Uses of Class

Packages that use SpatialReference
com.esri.core.geometry Provides classes for different types of geometries, e.g. 
com.esri.core.portal Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find Contains classes for defining finding operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing Contains classes for connecting to geoprocessing services and parsing the results. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify Contains classes for defining identify operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server.   
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query Contains classes for defining queries that are executed on an ArcGIS Server.   

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.geometry

Methods in com.esri.core.geometry that return SpatialReference
static SpatialReference SpatialReference.create(int wkid)
          Creates an instance of the spatial reference based on the provided well known ID for the horizontal coordinate system.
static SpatialReference SpatialReference.create(String wktext)
          Creates an instance of the spatial reference based on the provided well known text representation for the horizontal coordinate system.
static SpatialReference SpatialReference.createLocal()
          Creates a local spatial reference.
static SpatialReference SpatialReference.createLocal(Unit unit)
          Creates a local spatial reference.
static SpatialReference SpatialReference.fromJson(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser)
          Returns spatial reference from JsonParser.
 SpatialReference SpatialReference.getGCS()
          Get the Geographic Coordinate System of the spatial reference.
 SpatialReference MapGeometry.getSpatialReference()
          Gets the spatial reference for this MapGeometry.

Methods in com.esri.core.geometry with parameters of type SpatialReference
static Polygon[] GeometryEngine.buffer(Geometry[] geometries, SpatialReference spatialReference, double[] distances, Unit unit, boolean toUnionResults)
          Calculates a buffer polygon for each geometry at each of the corresponding specified distances.
static Polygon GeometryEngine.buffer(Geometry geometry, SpatialReference spatialReference, double distance, Unit unit)
          Calculates buffer polygon of the geometry as specified by the distance input.
static Geometry GeometryEngine.clip(Geometry geometry, Envelope envelope, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Calculates the clipped geometry from an target geometry by an envelope.
static boolean GeometryEngine.contains(Geometry geometry1, Geometry geometry2, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Indicates if one geometry contains another geometry.
static boolean GeometryEngine.crosses(Geometry geometry1, Geometry geometry2, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Indicates if one geometry crosses another geometry.
static Geometry GeometryEngine.difference(Geometry inputGeometry, Geometry substractor, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Creates the difference of two geometries.
static double GeometryEngine.distance(Geometry geometry1, Geometry geometry2, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Calculates the 2D planar distance between two geometries.
static boolean GeometryEngine.equals(Geometry geometry1, Geometry geometry2, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Indicates if two geometries are equal.
static double GeometryEngine.geodesicLength(Geometry geometry, SpatialReference spatialReference, LinearUnit lengthUnit)
          A geodesic length is the shortest distance between any two points on the earth's surface when the earth's surface is approximated by a spheroid.
static String GeometryEngine.geometryToJson(SpatialReference spatialReference, Geometry geometry)
          Exports the specified geometry instance to its JSON representation.
static Geometry GeometryEngine.intersect(Geometry inputGeometry, Geometry intersector, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Creates a geometry through intersection between two geometries.
static Point GeometryEngine.project(double x, double y, SpatialReference sr)
          Projects the given point from EPSG:4326 to the output Spatial Reference.
static Geometry GeometryEngine.project(Geometry geometry, SpatialReference inputSR, SpatialReference outputSR)
          Projects the given geometry instance from the input spatial reference to the output Spatial Reference.
 void MapGeometry.setSpatialReference(SpatialReference sr)
          Sets the spatial reference for this MapGeometry.
static Geometry GeometryEngine.simplify(Geometry geometry, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Performs the simplify operation on the geometry.
static boolean GeometryEngine.touches(Geometry geometry1, Geometry geometry2, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Indicates if one geometry touches another geometry.
static Geometry GeometryEngine.union(Geometry[] geometries, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Constructs a new geometry by union an array of geometries.
static boolean GeometryEngine.within(Geometry geometry1, Geometry geometry2, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Indicates if one geometry is within another geometry.

Constructors in com.esri.core.geometry with parameters of type SpatialReference
MapGeometry(Geometry g, SpatialReference _sr)
          Construct a MapGeometry instance using the specified geometry instance and its corresponding spatial reference.

