Interface Summary | |
esriARAction | Action options. |
esriARAppearance | Control appearance options. |
esriARBorderStyle | Control border style options. |
esriARCaseAppearance | Case appearance options. |
esriARDirection | Direction options. |
esriARDocumentPermissions | Published Map File (PMF) document permission options. |
esriARExportFormat | File export type options. |
esriARExtentType | Extent type options. |
esriARFieldType | Field type options. |
esriARGlobeTips | Control tip options. |
esriARGlobeTool | Control tool options. |
esriARGlobeViewType | Globe View type options. |
esriARGlobeWindows | Control window options. |
esriARMousePointer | Mouse pointer options. |
esriARSpatialRelationship | Spatial relationship options. |
esriARTool | Control tool options. |
esriARUnits | Measurement unit options. |
esriARViewType | View type options. |
esriARWindows | Control window options. |
esriControlsAppearance | Control appearance options. |
esriControlsBorderStyle | Control border style options. |
esriControlsDragDropEffect | Drop effect options while drag-drop is in progress. |
esriControlsDropAction | Drop action options when data is being dragged over the control. |
esriControlsMousePointer | Control mouse pointer options. |
esriEngineDirectionType | Bearing or azimuth direction options. |
esriEngineDirectionUnits | Angle and direction unit options. |
esriEngineEditSessionMode | Edit session mode options. |
esriEngineEditState | Editing state options. |
esriEngineInkCollectionMode | Ink collection mode options. |
esriEngineInkGesture | Ink gesture type. |
esriEngineInkToolCommitType | Ink tool commit mode options. |
esriEngineNAMessageType | Network analysis message options. |
esriEngineSketchOperationType | Engine sketch operation type options. |
esriEngineSnapToleranceUnits | Snap tolerance unit options. |
esriHookActions | Hook action type options. |
esriHookHelperEvents | HookHelper event options. |
esriLicenseStatusOptions | LicenseControl status information options. |
esriSnappingTipType | Snapping tip types. |
esriSnappingType | Snapping types. |
esriSymbologyDisplayStyle | SymbologyControl display style options. |
esriSymbologySortDirection | SymbologyControl display sort direction options. |
esriSymbologyStyleClass | SymbologyControl style class options. |
esriTOCControlEdit | TOCControl label editing options. |
esriTOCControlItem | TOCControl item options. |
esriToolbarFillDirection | ToolbarControl background fill direction options. |
esriToolbarItemType | ToolbarControl item type options. |
esriToolbarOrientation | ToolbarControl orientation options. |
esriToolbarTextAlignment | Text placement options for Item captions. |
IARCommandInfo | Provides access to members that control the ARCommandInfo. |
IARConfiguration | Provides access to members that control the ARConfiguration. |
IARControl | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARControlDefault | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the control. |
IARFeature | Provides access to members that control the ARFeature. |
IARFeatureCursor | Provides access to members that control the enumerated ARFeatureCursor. |
IARFeatureSet | Provides access to members that control the ARFeatureSet. |
IARGlobe | Provides access to members that control the ARGlobe. |
IARGlobeControl | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARGlobeControlDefault | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARGlobeControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the control. |
IARLayer | Provides access to members that control the ARLayer. |
IARMap | Provides access to members that control the ARMap. |
IARPageLayout | Provides access to members that control the ARPageLayout. |
IARSearchDef | Provides access to members that control attribute and spatial search definitions. |
IARUnitConverter | Provides access to members that control the ARUnitConverter. |
ICommandHook | Provides access to members that work with HookHelper. |
ICommandPool | Provides access to the contents of the command pool. |
ICommandPool2 | Provides access to the contents of the command pool. |
ICommandPoolEdit | Provides access to members that control the command pool. |
ICustomizeDialog | Provides access to members that control the customize dialog. |
ICustomizeDialog2 | Provides access to members that control the customize dialog. |
ICustomizeDialogEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the customize dialog is opened or closed. |
IEngineAttributeWindow | Provides access to the Attribute Window. |
IEngineEditEvents | Provides access to the EngineEditor's events. |
IEngineEditLayers | Provides access to members that control information about layers in the edit session. |
IEngineEditor | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the EngineEditor. |
IEngineEditor2 | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the EngineEditor. |
IEngineEditProperties | Provides access to members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEngineEditProperties2 | Provides access to more members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEngineEditSketch | Provides access to members that manage the edit sketch. |
IEngineEditTask | Provides access to a task that receives notification when the sketch is complete. |
IEngineEnumRow | Provides access to members that enumerate rows in sequence. |
IEngineExtendedObjectInspector | Provides access to additional members that control a custom feature's property inspector. |
IEngineExtensionManagerFactory | IEngineExtensionManagerFactory Interface |
IEngineFeatureSnapAgent | Provides access to members that control an engine feature snap agent's properties. |
IEngineInkEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the EngineInkEnvironment singleton. |
IEngineInkEnvironmentEvents | Provides access to ink-related events. |
IEngineInkGenericDrawTool | Provides access to the ink properties of the ControlsInkGenericDrawTool. |
IEngineNAWindow | Provides access to the network analysis window. |
IEngineNAWindow2 | Provides access to the network analysis window. |
IEngineNAWindowCategory | Provides access to the window category. |
IEngineNAWindowCategory2 | Provides access to the window category. |
IEngineNAWindowCategoryGroup | Provides access to the window category group. |
