Uses of Class

Packages that use Layer

Uses of Layer in com.esri.client.local

Subclasses of Layer in com.esri.client.local
 class ArcGISLocalDynamicMapServiceLayer
          Class representing a dynamic layer on the LocalServer exposed by the REST API.
 class ArcGISLocalFeatureLayer
          Class representing an ArcGIS feature layer on the LocalServer.
 class ArcGISLocalTiledLayer
          The Class ArcGISLocalTiledLayer uses data directly from a locally stored tile cache.

Uses of Layer in

Subclasses of Layer in
 class ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer
          An implementation of an ArcGIS Dynamic Map Service.
 class ArcGISFeatureLayer
          ArcGISFeatureLayer is a type of GraphicsLayer that allows you to display, select and query graphic features which consist of geometry and attributes.
 class ArcGISImageServiceLayer
          A layer that provides provides access to raster data.
 class ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
          An implementation of an ArcGIS Tiled Map Service.
 class BingMapsLayer
           BingMapsLayer class is used to define the Layer populated from Bing Maps that can be added to the MapView object.
 class CSVLayer
 class DynamicLayer
 class GPSLayer
          This purpose of this layer is to display location from a IGPSWatcher.
 class GraphicsLayer
          The GraphicsLayer class represents a layer that contains one or more Graphic features.
 class GroupLayer
          A group layer is a collection of layers extending from the Layer class. it can appear and act as a single layer and has a Layer object's properties such as visibility, extent etc.
 class KMLLayer
          The KMLLayer class represents a layer based on a KML file (.kml,.kmz).
 class MessageGroupLayer
          This class is used with the MessageProcessor class to display the graphics associated with processed messages.
 class OpenStreetMapLayer
          Layer that supports OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile servers.
 class WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer
          The Class WmsDynamicMapServiceLayer.

Methods in that return Layer
 Layer LayerEvent.getChangedLayer()
          Gets the changed layer.
 Layer LayerInitializeCompleteEvent.getLayer()
          Gets the layer that this event belongs to.
 Layer LayerList.remove(int index)
          Removes any layer at the given index and hence removes the layer from the Map which owns this layer list.
 Layer LayerList.set(int index, Layer element)
          Sets the given layer at the given index.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Layer
 Map<Integer,Layer> LayerEvent.getChangedLayers()
          Gets the changed layers.

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
 void LayerList.add(int index, Layer element)
          Adds the given layer to this layer list at the given index.
 int GroupLayer.add(Layer layer)
          Adds a layer to the current layer group by appending it to the bottom.
 boolean LayerList.add(Layer e)
          Adds the given layer to this layer list and hence the Map to which this list belongs.
 void ResolutionList.addFromLayer(Layer layer)
          Adds all the resolution values contained in the given layer
 boolean LayerList.addIfAbsent(Layer e)
          Adds the supplied layer to this layer list if it is not already in this layer list.
 boolean GroupLayer.addLayerAt(Layer layer, int index)
          Inserts a layer object at certain position in the group layer.
 boolean JMap.containsLayer(Layer layer)
          Returns true if the map contains the given layer.
protected  void LayerList.fireLayerAdded(Layer layer, int index)
protected  void LayerList.fireLayerRemoved(Layer layer, int index)
protected  void JMap.internalAddLayer(Layer layer)
protected  void JMap.internalAddLayer(Layer layer, int index)
 void OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLayerAdd(WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, UserCredentials credentials)
          Implements this method to handle the event when a WebMapLayer is added to a MapView and initialized.
 MapLoadAction<UserCredentials> OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLoadError(WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, Throwable error, UserCredentials credentials)
          Implements this method to handle WebMap loading errors.
 Layer LayerList.set(int index, Layer element)
          Sets the given layer at the given index.
protected  boolean JMap.spatialRefsAreEqual(Layer lyr)
          Spatial refs are equal.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Layer
 void GroupLayer.addAll(Collection<? extends Layer> layers)
          Adds an array of layers to the current layer group.
 boolean LayerList.addAll(Collection<? extends Layer> c)
          Adds all supplied layer to this layer list.
 boolean LayerList.addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Layer> c)
          Adds all supplied layer to this layer list at the given index.
 int LayerList.addAllAbsent(Collection<? extends Layer> c)
          Adds each supplied layer to this layer list if it is not already in this layer list.
protected  void LayerList.fireMultipleLayersAdded(Map<Integer,Layer> layers)
protected  void LayerList.fireMultipleLayersRemoved(Map<Integer,Layer> layers)

Constructors in with parameters of type Layer
LayerEvent(LayerList source, Layer changedLayer, int id)
          Instantiates a new layer event.
LayerInitializeCompleteEvent(Layer source, int id)
          Instantiates a new layer initialize complete event.
LayerInitializeCompleteEvent(Layer source, int id, String error)
LayerList(Layer[] toCopyIn)
          Instantiates a new layer list with the given Layers

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Layer
LayerEvent(LayerList source, Map<Integer,Layer> changedLayers, int id)
          Instantiates a new layer event.
LayerList(Collection<? extends Layer> c)
          Instantiates a new layer list with the given collection.

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