
Interface Summary
MapPopup This interface is implemented by classes that can be created by calling JMap.createPopup(javax.swing.JComponent[], Graphic, boolean).
PopupViewListener The listener interface for receiving PopupView events.

Class Summary
JCalendar This class displays a calendar control containing the year, month and days in the month.
PopupDialog The Class PopupDialog.
PopupPanel The Class PopupPanel.
PopupView This class can be used for the following: Display PopupInfo from web maps and other sources Display basic attribute name/value pairs Edit attributes on a graphic or feature An instance of this class can be displayed in any JComponent but is intended mainly to be used with JMap.createPopup(javax.swing.JComponent[], Graphic, boolean) to show PopupInfo for a graphic selected in a map control.
PopupViewEvent Event object used by PopupView.

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