Package com.esri.core.portal

Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap.


Interface Summary
PortalListener<T> Deprecated.  

Class Summary
BaseMap This class represents a base map described in a WebMap.
FeatureCollection The class represents a feature collections.
Portal This class is used for connecting to a Portal and searching for items, users and groups.
PortalFolder This class represents a folder associated with a PortalUser's profile, maintained in a Portal.
PortalGroup This class represents a Group in a Portal.
PortalInfo Class used to hold some information about the Portal such as default basemap, featured groups, etc.
PortalItem This class represents an Item stored in a Portal.
PortalItemComment Class that holds the content from a comment on a PortalItem such as owner, comment, created date.
PortalQueryParams Creates query parameters suitable for finding content contained in a Portal.
PortalQueryResultSet<T> A class that contains the results of queries performed on a Portal.
PortalUser This class represents a registered user on a Portal.
PortalUserContent Class that holds the PortalUser's content as a List of PortalItems and PortalFolders.
WebMap This class represents a WebMap and provides access to the base layers and operational layers within a WebMap.
WebMapLayer This class represents an operational layer within a WebMap.
WebMapSubLayer This class represents a sub-layer of a higher level layer within a WebMap.

Enum Summary
PortalAccess Signifies the level of access that an object has.
PortalItemType Represents the type of a PortalItem stored in a Portal.
PortalMode Signifies the tenancy mode of a portal.
PortalQueryParams.PortalQuerySortOrder Describes whether the query result order returns in ascending or descending order.
PortalRelationshipDirection The direction of the item relationship.
PortalRelationshipType A relationship of a certain type between two items.
PortalUserRole Signifies the role of the portal user.
WebMapLayer.Mode The operational mode of an ArcGIS Feature layer.
WebMapLayer.Type The type of layer in a WebMap.

Exception Summary
PortalException This class encapsulates exceptions that may be raised when communicating with a Portal.

Package com.esri.core.portal Description

Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap.


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