Class Geoprocessor

  extended by com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing.Geoprocessor

public class Geoprocessor
extends Object

This class represents a single GP task as specified by the URL passed to the constructor.

Many of the methods on this class have both synchronous and asynchronous versions. The synchronous versions will return a value once the process has completed. The asynchronous versions will call a callback when the process has completed.

Information on the GP service hosting the task can be queried with getGPServiceInfo() or getGPServiceInfoAsync(CallbackListener). Information on the task itself can be queried with getGPTaskInfo() or getGPTaskInfoAsync(CallbackListener).

The GP task can be run synchronously with #execute(GPParameter[]) or #executeAsync(GPParameter[], CallbackListener). When running an asynchronous GP task with submit, there are a couple of options:

The first option is to call submitJobAndGetResultsAsync(List, String[], String[], GPJobResultCallbackListener) which will call back with a list of result parameters and a GPJobResource. The result parameters to be returned are set by the two String array parameters. The first lists the names of output parameters we want returned as data and the second lists the names of output parameters we want returned as images.

The second option is to call #submitJobAsync(GPParameter[], CallbackListener). This will call back with a GPJobResource instance that can be used with getJobStatus() or getJobStatusAsync(CallbackListener) to get the current status of the job. Once the job is determined to be complete, getResult(GPJobResource, String, boolean) or getResultAsync(GPJobResource, String, boolean, CallbackListener) can be used to get back the named output parameter.

Constructor Summary
Geoprocessor(String url)
          Instantiates a new geoprocessor instance with the given task url.
Geoprocessor(String url, UserCredentials credentials)
          Instantiates a new geoprocessor instance with the given task url and user credentials.
Method Summary
 void cancelJob()
          Cancel the current submitted job.
 GPParameter[] execute(List<GPParameter> parameters)
          Synchronously execute a GP task.
 void executeAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters, CallbackListener<GPParameter[]> callback)
          Asynchronously execute a GP task.
 UserCredentials getCredentials()
          Gets the credentials.
 GPServiceInfo getGPServiceInfo()
          Synchronously get the GP service info for the service this GP task belongs to.
 void getGPServiceInfoAsync(CallbackListener<GPServiceInfo> callback)
          Asynchronously get the GP service info for the service this GP task belongs to.
 GPTaskInfo getGPTaskInfo()
          Synchronously get the GP task info for this GP task.
 void getGPTaskInfoAsync(CallbackListener<GPTaskInfo> callback)
          Asynchronously get the GP task info for this GP task.
 GPJobResource getJobStatus()
          Synchronously gets the status of the current submitted task.
 void getJobStatusAsync(CallbackListener<GPJobResource> callback)
          Asynchronously gets the status of the current submitted task.
 SpatialReference getOutSR()
          Returns the output spatial reference set for this geoprocessing task.
 SpatialReference getProcessSR()
          Returns the process spatial reference set for this geoprocessing task.
 GPParameter getResult(GPJobResource jobResource, String parameterName, boolean getAsImageResult)
          Synchronously gets the named output parameter.
 void getResultAsync(GPJobResource jobResource, String parameterName, boolean getAsImageResult, CallbackListener<GPParameter> callback)
          Asynchronously gets the named output parameter.
 GPJobStatusCallback getStatusCallback()
          Gets the status callback.
 long getStatusCallbackInterval()
          Gets the status callback interval.
 String getUrl()
          Gets the url.
 boolean isReturnM()
          If returned geometry should include M values.
 boolean isReturnZ()
          If returned geometry should include Z values.
 boolean isRunning()
          Indicates whether or not this instance is running an asynchronous GP task.
 void setCredentials(UserCredentials credentials)
          Sets the credentials required to access a secure service.
 void setOutSR(SpatialReference outSR)
          Sets the well-known ID of the spatial reference of the output geometries.
 void setProcessSR(SpatialReference processSR)
          The well-known ID of the spatial reference that the model will use to perform geometry operations.
 void setReturnM(boolean returnM)
          Sets if returned geometry should contain M values.
 void setReturnZ(boolean returnZ)
          Sets if returned geometry should contain Z values.
protected  void setRunning(boolean running)
          Sets whether or not we are running submitJobAndGetResultsAsync.
 void setStatusCallback(GPJobStatusCallback statusCallback)
          Sets the status callback.
 void setStatusCallbackInterval(long statusCallbackInterval)
          Sets the status callback interval.
protected  void setUrl(String url)
          Sets the url.
 void submitJobAndGetResultsAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters, String[] outputDataParamNames, String[] outputImageParamNames, GPJobResultCallbackListener callback)
          Asynchronously submit a GP task and notify the caller via a callback when the results are available.
 void submitJobAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters, CallbackListener<GPJobResource> callback)
          Asynchronously submit a GP task.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Geoprocessor(String url)
Instantiates a new geoprocessor instance with the given task url.

