
Contains convenience classes that provide a way to display results returned from identify operations.


Interface Summary
EsriErrorCode An interface that all Exception objects appearing in status change notifications on the MapView must implement.
OnSelfSignedCertificateListener Implements the listener to handle self-signed certificates.

Class Summary
ProxySetup This class is used to configure network access through a proxy server and allows you to set the host name, port and any authentication that may be required.
SelfSignedCertificateHandle Registers a listener here to handle self-singed certificates.
UserCredentials This class represents user credential for accessing secure ArcGIS Services and Tasks.

Enum Summary
UserCredentials.AuthenticationType The supported authentication type.

Exception Summary
EsriSecurityException An Exception that describes problems encountered while accessing secure ArcGIS services.
EsriServiceException An EsriServiceException is an exception indicating that an operation failed when processing a REST request.
EsriUnsupportedException The Class EsriUnsupportedException.

Package Description

Contains convenience classes that provide a way to display results returned from identify operations.


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