IEngineNAWindowCategoryGroup2 | Provides access to the window category group. |
IEngineNAWindowEvents | Provides access to events triggered by the network analysis window. |
IEngineNAWindowEventsEx | Provides access to events triggered by the network analysis window. |
IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironment | Provides access to the network analyst extension. |
IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironmentEvents | Provides access to events triggered by the network analysis extension. |
IEngineNetworkAnalystHelper | Provides access to actions that operate on the network analyst extension. |
IEngineNetworkAnalystHelper2 | Provides access to actions that operate on the network analyst extension. |
IEngineObjectInspector | Provides access to members that control a custom feature's property inspector. |
IEngineSketchOperation | Provides access to members that control undo/redo capabilities for edit sketch modifications. |
IEngineSnapAgent | Provides access to members that snap point locations using a tolerance. |
IEngineSnapAgentCategory | Provides access to the category of an engine snap agent. |
IEngineSnapEnvironment | Provides access to members that manage the snap agents used by the editor. |
IEnumPlace | Provides access to members enumerate a PlaceCollection. |
IGlobeCommandHook | Provides access to members that work with GlobeHookHelper. |
IGlobeControl | Provides access to members that control the GlobeControl. |
IGlobeControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the GlobeControl. |
IGlobeControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with user interaction to the GlobeControl. |
IGlobeFixedLineOfSight | Provides access to properties of the GlobeFixedLineOfSight command. |
IGlobeHookHelper | Provides access to members needed when developing commands to work with the GlobeControl, ArcGlobe, and custom controls and applications. |
IGlobeNorthCommand | Provides access to properties of the GlobeNorthCommand. |
IGraphicProperties | Provides access to members that control the CommandsEnvironment singleton. |
IHookActions | Provides access to actions such as flashing, panning and zooming that help in the development of commands to work with controls, custom controls and applications. |
IHookHelper | Provides access to members needed when developing commands to work with the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, ArcMap, and custom controls and applications. |
IHookHelper2 | Provides access to members needed when developing commands to work with the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, ArcMap, and custom controls and applications. |
IHookHelperEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of a hook changes. |
ILayerEffectProperties | Provides access to layer effect settings that are used by the control commands. |
ILayerListToolControl | Provides access to members that inform which layer is selected in the LayerList Tool Control. |
ILicenseControl | Provides access to members that control the LicenseControl. |
ILicenseControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the LicenseControl. |
IMapControl2 | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControl3 | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControl4 | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControlEvents2 | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the MapControl. |
IMissingCommand | Provides access to members that control missing commands on a ToolbarControl. |
IOrbitalFlyTool | Provides access to properties of the ControlsGlobeOrbitalFlyTool. |
IPageLayoutControl | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControl2 | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControl3 | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with user interaction to the PageLayoutControl. |
IPlace | Provides access to members that work with a place. |
IPlaceCollection | Provides access to members that manage a place collection. |
IPointSnapper | IPointSnapper Interface |
IProtectNameControls | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
ISceneCommandHook | Provides access to members that work with SceneHookHelper. |
ISceneControl | Provides access to members that control the SceneControl. |
ISceneControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the SceneControl. |
ISceneControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with user interaction to the SceneControl. |
ISceneHookHelper | Provides access to members needed when developing commands to work with the SceneControl, ArcScene, and custom controls and applications. |
ISnappingEnvironment | ISnappingEnvironment Interface |
ISnappingEnvironment2 | ISnappingEnvironment2 Interface |
ISnappingFeedback | ISnappingFeedback Interface |
ISnappingResult | ISnappingResult Interface |
ISymbologyControl | Provides access to members that control the SymbologyControl. |
ISymbologyControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the SymbologyControl. |
ISymbologyControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the SymbologyControl. |
ISymbologyStyleClass | Provides access to members that control SymbologyControl style classes. |
ITOCBuddy | Provides access to members that control the TOC buddy. |
ITOCBuddy2 | Provides access to members that control the TOC buddy. |
ITOCBuddyEvents | Provides access to events that notify the TOC of a change. |
ITOCControl | Provides access to members that control the TOCControl. |
ITOCControl2 | Provides access to members that control the TOCControl. |
ITOCControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the TOCControl. |
ITOCControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the TOCControl. |
IToolbarBuddy | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl buddy. |
IToolbarControl | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarControl2 | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarControlDefault | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarControlEvents | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarItem | Provides access to members that control ToolbarControl items. |
IToolbarItem2 | Provides access to members that control ToolbarControl items. |
IToolbarMenu | Provides access to members that control ToolbarControl menu items. |
