Class ToolbarControl

  extended by java.awt.Component
      extended by java.awt.Canvas
          extended by com.esri.arcgis.interop.Ocx
              extended by com.esri.arcgis.controls.ToolbarControl
All Implemented Interfaces:
IToolbarControl, IToolbarControl2, IToolbarControlDefault, IConnectionPointContainer, IPersistStreamInit, com.esri.arcgis.interop.RemoteObjRef, IPersist, ISupportErrorInfo, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class ToolbarControl
extends com.esri.arcgis.interop.Ocx
implements com.esri.arcgis.interop.RemoteObjRef, IToolbarControlDefault, IToolbarControl, IToolbarControl2, IConnectionPointContainer, IPersistStreamInit, IPersist, ISupportErrorInfo

Esri ToolbarControl


The ToolbarControl hooks up command objects to the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, GlobeControl and SceneControl and provides properties, methods and events for: managing the general appearance; setting the buddy; adding and removing items; setting the current tool; and customization.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Canvas
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Component
Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, Component.BltBufferStrategy, Component.FlipBufferStrategy
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.interop.Ocx
rootParentContainers, rootWindows
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a ToolbarControl using ArcGIS Engine.
ToolbarControl(Object o)
          Constructs a ToolbarControl.
Method Summary
 void aboutBox()
          Displays a dialog of information about the ToolbarControl.
 int addItem(Object item, int subType, int index, boolean beginGroup, int groupSpacing, int style)
          Adds an item to the ToolbarControl.
 void addIToolbarControlEventsListener(IToolbarControlEvents theListener)
 int addMenuItem(Object menu, int index, boolean beginGroup, int groupSpacing)
          Adds a menu item to the ToolbarControl.
 void addNotify()
 int addToolbarDef(Object toolbarDef, int startIndex, boolean group, int groupSpacing, int style)
          Appends the contents of the toolbar definition, specified by Guid or ToolbarDef, to the toolbar control.
 void enumConnectionPoints(IEnumConnectionPoints[] ppEnum)
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Compare this object with another
 boolean esri_isEnabled()
          Indicates whether the ToolbarControl can respond to user generated events.
 void esri_setEnabled(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates whether the ToolbarControl can respond to user generated events.
 int find(Object item)
          Returns the index of the first item containing the given command, menu or palette.
 void findConnectionPoint(GUID riid, IConnectionPoint[] ppCP)
 int getAppearance()
          The appearance of the ToolbarControl.
 int getBackColor()
          Background color of the ToolbarControl.
 int getBorderStyle()
          The border style of the ToolbarControl.
 Object getBuddy()
          The object that will have its current tool managed by the toolbar.
 void getClassID(GUID[] pClassID)
static String getClsid()
 ICommandPool getCommandPool()
          The command pool used by the ToolbarControl to manage command objects.
 int getCount()
          The number of items on the ToolbarControl.
 ITool getCurrentTool()
          The current tool of the buddy.
 Object getCustomProperty()
          A property to associate data with a control.
 int getFadeColor()
          Background fade color of the ToolbarControl.
 int getFillDirection()
          The fill direction of the ToolbarControl background color.
 int getHWnd()
          Handle to the window associated with the ToolbarControl.
 int getIconSize()
          The size in pixels of icons displayed on the ToolbarControl.
 IToolbarItem getItem(int index)
          Returns the item at the specified index from the ToolbarControl.
 int getItemAppearance()
          The appearance of the items on the ToolbarControl.
 void getItemRect(int index, int[] top, int[] left, int[] bottom, int[] right)
          Returns the dimensions of the item at the specified index.
 int getKeyIntercept()
          A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container.
 Picture getMouseIcon()
          Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.
 int getMousePointer()
          The mouse pointer displayed over the ToolbarControl.
 Object getObject()
          A property that returns the underlying control.
 IOperationStack getOperationStack()
          The operation stack used for undo and redo functionality.
 int getOrientation()
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl is horizontally or vertically aligned.
 Dimension getPreferredSize()
 void getSizeMax(_ULARGE_INTEGER[] pCbSize)
 int getTextAlignment()
          The caption placement for all items on the ToolbarControl.
 int getUpdateInterval()
          The frequency in millisecs that update method is called on the ToolbarControl.
 int hitTest(int x, int y, boolean nearest)
          Returns the index of the item at the specified x and y coordinates.
 void initNew()
 void interfaceSupportsErrorInfo(GUID riid)
 boolean isAlignLeft()
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl displays menu and palette items aligned to the left or right.
 boolean isCustomize()
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl is in customize mode.
 void isDirty()
 boolean isLargeIcons()
          Indicates if large icons are shown on all items on the ToolbarControl.
 boolean isMenuTracking()
          Indicates if menu tracking is enabled on the ToolbarControl.
 boolean isShowHiddenItems()
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a hidden items menu containing items currently not visible.
 boolean isThemedDrawing()
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl uses themed drawing.
 boolean isToolTips()
          Indicates if the items tooltips are shown.
 boolean isTransparent()
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a transparent background.
 void load(IStream pStm)
 void loadItems(IStream pStream)
          Loads items into the ToolbarControl from a previously saved stream.
 void moveItem(int startIndex, int finalIndex)
          Moves an item from one index to another.
 void remove(int index)
          Removes the item at the specified index from the ToolbarControl.
 void removeAll()
          Removes all items from the ToolbarControl.
 void removeIToolbarControlEventsListener(IToolbarControlEvents theListener)
 void save(IStream pStm, int fClearDirty)
 void saveItems(IStream pStream)
          Saves the ToolbarControl items into a stream.
 void setAlignLeft(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl displays menu and palette items aligned to the left or right.
 void setAppearance(int rhs1)
          The appearance of the ToolbarControl.
 void setBackColor(int rhs1)
          Background color of the ToolbarControl.
 void setBorderStyle(int rhs1)
          The border style of the ToolbarControl.
 void setBuddyControl(Object pToolbarBuddy)
          Sets a control to be a buddy of the toolbar, this control must support IToolbarBuddy.
 void setCommandPoolByRef(ICommandPool rhs1)
          The command pool used by the ToolbarControl to manage command objects.
 void setCurrentToolByRef(ITool rhs1)
          The current tool of the buddy.
 void setCustomize(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl is in customize mode.
 void setCustomProperty(Object rhs1)
          A property to associate data with a control.
 void setFadeColor(int rhs1)
          Background fade color of the ToolbarControl.
 void setFillDirection(int rhs1)
          The fill direction of the ToolbarControl background color.
 void setIconSize(int rhs1)
          The size in pixels of icons displayed on the ToolbarControl.
 void setItemAppearance(int rhs1)
          The appearance of the items on the ToolbarControl.
 void setKeyIntercept(int rhs1)
          A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container.
 void setLargeIcons(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if large icons are shown on all items on the ToolbarControl.
 void setMenuTracking(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if menu tracking is enabled on the ToolbarControl.
 void setMouseIconByRef(Picture rhs1)
          Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.
 void setMousePointer(int rhs1)
          The mouse pointer displayed over the ToolbarControl.
 void setOperationStackByRef(IOperationStack rhs1)
          The operation stack used for undo and redo functionality.
 void setOrientation(int rhs1)
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl is horizontally or vertically aligned.
 void setShowHiddenItems(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a hidden items menu containing items currently not visible.
 void setTextAlignment(int rhs1)
          The caption placement for all items on the ToolbarControl.
 void setThemedDrawing(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl uses themed drawing.
 void setToolTips(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if the items tooltips are shown.
 void setTransparent(boolean rhs1)
          Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a transparent background.
 void setUpdateInterval(int rhs1)
          The frequency in millisecs that update method is called on the ToolbarControl.
 void update(int index, boolean fullUpdate)
          Updates the enabled state of the specified item or all items if an index of -1 is specified.
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.interop.Ocx
checkIfVisible, dispose, finalize, getCanvasWindowHandle, getControlWindowHandle, getMinimumSize, getObjRef, paint, removeNotify, setBounds, setBounds, setSize, setSize, zz_doQueuedSets, zz_get, zz_get, zz_get, zz_get, zz_get, zz_get, zz_get, zz_get, zz_queueSet, zz_queueSet, zz_queueSet, zz_queueSet, zz_queueSet, zz_queueSet, zz_queueSet, zz_queueSet
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Canvas
createBufferStrategy, createBufferStrategy, getAccessibleContext, getBufferStrategy, update
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, deliverEvent, disable, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, doLayout, enable, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getBackground, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBounds, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeys, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getFontMetrics, getForeground, getGraphics, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHeight, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputContext, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMaximumSize, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPeer, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, getWidth, getX, getY, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, invalidate, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isDoubleBuffered, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isOpaque, isPreferredSizeSet, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, layout, list, list, list, list, list, locate, location, lostFocus, minimumSize, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, paramString, postEvent, preferredSize, prepareImage, prepareImage, print, printAll, processComponentEvent, processEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, reshape, resize, resize, setBackground, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setEnabled, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setFont, setForeground, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setName, setPreferredSize, setVisible, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusUpCycle, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.interop.RemoteObjRef
getJintegraDispatch, release

