
Interface Summary
LayerInitializeCompleteListener The listener interface for receiving layerInitializeComplete events.
MapEventListener The listener interface for receiving mapEvent events.
OnWebMapLoadListener Implements this listener to handle WebMap loading on a MapView.
ProgressEventListener The listener interface for receiving progressEvent events.
TimeAwareLayer This interface should be implemented by any layer that can be filtered by date/time (time aware).

Class Summary
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer An implementation of an ArcGIS Dynamic Map Service.
ArcGISFeatureLayer ArcGISFeatureLayer is a type of GraphicsLayer that allows you to display, select and query graphic features which consist of geometry and attributes.
ArcGISImageServiceLayer A layer that provides provides access to raster data.
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer An implementation of an ArcGIS Tiled Map Service.
BingMapsLayer BingMapsLayer class is used to define the Layer populated from Bing Maps that can be added to the MapView object.
BingMapsResult This class represents a Bing Maps result containing an address and its locations returned by a geocode or reverse-geocode request.
CSVLayer.CSVConfig Configuration for the CSV type feature layer.
GPSLayer This purpose of this layer is to display location from a IGPSWatcher.
GraphicsLayer The GraphicsLayer class represents a layer that contains one or more Graphic features.
Grid This class allows you to control the display of a grid on a JMap by setting its type and visibility.
GroupLayer A group layer is a collection of layers extending from the Layer class. it can appear and act as a single layer and has a Layer object's properties such as visibility, extent etc.
JMap This class implements a map control that can be used to display and navigate layers of various types.
KMLLayer The KMLLayer class represents a layer based on a KML file (.kml,.kmz).
Layer This class contains methods that the JMap/Map will need to call on individual Layer classes to change extent, draw, etc.
LayerEvent The Class LayerEvent.
LayerEventMulticaster The Class LayerEventMulticaster.
LayerInfo Holds meta-data about sub-layers of a dynamic layer and allows users to control the visibility of those sub-layers.
LayerInitializeCompleteEvent The Class LayerInitializeCompleteEvent.
LocationOnMap Used to determine the location of a component on map.
MapEvent The Class MapEvent.
MapEventListenerAdapter Extend this class to handle map events when you are only interested in some of the events on the MapEventListener interface.
MapEventMulticaster The Class MapEventMulticaster.
MapLoadAction<V> MapLoadAction.
MapOverlay Inherit this class to create a component that can be used to alter or block interactions with the map control and to paint on-top of the MapControl.
MapTip Holder of MapTip information.
MessageGroupLayer This class is used with the MessageProcessor class to display the graphics associated with processed messages.
OpenStreetMapLayer Layer that supports OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile servers.
ProgressEvent ProgressEvents are fired by the Map to indicate the draw progress of the Map's layer collection.
ProgressEventMulticaster The Class ProgressEventMulticaster.
ResolutionList This class is used to contain a list of map resolution values that can be used to set fixed zoom levels in a JMap.
WebMap This class is used to open a Web Map by URL, ID or PortalItem and add it to a JMap instance.
WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer The Class WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer.
WmsLayerInfo This class represents a layer in a WMS map service.

Enum Summary
ArcGISFeatureLayer.MODE The feature layer can work under 3 modes.
ArcGISFeatureLayer.SELECTION_METHOD The modes used for the select features method.
BingMapsLayer.MapStyle Map styles available for the imagery: Aerial - Aerial imagery AerialWithLabels - Aerial imagery with a road overlay Road - Roads without additional imagery.
GPSLayer.Mode GPS modes.
JMap.AnimationMode Different animation modes controlling zoom animations.
JMap.MouseWheelZoomDirection Choices for zoom direction based on mouse wheel movement.
MapLoadAction.Action The Enum Action.
QueryMode A feature layer can work in three modes.
SelectionMethod Possible feature selection methods.

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