IToolbarMenu2 | Provides access to members that control ToolbarControl menu items. |
IToolbarPalette | Provides access to members that control palette items. |
IToolPositionCallback | Provides access to members that indicate where on a map or globe the user has clicked. |
IToolPositionInitializer | Provides access to members that indicate where on a map or globe the user has clicked. |
Class Summary | |
ARCommandInfo | ARCommandInfo object. |
ArcReaderConfiguration | ArcReaderConfiguration contains settings affecting the appearance and behaviour of the control. |
ArcReaderControl | Esri ArcReaderControl |
ArcReaderControlBeanInfo | |
ArcReaderGlobeControl | Esri ArcReaderGlobeControl |
ArcReaderGlobeControlBeanInfo | |
ArcReaderSearchDef | ArcReaderSearchDef is used to specify spatial and attribute queries. |
ARFeature | ARFeature object. |
ARFeatureCursor | ARFeatureCursor object. |
ARFeatureSet | ARFeatureSet object. |
ARGlobe | The ARGlobe container for the display of globe data. |
ARLayer | ARLayer object. |
ARMap | The ARMap container for the display of map data. |
ARPageLayout | The ARPageLayout container for the display of a page. |
ARUnitConverter | ARUnitConverter object. |
BaseCommand | This Class implements the ICommand interface allowing an easier approach to make custom commands. |
BaseTool | This is a helper class for creating custom tools. |
CommandPool | A collection of commands used by the ToolbarControl. |
CommandsEnvironment | Defines the commands environment. |
Controls3DAnalystContourTool | Generates the contour that passes through a query point. |
Controls3DAnalystSteepestPathTool | Generates the steepest path down from a point. |
ControlsAddDataCommand | Browses data sets and adds data. |
ControlsAGOLSignonCommand | ArcGIS Online Signin Command. |
ControlsAlignBottomCommand | Aligns selected elements to the bottom. |
ControlsAlignCenterCommand | Aligns selected elements to the horizontal center. |
ControlsAlignLeftCommand | Aligns selected elements to the left. |
ControlsAlignMiddleCommand | Aligns selected elements to the vertical center. |
ControlsAlignRightCommand | Aligns selected elements to the right. |
ControlsAlignToMarginsCommand | Toggles whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection. |
ControlsAlignTopCommand | Aligns selected elements to the top. |
ControlsBringForwardCommand | Brings the selected element(s) forward. |
ControlsBringToFrontCommand | Brings the selected element(s) to the front. |
ControlsClearSelectionCommand | Unselects the currently selected features in all layers. |
ControlsContextHelpCommand | Provides context sensitive help for toolbar items. |
ControlsDistributeHorizontallyCommand | Distributes selected elements evenly in the vertical direction. |
ControlsDistributeVerticallyCommand | Distributes selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction. |
ControlsDynamicDisplayNavigatorCommand | Toggles the Dynamic Display in view navigator on or off. |
ControlsEditingAttributeCommand | Shows the feature property editor. |
ControlsEditingClearCommand | Delete the selected element(s). |
ControlsEditingCopyCommand | Copy the selected element(s). |
ControlsEditingCutCommand | Cut the selected element(s). |
ControlsEditingEditorMenu | Provides access to the engine editing menu. |
ControlsEditingEditTool | Edits features and their geometries. |
ControlsEditingPasteCommand | Paste the clipboard contents into your map. |
ControlsEditingSaveCommand | Saves any pending edits. |
ControlsEditingSketchAbsoluteXYCommand | Adds a point at known location. |
ControlsEditingSketchChangeLengthCommand | Removes the last vertex and preserves the direction of the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchContextMenu | Engine sketch context menu. |
ControlsEditingSketchDeflectionCommand | Constrains the direction of the segment being created relative to the previous segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchDeleteCommand | Deletes the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingSketchDeltaXYCommand | Adds a point at an offset from the last point. |
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionCommand | Constrains the direction of the segment being created. |
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionLengthCommand | Adds a segment using a direction and length. |
ControlsEditingSketchFinishCommand | Completes the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingSketchFinishPartCommand | Completes a part of a multi-part geometry. |
ControlsEditingSketchFinishSquareCommand | Squares off and finishes the sketch. |
ControlsEditingSketchLengthCommand | Constrains the length of the segment being created. |
ControlsEditingSketchParallelCommand | Constrains the direction parallel to the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchPerpendicularCommand | Constrains the direction to be perpendicular to the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchPropertiesCommand | Shows a dialog for editing properties of the edit sketch geometry. |
ControlsEditingSketchReplaceCommand | Replaces the sketch geometry. |
ControlsEditingSketchSegmentDeflectionCommand | Constrains the direction to a given deflection from the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchStreamingCommand | Set/unsets stream mode editing. |
ControlsEditingSketchTool | Adds points to the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingSnapEdgeCommand | Snap to an edge. |
ControlsEditingSnapEndpointCommand | Snap to an endpoint. |
ControlsEditingSnapMidpointCommand | Snap to a midpoint. |
ControlsEditingSnappingCommand | Shows the snapping environment dialog. |
ControlsEditingSnapToFeatureMenu | Engine editing snap-to-feature context menu. |
ControlsEditingSnapVertexCommand | Snap to a vertex. |
ControlsEditingStartCommand | Starts an edit session. |
ControlsEditingStopCommand | Stops the edit session. |
ControlsEditingTargetToolControl | Layer in which features you create will be stored. |
ControlsEditingTaskToolControl | Selects the edit task. |
ControlsEditingToolbar | Provides access to the engine editing toolbar. |
ControlsEditingVertexContextMenu | Engine edit vertex context menu. |