Constructor Detail


public ToolbarControl()
Constructs a ToolbarControl using ArcGIS Engine.


public ToolbarControl(Object o)
Constructs a ToolbarControl.

Method Detail


public static String getClsid()


public boolean equals(Object o)
Compare this object with another

equals in class Object


public void addIToolbarControlEventsListener(IToolbarControlEvents theListener)
                                      throws IOException
addIToolbarControlEventsListener. Listen to events generated by this class.

theListener - An object that implements the com.esri.arcgis.controls.IToolbarControlEvents interface.
IOException - If there are communications problems.


public void removeIToolbarControlEventsListener(IToolbarControlEvents theListener)
                                         throws IOException
removeIToolbarControlEventsListener. Stop listening to events generated by this class.

theListener - An object that implements the com.esri.arcgis.controls.IToolbarControlEvents interface.
IOException - If there are communications problems.


public void addNotify()
addNotify in class com.esri.arcgis.interop.Ocx


public void setBorderStyle(int rhs1)
                    throws IOException,
The border style of the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setBorderStyle in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setBorderStyle in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsBorderStyle constant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getBorderStyle()
                   throws IOException,
The border style of the ToolbarControl.


Returns or sets the border style of a ToolbarControl. By default a border is not drawn.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getBorderStyle in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getBorderStyle in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsBorderStyle constant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void esri_setEnabled(boolean rhs1)
                     throws IOException,
Indicates whether the ToolbarControl can respond to user generated events.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
esri_setEnabled in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
esri_setEnabled in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean esri_isEnabled()
                       throws IOException,
Indicates whether the ToolbarControl can respond to user generated events.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
esri_isEnabled in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
esri_isEnabled in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setAppearance(int rhs1)
                   throws IOException,
The appearance of the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setAppearance in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setAppearance in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsAppearance constant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getAppearance()
                  throws IOException,
The appearance of the ToolbarControl.


Returns or sets the paint style of a ToolbarControl to either Flat or 3D. By default the appearance is flat.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getAppearance in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getAppearance in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsAppearance constant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setMousePointer(int rhs1)
                     throws IOException,
The mouse pointer displayed over the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setMousePointer in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setMousePointer in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsMousePointer constant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getMousePointer()
                    throws IOException,
The mouse pointer displayed over the ToolbarControl.


