ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

IAnnoClassAdmin3 Interface

Provides access to members that control the annotation class admin interface.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

The IAnnoClassAdmin3 interface is used to modify the feature class extension properties of an annotation feature class.


Write-only property AllowSymbolOverrides Indicates if an annotation may override a symbol property even though it references the symbol collection.
Write-only property AnnoProperties The labeling properties annotation class.
Write-only property AutoCreate Indicates if an annotation is to be automatically created when a feature is created.
Write-only property OverposterProperties The overposter properties.
Write-only property ReferenceScale The reference scale.
Write-only property ReferenceScaleUnits The units of the reference scale.
Write-only property RequireSymbolID Indicates an annotation must belong to a symbol in the symbol collection.
Write-only property SymbolCollection The symbol collection.
Method UpdateFieldIndexes Updates the indexes of the fields that expose the annotation properties.
Write-only property UpdateOnShapeChange Indicates if an annotation is to be automatically recreated when a feature's shape is changed.
Method UpdateProperties Updates the property set.

CoClasses that implement IAnnoClassAdmin3

CoClasses and Classes Description
AnnotationFeatureClassExtension An Esri annotation feature class extension.


In a versioned geodatabase, these properties apply to all versions and are not versioned. After creating an annotation feature class, modifying these properties may cause problems with the drawing and selection of annotation features. Adding new symbols to the SymbolCollection or changing the AutoCreate, UpdateOnShapeChange, OverposterProperties, and RequireSymbolID properties are the only recommend modifications. Deleting or modifying symbols in the SymbolCollection requires updating all annotation features whose elements reference the group symbol. When adding new symbols to the SymbolCollection use the AddSymbol method of ISymbolCollection2 , which will automatically assign a unique ID to the symbol. As with any schema related change, it is recommended that an exclusive schema lock be obtained before calling the UpdateProperties method.

IAnnoClassAdmin3 was added to include the AllowSymbolOverrides, OverposterProperties, and RequireSymbolID properties for an AnnotationFeatureClassExtension object.

The AllowSymbolOverrides property indicates if an annotation may override a symbol property even though it references the symbol collection.  If set to false, only the AnchorPoint, Background, and TextPath of the text symbol can be modified.  Modifications of these properties should be performed using IGroupSymbolElement or IGroupSymbolElement2.  This property is best employed in conjunction with RequireSymbolID and is used to limit the properties of an annotation feature that can be edited for either database efficiency of institutional reasons.

The OverposterProperties property indicates which label engine is to be used by the annotation feature class to generate/update feature-linked annotation.

The RequireSymbolID property indicates if annotation features are required to reference a symbol in the symbol collection.  Referencing a symbol in the symbol collection is the most efficient way to store annotation features.  If a symbol does not reference a symbol in the symbol collection, the text symbol is inefficiently stored inline with the feature in the feature’s blob field. Setting this property ensures that features reference a symbol in the symbol collection and are therefore efficiently stored. To avoid separating annotation features from their referenced symbol, modify the properties of each annotation element using ISymbolCollectionElement.  This interfaces allows access to the properties of an annotation feature class that can be overridden. Please note that setting AllowSymbolOverrides to False greatly reduces the number of properties that can be overridden. See above for more details.