Packages that use CallbackListener | |
com.esri.core.internal.catalog | |
com.esri.core.portal | Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap. |
com.esri.core.tasks | Parent package for classes in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.* and also a class that defines the different spatial relationship types. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags | |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find | Contains classes for defining finding operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode | |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing | Contains classes for connecting to geoprocessing services and parsing the results. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify | Contains classes for defining identify operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.na | |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query | Contains classes for defining queries that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. |
com.esri.map | |
com.esri.map.popup |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.internal.catalog |
Methods in com.esri.core.internal.catalog with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
static void |
Catalog.getItem(String address,
String itemId,
String username,
String password,
CallbackListener<Item> callbackListener)
static void |
Catalog.getWebMap(Item item,
String username,
String password,
CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
static void |
Catalog.getWebMap(String address,
String itemId,
String username,
String password,
CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.portal |
Methods in com.esri.core.portal with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
static void |
WebMap.newInstance(String itemId,
Portal portal,
CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
Creates a WebMap using an Item's id obtained from a Portal. |
static void |
WebMap.newInstance(URL itemIdURL,
String username,
String password,
CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
Creates a WebMap from a URL to an item id that represents this Web Map stored in a Portal. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
TaskCallbackListener(CallbackListener<T> callback,
boolean onEDT)
Instantiates a new query task listener. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks.ags |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
GenerateRendererTask.executeAsync(GenerateRendererTaskParameters params,
CallbackListener<Renderer<?>> callback)
Asynchronously request a renderer from the given map service sub-layer. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
FindTask.executeAsync(FindParameters find,
CallbackListener<List<FindResult>> callback)
Execute the find task asynchronously. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
Locator.addressToLocationsAsync(Map<String,String> addressFields,
List<String> outFields,
CallbackListener<List<LocatorGeocodeResult>> listener)
void |
Locator.addressToLocationsAsync(Map<String,String> addressFields,
List<String> outFields,
SpatialReference outSR,
CallbackListener<List<LocatorGeocodeResult>> callback)
void |
Locator.batchAddressToLocationAsync(List<Map<String,String>> addresses,
CallbackListener<BatchGeocodeResult> callback)
Matches addresses to locations asynchronously. |
void |
Locator.batchAddressToLocationAsync(List<Map<String,String>> addresses,
SpatialReference outSR,
CallbackListener<BatchGeocodeResult> callback)
Matches addresses to locations asynchronously. |
void |
Locator.findAsync(LocatorFindParameters findParams,
CallbackListener<List<LocatorGeocodeResult>> callback)
Asynchronously executes a finding operation to find location candidates for a given address, POI, or a String Note: currently the method is only applied to the world geocoding service hosted on the ArcGIS online. |
void |
Locator.locationToAddressAsync(Point point,
double distance,
CallbackListener<LocatorReverseGeocodeResult> callback)
void |
Locator.locationToAddressAsync(Point point,
double distance,
SpatialReference inSR,
SpatialReference outSR,
CallbackListener<LocatorReverseGeocodeResult> callback)
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
Geoprocessor.executeAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters,
CallbackListener<GPParameter[]> callback)
Asynchronously execute a GP task. |
void |
Geoprocessor.getGPServiceInfoAsync(CallbackListener<GPServiceInfo> callback)
Asynchronously get the GP service info for the service this GP task belongs to. |
void |
Geoprocessor.getGPTaskInfoAsync(CallbackListener<GPTaskInfo> callback)
Asynchronously get the GP task info for this GP task. |
void |
Geoprocessor.getJobStatusAsync(CallbackListener<GPJobResource> callback)
Asynchronously gets the status of the current submitted task. |
void |
Geoprocessor.getResultAsync(GPJobResource jobResource,
String parameterName,
boolean getAsImageResult,
CallbackListener<GPParameter> callback)
Asynchronously gets the named output parameter. |
void |
Geoprocessor.submitJobAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters,
CallbackListener<GPJobResource> callback)
Asynchronously submit a GP task. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
IdentifyTask.executeAsync(IdentifyParameters identifyInput,
CallbackListener<IdentifyResult[]> callback)
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.na |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.na with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
ClosestFacilityTask.solveAsync(ClosestFacilityTaskParameters parameters,
CallbackListener<ClosestFacilityResult> callback)
Solve async. |
void |
RoutingTask.solveAsync(RoutingTaskParameters parameters,
CallbackListener<RoutingResult> callback)
Solve async. |
void |
ServiceAreaTask.solveAsync(ServiceAreaTaskParameters parameters,
CallbackListener<ServiceAreaResult> callback)
Solve async. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
QueryTask.executeAsync(Query query,
CallbackListener<FeatureSet> callback)
Execute the query asynchronously. |
void |
QueryTask.executeRelationshipQueryAsync(QueryRelatedRecordsParameters query,
CallbackListener<Map<Integer,FeatureSet>> callback)
Execute relationship query asynchronously. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.map |
Methods in com.esri.map with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.addAttachment(int objectId,
File file,
CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult> callback)
Adds an attachment to the feature specified by the ObjectId. |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.addAttachment(int objectId,
File file,
String mime,
CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult> callback)
Adds an attachment to the feature specified by the ObjectId. |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds,
Graphic[] deletes,
Graphic[] updates,
CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
Applies edits to the editable feature layer. |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.deleteAttachments(int objectId,
int[] attachmentids,
CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[]> callback)
Deletes one or more attachments for the feature specified by the input ObjectId. |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.queryAttachmentInfos(int objectId,
CallbackListener<AttachmentInfo[]> callback)
Queries for information about attachments associated with the specified ObjectIds. |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.queryFeatures(Query query,
CallbackListener<FeatureSet> callback)
Query features from the feature layer. |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.queryRelatedRecords(int[] objectIds,
int relationshipId,
String[] outFields,
boolean returnGeometry,
CallbackListener<Map<Integer,FeatureSet>> callback)
Query related records. |
void |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.selectFeatures(Query query,
ArcGISFeatureLayer.SELECTION_METHOD selectionMethod,
CallbackListener<FeatureSet> callback)
Selects features from the feature layer. |
Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.map.popup |
Classes in com.esri.map.popup that implement CallbackListener | |
class |
This class is used to handle the response to attachment queries to a feature layer. |
Methods in com.esri.map.popup that return CallbackListener | |
protected CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> |
Gets the edit callback. |
Methods in com.esri.map.popup with parameters of type CallbackListener | |
void |
PopupView.setEditCallbackListener(CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
Setting an edit callback listener allows the calling code to handle the response to submitting edits to the associated feature class. |