Use this property when you want to indicate changes in functionality as the mouse pointer passes over the ToolbarControl. The esriPointerArrowHourglass setting (11) is useful for indicating that the user should wait for a process or operation to finish.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getMousePointer in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getMousePointer in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsMousePointer constant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setMouseIconByRef(Picture rhs1)
                       throws IOException,
Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setMouseIconByRef in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setMouseIconByRef in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A reference to a (A COM typedef) (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public Picture getMouseIcon()
                     throws IOException,
Custom mouse icon used if MousePointer is 99.


The MouseIcon property provides a custom icon that is used when the MousePointer property is set to esriPointerArrowHourglass (99).

Dim pToolbarControl As IToolbarControlDefault

pToolbarControl = AxToolbarControl1.Object

Dim pIcon As Icon

pIcon = New Icon(GetType(Form1).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(GetType(Form1), "myIcon.ico"))

pToolbarControl.MouseIcon = ESRI.ArcGIS.Utility.COMSupport.OLE.GetIPictureDispFromIcon(pIcon)

pToolbarControl.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerCustom


In most development evironments the control's property pages can be used to load either a cursor (.cur) or icon (.ico) file. A cursor contains a custom 'hotspot' location and can be any size. The 'hotspot' location for an icon file defaults to the center of the icon. This property cannot be used to load animated cursor (.ani) files.

To programatically create an object implementing IPictureDisp there is the win32 function OleLoadPicture or helper methods depending on the development environment.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getMouseIcon in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getMouseIcon in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A reference to a (A COM typedef)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getHWnd()
            throws IOException,
Handle to the window associated with the ToolbarControl.


The operating environment identifies each window, form and control in an application by assigning it a handle, or hWnd. Many ArcObjects methods and Windows API calls require the hWnd as an argument.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getHWnd in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getHWnd in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void aboutBox()
              throws IOException,
Displays a dialog of information about the ToolbarControl.


The AboutBox method causes a modal dialog box to display on top of the ToolbarControl, containing information about the version and creation date of the ToolbarControl as well as listing relevant legal and copyright information from ESRI.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
aboutBox in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
aboutBox in interface IToolbarControlDefault
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int addItem(Object item,
                   int subType,
                   int index,
                   boolean beginGroup,
                   int groupSpacing,
                   int style)
            throws IOException,
Adds an item to the ToolbarControl.


Takes the specified command and creates a new item that is added to the ToolbarControl with its Command or Menu or Palette set, and returns the index of the first item added. Specifiy the command, menu or palette as either a IUid, ProgID, ICommand, IMenuDef, IToolbarMenu, IPaletteDef or IToolbarPalette. AddItem supports the following objects: ICommand, IMenuDef, IToolbarMenu, ICommandSubType, ITool, IToolControl, IPaletteDef and IToolbarPalette. Visually items are represented on the ToolbarControl as buttons, tools, menus, text boxes and combo boxes.

Supply a subType when passing an ICommandSubType. If no subType is supplied and the command is passed as a IUid or ProgID then ICommandSubType::GetCount determines the number of Item's to be added to the ToolbarControl. A subType must be supplied when passing an ICommandSubType as an ICommand, or the method will fail. By default subType is 0.

Index determines the position on the ToolbarControl that the item will be added to. By default this is -1 and represents the end of the ToolbarControl.

beginGroup determines whether a separator will appear before the item. By default beginGroup is False.

GroupSpacing determines the width in pixels of the separator.

Style determines the sytle of the item. By default Style is set to esriCommandStyleIconOnly.


AddItem checks to see if the supplied command already exists in the CommandPool used by the ToolbarControl. If the command does not already exist, it is created and added to the CommandPool with a ICommandPool::UsageCount of 1, and is set as the IToolbarItem::Command. If the command already exists in the CommandPool, then the command instance is reused, its ICommandPool::UsageCount is incremented by 1 and the command is set as the IToolbarItem::Command. The ICommand::OnCreate method will be called the first time a command is added to the CommandPool.

Where possible always supply commands, menus and palettes as either Uid objects or ProgID's. Only supply commands as ICommand, IMenuDef or IPaletteDef objects when a IUid or ProgID does not exist, and the class is compiled as part of the same project using the ToolbarControl. Passing a command menu or palette as an ICommand, IMenuDef or IPaletteDef object has the following limitation: Multiple instances of the same command can be added to the CommandPool, and each IToolbarItem::Command will point to a different command object. For example, setting a command implementing the ITool interface to be the CurrentTool would result in only one item appearing visually pressed on the on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
addItem in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
addItem in interface IToolbarControlDefault
item - A Variant (in)
subType - The subType (in, optional, pass 0 if not required)
index - The index (in, optional, pass -1 if not required)
beginGroup - The beginGroup (in, optional, pass false if not required)
groupSpacing - The groupSpacing (in, optional, pass 0 if not required)
style - A com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.esriCommandStyles constant (in, optional, pass 1 if not required)
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void remove(int index)
            throws IOException,
Removes the item at the specified index from the ToolbarControl.


Removes the item at the specified index from the ToolbarControl. The item at the beginning of the collection to the left of the ToolbarControl has an index of 0.


The Remove method will automatically find the IToolbarItem::Command in the CommandPool and decrement the ICommandPool::UsageCount by 1. If the ICommandPool::UsageCount reaches 0 the command will be released from the CommandPool.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
remove in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
remove in interface IToolbarControlDefault
index - The index (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void removeAll()
               throws IOException,
Removes all items from the ToolbarControl.


This method removes all items from the ToolbarControl.


For each item removed the RemoveAll method will automatically find the IToolbarItem::Command in the CommandPool and decrement the ICommandPool::UsageCount by 1. If the ICommandPool::UsageCount reaches 0 the command will be released from the CommandPool .

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
removeAll in interface IToolbarControlDefault
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public IToolbarItem getItem(int index)
                     throws IOException,
Returns the item at the specified index from the ToolbarControl.


The property is used to access a particular item on the ToolbarControl. The item at the beginning of the collection to the left of the ToolbarControl has an index of 0. Visually items are represented on the ToolbarControl as buttons, tools, menus, text boxes and combo boxes.


