Interface TimeAwareLayer

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, ArcGISFeatureLayer, ArcGISImageServiceLayer, ArcGISLocalDynamicMapServiceLayer, ArcGISLocalFeatureLayer, CSVLayer

public interface TimeAwareLayer

This interface should be implemented by any layer that can be filtered by date/time (time aware). It is used by JMap to determine that a given layer is time aware and can have date/time ranges applied to filter its data.

Method Summary
 TimeExtent getTimeExtent()
          Gets the valid TimeExtent object for the Layer or null if this service does not support time based queries.
 TimeInfo getTimeInfo()
          Get all the time awareness information for this layer.
 TimeExtent getTimeInterval()
          Get the current date/time range that this layer is filtered by.
 boolean isTimeAware()
          Indicates whether or not this particular layer instance is time aware.
 void setTimeInterval(TimeExtent timeExtent)
          Set the current date/time range that this layer will be filtered by.

Method Detail


boolean isTimeAware()
Indicates whether or not this particular layer instance is time aware.

True if this is a time aware layer, false otherwise.


TimeExtent getTimeExtent()
Gets the valid TimeExtent object for the Layer or null if this service does not support time based queries.

the valid range of dates for this layer.


TimeExtent getTimeInterval()
Get the current date/time range that this layer is filtered by.

the current date/time range


void setTimeInterval(TimeExtent timeExtent)
Set the current date/time range that this layer will be filtered by.

timeExtent - the new date/time range


TimeInfo getTimeInfo()
Get all the time awareness information for this layer.


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