url - the url of a GP task of the form http://[gpservice-url]/[taskName]


public Geoprocessor(String url,
                    UserCredentials credentials)
Instantiates a new geoprocessor instance with the given task url and user credentials.

url - the url of a GP task of the form http://[gpservice-url]/[taskName]
credentials - the user credentials required to access a secure GP service
Method Detail


protected void setUrl(String url)
Sets the url.

url - the new url


public String getUrl()
Gets the url.

the url


public void setCredentials(UserCredentials credentials)
Sets the credentials required to access a secure service.

credentials - the new credentials


public UserCredentials getCredentials()
Gets the credentials.

the credentials


public void setStatusCallback(GPJobStatusCallback statusCallback)
Sets the status callback. This will be called each time the running GP task is polled during a call to

statusCallback - the new status callback #submitJobAndGetResultsAsync(GPParameter[], String[], String[], CallbackListener) .


public GPJobStatusCallback getStatusCallback()
Gets the status callback.

the status callback


public SpatialReference getOutSR()
Returns the output spatial reference set for this geoprocessing task.

The well-known ID of the spatial reference of the output geometries


public void setOutSR(SpatialReference outSR)
Sets the well-known ID of the spatial reference of the output geometries. If the output spatial reference is not specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the input geometries. If the process spatial reference is specified and the output spatial reference is not specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the process spatial reference.

outSR - The well-known ID of the spatial reference of the output geometries to set.


public void setReturnZ(boolean returnZ)
Sets if returned geometry should contain Z values.

returnZ - true if Z values are to be returned.


public boolean isReturnZ()
If returned geometry should include Z values.

true, if Z is to be returned.


public void setReturnM(boolean returnM)
Sets if returned geometry should contain M values.

returnM - true if M values are to be returned.


public boolean isReturnM()
If returned geometry should include M values.

true, if M is to be returned.


public long getStatusCallbackInterval()
Gets the status callback interval.

the status callback interval


public void setStatusCallbackInterval(long statusCallbackInterval)
Sets the status callback interval.

statusCallbackInterval - the new status callback interval


public SpatialReference getProcessSR()
Returns the process spatial reference set for this geoprocessing task.

The well-known ID of the spatial reference that the model will use to perform geometry operations


public void setProcessSR(SpatialReference processSR)
The well-known ID of the spatial reference that the model will use to perform geometry operations. If the process spatial reference is specified and the output spatial reference is not specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the process spatial reference.

processSR - The well-known ID of the spatial reference that the model will use to perform geometry operations to set


public boolean isRunning()
Indicates whether or not this instance is running an asynchronous GP task. It will be set to true when

true, if is running #submitJobAndGetResultsAsync(GPParameter[], String[], String[], CallbackListener) starts. It will then be set to false once the task's result is ready.


protected void setRunning(boolean running)
Sets whether or not we are running submitJobAndGetResultsAsync.

running - true if we are running, false otherwise


public GPParameter[] execute(List<GPParameter> parameters)
                      throws Exception
Synchronously execute a GP task. This method will block until the task completes. It will then return all the output parameters if the task succeeded and null otherwise.

parameters - the parameters required by the task
an array containing all the output parameters, or null
Exception - the exception


public void executeAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters,
                         CallbackListener<GPParameter[]> callback)
Asynchronously execute a GP task. This method will return immediately. Once the task has completed, the given callback will be called with all of the output parameters.

