ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

ILayerSymbologyExtents Interface

Provides access to layer extents based on the symbology.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method ExpandRegionForSymbols Enlarges the specified region if necessary to account for the symbology sizes.

CoClasses that implement ILayerSymbologyExtents

CoClasses and Classes Description
BasemapLayer Layer containing a Basemap.
BasemapSubLayer Wrapper for layers in the basemap.
CadAnnotationLayer An Esri Cad annotation layer.
CadastralFabricSubLayer Cadastral Fabric Feature Layer Object.
CadFeatureLayer Esri CAD Feature Layer class.
CoverageAnnotationLayer An Esri coverage annotation layer.
DimensionLayer A collection of properties for a dimension layer.
FDOGraphicsLayer A collection of properties for an annotation layer (feature data object graphics layer).
FeatureLayer A collection of features and their visual representation.
GdbRasterCatalogLayer Geodabase RasterCatalog source and display options.
GroupLayer A collection of layers that behaves like a single layer.
MADtedLayer (esriDefenseSolutions) A layer used to control the display of MA DTED Catalogs.
MapServerLayer Provides programmatic access to a map server layer.
MapServerRESTLayer Provides programmatic access to a a layer based on MapServer using REST access.
MARasterLayer (esriDefenseSolutions) A layer used to control the display of MA RPF Catalogs.
MosaicLayer The layer implementation of the Mosaic Dataset.
NALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) The layer for defining, solving, and viewing network analysis results.
ProcessLayer (esriGeoprocessing) A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer.
RepresentationRenderer A renderer that draws features using representation information stored in the layer’s data source.
SchematicLayer (esriSchematic) A Schematic layer object.
WMSLayer A container for the display of WMS sub layers.
WMSMapLayer A container for the display and manipulation of WMS layers.