Interface Summary | |
esri3DAxis | The Esri transformation specification options. |
esri3DFaceCulling | The Esri face culling options. |
esri3DMarkerType | The Esri 3D marker types. |
esri3DOutputImageType | Output image format options. |
esri3DProjectionType | The Esri 3D projection modes. |
esri3DServerType | The Esri 3D server types. |
esriBaseOption | The Esri base height options. |
esriCameraMovementType | The Esri Camera movement directions. |
esriColladaExportErrorReturnCodes | Collada Export Erorr Return Codes. |
esriDisplayType | The Esri Display mode. |
esriExtrusionType | The Esri extrusion type options. |
esriEyeType | The Esri Eye view type. |
esriRenderMode | The Esri rendering mode. |
esriRenderVisibility | The Esri rendering visiblity options. |
esriSceneGeomNodeType | Scene graph geometry node type options. |
esriSceneNodeType | Scene graph node type options. |
esriScenePickMode | Scene graph picking options. |
esriSceneTraversalFlag | Scene graph recursive-traversal flag options. |
esriSimple3DLineStyle | Simple 3D line styles. |
esriSimple3DMarkerStyle | Simple 3D marker styles. |
esriStereoViewType | The Esri Stereo view types. |
esriTextureFormatType | Esri texture format types. |
I3DProperties | Provides access to members that control three-dimensional properties. |
I3DProperties2 | Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties. |
I3DProperties3 | Provides additional access to members that control three-dimensional properties. |
I3DViewer | Provides access to members that conrtrol the 3D viewer. |
IAnimationTrack | Provides access to animation tracks. |
IAnimationTracks | Provides access to members that control the scene animation tracks. |
IAnimationType | Provides access to the animation type objects. |
IAVIExporter | Provides access to members that are associated with the AVI exporter. |
IBasicScene | Provides access to basic members of the scene. |
IBasicScene2 | Provides access to basic members of the scene. |
IBillboardDisplay | Provides access to members that affect billboard display of symbols. |
IBookmark3D | Provides access to members than control bookmarks in 3D. |
IBookmarkToKeyframe | Provides access to methods to convert Bookmarks in Keyframes. |
ICamera | Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. |
ICamera2 | Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. |
ICamera3 | Provides access to members that manipulate the camera. |
ICharacterMarker3DSymbol | Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol. |
IExportColladaFile | Exports Multipatch to Collada. |
IFeature3DProperties | Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene. |
IFeature3DProperties2 | Provides access to members that control feature filtering in a scene. |
IGeneralMultiPatchCreator | Provides access to manage the creation of a GeneralMultiPatch. |
IGeometryMaterial | Provides access to Material properties. |
IGeometryMaterialList | Provides access to a list of objects implementing IGeometryMaterial. |
IGraphicsContainer3D | Provides access to members that manipulate the graphics container. |
IGraphicsSelection | Provides access to members that select 3D graphics. |
IHit3D | Provides access to members that control information about a hit in 3D picking. |
IHit3DSet | Provides access to members that control the set of Hit3D objects resulting from a 3D picking. |
IImport3DApplication | Provides access to an application to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IImport3DFile | Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IImport3DFile2 | Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IImport3DFileRoots | Provides access to a roots in a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. |
IKeyframe | Provides access to keyframe of animated objects. |
ILayerRenderers | Provides access to members that expose the renderers of a layer. |
ILine3DPlacement | Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol origin. |
IMarker3DPlacement | Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol origin. |
IMarker3DSymbol | Provides access to members that control the 3D marker symbol. |
IMessageDispatcher | Provides access to members for manipulating message queue and keeping track of cancellation. |
IQuickTimeExporter | Provides access to members that are associated with the QuickTime exporter. |
IRasterSurface | Provides access to members that manipulate and analyze a raster surface. |
IScene | Provides access to members that control the scene. |
ISceneBookmarks | Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks. |
ISceneBookmarks2 | Provides access to members that control the scene bookmarks. |
ISceneExporter3d | Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene. |
ISceneGraph | Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph. |
ISceneGraph2 | Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph. |
ISceneGraphEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes. |
ISceneGraphEventsDisp | Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph changes. |
ISceneGraphLayerEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph layer changes. |
ISceneGraphLayerEventsDisp | Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph layer changes. |
ISceneRenderer | Provides access to members that control scene rendering. |
ISceneRendererEvents | Provides access to events that occur when a scene is rendered. |
ISceneVideoExporter | Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a 3D scene animation to video. |
ISceneViewer | Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer. |
ISceneViewer2 | Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer. |
ISimpleLine3DSymbol | Provides access to members that control the simple 3D line symbol. |