To loop through a ToolBarControl's item collection use the GetItem property in conjunction with the Count property.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getItem in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getItem in interface IToolbarControlDefault
index - The index (in)
A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.controls.IToolbarItem
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getCount()
             throws IOException,
The number of items on the ToolbarControl.


Returns the number of items on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getCount in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getCount in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void update(int index,
                   boolean fullUpdate)
            throws IOException,
Updates the enabled state of the specified item or all items if an index of -1 is specified. Specify fullUpdate to update the group, group spacing, style and bitmap properties.


The primary job of the Update method is to ensure that each item on the ToolbarControl is synchronised with the ICommand properties of the IToolbarItem::Command.

By default the index argument is -1, and each item on the ToolbarControl is updated. To update a specific item, specifiy its index. The item at the beginning of the collection to the left of the ToolbarControl has an index of 0.

By default the fullUpdate argument is false, and each item is updated to reflect its ICommand::Enabled, ICommand::Caption and ICommand::Checked properties. Pass true to Update to additionally update the following properties: ICommand::Bitmap, IToolbarItem::Style, IToolbarItem::Group and IToolbarItem::GroupSpacing properties.

By default the Update method is called automatically on a regular interval specified by the UpdateInterval to ensure that the ToolbarControl items reflect the current application state. This updates all items, but with a fullUpdate argument set to false.


The Update method checks each commands ICommandPool::Created property. If the command has not been created the ICommandPoolEdit::Hook property is passed into the ICommand::OnCreate method. The hook it typically the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
update in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
update in interface IToolbarControlDefault
index - The index (in, optional, pass -1 if not required)
fullUpdate - The fullUpdate (in, optional, pass false if not required)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public Object getBuddy()
                throws IOException,
The object that will have its current tool managed by the toolbar.


The Buddy returns the object implementing IToolbarBuddy that was passed to the SetBuddyControl method. The Buddy is responsible for handling the CurrentTool.

The SetBuddyControl method will remove any wrapper object that a development environment has added to the control passed to it. As such, the object passed into the SetBuddyControl method may be different from the object returned by the Buddy.


When an application is first started the Buddy may return Nothing until the first Update has happened. By default the Update method will be first called internally after an UpdateInterval (the default is 500 milliseconds). To avoid this delay call Update within the form load event.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getBuddy in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getBuddy in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A reference to another Automation Object (IDispatch)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public ITool getCurrentTool()
                     throws IOException,
The current tool of the buddy.


This is a shortcut to the CurrentTool of the Buddy. The Buddy implements the IToolbarBuddy interface that has a CurrentTool property. If no Buddy is set the CurrentTool returns Nothing.

On a ToolbarControl there is only ever one CurrentTool, and this is the item that appears 'pushed in'. If another tool is selected it becomes the new CurrentTool and the previous tool is deactivated.

If multiple ToolbarControls share the same CommandPool and have the same Buddy the CurrentTool is synchronised through the Buddy so only one item on all the ToolbarControl's will be the CurrentTool.


Always check that the Buddy has been set, before setting the CurrentTool or the method will fail.

When the CurrentTool is set the following events occur:

  1. The ITool::Deactivate event is triggered on the 'old' CurrentTool if one was set. If this event returns false a trappable error ocurrs. If this event returns true the 'old' CurrentTool is removed and replaced.
  2. The ICommand::OnClick event is triggered on the 'new' CurrentTool and its cursor is picked up.

Within an ITool implementation it is recommended that the ITool::Deactivate event returns true. This allows a 'new' CurrentTool to be set, and allows the release of the CurrentTool when an application is shutting down.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getCurrentTool in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getCurrentTool in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.ITool
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setCurrentToolByRef(ITool rhs1)
                         throws IOException,
The current tool of the buddy.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setCurrentToolByRef in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setCurrentToolByRef in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.ITool (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isToolTips()
                   throws IOException,
Indicates if the items tooltips are shown.


Determines whether each item on the ToolbarControl will display the ICommand::Tooltip property when the mouse cursor is held over the item. This property is true by default.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isToolTips in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
isToolTips in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setToolTips(boolean rhs1)
                 throws IOException,
Indicates if the items tooltips are shown.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setToolTips in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setToolTips in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getItemAppearance()
                      throws IOException,
The appearance of the items on the ToolbarControl.


Returns or sets the paint style of each Item on the ToolbarControl to either Flat or 3D. By default the item appearance is flat.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getItemAppearance in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getItemAppearance in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsAppearance constant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setItemAppearance(int rhs1)
                       throws IOException,
The appearance of the items on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setItemAppearance in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setItemAppearance in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriControlsAppearance constant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getUpdateInterval()
                      throws IOException,
The frequency in millisecs that update method is called on the ToolbarControl.


Specifies the frequency the ToolbarControl automatically calls the Update method (without a full update). Setting the UpdateInterval to 0 will stop the Update method been called automatically. By default the UpdateInterval is set to 500 milliseconds.


Be aware that setting a small UpdateInterval may cause memory usage to increase and the system to become busy doing continual updates.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getUpdateInterval in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getUpdateInterval in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setUpdateInterval(int rhs1)
                       throws IOException,
The frequency in millisecs that update method is called on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setUpdateInterval in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setUpdateInterval in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int find(Object item)
         throws IOException,
Returns the index of the first item containing the given command, menu or palette. Returns -1 if the command is not found.


Returns the index of the first item on the ToolbarControl using the specified IUid , ProgID, ICommand, IMenuDef or IPaletteDef. If the specified command or menu cannot be found -1 is returned.


To find an item using a Command implementing ICommandSubType pass a UID with its SubType property set.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
find in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
find in interface IToolbarControlDefault
item - A Variant (in)
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public ICommandPool getCommandPool()
                            throws IOException,
The command pool used by the ToolbarControl to manage command objects. The command pool object maybe shared with other ToolbarControls and ToolbarMenus.


