ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

StandaloneTable CoClass

A standalone table.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IAttributeTable Provides access to the base table.
IClass (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class.
IConnectionPointContainer Supports connection points for connectable objects.
IDataLayer Provides access to members that control the data source properties of a layer.
IDataLayer2 Provides access to additional members that control the data source properties of a layer.
IDataset (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that supply dataset information.
IDisplayRelationshipClass Provides access to members that are used to set up joins.
IDisplayString Provides access to members that work with a layer's display expression.
IDisplayTable Provides access to members that work with the display table associated with a standalone table.
IObjectClassSchemaEvents (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to events that occur with an object class' schema.
IOrderedLayerFields Provides access to members that work with a layer's ordered fields.
IPersist Defines the single method GetClassID, which is designed to supply the CLSID of an object that can be stored persistently in the system. IPersist is the base interface for three other interfaces: IPersistStorage, IPersistStream, and IPersistFile.
IPersistStream (esriSystem)
IRelationshipClassCollection Provides access to members that return the memory relationship classes defined for standalone tables or layers in ArcMap.
IRelationshipClassCollectionEdit Provides access to members that add and remove memory relationship classes from a standalone table or layer.
IStandaloneTable Provides access to members that control a standalone table.
ITable (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that return information about and manage tables.
ITableDefinition Provides access to members that define a subset of the rows from the underlying table.
ITableFields (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that return information about a table.
ITableSelection Provides access to members that control table selection.
ITimeData Provides access to time related properties of a layer.
ITimeData2 Provides access to time related properties of a layer.
ITimeDataDisplay Provides access to time animation related properties of a layer.
ITimeDimensionDefinition Provides access to properties that define time based on multi-dimensional data.
ITimeDisplayTable Interface that allows retrieve time related table properties.
ITimeDisplayTable2 Interface that allows retrieve time related table properties.
ITimeTableDefinition Provides access to time related properties of a layer.

Event Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ISelectionEvents (default) Provides access to events that occur when the selection changes.
IDefinitionExpressionEvents Provides access to events that occur when the Definition Expression changes.


A StandaloneTable stores data that can be added to ArcMap and used in conjuction with the layers on your map. This data doesn't display on your map, but is listed in the table of contents on the Source tab. You can work with the data in a StandaloneTable  as you would work with the tablular information of geographic features. For example, you can view the table, add new fields, create graphs, and join it to other tables.

To access a StandaloneTable from your map use IStandaloneTableCollection. To access a StandaloneTable from a TableWindow, use ITableWindow2::StandaloneTable.

Working with Events

[Visual Basic 6.0]

When working with StandaloneTable's default outbound interface in Visual Basic 6 declare variables as follows:

Private WithEvents pStandaloneTable as StandaloneTable

When implementing IDefinitionExpressionEvents declare variables as follows:

Private WithEvents pRasterRendererMakerDefault as RasterRendererMakerDefault