ControlsEditingVertexDeleteCommand | Deletes a vertex from the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingVertexInsertCommand | Inserts a vertex into the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingVertexMoveCommand | Moves the vertex to a new location. |
ControlsEditingVertexMoveToCommand | Moves the vertex relative to its current location. |
ControlsFeatureSelectionMenu | A menu with common selection commands. |
ControlsFeatureSelectionToolbar | A toolbar with common selection tools. |
ControlsFindRouteCommand | Shows a dialog to find route and display driving directions. |
ControlsFlickerRateToolControl | Controls the rate (in milliseconds) of the layer flicker. |
ControlsFullScreenCommand | The applications active window take up the full screen. |
ControlsGenericGetPositionTool | Tools that can be used to retrieve the cursor coordinates as the user clicks on the map or globe. |
ControlsGlobeFindCommand | Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers. |
ControlsGlobeFixedLineOfSightTool | Rotates the observer around the target. |
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomInCommand | Zooms in with a fixed scale. |
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomOutCommand | Zooms out with a fixed scale. |
ControlsGlobeFlickerCommand | Reveals layers below the selected layer in the globe by flickering for the specified time duration. |
ControlsGlobeFlyTool | Flies over the globe. |
ControlsGlobeFullExtentCommand | Zooms to full extent of the globe. |
ControlsGlobeGlobeToolbar | A toolbar with common globe control tools. |
ControlsGlobeGoToCommand | Pans the globe to a specified location. |
ControlsGlobeHyperlinkTool | Hyperlinks to features on a globe, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to. |
ControlsGlobeIdentifyTool | Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers. |
ControlsGlobeKMLNetworkLinkCommand | Add KML Network Link. |
ControlsGlobeLayerListToolControl | Tool control that displays a layer list for the globe. |
ControlsGlobeLookAroundTool | Rotates the observer to look around. |
ControlsGlobeMeasureTool | Measures features on a globe, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. |
ControlsGlobeNavigateTool | Navigates the globe. |
ControlsGlobeNavigationModeCommand | Toggles globe and surface navigation modes. |
ControlsGlobeNorthCommand | Orientates the observer to look north. |
ControlsGlobeOpenDocCommand | Opens a globe document. |
ControlsGlobeOrbitalFlyTool | Flies in orbital trajectories over the globe. |
ControlsGlobePanDragTool | Trackball style pan tool. |
ControlsGlobePanTool | Pans the globe. |
ControlsGlobeRotateBackCommand | Rotates globe backward. |
ControlsGlobeRotateClockwiseCommand | Rotate globe in a clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeRotateCounterClockwiseCommand | Rotate globe in a counter clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeRotateForwardCommand | Rotates globe forward. |
ControlsGlobeRotateToolbar | A toolbar with tools to spin or rotate globe. |
ControlsGlobeSelectFeaturesTool | Selects features by clicking. |
ControlsGlobeSpinClockwiseCommand | Spins globe in a clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeSpinCounterClockwiseCommand | Spins globe in a counter Clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeSpinFasterCommand | Spins globe faster. |
ControlsGlobeSpinSlowerCommand | Spins globe slower. |
ControlsGlobeSpinStopCommand | Stops globe from spinning. |
ControlsGlobeSwipeTool | Interactively reveals layers on a globe. |
ControlsGlobeTargetCenterTool | Centers view at selected target. |
ControlsGlobeTargetPanTool | Pans to selected target. |
ControlsGlobeTargetZoomTool | Zooms to selected target. |
ControlsGlobeWalkTool | Walks on the globe surface. |
ControlsGlobeZoomInOutTool | Dynamically zooms in or out the globle. |
ControlsGraphicElementToolbar | A toolbar with common tools to draw graphic elements. |
ControlsGroupCommand | Groups the selected elements. |
ControlsInkAddInkToSketchCommand | Adds the current ink sketch to the current edit sketch. |
ControlsInkClearInkCommand | Deletes the current ink sketch. |
ControlsInkEraserPalette | A palette containing 3 different eraser tools. |
ControlsInkEraserTool | Erases ink from a map or layout. |
ControlsInkFindInkCommand | Finds ink which represents a given text string. |
ControlsInkFinishSketchCommand | Converts the current ink sketch to a GraphicElement. |
ControlsInkGenericDrawTool | A generic ink drawing tool. |
ControlsInkHighlightPalette | A palette containing 3 different highlighter tools. |
ControlsInkHighlightTool | Draws semi-transparent ink on a map or layout. |
ControlsInkOptionsCommand | Displays a dialog allowing you to change ink-related options. |
ControlsInkPenPalette | A palette containing 3 different pen tools. |
ControlsInkPenTool | Draws colored ink on a map or layout. |
ControlsInkReactivateCommand | Converts a GraphicElement back into ink. |
ControlsInkRecognizeCommand | Recognizes ink as text and converts it to a TextElement (only available on a TabletPC). |
ControlsInkToolbar | A toolbar with tools which manipulate ink. |
ControlsLayerListToolControl | Tool control that displays a layer list for the focus map. |
ControlsLayerTransparencyCommand | Command to set the transparency value on a layer. |
ControlsMapBookmarkMenu | Provides access to the bookmark menu. |
ControlsMapBookmarksMultiItem | Current bookmarks of focus map. |
ControlsMapClearMapRotationCommand | Set the data frame's rotation to zero. |
ControlsMapCreateBookmarkCommand | Creates a spatial bookmark for the focus map. |
ControlsMapDownCommand | Scrolls the map down. |
ControlsMapFindCommand | Finds features and locations on a map. |
ControlsMapFlickerCommand | Reveals layers below the selected layer in the map by flickering for the specified time duration. |
ControlsMapFullExtentCommand | Zooms to the full extent of the map. |
ControlsMapGoToCommand | Pans the Map to a specified location. |
ControlsMapHyperlinkTool | Hyperlinks to features on a map, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to. |
ControlsMapIdentifyTool | Identifies features on a map, launches a modeless identify dialog containing the results. |
ControlsMapLeftCommand | Scrolls the map left. |
ControlsMapManageBookmarksCommand | Manages spatial bookmarks for the focus map. |