The CommandPool manages the collection of commands used by the ToolbarControl. The AddItem, AddToolbarDef, Remove and RemoveAll methods all use the CommandPool.

Care must be taken by developers when using the CommandPool to ensure that the ICommandPool::UsageCount of any commands in the collection stay synchronised with the number of items using the command as the IToolbarItem::Command .

Note that if a new CommandPool is set commands are copied from the original CommandPool into the new one. If the same command exists in the original CommadPool and the new CommandPool, the command in the new CommandPool is used.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getCommandPool in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getCommandPool in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.controls.ICommandPool
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setCommandPoolByRef(ICommandPool rhs1)
                         throws IOException,
The command pool used by the ToolbarControl to manage command objects. The command pool object maybe shared with other ToolbarControls and ToolbarMenus.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setCommandPoolByRef in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setCommandPoolByRef in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.controls.ICommandPool (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int addToolbarDef(Object toolbarDef,
                         int startIndex,
                         boolean group,
                         int groupSpacing,
                         int style)
                  throws IOException,
Appends the contents of the toolbar definition, specified by Guid or ToolbarDef, to the toolbar control.


Takes the specified toolbar definition and for each command specified an item is created and added to the ToolbarControl with an associated IToolbarItem::Command set. Specifiy the toolbar definition as either a IUid, ProgID, or IToolBarDef .

startIndex determines the position on the ToolbarControl each item will be added to. By default this is -1 and represents the end of the ToolbarControl.

Group determines whether separators will appear before the first and after the last item defined by the IToolBarDef . By default Group is False. Note this will override any IItemDef::Group property set in the IToolBarDef.

GroupSpacing determines the width of any separators, and applies to all items defined by the IToolBarDef .

Style applies to all items defined by the IToolBarDef. By default Style is set to esriCommandStyleIconOnly.

Where possible always supply toolbars as either Uid objects or ProgID's. Only supply toolbars as IToolBarDef objects when a IUid or ProgID does not exist, and the class is compiled as part of the same project using the ToolbarControl.


For each command specified by the IToolBarDef, AddToolbarDef calls the AddItem method which checks to see if the supplied command already exists in the CommandPool. If the command does not already exist, it is added to the CommandPool with a ICommandPool::UsageCount of 1, and is set as the IToolbarItem::Command. If the command does already exist in the CommandPool its ICommandPool::UsageCount increments by 1 and the command is set as the IToolbarItem::Command. The ICommand::OnCreate method will only be called the first time a command is added to the CommandPool.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
addToolbarDef in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
addToolbarDef in interface IToolbarControlDefault
toolbarDef - A Variant (in)
startIndex - The startIndex (in, optional, pass -1 if not required)
group - The group (in, optional, pass false if not required)
groupSpacing - The groupSpacing (in, optional, pass 4 if not required)
style - A com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.esriCommandStyles constant (in, optional, pass 1 if not required)
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getTextAlignment()
                     throws IOException,
The caption placement for all items on the ToolbarControl.


Returns or sets whether each item on the ToolbarControl will display the ICommand::Caption property aligned to the right or to the bottom of the item. By default the captions will be aligned to the right of items.


Captions are only displayed for those items with IToolbarItem::Style set to esriCommandStyleTextOnly or esriCommandStyleIconAndText.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getTextAlignment in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getTextAlignment in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriToolbarTextAlignment constant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setTextAlignment(int rhs1)
                      throws IOException,
The caption placement for all items on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setTextAlignment in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setTextAlignment in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriToolbarTextAlignment constant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isLargeIcons()
                     throws IOException,
Indicates if large icons are shown on all items on the ToolbarControl.


Determines whether each item on the ToolbarControl will display the ICommand::Bitmap property stretched to 32 x 32 pixels. This property is false by default and bitmaps are stretched to 16 x 16 pixels.


When the IconSize property to set to a size => 32, LargeIcons returns true.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isLargeIcons in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
isLargeIcons in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setLargeIcons(boolean rhs1)
                   throws IOException,
Indicates if large icons are shown on all items on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setLargeIcons in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setLargeIcons in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isCustomize()
                    throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl is in customize mode.


Use this property to determine whether the ToolbarControl is in customize mode at run time. This property is false by default. The behaviour of ToolbarControl changes when in customize mode.

Use the left mouse button to select an item on the ToolbarControl. Either drag the selected item to a new position on the ToolbarControl as indicated by the black verticle line, or drag and drop the item off the ToolbarControl to remove it.

Use the right mouse button to select an item and display the customize menu. Use the customize menu to either delete the item or set its Style, Group or GroupSpacing properties.

If the CustomizeDialog is displayed on the screen whilst the ToolbarControl is in customize mode, new items can be added to the ToolbarControl by either double clicking on an item in the CustomizeDialog or by dragging and dropping an item from the CustomizeDialog to the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isCustomize in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
isCustomize in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setCustomize(boolean rhs1)
                  throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl is in customize mode.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setCustomize in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setCustomize in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void moveItem(int startIndex,
                     int finalIndex)
              throws IOException,
Moves an item from one index to another.


Moves the item at the specified startIndex, to the position at the specified finalIndex. If no finalIndex is supplied the item is moved to the end of the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
moveItem in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
moveItem in interface IToolbarControlDefault
startIndex - The startIndex (in)
finalIndex - The finalIndex (in, optional, pass -1 if not required)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int hitTest(int x,
                   int y,
                   boolean nearest)
            throws IOException,
Returns the index of the item at the specified x and y coordinates.