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.internal.catalog

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.catalog that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference Item.getSpRef()
          Returns the SpatialReference of this Item

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.internal.value

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.value that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference MapServer.getInitialExtentSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference QueryTableDataSource.getSpatialRef()
          Gets the spatial reference.
 SpatialReference LocalTileInfo.getSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference MapServer.getSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference KMLGroundOverlay.getSr()

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.value with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void MapServer.setInitialExtentSpatialReference(SpatialReference initialExtentSpatialReference)
 void QueryTableDataSource.setSpatialRef(SpatialReference spatialRef)
          Sets the spatial reference.

Uses of SpatialReference in

Methods in that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference Bookmark.getSpatialReference()
          Returns the spatial reference.
 SpatialReference FeatureSet.getSpatialReference()
          Gets the spatial reference of the FeatureSet.
 SpatialReference Graphic.getSpatialReference()
          Returns the spatial reference.
 SpatialReference MosaicRule.getViewpointSpatialReference()
          Gets the SpatialReference of the ViewPoint.

Methods in with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void FeatureSet.setSpatialReference(SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Sets the spatial reference of the FeatureSet.
 void MosaicRule.setViewpointSpatialReference(SpatialReference viewpointSpatialReference)
          Sets the SpatialReference of the ViewPoint.

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.portal

Methods in com.esri.core.portal that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference PortalItem.getSpatialReference()
          Returns the SpatialReference of this item.

Methods in com.esri.core.portal that return types with arguments of type SpatialReference
 List<SpatialReference> WebMapLayer.getSpatialRefs()
          Gets the spatial refs.

Methods in com.esri.core.portal with parameters of type SpatialReference
static WebMap WebMap.newInstance(BaseMap basemap, Envelope extent, SpatialReference sr)
          Creates a WebMap using a BaseMap and Extent.
static WebMap WebMap.newInstance(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser, Envelope extent, SpatialReference sr)
          Creates a WebMap using JSON data and Extent.

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced

Methods in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference MessageProcessor.getDefaultMessageSpatialReference()
          Gets the default message spatial reference.

Methods in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void MessageProcessor.setDefaultMessageSpatialReference(SpatialReference sr)
          Sets the default message spatial reference.

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference FindParameters.getOutputSpatialRef()

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void FindParameters.setOutputSpatialRef(SpatialReference outputSpatialRef)

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference LocatorFindParameters.getInSR()
          Returns the spatial reference of search extent.
 SpatialReference LocatorFindParameters.getLocationSR()
          Gets the location point spatial reference.
 SpatialReference LocatorFindParameters.getOutSR()
          Returns the spatial reference of the xy coordinates for the geocode request.
 SpatialReference BatchGeocodeResult.getSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference LocatorServiceInfo.getSpatialReference()
          Returns the default spatial reference defined for the Geocode service.

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode with parameters of type SpatialReference
 List<LocatorGeocodeResult> Locator.addressToLocations(Map<String,String> addressFields, List<String> outFields, SpatialReference outSR)
          Executes a geocoding operation to find location candidates for a given address.
 void Locator.addressToLocationsAsync(Map<String,String> addressFields, List<String> outFields, SpatialReference outSR, CallbackListener<List<LocatorGeocodeResult>> callback)
 BatchGeocodeResult Locator.batchAddressToLocation(List<Map<String,String>> addresses, SpatialReference outSR)
          Matches addresses to locations.
 void Locator.batchAddressToLocationAsync(List<Map<String,String>> addresses, SpatialReference outSR, CallbackListener<BatchGeocodeResult> callback)
          Matches addresses to locations asynchronously.
 LocatorReverseGeocodeResult Locator.locationToAddress(Point point, double distance, SpatialReference inSR, SpatialReference outSR)
           Executes a reverse-geocoding operation to find address candidates for a given location.
 void Locator.locationToAddressAsync(Point point, double distance, SpatialReference inSR, SpatialReference outSR, CallbackListener<LocatorReverseGeocodeResult> callback)
 void LocatorFindParameters.setLocation(Point point, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Sets the search location.
 void LocatorFindParameters.setOutSR(SpatialReference outSR)
          Sets the spatial reference for the xy coordinates returned by the geocode request.
 void LocatorFindParameters.setSearchExtent(Envelope searchExtent, SpatialReference inSR)
          Sets the search extent