ControlsMapMeasureTool | Measures features on a map, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. |
ControlsMapNavigationToolbar | A toolbar with common tools to navigate map. |
ControlsMapPageDownCommand | Moves the map one page down. |
ControlsMapPageLeftCommand | Moves the map one page left. |
ControlsMapPageRightCommand | Moves the map one page right. |
ControlsMapPageUpCommand | Moves the map one page up. |
ControlsMapPanTool | Pans the map. |
ControlsMapRefreshViewCommand | Refreshes the active view. |
ControlsMapRightCommand | Scrolls the map right. |
ControlsMapRoamTool | Click the mouse left button to start or finish roaming, move the mouse to change roaming direction and speed. |
ControlsMapRotateTool | Rotates the focus data frame. |
ControlsMapSwipeTool | Interactively reveals layers on a map. |
ControlsMapUpCommand | Scrolls the map up. |
ControlsMapViewMenu | A menu with common commands that help to view a map. |
ControlsMapZoomInFixedCommand | Zooms in with a fixed scale. |
ControlsMapZoomInTool | Zooms in by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsMapZoomOutFixedCommand | Zooms out with a fixed scale. |
ControlsMapZoomOutTool | Zooms out by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsMapZoomPanTool | Drags up/down with left mouse button down to zoom out/in, or with right mouse button down to pan. |
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentBackCommand | Goes backward to previous extent. |
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentForwardCommand | Goes forward to next extent. |
ControlsMapZoomToolControl | Zooms the map by a particular percentage. |
ControlsMyPlacesCommand | Shows my places window. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystClosestFacilityCommand | Finds the best route between incidents and facilities. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystCreateLocationTool | Create a Network Location. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystDirectionsCommand | Display the Directions Window. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystLayerToolControl | Active Network Dataset Layer. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystLocationAllocationCommand | Chooses the best candidate facilities to service the demand. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystODCostMatrixCommand | OD Cost Matrix Analysis. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystRouteCommand | Create a new Route Analysis Layer. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystSelectLocationTool | Select or Move Network Locations. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystServiceAreaCommand | Finds the what can be traversed within a specified cutoff. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystSolveCommand | Run the current analysis. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystSolverMenu | Engine Network Analyst Solver Menu. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystToolbar | Engine Network Analyst Toolbar. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystVehicleRoutingProblemCommand | Optimizes the route assignment and sequence for a set of orders using a fleet of vehicles. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystWindowCommand | Show/Hide the Network Analyst Window. |
ControlsNewCircleTool | Draws a circle. |
ControlsNewCurveTool | Draws a cubic Bezier curve. |
ControlsNewEllipseTool | Draws an ellipse. |
ControlsNewFrameTool | Creates a new frame element. |
ControlsNewFreeHandTool | Draws a freehand line. |
ControlsNewLineTool | Draws a straight line. |
ControlsNewMarkerTool | Create a new marker graphic element. |
ControlsNewPolygonTool | Draws a polygon. |
ControlsNewRectangleTool | Draws a rectangle. |
ControlsNudgeDownCommand | Moves the selected element(s) down. |
ControlsNudgeLeftCommand | Moves the selected element(s) left. |
ControlsNudgeRightCommand | Moves the selected element(s) right. |
ControlsNudgeUpCommand | Moves the selected element(s) up. |
ControlsOpenDocCommand | Opens an existing map. |
ControlsPageFocusNextMapCommand | Moves the focus to the next data frame. |
ControlsPageFocusPreviousMapCommand | Moves the focus to the previous data frame. |
ControlsPageLayoutToolbar | A toolbar with common tools working with pagelayout view. |
ControlsPageNewMapCommand | Creates a new data frame. |
ControlsPagePanTool | Pans the map layout by dragging it. |
ControlsPageZoom100PercentCommand | Zooms the map layout to 100% (1:1). |
ControlsPageZoomInFixedCommand | Zooms in on the center of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomInTool | Zooms in on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsPageZoomOutFixedCommand | Zooms out on the center of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomOutTool | Zooms out on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentBackCommand | Goes back to previous extent of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentForwardCommand | Goes forward to the next extent of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomPageWidthCommand | Zooms to the width of the page. |
ControlsPageZoomToolControl | Zooms the map layout by a particular percentage. |
ControlsPageZoomWholePageCommand | Zooms to the whole map layout. |
ControlsRedoCommand | Redoes the last operation. |
ControlsRotateElementTool | Rotates the selected text or graphic(s). |
ControlsRotateLeftCommand | Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counterclockwise. |
ControlsRotateRightCommand | Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise. |
ControlsSaveAsDocCommand | Saves current map document to a new file. |
ControlsSceneExpandFOVCommand | Expands the field of view. |
ControlsSceneFlyTool | Flies through the scene. |
ControlsSceneFullExtentCommand | Displays the scene at full extent. |
ControlsSceneNarrowFOVCommand | Narrows the field of view. |
ControlsSceneNavigateTool | Navigates the scene. |
ControlsSceneOpenDocCommand | Opens a scene document. |
ControlsScenePanTool | Pans the scene. |
ControlsSceneSceneToolbar | A toolbar with common scene control tools. |
ControlsSceneSelectFeaturesTool | Selects features by clicking. |
ControlsSceneSelectGraphicsTool | Selects graphics by clicking. |
ControlsSceneSetObserverTool | Sets observer position to selected point. |
