ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IMapServer Interface

Provides access to members that serve maps. Note: the IMapServer interface has been superseded byIMapServer2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Note: the IMapServer interface has been superseded by IMapServer2


Method ComputeDistance Computes the distance between two points on the specified map. The result is in the map units of the specified map.
Method ComputeScale Computes the scale of the specified map, at the given map extent, for an image with the given size.
Read-only property DefaultMapName Name of the document's active map (data frame).
Read-only property DocumentInfo A set of name-value pairs for properties set for the map document (mxd only). These properties are string values set in the map document's Map Properties dialog and include: Title, Subject, Author, Category, Keywords and Comments.
Method ExportMapImage Generates an image of the map, based on the given map description, and writes the image to a specified file on disk. Supported file types are: 'bmp', 'jpg', 'tif', 'png'/'png8', 'png24', 'emf', 'ps', 'pdf', 'ai', 'gif', and 'svg'/'svgz'.
Method Find Returns a collection of Map Server Find Result objects that contain the given search string. If LayerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, all layers are searched.
Method FromMapPoints Converts a map coordinate to a screen location.
Method GetLegendInfo Returns a collection of Map Server Legend Info objects for the specified layers. If layerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, legend information for all layers is returned.
Method GetServerInfo Returns information about a map (data frame).
Method GetSQLSyntaxInfo Returns the SQL syntax information for the specified layer.
Method GetSupportedImageReturnTypes The supported image return types for the map server. A value of esriImageReturnMimeData means that only MIME data is supported. Otherwise, either MIME data or URLs are supported.
Method Identify Returns a collection of Map Server Identify Result objects at the given location. If LayerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, all layers are searched.
Read-only property MapCount The number of maps (data frames) in the document.
Read-only property MapName Name of the map (data frame) as indicated by the index. The first beginning with 0.
Method QueryFeatureCount Returns the count of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer.
Method QueryFeatureData Returns a record set of features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer.
Method QueryFeatureIDs Returns the IDs of the features that meet the query filter selection criteria for the specified layer.
Method QueryHyperlinks Returns a collection of Map Server Hyperlink objects for the specified layers. Only hyperlinks of visible layers are returned. If LayerIDs is Nothing/Null or empty, all layers are searched.
Method ToMapPoints Converts a screen location to a map coordinate.

CoClasses that implement IMapServer

CoClasses and Classes Description
MapServer The MapServer component provides programmatic access to the contents of a map document on disk, and creates images of the map contents based on user requests. Designed for use in building map-based web services and web applications.
MapServerIP Map Server Message Proxy.
MapServerLP Map Server LAN Proxy.

.NET Related Topics

Connecting to a GIS server | GeoData services | Managing application state | Map services | Programming with server objects | Releasing COM references | Server