Returns the index of the item at the specified x and y coordinates (in pixels). If no item is found, returns -1.

nearest specifies whether the index of the item nearest to the specified x and y coordinates is returned. By default nearest is false.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
hitTest in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
hitTest in interface IToolbarControlDefault
x - The x (in)
y - The y (in)
nearest - The nearest (in, optional, pass false if not required)
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void getItemRect(int index,
                        int[] top,
                        int[] left,
                        int[] bottom,
                        int[] right)
                 throws IOException,
Returns the dimensions of the item at the specified index.


Returns the dimensions in pixels of the item at the specified index on the ToolbarControl. An item's rectangle refers to the area on the ToolbarControl occupied by the button, text box or combo box. These rectangles are adjacent. For example, if the first item had a left value of 2, and a right value of 26, the second item would have a left value of 26.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getItemRect in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getItemRect in interface IToolbarControlDefault
index - The index (in)
top - The top (in/out: use single element array)
left - The left (in/out: use single element array)
bottom - The bottom (in/out: use single element array)
right - The right (in/out: use single element array)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public IOperationStack getOperationStack()
                                  throws IOException,
The operation stack used for undo and redo functionality. If present commands can use it to store operations.


The OperationStack used to manage undo and redo functionality. Operations are added to the operation stack by each item's Command, so that the operation can be rolled forward and then rolled back as desired. For example, when a graphic element is moved, the operation can be undone moving the graphic back to its original location.

By default the OperationStack will return Nothing. Typically, a developer creates a ControlsOperationStack and sets it into the ToolbarControl. 'Undo' and 'Redo' commands can be added to the ToolbarControl to step through the OperationStack.

Whether or not a command makes use of an OperationStack depends upon its implementation. For example, a command to nudge the position of a graphic element will create an object implementing IOperation and add it to the OperationStack using IOperationStack::Do.

Note, that commands that change the IActiveView::Extent do not need to implement an IOperation object, as the extent is automatically stored in the IActiveView::ExtentStack.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getOperationStack in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getOperationStack in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.IOperationStack
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setOperationStackByRef(IOperationStack rhs1)
                            throws IOException,
The operation stack used for undo and redo functionality. If present commands can use it to store operations.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setOperationStackByRef in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setOperationStackByRef in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.IOperationStack (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public Object getCustomProperty()
                         throws IOException,
A property to associate data with a control.


Use the CustomProperty to associate any useful data with the ToolbarControl. This is similar to a 'Tag' property, and can be use to store strings, numbers and objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getCustomProperty in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getCustomProperty in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A Variant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setCustomProperty(Object rhs1)
                       throws IOException,
A property to associate data with a control.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setCustomProperty in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setCustomProperty in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A Variant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setBuddyControl(Object pToolbarBuddy)
                     throws IOException,
Sets a control to be a buddy of the toolbar, this control must support IToolbarBuddy.


Pass the SetBuddyControl method a MapControl, PageLayoutControl, SceneControl, GlobeControl or object implementing IToolbarBuddy. To clear the Buddy set the property to Nothing.

The ToolbarControl is passed as the hook parameter to the ICommand::OnCreate method of each item's command on the ToolbarControl. Each command will typically check the type of Buddy that has been set before becoming enabled. For example, a 'map zoom in' tool will only become enabled if the Buddy is a control that has a Map object ie. a MapControl or PageLayoutControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setBuddyControl in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setBuddyControl in interface IToolbarControlDefault
pToolbarBuddy - A reference to another Automation Object (IDispatch) (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isMenuTracking()
                       throws IOException,
Indicates if menu tracking is enabled on the ToolbarControl.


Indicates whether a menu or palette on the ToolbarControl will display automatically as the user moves the mouse over it, or whether the user must click on the arrow to the right of the menu or palette to display it.

An application's main menu toolbar would typically contain menu only items such as File, Edit, View and Help and would typically have MenuTracking enabled.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isMenuTracking in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
isMenuTracking in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setMenuTracking(boolean rhs1)
                     throws IOException,
Indicates if menu tracking is enabled on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setMenuTracking in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setMenuTracking in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int addMenuItem(Object menu,
                       int index,
                       boolean beginGroup,
                       int groupSpacing)
                throws IOException,
Adds a menu item to the ToolbarControl.


Takes the specified menu and creates a new item that is added to the ToolbarControl and returns the index of the menu item added. This is really a shortcut to AddItem.

Specifiy the menu as either a IUID , ProgID, IMenuDef or IToolbarMenu.

If AddIMenuItem is passed an IMenuDef, the menu definition is is used to build a new ToolbarMenu, and the IToolbarMenu::CommandPool is set to the IToolbarControlDefault::CommandPool. If AddMenuItem is passed an IToolbarMenu a new ToolbarItem is created and the IToolbarItem::Menu is set to the IToolbarMenu.

index determines the position on the ToolbarControl that the Item will be added to. By default this is -1 and represents the end of the ToolbarControl.

beginGroup determines whether a separator will appear before the Item. By default beginGroup is False.

GroupSpacing determines the width in pixels of the separator.


AddItem checks to see if each command in the menu already exists in the CommandPool used by the ToolbarControl. If the command does not already exist, it is created and added to the CommandPool with a ICommandPool::UsageCount of 1. If the command already exists in the CommandPool its ICommandPool::UsageCount is incremented by 1. The ICommand::OnCreate method will be called the first time a command is added to the CommandPool.

Where possible always supply menus as either Uid objects or ProgID's. Only supply menu as IMenuDef objects when a IUid or ProgID does not exist, and the class is compiled as part of the same project using the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
addMenuItem in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
addMenuItem in interface IToolbarControlDefault
menu - A Variant (in)
index - The index (in, optional, pass -1 if not required)
beginGroup - The beginGroup (in, optional, pass false if not required)
groupSpacing - The groupSpacing (in, optional, pass 4 if not required)
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public Object getObject()
                 throws IOException,
A property that returns the underlying control. This can be used when the control is inside a wrapper object that has been added by a development environment.