ControlsSceneTargetCenterTool | Centers view at selected target. |
ControlsSceneTargetZoomTool | Zooms to selected target. |
ControlsSceneZoomInOutTool | Dynamically zooms in and out on the scene. |
ControlsSceneZoomInTool | Zooms in on the scene. |
ControlsSceneZoomOutTool | Zooms out on the scene. |
ControlsSelectAllCommand | Selects all the features in selectable layers. |
ControlsSelectByGraphicsCommand | Selects features that are intersected by the selected graphics. |
ControlsSelectFeaturesTool | Selects features by clicking or dragging a box. |
ControlsSelectScreenCommand | Selects the features currently visible on the screen. |
ControlsSelectTool | Selects, resizes and moves text, graphics and other objects placed on the map. |
ControlsSendBackwardCommand | Sends the selected element(s) backward. |
ControlsSendToBackCommand | Sends the selected element(s) to the back. |
ControlsSnappingEnabledCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSnappingMenu | Menu of snapping commands that control the snapping environments. |
ControlsSnappingToEdgeCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSnappingToEndCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSnappingToIntersectionCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSnappingToMidpointCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSnappingToolbar | A toolbar with common snapping commands. |
ControlsSnappingToPointCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSnappingToTangentCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSnappingToVertexCommand | Update the snapping environment. |
ControlsSwitchSelectionCommand | Makes unselected features selected. |
ControlsToggleDynamicDisplayCommand | Toggles Dynamic Display on or off. |
ControlsUndoCommand | Undoes the last operation. |
ControlsUngroupCommand | Ungroups the selected elements. |
ControlsZoomToSelectedCommand | Zooms to the selected features in all layers. |
CustomizeDialog | CustomizeDialog is a modeless dialog that allows customization of one or more ToolbarControls. |
EngineEditor | A singleton object representing the Engine editing environment. |
EngineExtensionManagerFactory | Provides an initialized extension manager. |
EngineFeatureInspector | Feature Inspector for Engine. |
EngineFeatureSnap | An engine snap agent that snaps to features in a specific feature class. |
EngineInkEnvironment | A singleton object representing Engine ink environment. |
EngineNAWindowEvents | Helper coclass for working with the outbound IEngineNAWindowEvents interface in VB. |
EngineNAWindowEventsEx | Helper coclass for working with the outbound IEngineNAWindowEventsEx interface in VB. |
EngineNetworkAnalystEnvironment | A singleton object representing Engine Network Analyst environment. |
EngineSketchOperation | Provides undo/redo capabilities for edit sketch modifications. |
EngineSnappingWindow | Product Availability |
GlobeControl | Esri GlobeControl |
GlobeControlBeanInfo | |
GlobeHookHelper | Helps commands work with the GlobeControl, ArcGlobe, custom controls and applications. |
HookHelper | Helps commands work with the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, ArcMap, custom controls and applications. |
IARCommandInfoProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARCommandInfo. |
IARConfigurationProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARConfiguration. |
IARControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARControlEventsAdapter | |
IARControlEventsOnActionEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnAfterScreenDrawEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnBeforeScreenDrawEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnCurrentViewChangedEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnDocumentLoadedEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnDocumentUnloadedEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnFocusARMapChangedEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
IARControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the control. |
IARControlProxy | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARFeatureCursorProxy | Provides access to members that control the enumerated ARFeatureCursor. |
IARFeatureProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARFeature. |
IARFeatureSetProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARFeatureSet. |
IARGlobeControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARGlobeControlEventsAdapter | |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnActionEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnDocumentLoadedEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnDocumentUnloadedEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
IARGlobeControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the control. |
IARGlobeControlProxy | Provides access to members on the control. |
IARGlobeProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARGlobe. |
IARLayerProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARLayer. |
IARMapProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARMap. |
IARPageLayoutProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARPageLayout. |
IARSearchDefProxy | Provides access to members that control attribute and spatial search definitions. |
IARUnitConverterProxy | Provides access to members that control the ARUnitConverter. |
ICommandHookProxy | Provides access to members that work with HookHelper. |
ICustomizeDialogEventsAdapter | |
ICustomizeDialogEventsOnCloseDialogEvent | Description |
ICustomizeDialogEventsOnStartDialogEvent | Description |
ICustomizeDialogEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur when the customize dialog is opened or closed. |
IEngineAttributeWindowProxy | Provides access to the Attribute Window. |
IEngineEditEventsAdapter | |
IEngineEditEventsOnAbortEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnAfterDrawSketchEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnBeforeStopEditingEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnBeforeStopOperationEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnChangeFeatureEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnConflictsDetectedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnCreateFeatureEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnCurrentTaskChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnCurrentZChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnDeleteFeatureEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnSaveEditsEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnSelectionChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnSketchFinishedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnSketchModifiedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnStartEditingEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnStartOperationEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnStopEditingEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnStopOperationEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnTargetLayerChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnVertexAddedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnVertexDeletedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsOnVertexMovedEvent | Description |
IEngineEditEventsProxy | Provides access to the EngineEditor's events. |
IEngineEditTaskProxy | Provides access to a task that receives notification when the sketch is complete. |
IEngineEnumRowProxy | Provides access to members that enumerate rows in sequence. |
IEngineExtendedObjectInspectorProxy | Provides access to additional members that control a custom feature's property inspector. |
IEngineExtensionManagerFactoryProxy | IEngineExtensionManagerFactory Interface |
IEngineInkEnvironmentEventsAdapter | |
IEngineInkEnvironmentEventsOnGestureEvent | Description |
IEngineInkEnvironmentEventsOnStartEvent | Description |
IEngineInkEnvironmentEventsOnStopEvent | Description |
IEngineInkEnvironmentEventsProxy | Provides access to ink-related events. |
IEngineNAWindow2Proxy | Provides access to the network analysis window. |
IEngineNAWindowCategory2Proxy | Provides access to the window category. |
IEngineNAWindowCategoryGroup2Proxy | Provides access to the window category group. |
IEngineNAWindowCategoryGroupProxy | Provides access to the window category group. |
IEngineNAWindowCategoryProxy | Provides access to the window category. |
IEngineNAWindowEventsAdapter | |
IEngineNAWindowEventsExAdapter | |
IEngineNAWindowEventsExOnContextMenuEvent | Description |
IEngineNAWindowEventsExProxy | Provides access to events triggered by the network analysis window. |
IEngineNAWindowEventsOnActiveAnalysisChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineNAWindowEventsOnActiveCategoryChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineNAWindowEventsOnActiveNAContextUpdatedEvent | Description |
IEngineNAWindowEventsOnActiveNAResultUpdatedEvent | Description |
IEngineNAWindowEventsProxy | Provides access to events triggered by the network analysis window. |
IEngineNAWindowProxy | Provides access to the network analysis window. |
IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironmentEventsAdapter | |
IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironmentEventsOnCurrentNetworkLayerChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironmentEventsOnNetworkLayersChangedEvent | Description |
IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironmentEventsProxy | Provides access to events triggered by the network analysis extension. |
IEngineObjectInspectorProxy | Provides access to members that control a custom feature's property inspector. |
IEngineSnapAgentCategoryProxy | Provides access to the category of an engine snap agent. |
IGlobeCommandHookProxy | Provides access to members that work with GlobeHookHelper. |
IGlobeControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members that control the GlobeControl. |
IGlobeControlEventsAdapter | |
IGlobeControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
IGlobeControlEventsOnGlobeReplacedEvent | Description |
IGlobeControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
IGlobeControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
IGlobeControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
IGlobeControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
IGlobeControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
IGlobeControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with user interaction to the GlobeControl. |
IGlobeControlProxy | Provides access to members that control the GlobeControl. |
IHookHelper2Proxy | Provides access to members needed when developing commands to work with the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, ArcMap, and custom controls and applications. |
IHookHelperEventsAdapter | |
IHookHelperEventsOnHookUpdatedEvent | Description |
IHookHelperEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur when the state of a hook changes. |
ILayerListToolControlProxy | Provides access to members that inform which layer is selected in the LayerList Tool Control. |
IMapControl2Proxy | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControl3Proxy | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControl4Proxy | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members that control the MapControl. |
IMapControlEvents2Adapter | |
IMapControlEvents2OnAfterDrawEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnAfterScreenDrawEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnBeforeScreenDrawEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnExtentUpdatedEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnFullExtentUpdatedEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnKeyDownEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnKeyUpEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnMapReplacedEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnMouseDownEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnMouseUpEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnOleDropEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnSelectionChangedEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2OnViewRefreshedEvent | Description |
IMapControlEvents2Proxy | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the MapControl. |