ISimpleMarker3DSymbol | Provides access to members that control the simple 3D marker symbol. |
IStereoCamera | Provides access to members that manipulate the stereo camera. |
ISxAnimationEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment. |
ISxAnimationEnvironment2 | Provides access to members that control the Animation Environment. |
ITextureFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the texture fill symbol. |
ITextureLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the texture line symbol. |
IVideoExporterProperties | Provides access to members that are associated with exporting a video. |
IViewers3D | Provides access to members that control 3D displays. |
IVRMLExporter | Provides access to members that are associated with the VRML exporter. |
Class Summary | |
AnimationTrack | The Animation Track coclass. |
AnimationTypeCamera | The Camera Animation Type coclass. |
AnimationTypeLayer | The Layer Animation Type coclass. |
AnimationTypeScene | The Scene Animation Type coclass. |
AVIExporter | An exporter to AVI video format. |
Basic3DProperties | Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties. |
Bookmark3D | The 3D bookmark coclass. |
Camera | The Esri camera component. |
CharacterMarker3DSymbol | 3D Character Marker Symbol component. |
ExportColladaFile | Multipatch to Collada Exporter. |
Feature3DProperties | Three-dimensional scene filter for features. |
GeneralMultiPatchCreator | The General MultiPatch Creator component. |
GeometryMaterial | The Geometry Material component. |
GeometryMaterialList | The Geometry Material List component. |
GraphicsLayer3D | A 3D Graphics Layer. |
Hit3D | A container for information regarding a hit in 3D picking. |
Hit3DSet | The set of hits resulting from a 3D picking operation. |
I3DViewerProxy | Provides access to members that conrtrol the 3D viewer. |
IHit3DProxy | Provides access to members that control information about a hit in 3D picking. |
IHit3DSetProxy | Provides access to members that control the set of Hit3D objects resulting from a 3D picking. |
IImport3DFile2Proxy | Provides access to a file used to create 3D General Multipatches. |
ILayerRenderersProxy | Provides access to members that expose the renderers of a layer. |
Import3DFile | Import 3D File component. |
IQuickTimeExporterProxy | Provides access to members that are associated with the QuickTime exporter. |
ISceneGraph2Proxy | Provides access to members that control and manipulate the scene graph. |
ISceneGraphEventsActiveViewerChangedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsAdapter | |
ISceneGraphEventsAfterDrawEvent | Remarks |
ISceneGraphEventsBeforeDrawEvent | Remarks |
ISceneGraphEventsDispActiveViewerChangedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsDispAdapter | |
ISceneGraphEventsDispAfterDrawEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsDispBeforeDrawEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsDispInteractionStoppedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsDispProxy | Provides access to events that occur when state of scene graph changes. |
ISceneGraphEventsDispRecordingStartedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsDispRecordingStoppedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsDispViewerAddedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsDispViewerRemovedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsInteractionStoppedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the scene graph changes. |
ISceneGraphEventsRecordingStartedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsRecordingStoppedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsViewerAddedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphEventsViewerRemovedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphLayerEventsAdapter | |
ISceneGraphLayerEventsDispAdapter | |
ISceneGraphLayerEventsDispObjectChangedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneGraphLayerEventsObjectChangedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneRendererEventsAdapter | |
ISceneRendererEventsSelectionChangedEvent | Product Availability |
ISceneRendererProxy | Provides access to members that control scene rendering. |
ISceneViewerProxy | Provides access to members that conrtrol the scene viewer. |
LayerKeyframe | The Esri LayerKeyframe coclass. |
Marker3DSymbol | 3D Marker Symbol component. |
MessageDispatcher | A mechanism for manipulating message queue. |
QuickTimeExporter | An exporter to QuickTime video format. |
Raster3DProperties | Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster. |
RasterSurface | The Esri raster surface component. |
Scene | A container for the display and manipulation of data. |
SceneGraph | A container for recording data and events that occur in a scene. |
SceneGraphEvents | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphEvents interface in VB. |
SceneGraphLayerEvents | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ISceneGraphLayerEvents interface in VB. |
SceneKeyframe | The scene keyframe coclass. |
SimpleLine3DSymbol | Simple 3D Line Symbol component. |
SimpleMarker3DSymbol | Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. |
SxAnimationEnvironment | 3D Animation Manager Environment. |
TextureFillSymbol | Texture Fill Symbol component. |
TextureLineSymbol | Texture Line Symbol component. |
Tin3DProperties | Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs. |
VRMLExporter | An exporter to VRML format. |
The 3DAnalyst library contains objects for performing 3D analysis of data, along with the support for displaying 3D data. A control is available in this library for developers to use. A 3DAnalyst extension license is required to work with objects in this library.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.