In some development environments it is not possible to query interface directly on the control to other COM interfaces, beacuse the control is contained within a wrapper object. To get the real control use the Object property.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getObject in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getObject in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A reference to another Automation Object (IDispatch)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getKeyIntercept()
                    throws IOException,
A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container. When intercepted the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events will be called. This value can be a combined bit mask of esriKeyIntercept enum values.


Returns or sets keys on the keyboard that will be intercepted by the ToolbarControl, triggering the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events when pressed. These keys are often hidden from the ToolbarControl by the development environment container. By default the KeyIntercept is set to esriKeyInterceptNone.

Many development environment containers use the up, down, left and right arrow keys to change control focus on a form. These keys can also be useful for navigating around the display. To intercept the arrow keys and the Tab key combine the enum values using a logical OR operation (esriKeyInterceptArrowKeys OR esriKeyInterceptTabKey, which is 1 OR 4 = 5).

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getKeyIntercept in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
getKeyIntercept in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setKeyIntercept(int rhs1)
                     throws IOException,
A property that specifies interception of key strokes that are normally handled by the container. When intercepted the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events will be called. This value can be a combined bit mask of esriKeyIntercept enum values.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setKeyIntercept in interface IToolbarControl
Specified by:
setKeyIntercept in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setBackColor(int rhs1)
                  throws IOException,
Background color of the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setBackColor in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setBackColor in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (A COM typedef) (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getBackColor()
                 throws IOException,
Background color of the ToolbarControl.


Returns or sets the background color of the ToolbarControl. By default BackColor is set to the Windows System '3D Objects' color. Internally the OLE_Color is stored as a long integer where the value may be calculated for any RGB combination as follows:

OLE_Color = (Red) + (Green * 256) + (Blue * 256 * 256)

Where Red, Green and Blue are Long Integers within the range 0 - 255.

If the BackColor is different to the FadeColor the ToolbarControl background will be shaded between the BackColor and FadeColor by the FillDirection.


The BackColor, FadeColor and FillDirection properties do not affect the visual appearance of the ToolbarControl when Transparent is set to true.

When ThemedDrawing is false the background color of any items on the ToolbarControl is an alpha blend of the BackColor and the Windows System '3D Highlight' color. When ThemedDrawing is true the system controls the background color.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getBackColor in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
getBackColor in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue (A COM typedef)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getOrientation()
                   throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl is horizontally or vertically aligned.


Returns or sets the orientation of a ToolbarControl. By default the orientation is horizontal.


When a ToolControl is added to a ToolbarControl with a vertical orientation, the ToolControl displays as a button. Clicking the button displays the ToolControl in a seperate window. The ToolControl window can be closed interactively by the end user, or programmatically using the ICompletionNotify::SetComplete method.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getOrientation in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
getOrientation in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriToolbarOrientation constant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setOrientation(int rhs1)
                    throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl is horizontally or vertically aligned.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setOrientation in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setOrientation in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriToolbarOrientation constant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isThemedDrawing()
                        throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl uses themed drawing.


Determines whether items on the ToolbarControl display themselves using the current Windows XP theme. This property is false by default, and items display themselves on the ToolbarControl with the Windows Classic look.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isThemedDrawing in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
isThemedDrawing in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setThemedDrawing(boolean rhs1)
                      throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl uses themed drawing.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setThemedDrawing in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setThemedDrawing in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getFadeColor()
                 throws IOException,
Background fade color of the ToolbarControl.


Returns or sets the fade color of the ToolbarControl. By default FadeColor is set to the Windows System '3D Objects' color. Internally the OLE_Color is stored as a long integer where the value may be calculated for any RGB combination as follows:

OLE_Color = (Red) + (Green * 256) + (Blue * 256 * 256)

Where Red, Green and Blue are Long Integers within the range 0 - 255.

If the FadeColor is different to the BackColor the ToolbarControl background will be shaded between the BackColor and FadeColor by the FillDirection.


The BackColor, FadeColor and FillDirection properties do not affect the visual appearance of the ToolbarControl when Transparent is set to true.

When ThemedDrawing is false the background color of any items on the ToolbarControl is an alpha blend of the BackColor and the Windows System '3D Highlight' color. When ThemedDrawing is true the system controls the background color.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getFadeColor in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
getFadeColor in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue (A COM typedef)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setFadeColor(int rhs1)
                  throws IOException,
Background fade color of the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

This method is not supported on Unix.

Specified by:
setFadeColor in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setFadeColor in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (A COM typedef) (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getFillDirection()
                     throws IOException,
The fill direction of the ToolbarControl background color.


Returns or sets the fill direction used to shade the background color of the ToolbarControl between the BackColor and FadeColor. By default a horizontal fill direction will be set.


The BackColor, FadeColor and FillDirection properties do not affect the visual appearance of the ToolbarControl when Transparent is set to true.

When ThemedDrawing is false the background color of any items on the ToolbarControl is an alpha blend of the BackColor and the Windows System '3D Highlight' color. When ThemedDrawing is true the system controls the background color.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getFillDirection in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
getFillDirection in interface IToolbarControlDefault
A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriToolbarFillDirection constant
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setFillDirection(int rhs1)
                      throws IOException,
The fill direction of the ToolbarControl background color.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

This method is not supported on Unix.

Specified by:
setFillDirection in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setFillDirection in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - A com.esri.arcgis.controls.esriToolbarFillDirection constant (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isTransparent()
                      throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a transparent background.


Determines whether the background of the ToolbarControl is transparent. This property is false by default.

When Transparent is true, the parent window containing the ToolbarControl must not clip children windows for transparency to work. This ensures the area of the window under the ToolbarControl gets painted.


The BackColor, FadeColor and FillDirection properties do not affect the visual appearance of the ToolbarControl when Transparent is set to true.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isTransparent in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
isTransparent in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setTransparent(boolean rhs1)
                    throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a transparent background.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setTransparent in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setTransparent in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isShowHiddenItems()
                          throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a hidden items menu containing items currently not visible.


