Packages that use UserCredentials | |
com.esri.core.io | Contains convenience classes that provide a way to display results returned from identify operations. |
com.esri.core.portal | Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags | |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find | Contains classes for defining finding operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode | |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing | Contains classes for connecting to geoprocessing services and parsing the results. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify | Contains classes for defining identify operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.na | |
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query | Contains classes for defining queries that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. |
com.esri.map |
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.io |
Methods in com.esri.core.io that return UserCredentials | |
UserCredentials |
Returns a copy of the instance. |
Methods in com.esri.core.io with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
static void |
ProxySetup.setupProxy(String proxyHost,
int proxyPort,
String scheme,
UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
Setup proxy server access through the given host, port and scheme using the given user credentials for authorisation. |
static void |
ProxySetup.setupProxy(String proxyHost,
int proxyPort,
UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
Setup proxy server access through the given host and port using the given user credentials for authorisation. |
static void |
ProxySetup.setupProxy(String proxyUrl,
UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
Setup proxy authentication for proxy access set up on the JVM command line. |
static void |
ProxySetup.setupProxyAuthentication(String proxyUrl,
UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
Deprecated. ProxySetup.setupProxy(String, UserCredentials) instead. |
Constructors in com.esri.core.io with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
UserCredentials(UserCredentials other)
Instantiates a copy of the given credential. |
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.portal |
Methods in com.esri.core.portal that return UserCredentials | |
UserCredentials |
Returns a copy of the user credentials set on this portal object. |
UserCredentials |
Returns the user credentials using on this webmap object. |
Constructors in com.esri.core.portal with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
Portal(String url,
String sharingURL,
UserCredentials credentials)
Instantiates an object of Portal. |
Portal(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Instantiates an object of Portal. |
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.tasks.ags |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
GenerateRendererTask(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
FindTask(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Instantiates a new find task. |
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
Locator(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Constructor accepting the URL of a Geocode service |
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing that return UserCredentials | |
UserCredentials |
Gets the credentials. |
Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
static GPServiceInfo |
GPServiceInfo.fromUrl(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Create a GPServiceInfo instance for the service at the given url. |
static GPTaskInfo |
GPTaskInfo.fromUrl(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Create a GPTaskInfo instance for the task at the given
url. |
void |
Geoprocessor.setCredentials(UserCredentials credentials)
Sets the credentials required to access a secure service. |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
Geoprocessor(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Instantiates a new geoprocessor instance with the given task url and user credentials. |
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
IdentifyTask(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.na |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.na with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
ClosestFacilityTask(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
RoutingTask(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
ServiceAreaTask(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query |
Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
QueryTask(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Instantiates a new query task. |
Uses of UserCredentials in com.esri.map |
Fields in com.esri.map declared as UserCredentials | |
protected UserCredentials |
Gets the direct access of the credentials; You can access the credentials by the Layer.getCredentials() or
Layer.setCredentials(UserCredentials) ; but those two methods copy the instance internally. |
Methods in com.esri.map that return UserCredentials | |
UserCredentials |
Get the user credentials used to access this web map. |
protected UserCredentials |
This method should be used internally whenever credentials are required. |
Methods in com.esri.map that return types with arguments of type UserCredentials | |
MapLoadAction<UserCredentials> |
OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLoadError(WebMap webmap,
WebMapLayer wmlayer,
Layer layer,
Throwable error,
UserCredentials credentials)
Implements this method to handle WebMap loading errors. |
Methods in com.esri.map with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
void |
ArcGISPopupInfo.fetchLayerInfo(String layerInfoUrl,
UserCredentials credentials)
protected void |
Layer.getMapServerInfo(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Gets the map server info. |
void |
OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLayerAdd(WebMap webmap,
WebMapLayer wmlayer,
Layer layer,
UserCredentials credentials)
Implements this method to handle the event when a WebMapLayer is added to a MapView and initialized. |
MapLoadAction<UserCredentials> |
OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLoadError(WebMap webmap,
WebMapLayer wmlayer,
Layer layer,
Throwable error,
UserCredentials credentials)
Implements this method to handle WebMap loading errors. |
void |
Layer.reinitializeAsync(UserCredentials userCredentials)
Asynchronously re-initializes a failed layer that has failed due to missing credentials. |
protected void |
Layer.setCredentials(UserCredentials credentials)
Sets the credentials of the Layer. |
Constructors in com.esri.map with parameters of type UserCredentials | |
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Constructs a layer from a URL and credentials for the secure service. |
ArcGISFeatureLayer(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Constructs a layer from a URL and credentials for the secure service. |
ArcGISImageServiceLayer(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Constructs a layer from a URL and credentials for the secure service. |
ArcGISImageServiceLayer(String url,
UserCredentials credentials,
ImageServiceParameters options)
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
Constructs a tiled map service layer from a URL and credentials for the secure service. |
DynamicLayer(String url,
UserCredentials credentials)
WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer(String url,
SpatialReference sr,
boolean checkSupportedSRs,
String[] visibleLayers,
UserCredentials credentials)
This constructor is used if you're instantiating the WMSLayer using a URL, default spatial reference, checkSupportedSRs flag, visible layer names, user credential and initLayer flag. |