public interface IARConfiguration
Provides access to members that control the ARConfiguration.
The IARConfiguration interface is a starting point for accessing and updating configuration settings and loading configuration files into the ArcReaderControl or ArcReaderGlobeControl.
The ArcReaderControl will initially look for an ArcReader Template file (*.art) in a users local profile and then in the arcgis\bin\templates directory. If no template file is found a default configuration file will be created containing default settings.
Changing any of the configuration settings will not persist them. They configuration file will need to be reloaded into the ArcReaderControl.
The table below lists each ArcReaderControl default settings name and value, together with a setting description and cached state. Those settings that are cached are safe to use as the ArcReaderControl will always read them from the ARConfiguration. Those settings that are not cached are not safe to use as they can change throughout the life time of an application.
*Settings not yet implmented or not to be accessed.
Setting | Description | Value | Cached |
Appearance | The Appearance of the control. A long corresponding to esriARAppearance. | 1 | Yes |
AutoHideTOCOnFullScreen | Indicates if the TOC is automatically hidden when the application is switched to Full Screen. | True | Yes |
AutomaticCacheControl | False | No | |
BorderStyle | The BorderStyle of the control. A long corresponding to esriARBorderStyle. | 0 | Yes |
CachePath | Sets the location of the disk data cache. | %temp%\GlobeCache | Yes |
CacheSize | Sets the limit on physical size of the disk data cache. | 512 | No |
DefaultDataTool | The CurrentARTool when the CurrentView is an IARMap. A long corresponding to esriARTool. | 0 | No |
DefaultGlobeTool | The CurrentARGlobeTool. A long corresponding to esriARGlobeTool. | 1 | No |
DefaultLayoutTool | The CurrentARTool when the CurrentView is an IARPageLayout. A long corresponding to esriARTool. | 4 | No |
* DefaultMapDocument | Do not access this setting. | <null> | No |
Display Hyperlink Symbols | Indicates whether each IARFeature that contains a hyperlink will display with the hyperlink symbol. | True | No |
ElevationDetail | Determines the level of detail by which globe terrain is rendered. | 0.500000 | No |
EnableDropFiles | Indicates whether the control will accept Published Map Files (*.pmf) dragged and dropped from another application such as ArcCatalog or Windows Explorer. | True | No |
EnabledState | Indicates the Enabled state of the ArcReaderControl. | True | Yes |
FixedLineOfSight | Indicates if the observer navigates the ARGlobe with fixed line of sight. | False | No |
FrameRate | Determines the frames rendered per second. | 30 | No |
GNBottom | The bottom of the Simple Internet Browser window in device coordinates. This setting is only applicable when the 'Use Simple Internet Browser' setting is set to True. | 537 | No |
GNLeft | The left of the Simple Internet Browser window in device coordinates. This setting is only applicable when the 'Use Simple Internet Browser' setting is set to True. | 0 | No |
GNRight | The right of the Simple Internet Browser window in device coordinates. This setting is only applicable when the 'Use Simple Internet Browser' setting is set to True. | 678 | No |
GNTop | The top of the Simple Internet Browser window in device coordinates. This setting is only applicable when the 'Use Simple Internet Browser' setting is set to True. | 0 | No |
GNSaveWindowPosition | Saves the current window position of the Simple Internet Browser to use nezt time the window is opened. | True | Yes |
GNConnections | An array of URL's that can be used 'Identify' menu option appears on the esriARWindowsInternetBrowser window.The first object is reserved for the ESRI website, and the second object is reserved for the ESRI Geography Network. | URL's | No |
* Hyperlink Fill Symbol | Do not access this setting. | <null> | No |
* Hyperlink Line Symbol | Do not access this setting. | <null> | No |
* Hyperlink Marker Symbol | Do not access this setting. | <null> | No |
HyperlinkCacheSize | The maximum number of hyperlinks that can be displayed on the screen. | 5000 | No |
HyperlinkSearchTolerance | The search tolerance, measured in pixles, used by the esriARToolMapHyperlink tool. | 5 | No |
HyperlinkTipDelay | The time delay in milli seconds, before the esriARToolMapHyperlink tool will display a hyperlink. | 50 | No |
IdentifyAllowHyperlinks | Indicates whether the esriARToolMapIdentify tool dialog will allow access to hyperlink if the currently loaded document was published with permission to display hyperlinks. | True | No |
IdentifyAllowRelationshipClasses | Indicates whether the esriARToolMapIdentify tool dialog will allow a user to 'drill down' relationship classes. | True | No |
IdentifyCopyAdditionalInfo | Indicates whether the 'Copy' and 'CopyRecord' menu options in the esriARToolMapIdentify dialog copies the layer Name as well as each FieldName and Value to the clipboard. | False | No |
IdentifyMaxPerLayer | The maximum number of features identified per layer. | 501 | No |
IdentifyRasterViewer | Indicates whether the esriARToolMapIdentify tool dialog will allow access to the raster viewer to display image files hyperlinks if the currently loaded document was published with permission to display hyperlinks. | True | No |
