowSymbolType Types of arrows based on restriction traversability.
esriNetworkArrowType Types of arrow positions for restriction traversability.
esriNetworkRendererType Types of network renderers.
esriNorthArrowType North Arrow Types
esriOverposterCaps Overposter placement capability options.
esriOverposterPointPlacementMethod Overposter label placement methods for points.
esriOverposterPolygonPlacementMethod Overposter label placement methods for polygons.
esriPageFormID Forms support in Page.
esriPageToPrinterMapping Page to Printer Mapping.
esriPlacedObjectType Type of the placed object.
esriPlacementCode Placed object result type.
esriQueryResultFormat Query Result Format.
esriRasterLayerError Error codes associated with a raster layer.
esriRasterPyramidOptEnum Raster pyramid creation options.
esriRasterRenderingModeEnum The raster rendering modes.
esriRasterSelectionMaskFileFormat Supported raster formats for selection dataset.
esriRasterSelectionMaskOp The type of selection mask.
esriRasterStretchStatsTypeEnum Raster stretch statistics types.
esriRasterStretchTypesEnum The types for performing cell value stretching on a raster.
esriRasterTransparencyStateEnum The transparency states for rendering raster.
esriRasterUniqueRendererKeyTypesEnum Raster unique renderer key types.
esriRectanglePosition Options for the position of a text label with respect to a rectangle.
esriRelateResultFormat Relate Result Format.
esriScaleBarFrequency Scalebar options specifying which divisions to label or add marks to.
esriScaleBarPos Scale bar unit label positioning options.
esriScaleBarResizeHint Scale bar resize options.
esriScaleTextStyleEnum Scale text style options.
esriScreenPosition Map navigator placement options.
esriSelectionResultEnum Selection result options.
esriServerHTMLPopupType HTML Popup Type.
esriServerLineLabelPlacementType Line Label Placement Type.
esriServerPictureOutputType Picture Output Type.
esriServerPointLabelPlacementType Point Label Placement Type.
esriServerPolygonLabelPlacementType Polygon Label Placement Type.
esriSizeRendererFlags Marker symbol sizing options for use with ISizeRenderer.
esriSymbolOverrideEnum Symbol Property Override Types.
esriSymbolRotation3DFlags Marker symbol 3-D rotation options for use with IRotationRenderer2. Used for all symbols, not just 3D; used for all apps, including ArcMap.
esriSymbolRotationType Marker symbol rotation options.
esriSymbolSubstituteType Symbol substitution display types.
esriT3DAlignment Text3D alignment.
esriT3DJustification Text3D justification.
esriT3DOrientationPlane Text3D orientation plane.
esriT3DRotationAxis Text3D rotation axis.
esriTopologyRenderer Renderer to display elements of the topology.
ESRITPCPenType Type of Ink used by Ink Graphic.
ESRITPCStylusType Type of Stylus used by Ink Graphic.
esriValueRepresentations List of various representation types for a Value that gets used in a renderer.
esriVertPosEnum Scalebar vertical position options.
esriViewDrawPhase View draw phase options.
esriWCSServerMessageCodeEnum WCSServer Logging Messages.
esriWMSServerMessageCodeEnum WMSServer Logging Messages.
wmsError WMS Error Codes.