Uses of Class

Packages that use Envelope
com.esri.core.geometry Provides classes for different types of geometries, e.g. 
com.esri.core.portal Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing Contains classes for connecting to geoprocessing services and parsing the results. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify Contains classes for defining identify operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server.   

Uses of Envelope in com.esri.core.geometry

Methods in com.esri.core.geometry that return Envelope
 Envelope SpatialReference.getPannableExtent()
          Returns the pannable extent.

Methods in com.esri.core.geometry with parameters of type Envelope
 void MultiPath.addEnvelope(Envelope envSrc, boolean bReverse)
          Adds a rectangular closed path to this multipath.
static Geometry GeometryEngine.clip(Geometry geometry, Envelope envelope, SpatialReference spatialReference)
          Calculates the clipped geometry from an target geometry by an envelope.
 boolean Envelope.contains(Envelope env)
          Checks if this envelope contains (covers) other envelope.
 boolean Envelope.intersect(Envelope other)
          Changes this envelope to be the intersection of itself with the other envelope.
 boolean Envelope.isIntersecting(Envelope other)
          Returns true if the envelope and the other given envelope intersect.
 void Envelope.merge(Envelope other)
          Merges this envelope with the extent of the given envelope.
 void Envelope.queryEnvelope(Envelope env)
abstract  void Geometry.queryEnvelope(Envelope env)
          Gets the axis aligned bounding box of the geometry.
 void Line.queryEnvelope(Envelope env)
 void MultiPath.queryEnvelope(Envelope env)
 void MultiPoint.queryEnvelope(Envelope env)
 void Point.queryEnvelope(Envelope env)

Uses of Envelope in com.esri.core.internal.catalog

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.catalog that return Envelope
 Envelope Item.getExtent()
          Returns the extent for this Item

Uses of Envelope in com.esri.core.internal.value

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.value that return Envelope
 Envelope KMLGroundOverlay.getExtent()
 Envelope ImageServer.getFullExtent()
 Envelope MapServer.getFullExtent()
 Envelope ImageServer.getInitialExtent()
 Envelope MapServer.getInitialExtent()

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.value with parameters of type Envelope
 void ImageServer.setFullExtent(Envelope fullExtent)
 void ImageServer.setInitialExtent(Envelope initialExtent)

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope Bookmark.getExtent()
          Returns the envelope of the bookmark.

Uses of Envelope in com.esri.core.portal

Methods in com.esri.core.portal that return Envelope
 Envelope PortalItem.getExtent()
          Returns the extent for this item.
 Envelope WebMapLayer.getExtent()
          Gets the extent.
 Envelope WebMap.getInitExtent()
          Gets the initial extent of the web map.

Methods in com.esri.core.portal with parameters of type Envelope
static WebMap WebMap.newInstance(BaseMap basemap, Envelope extent, SpatialReference sr)
          Creates a WebMap using a BaseMap and Extent.
static WebMap WebMap.newInstance(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser, Envelope extent, SpatialReference sr)
          Creates a WebMap using JSON data and Extent.

Uses of Envelope in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode that return Envelope
 Envelope LocatorGeocodeResult.getExtent()
          Returns the geocoding feature extent.
 Envelope LocatorFindParameters.getSearchExtent()
          Returns searching extent;

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode with parameters of type Envelope
 void LocatorFindParameters.setSearchExtent(Envelope searchExtent, SpatialReference inSR)
          Sets the search extent

Uses of Envelope in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing that return Envelope
 Envelope GPMapImage.getExtent()
          Gets the extent that the image represents.

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with parameters of type Envelope
 void GPMapImage.setExtent(Envelope extent)
          Sets the extent that the image represents.

Uses of Envelope in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify that return Envelope
 Envelope IdentifyParameters.getMapExtent()
          Gets the map extent.

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify with parameters of type Envelope
 void IdentifyParameters.setMapExtent(Envelope extent)
          Sets the map extent.

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope Route.getEnvelope()
          Gets the envelope encompassing the route

Uses of Envelope in

Methods in that return Envelope
 Envelope JMap.getExtent()
          Returns the current extent of the map.
 Envelope Layer.getExtent()
          Gets the current extent.
 Envelope MapEvent.getExtent()
          Gets the extent.
 Envelope WmsLayerInfo.getExtent()
          Returns the extent of the layer.
 Envelope JMap.getFullExtent()
          Get the full extent of the map.
 Envelope Layer.getFullExtent()
          Returns the full extent of the layer.
 Envelope WebMap.getInitExtent()
          Get this web map's initial extent.
protected  Envelope Layer.getInitialExtent()
          Returns the initial extent of the layer.

Methods in with parameters of type Envelope
 void JMap.setFullExtent(Envelope fullExtent)
          Set the full extent of the map.
protected  void Layer.setFullExtent(Envelope extent)
protected  void Layer.setInitialExtent(Envelope e)
          Sets the initial extent of layer.

Constructors in with parameters of type Envelope
JMap(SpatialReference spatialRef, Envelope mapExtent)
          Construct a new Map with the given map extent and spatial reference.

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