IdentifySearchTolerance | The search tolerance, measured in pixles, used by the esriARToolMapIdentify tool. | 3 | No |
IdentifySortFields | Indicates whether the esriARToolMapIdentify tool dialog will display fields in data field order or sorted alphabetically. | True | No |
IdentifyTimeout | The time in milli seconds, before an identify will timeout. | 300000 | No |
ImageDetail | Determines the level of detail by which globe images are rendered. | 0.417778 | No |
LaunchIdentifyFromFind | Indicates whether an 'Identify' menu option appears on the esriARWindowsFind dialog context menu. | True | No |
* LastLayerPage | Do not access this setting. | 0 | No |
* LastMapPage | Do not access this setting. | 0 | No |
LockMagnifierWindow | Indicates whether the esriARWindowsMagnifer is locked to a specified area of the CurrentView. | False | No |
* LockMagnifierWindowLocation | An envelope the esriARWindowsMagnifer is locked to given in device units. Do not access this setting. | <null> | No |
MapTipDelay | The time delay in milli seconds, before map tips will be displayed when ShowMapTips is True. | 500 | No |
MagnifierTop | The top of the the esriARWindowsMagnifer window in device coordinates relative to the CurrentView display area. | 0 | No |
MagnifierLeft | The left of the the esriARWindowsMagnifer window in device coordinates relative to the CurrentView display area. | 0 | No |
MagnifierRight | The right of the the esriARWindowsMagnifer window in device coordinates relative to the CurrentView display area. | 200 | No |
MagnifierBottom | The bottom of the the esriARWindowsMagnifer window in device coordinates relative to the CurrentView display area. | 200 | No |
MagnifierSaveWindowPosition | Saves the current window position of the Magnifier Window to use next time the window is opened. | False | Yes |
MagnifierZoom | The default zoom factor for the the esriARWindowsMagnifer window. The default value of 4 implies 400%. | 4.00 | No |
MaxCacheSize | Sets the physical disk data cache size in MB. | 377 | No |
MeasureCacheSize | The maximum number of vertices that can be stored for feature snapping. | 1000 | No |
MeasureFeatureSearchTolerance | The search tolerance, measured in pixles, used by the esriARToolMapMeasure tool to search for an ARFeature. This setting is only set when the 'MeasureFeatureSnapping' setting is set to True. | 6 | No |
Measure Search Tolerance | The search tolerance, measured in pixles, used by the esriARToolMapMeasure tool to search for an ARFeature. This setting is only set when the 'MeasureFeatureSnapping' setting is set to True. | 8.00 | No |
MeasureFeatureSnapping | Indicates whether the esriARToolMapMeasure tool uses the 'Measure Search Tolerance' setting. | True | No |
NorthArrowPosition | The position on the ARMap where thenorth arrow will be drawn. Set the NorthArrowPosition to a value between 1 and 9. 1 represents the top left, 5 the center and 9 the bottom right. | 9 | Yes |
NorthArrowVisible | Indicates whether the north arrow is visible. | False | Yes |
OrbitalFlyPanelLeft | The position (in pixels) of the left edge of the Orbital Fly tool panel, relative to the left edge of the screen. | 217 | Yes |
OrbitalFlyPanelTop | The position (in pixels) of the top edge of the Orbital Fly tool navigation panel, relative to the top of the screen. | 60 | No |
* PageRulerDivision | This setting is not yet implmented. | 0.1 | No |
PageUnits | The PageUnits used by the ARPageLayout. A long corresponding to esriARunits. The default value is based upon local settings. | 1 or 8 | Yes |
PreviewAtDesign | Indicates whether the properties set for the control can be previewed at design time. | False | Yes |
RedrawDataToFit | Indicates whether an ARMap, when it is the CurrentView redaws itself to fill the new display area in repsonse to the resizing of the ReaderControl. | True | Yes |
RedrawLayoutToFit | Indicates whether an ARPageLayout, when it is the CurrentView redaws itself to fill the new display area in repsonse to the resizing of the ReaderControl. | True | Yes |
ShowCacheMemoryWarning | Indicates if warning dialogs will be displayed informing the user of performance issues when cache memory limitations are encountered. | True | Yes |
ShowCacheTileWarning | Indicates if warning dialogs will be displayed informing the user of performance issues when cache tiling limitations are encountered. | True | No |
ShowCacheWarning | Indicates if warning dialogs will be displayed informing the user of performance issues when cache limitations are encountered. | True | Yes |
ShowDataMessage | Indicates whether a dialog displaying information about missing ARLayer's displays when a document is loaded. | True | No |
ShowDataScrollbars | Indicates the ShowScrollbars state when the CurrentView is an ARMap. | True | No |
ShowFunctionalityMessage | Indicates whether a dialog displaying information about disabled functionality displays when a document is loaded. | True | No |
ShowGlobeTips | Indicates the ShowGlobeTips state. | 0 | No |
ShowHUD | Indicates if the Head Up Display (HUD) is visible. The HUD provides feedback on the current observer location. | False | Yes |
* ShowLayoutRulers | This setting it not yet implmented. | False | No |
