Interface GPJobResultCallbackListener

public interface GPJobResultCallbackListener

Implement this interface to handle the returned result from a Geoprocessor.submitJobAndGetResultsAsync(java.util.List, String[], String[], GPJobResultCallbackListener) call. Note that the onCallback method will still be called in the event of an error. In this case onError will be called first.

Method Summary
 void onCallback(GPJobResource jobResource, GPParameter[] outParameters)
          Handles the result of the call.
 void onError(Throwable e)
          Handles the result when the call failed.

Method Detail


void onCallback(GPJobResource jobResource,
                GPParameter[] outParameters)
Handles the result of the call. If an error has occurred, onError will be called first.

jobResource - the GPJobResource containing information on the GP job.
outParameters - the list of requested output parameters.


void onError(Throwable e)
Handles the result when the call failed. The implementation of this should provide some means of indicating failure when onCallback is called in the event of call failure.

e - the exception caught in the task execution.

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