parameters - the parameters required by the task
callback - the callback that will be called when the GP task completes


public void submitJobAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters,
                           CallbackListener<GPJobResource> callback)
Asynchronously submit a GP task. This method returns immediately. Once the GP task has been submitted, the given callback will be passed a GPJobResource instance indicating the current status of the submitted task. If you wish to get the current status of the submitted task before it completes, call either getJobStatus() or getJobStatusAsync(CallbackListener) Once it is determined that the task has completed, the results can be read with getResult(GPJobResource, String, boolean).

parameters - the parameters required by the task
callback - the callback that will be called once the GP task is successfully submitted getResultAsync(GPJobResource, String, boolean, CallbackListener).


public void submitJobAndGetResultsAsync(List<GPParameter> parameters,
                                        String[] outputDataParamNames,
                                        String[] outputImageParamNames,
                                        GPJobResultCallbackListener callback)
Asynchronously submit a GP task and notify the caller via a callback when the results are available. This method will return immediately. The submitted task will be polled internally and once the task is complete, the requested results will be queried and returned to the caller via the given callback.

If you wish to be notified of the task's status each time it is polled, use

parameters - the parameters required by the task
outputDataParamNames - a list of names of output parameters we want returned as data
outputImageParamNames - a list of names of output parameters we want returned as images
callback - the callback that will be called once the requested results are available setStatusCallback(GPJobStatusCallback) to set a callback to be called each time the task is polled.

To set which output parameters you want returned, use the outputDataParamNames parameter to list the names of output parameters you want as data and outputImageParamNames to list the names of those you want as images. Note that a parameter name can go in both lists if you want it returned as both data and an image. The returned output parameters will be ordered as all of the data results followed by all of the image results.


public GPJobResource getJobStatus()
                           throws Exception
Synchronously gets the status of the current submitted task. If the returned GPJobResource indicates that the task has completed successfully, it can be used with getResult(GPJobResource, String, boolean).

the job status
Exception - the exception getResultAsync(GPJobResource, String, boolean, CallbackListener) to get a named output parameter.


public void getJobStatusAsync(CallbackListener<GPJobResource> callback)
Asynchronously gets the status of the current submitted task. The given callback will be called when the status is available. If the returned GPJobResource indicates that the task has completed successfully, it can be used with getResult(GPJobResource, String, boolean).

callback - the callback that will be called when the current status is available


public void cancelJob()
Cancel the current submitted job.


public GPParameter getResult(GPJobResource jobResource,
                             String parameterName,
                             boolean getAsImageResult)
                      throws Exception
Synchronously gets the named output parameter. As this method takes a GPJobResource parameter, it can be used to request the outputs of any successful run of the GP task represented by this Geoprocessor instance. This method can be used to return the output parameter as either data or an image by setting the getAsImageResult parameter.

jobResource - a job resource returned by a successfully completed GP task
parameterName - the parameter name
getAsImageResult - set true to return the output parameter as an image and false to return it as data
the output parameter
Exception - the exception


public void getResultAsync(GPJobResource jobResource,
                           String parameterName,
                           boolean getAsImageResult,
                           CallbackListener<GPParameter> callback)
Asynchronously gets the named output parameter. As this method takes a GPJobResource parameter, it can be used to request the outputs of any successful run of the GP task represented by this Geoprocessor instance. When the output parameter is ready it will be passed to the given callback. The output parameter will be returned as data if the getAsImageResult parameter is false and as an image if getAsImageResult is true.

jobResource - a job resource returned by a successfully completed GP task
parameterName - the parameter name
getAsImageResult - set true to return the output parameter as an image and false to return it as data
callback - the callback


public GPServiceInfo getGPServiceInfo()
                               throws Exception
Synchronously get the GP service info for the service this GP task belongs to.

the GP service info
Exception - the exception
See Also:


public void getGPServiceInfoAsync(CallbackListener<GPServiceInfo> callback)
Asynchronously get the GP service info for the service this GP task belongs to. The given callback will be passed the service info when it is available.

callback - the callback
See Also:


public GPTaskInfo getGPTaskInfo()
                         throws Exception
Synchronously get the GP task info for this GP task.

the GP task info
Exception - the exception
See Also:


public void getGPTaskInfoAsync(CallbackListener<GPTaskInfo> callback)
Asynchronously get the GP task info for this GP task. The given callback will be passed the task info when it is available.

callback - the callback
See Also:

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