IPageLayoutControl2Proxy | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControl3Proxy | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControlEventsAdapter | |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnAfterDrawEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnAfterScreenDrawEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnBeforeScreenDrawEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnExtentUpdatedEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnFocusMapChangedEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnFullExtentUpdatedEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnOleDropEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnPageLayoutReplacedEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnPageSizeChangedEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsOnViewRefreshedEvent | Description |
IPageLayoutControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with user interaction to the PageLayoutControl. |
IPageLayoutControlProxy | Provides access to members that control the PageLayoutControl. |
IPointSnapperProxy | IPointSnapper Interface |
IProtectNameControlsProxy | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
ISceneCommandHookProxy | Provides access to members that work with SceneHookHelper. |
ISceneControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members that control the SceneControl. |
ISceneControlEventsAdapter | |
ISceneControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
ISceneControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
ISceneControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
ISceneControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
ISceneControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
ISceneControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
ISceneControlEventsOnSceneReplacedEvent | Description |
ISceneControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with user interaction to the SceneControl. |
ISceneControlProxy | Provides access to members that control the SceneControl. |
ISnappingEnvironmentProxy | ISnappingEnvironment Interface |
ISnappingFeedbackProxy | ISnappingFeedback Interface |
ISnappingResultProxy | ISnappingResult Interface |
ISymbologyControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members that control the SymbologyControl. |
ISymbologyControlEventsAdapter | |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnItemSelectedEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsOnStyleClassChangedEvent | Description |
ISymbologyControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the SymbologyControl. |
ISymbologyControlProxy | Provides access to members that control the SymbologyControl. |
ISymbologyStyleClassProxy | Provides access to members that control SymbologyControl style classes. |
ITOCBuddy2Proxy | Provides access to members that control the TOC buddy. |
ITOCBuddyEventsActiveViewChangedEvent | Description |
ITOCBuddyEventsActiveViewReplacedEvent | Description |
ITOCBuddyEventsAdapter | |
ITOCBuddyEventsProxy | Provides access to events that notify the TOC of a change. |
ITOCBuddyProxy | Provides access to members that control the TOC buddy. |
ITOCControl2Proxy | Provides access to members that control the TOCControl. |
ITOCControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members that control the TOCControl. |
ITOCControlEventsAdapter | |
ITOCControlEventsOnBeginLabelEditEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsOnEndLabelEditEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
ITOCControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the TOCControl. |
ITOCControlProxy | Provides access to members that control the TOCControl. |
IToolbarBuddyProxy | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl buddy. |
IToolbarControl2Proxy | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarControlDefaultProxy | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarControlEventsAdapter | |
IToolbarControlEventsOnBuddyChangedEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsOnDoubleClickEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsOnItemClickEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsOnKeyDownEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsOnKeyUpEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsOnMouseDownEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsOnMouseMoveEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsOnMouseUpEvent | Description |
IToolbarControlEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur with interaction to the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarControlProxy | Provides access to members that control the ToolbarControl. |
IToolbarItem2Proxy | Provides access to members that control ToolbarControl items. |
IToolbarItemProxy | Provides access to members that control ToolbarControl items. |
IToolPositionCallbackProxy | Provides access to members that indicate where on a map or globe the user has clicked. |
IToolPositionInitializerProxy | Provides access to members that indicate where on a map or globe the user has clicked. |
LicenseControl | Esri LicenseControl |
LicenseControlBeanInfo | |
MapControl | Esri MapControl |
MapControlBeanInfo | |
MissingCommand | Missing commands that cannot be created by the ToolbarControl. |
MyPlaceCollection | A singleton class that manage the collection of my places. |
PageLayoutControl | Esri PageLayoutControl |
PageLayoutControlBeanInfo | |
Place | Representation of a given place. |
SceneControl | Esri SceneControl |
SceneControlBeanInfo | |
SceneHookHelper | Helps commands work with the SceneControl, ArcScene, and custom controls and applications. |
Snapping | Provides the snapping environment for tools to use. |
SnappingFeedback | Provdes the snapping feedback to the display. |
SymbologyControl | Provides access to the Esri SymbologyControl. |
SymbologyControlBeanInfo | |
SymbologyStyleClass | Symbology StyleClass used by the SymbologyControl. |
TOCControl | Esri TOCControl |
TOCControlBeanInfo | |
ToolbarControl | Esri ToolbarControl |
ToolbarControlBeanInfo | |
ToolbarItem | ToolbarItems used by the ToolbarControl. |
ToolbarMenu | A menu containing commands that can be used from a ToolbarControl or as a popup menu. |
ToolbarPalette | A palette containing commands that can be used from a ToolbarControl or as a popup palette. |
The Controls library contains controls for application development including commands and tools for use with the controls.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.