ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IFeatureExportInfoGenerator Interface

Provides access to members that help generate export information for features.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method AddFeatureAttribute Generates export information for a feature attribute.
Method BeginFeature Generates export information that a feature is starting to draw.
Method BeginFeatureAttributes Generates export information to begin the exporting of feature attributes.
Method EndFeature Generates export information that a feature finished to draw.
Method EndFeatureAttributes Generates export information to end the exportng of feature attributes.
Method GenerateFeatureInfo Generates export information (attributes) for a feature into the display. Needs layer fields.
Method GenerateHyperlinkInfo Generates export information (hyperlinks, hotlinks) for a feature into the display.
Write-only property HotlinkContainer The hotlink container.
Write-only property HyperlinkContainer The hyperlink container.
Write-only property LayerFields The layer fields.
Method PrepareExportFilter Adds the exported fields to the filter. Needs layer fields.

CoClasses that implement IFeatureExportInfoGenerator

CoClasses and Classes Description
ExportInfoGenerator Generates information for exporting into the display.

.NET Samples

Multivariate renderer (Code Files: MultivariateRenderer)