ShowLayoutScrollbars | Indicates the ShowScrollbars state when the CurrentView is an ARPageLayout. | True | Yes |
ShowMapTips | Indicates the ShowMapTips state. | True | Yes |
ShowNorthArrow | Indicates if a North Arrow is visible. | False | No |
SwipeSingleLayer | This setting is not yet implemented. | False | No |
SplitterTOCView | The TOCWidth of the control. | 180 | Yes |
StopAtGlobeSurface | Indicates if a user is able to descend below the ARGlobe surface. | False | Yes |
TimeOutWarning | The number of days the 'Document TimeOut' message will display before the document times out. | 5 | No |
TimeOutSuppressDialog | Indicates whether a dialog displaying information about a document timing out is displayed when a document is loaded. | False | No |
TOCFocusMapSyncKind | Indicates whether the Table of Contents (TOC) scrollbars automatically scroll to make the FocusARMap visible (2) or do not automatically scroll (1). | 2 | Yes |
TOCWidthFixed | Indicates whether a user can change the TOCWidth. | False | No |
TOCSwatchWidth | The width of each legend item swatch in the Table of Contents (TOC). A maximum width of 50 is recommended. | 12 | Yes |
TOCSwatchHeight | The height of each legend item swatch in the Table of Contents (TOC). A maximum height of 50 is recommended. | 12 | Yes |
UseDiskCache | Determines whether layers viewed in a PMF are cached to disk. | True | No |
Use Simple Internet Browser | Indicates whether the 'Simple Internet Browser' or the system's default browser is used by the esriARWindowsAddInternetSite and esriARWindowsInternetBrowser windows. | False | No |
UseTransparentTips | Set whether transparent tips are used on Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems for map tips, hyperlinks, and measure tool results. The 'H 'key will hide and the 'S' key will show the tooltip. | True | Yes |
VisibleTOC | Indicates the TOCVisible state of the control. | True |
Yes |
Method Summary | |
Object |
A property to associate data with an object. |
Object |
getSetting(String sName)
The configuration setting specified. |
String |
The file name of the configuration file loaded into the control. |
boolean |
isBoolSetting(String sName)
The configuration setting specified, whose value is a boolean. |
void |
load(String sFilename)
Loads each configuration setting from the specified file into the control. |
void |
save(String sFilename)
Saves each of the control's current configuration settings into the specified file. |
void |
setBoolSetting(String sName,
boolean pVal)
The configuration setting specified, whose value is a boolean. |
void |
setCustomProperty(Object pVal)
A property to associate data with an object. |
void |
Set each control configuration setting to its default value. |
void |
setSetting(String sName,
Object pVal)
The configuration setting specified. |
Method Detail |
void setDefaults() throws IOException, AutomationException
Sets all the ARConfiguration settings used by the ArcReaderControl to their default values, causing the TemplateFile property to be reset to an empty string.
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.void load(String sFilename) throws IOException, AutomationException
Loads the specified ARConfiguration binary file into the ArcReaderControl, causing the TemplateFile property to update. If no file extension is specified the file will automatically be given the ArcReader Template extension (*.art).
- The sFilename (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.void save(String sFilename) throws IOException, AutomationException
Saves the current ARConfiguration used by the ArcReaderControl to a binary file with the specified filename. If no file extension is specified the file will automatically be given the ArcReader Template extension (*.art).
- The sFilename (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.String getTemplateFile() throws IOException, AutomationException
Returns the filename of the current ARConfiguration file used by the ArcReaderControl. If the TemplateFile returns an empty string (""), the ArcReaderControl is using the default configuration sttings.
The Load and SetDefaults methods cause the TemplateFile property to change.
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.Object getSetting(String sName) throws IOException, AutomationException
- The sName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.void setSetting(String sName, Object pVal) throws IOException, AutomationException
- The sName (in)pVal
- A Variant (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.boolean isBoolSetting(String sName) throws IOException, AutomationException
- The sName (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.void setBoolSetting(String sName, boolean pVal) throws IOException, AutomationException
- The sName (in)pVal
- The pVal (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.Object getCustomProperty() throws IOException, AutomationException
Use the CustomProperty to associate any useful data with the ARConfiguration. This is similar to a 'Tag' property, and can be use to store strings, numbers and objects.
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.void setCustomProperty(Object pVal) throws IOException, AutomationException
- A Variant (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.