Determines whether any hidden items on the ToolbarControl are visible on a 'hidden items menu' when the button containing two chevrons is clicked by the end user. By default this property is false.

When ShowHiddenItems is false, the last visible item on the ToolbarControl may be partially visible only (and all subsequent items will be inaccessible) depending on the size of the ToolbarControl .


The 'hidden items menu' can only be displayed at runtime, when the ToolbarControl is not in Customize mode.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isShowHiddenItems in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
isShowHiddenItems in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setShowHiddenItems(boolean rhs1)
                        throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl has a hidden items menu containing items currently not visible.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setShowHiddenItems in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setShowHiddenItems in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public int getIconSize()
                throws IOException,
The size in pixels of icons displayed on the ToolbarControl.


The size in pixels that each item on the ToolbarControl will display the ICommand::Bitmap property. By default bitmaps are stretched to a size of 16 x 16 pixels. The minimum IconSize allowed is 8.


IconSize may not affect the size of an item on the ToolbarControl that contains an object implementing IToolControl. Whether the ToolControl responds to the resize depends on its implementation.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
getIconSize in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
getIconSize in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setIconSize(int rhs1)
                 throws IOException,
The size in pixels of icons displayed on the ToolbarControl.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setIconSize in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setIconSize in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public boolean isAlignLeft()
                    throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl displays menu and palette items aligned to the left or right.


Determines whether ToolbarMenu and ToolbarPalette items (and any sub menus they contain) on the ToolbarControl popup in a position aligned to the left of the ToolbarControl. This property is true by default.


If a ToolbarMenu or ToolbarPalette is to popup in a position so close to edge of a screen display, that it will not be fully visible, the AlignLeft property will be ignored. The ToolbarMenu or ToolbarPalette will popup aligned in a direction that will ensure it is fully visible.

AlignLeft does not affect the alignment of an ICommand::Caption, IToolbarMenu::Caption or IToolbarPalette::Caption displayed on a ToolbarItem. In order to change the direction text is displayed the RTL (right to left) display environment variable need changing. The AlignLeft property will override any RTL (right to left) display environment variables that affect the position of drop downs.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
isAlignLeft in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
isAlignLeft in interface IToolbarControlDefault
The returnValue
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void setAlignLeft(boolean rhs1)
                  throws IOException,
Indicates if the ToolbarControl displays menu and palette items aligned to the left or right.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
setAlignLeft in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
setAlignLeft in interface IToolbarControlDefault
rhs1 - The rhs1 (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void loadItems(IStream pStream)
               throws IOException,
Loads items into the ToolbarControl from a previously saved stream.


Loads the specified items into the ToolbarControl. Any items on the ToolbarControl before the LoadItems method is used, will be removed and replaced by the contents of the stream.

Use the LoadItems method in conjunction with the IBlobStream::LoadFromFile method to load any previously saved customizations made to the ToolbarControl by a user with the CustomizeDialog. The stream can be saved into a users profile using the SaveItems method, when an application exits, and the items loaded back into the ToolbarControl when the application is restarted using the LoadItems method.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
loadItems in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
loadItems in interface IToolbarControlDefault
pStream - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IStream (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void saveItems(IStream pStream)
               throws IOException,
Saves the ToolbarControl items into a stream.


Persists the any items on the ToolbarControl out as a MemoryBlobStream.

Use the SaveItems method in conjunction with the IBlobStream::SaveToFile method to save any customizations made to the ToolbarControl by a user with the CustomizeDialog. The stream can be saved into a users profile, when an application exits, and the items loaded back into the ToolbarControl when the application is restarted using the LoadItems method.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.

Specified by:
saveItems in interface IToolbarControl2
Specified by:
saveItems in interface IToolbarControlDefault
pStream - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IStream (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void enumConnectionPoints(IEnumConnectionPoints[] ppEnum)
                          throws IOException,


IConnectionPointContainer is a Microsoft interface. Please refer to MSDN for information about this interface.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
enumConnectionPoints in interface IConnectionPointContainer
ppEnum - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.display.IEnumConnectionPoints (out: use single element array)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void findConnectionPoint(GUID riid,
                                IConnectionPoint[] ppCP)
                         throws IOException,


IConnectionPointContainer is a Microsoft interface. Please refer to MSDN for information about this interface.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
findConnectionPoint in interface IConnectionPointContainer
riid - A Structure: (in)
ppCP - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.display.IConnectionPoint (out: use single element array)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void isDirty()
             throws IOException,

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
isDirty in interface IPersistStreamInit
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void load(IStream pStm)
          throws IOException,

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
load in interface IPersistStreamInit
pStm - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IStream (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void save(IStream pStm,
                 int fClearDirty)
          throws IOException,

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
save in interface IPersistStreamInit
pStm - A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.system.IStream (in)
fClearDirty - The fClearDirty (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void getSizeMax(_ULARGE_INTEGER[] pCbSize)
                throws IOException,

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
getSizeMax in interface IPersistStreamInit
pCbSize - A Structure: com.esri.arcgis.system._ULARGE_INTEGER (out: use single element array)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void initNew()
             throws IOException,

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
initNew in interface IPersistStreamInit
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void getClassID(GUID[] pClassID)
                throws IOException,


IPersist is a Microsoft interface. Please refer to MSDN for information about this interface.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
getClassID in interface IPersist
pClassID - A Structure: (out: use single element array)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public void interfaceSupportsErrorInfo(GUID riid)
                                throws IOException,


Indicates whether the interface supports IErrorInfo.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Specified by:
interfaceSupportsErrorInfo in interface ISupportErrorInfo
riid - A Structure: (in)
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


public Dimension getPreferredSize()
getPreferredSize in class com.esri.arcgis.interop.Ocx