ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IDimensionClassExtension Interface

Provides access to members that control the dimension class extension for a dimension feature class.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The IDimensionClassExtension interface provides access to the DimensionStyles collection and the reference scale drawing properties.


Read-only property DimensionStyles The collection of dimension styles associated with the dimension feature class.
Read-only property NativeTransformation The native display transformation of the dimension feature class.
Read/write property ReferenceScale The reference scale of the dimension feature class.
Read/write property ReferenceScaleUnits The reference scale units of the dimension feature class.
Method ResetProperties Resets the in state of the dimension feature class properties.
Method UpdateProperties Updates the dimension featrue class' properties.

CoClasses that implement IDimensionClassExtension

CoClasses and Classes Description
DimensionClassExtension A class extension which contains all the style properties for a dimension feature class.


After making changes to any of the IDimensionClassExtension properties, it is necessary to call the UpdateProperties() method.  Changes can also be discarded by calling the ResetProperties() method if UpdateProperties() has not be called. As with any schema related modifications, an exclusive schema lock should be obtained on the feature class before calling UpdateProperties().

See Also

IDimensionStyles Interface

.NET Related Topics

Creating annotation and dimension feature classes