Class Summary |
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer |
An implementation of an ArcGIS Dynamic Map Service. |
ArcGISFeatureLayer |
ArcGISFeatureLayer is a type of GraphicsLayer that
allows you to display, select and query graphic features which consist of
geometry and attributes. |
ArcGISFeatureLayer.EditCapabilities |
ArcGISImageServiceLayer |
A layer that provides provides access to raster data. |
ArcGISPopupInfo |
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer |
An implementation of an ArcGIS Tiled Map Service. |
BingMapsLayer |
BingMapsLayer class is used to define the Layer populated from Bing Maps that
can be added to the MapView object. |
BingMapsResult |
This class represents a Bing Maps result containing an address and its locations returned by a geocode or
reverse-geocode request. |
CSVLayer |
CSVLayer.CSVConfig |
Configuration for the CSV type feature layer. |
DynamicLayer |
GPSLayer |
This purpose of this layer is to display location from a IGPSWatcher . |
GraphicsLayer |
The GraphicsLayer class represents a layer that contains one or more Graphic features. |
Grid |
This class allows you to control the display of a grid on a JMap by setting its type and visibility. |
GroupLayer |
A group layer is a collection of layers extending from the Layer class. it
can appear and act as a single layer and has a Layer object's properties such
as visibility, extent etc. |
JMap |
This class implements a map control that can be used to display and navigate layers of
various types. |
KMLLayer |
The KMLLayer class represents a layer based on a KML file (.kml,.kmz). |
Layer |
This class contains methods that the JMap/Map will need to call on individual Layer classes
to change extent, draw, etc. |
LayerEvent |
The Class LayerEvent. |
LayerEventMulticaster |
The Class LayerEventMulticaster. |
LayerInfo |
Holds meta-data about sub-layers of a dynamic layer and allows users to control
the visibility of those sub-layers. |
LayerInitializeCompleteEvent |
The Class LayerInitializeCompleteEvent. |
LayerList |
LayerListEventListenerAdapter |
LocationOnMap |
Used to determine the location of a component on map. |
MapEvent |
The Class MapEvent. |
MapEventListenerAdapter |
Extend this class to handle map events when you are only interested
in some of the events on the MapEventListener interface. |
MapEventMulticaster |
The Class MapEventMulticaster. |
MapLoadAction<V> |
MapLoadAction. |
MapOverlay |
Inherit this class to create a component that can be used to alter or block
interactions with the map control and to paint on-top of the MapControl. |
MapTip |
Holder of MapTip information. |
MessageGroupLayer |
This class is used with the MessageProcessor class to
display the graphics associated with processed messages. |
OpenStreetMapLayer |
Layer that supports OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile servers. |
ProgressEvent |
ProgressEvents are fired by the Map to indicate the draw progress of the
Map's layer collection. |
ProgressEventMulticaster |
The Class ProgressEventMulticaster. |
ResolutionList |
This class is used to contain a list of map resolution values that can be
used to set fixed zoom levels in a JMap. |
TimingTools |
TimingTools.TimingInfo |
WebMap |
This class is used to open a Web Map by URL, ID or PortalItem and add it to a
JMap instance. |
WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer |
The Class WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer. |
WmsLayerInfo |
This class represents a layer in a WMS map service. |