
Interface Summary
NAFeatures Interface for classes representing stops, facilities, incidents, and barriers of an NA server task

Class Summary
AttributeParameterValue Class holding a single attribute parameter value for an NA task
ClosestFacilityResult Class containing the relevant information for the entire server response.
DirectionsString More detailed direction info passed back from a route solving operation.
NAFeaturesAsFeature Class containing a set of stops, facilities, incidents, or barriers, represented as Graphics.
NAFeaturesAsLayer Class containing the name of a layer within the map service containing stops, facilities, incidents, or barriers to use.
NAMessage Class containing a message returned by the server.
NAResult Abstract class containing the values common to all NA server tasks.
Route Class holding the information for a single route
RoutingDirection Class containing the relevant information for one direction of a route
RoutingResult Class containing the relevant information for the entire server response.
ServiceAreaResult Class containing the relevant information for the entire server response.
StopGraphic Class providing some convenient methods for setting attributes of a Graphic that are related to routing.

Enum Summary
DirectionsLengthUnit The enumeration types for the direction length units.
DirectionsOutputType The enumeration types of the direction output.
DirectionsStringType The enumeration types of direction strings.
NADistanceUnit The enumeration types of distance unit.
NAOutputLine The enumeration types of output line.
NAOutputPolygon The enumeration types for output polygon.
NATimeOfDayUsage The enumeration types of the way time of day value used
NATravelDirection The enumeration types of travel directions
RoutingManeuver The enumeration types for a direction maneuver.
UTurnRestriction The enumeration types of U-turn restriction

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