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference Geoprocessor.getOutSR()
          Returns the output spatial reference set for this geoprocessing task.
 SpatialReference Geoprocessor.getProcessSR()
          Returns the process spatial reference set for this geoprocessing task.
 SpatialReference GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.getSpatialReference()
          Gets the spatial reference.
 SpatialReference GPMapImage.getSpatialReference()

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void Geoprocessor.setOutSR(SpatialReference outSR)
          Sets the well-known ID of the spatial reference of the output geometries.
 void Geoprocessor.setProcessSR(SpatialReference processSR)
          The well-known ID of the spatial reference that the model will use to perform geometry operations.
 void GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.setSpatialReference(SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Sets the spatial reference.

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference IdentifyParameters.getSpatialReference()
          Gets the spatial reference.

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void IdentifyParameters.setSpatialReference(SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Sets the spatial reference.

Uses of SpatialReference in

Methods in that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference ClosestFacilityTaskParameters.getOutSpatialReference()
abstract  SpatialReference NATaskParameters.getOutSpatialReference()
          Returns the spatial reference of the output geometry
 SpatialReference RoutingTaskParameters.getOutSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference ServiceAreaTaskParameters.getOutSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference NAFeaturesAsFeature.getSpatialReference()
          Gets the spatial reference to use for translating the graphics to json

Methods in with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void ClosestFacilityTaskParameters.setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSpatialReference)
abstract  void NATaskParameters.setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSpatialReference)
          Sets the spatial reference of the output geometry
 void RoutingTaskParameters.setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSpatialReference)
 void ServiceAreaTaskParameters.setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSpatialReference)
 void NAFeaturesAsFeature.setSpatialReference(SpatialReference spatialRef)
          Sets the spatial reference to use for translating the graphics to json

Uses of SpatialReference in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference Query.getInSpatialReference()
          Returns the spatial reference of the input geometry.
 SpatialReference Query.getOutSpatialReference()
          Returns the spatial reference of the returned geometry.
 SpatialReference QueryRelatedRecordsParameters.getOutSpatialReference()
          Gets the out spatial reference.

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query with parameters of type SpatialReference
 void Query.setInSpatialReference(SpatialReference inSR)
          Sets the spatial reference of the input geometry.
 void Query.setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSR)
          Sets the spatial reference of the returned geometry.
 void QueryRelatedRecordsParameters.setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSR)
          Sets the out spatial reference.

Uses of SpatialReference in

Fields in declared as SpatialReference
protected  SpatialReference DynamicLayer._nativeCreateSpatialRef
protected  SpatialReference[] WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer.supportedSRs

Methods in that return SpatialReference
 SpatialReference ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer.getDefaultSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference DynamicLayer.getDefaultSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference Layer.getDefaultSpatialReference()
          Gets the defaultSpatialReference of the Layer.
 SpatialReference OpenStreetMapLayer.getDefaultSpatialReference()
 SpatialReference JMap.getSpatialReference()
          Returns the spatial reference of the map.
 SpatialReference Layer.getSpatialReference()
          Gets the current spatial reference of the Layer.
 SpatialReference WmsLayerInfo.getSpatialReference()
          Returns default spatial reference of the layer.
 SpatialReference[] WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer.getSupportedSpatialReferences()
          Gets supported spatial references.

Methods in with parameters of type SpatialReference
protected  void Layer.setDefaultSpatialReference(SpatialReference defaultSpatialReference)
          Sets the defaultSpatialReference of the Layer.

Constructors in with parameters of type SpatialReference
JMap(SpatialReference spatialRef, Envelope mapExtent)
          Construct a new Map with the given map extent and spatial reference.
KMLLayer(String url, SpatialReference outSR)
          The constructor is used if you are instantiating a KMLLayer using a URL and output spatial reference.
WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer(String url, SpatialReference sr)
          This constructor is used if you're instantiating the WMSLayer using a URL and default spatial reference.
WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer(String url, SpatialReference sr, boolean checkSupportedSRs, String[] visibleLayers, UserCredentials credentials)
          This constructor is used if you're instantiating the WMSLayer using a URL, default spatial reference, checkSupportedSRs flag, visible layer names, user credential and initLayer flag.

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