Uses of Class

Packages that use Graphic   
com.esri.core.renderer Provides different types of renderers used to symbolize graphics. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing Contains classes for connecting to geoprocessing services and parsing the results.   

Uses of Graphic in

Methods in that return Graphic
static Graphic Graphic.fromJson(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser)
          Convenient method which parses the JSON representation of a graphic into a graphic object.
 Graphic[] FeatureSet.getGraphics()
          Gets the graphics in the set.
static Graphic FeatureUtil.newGraphic(int uid, Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, InfoTemplate infoTemp)
          Created a Graphic with the given UID.
static Graphic FeatureUtil.newGraphic(int uid, Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, InfoTemplate infoTemp, int drawOrder)
          Created a Graphic with the given UID.

Methods in with parameters of type Graphic
 String InfoTemplate.getContent(Graphic graphic)
          Deprecated. Gets the content populated with the attribute values of the provided graphic.
 String InfoTemplate.getTitle(Graphic graphic)
          Deprecated. Gets the title populated with the attribute values of the provided graphic.
 void FeatureSet.setGraphics(Graphic[] graphics)
          Sets the graphics of the FeatureSet.

Uses of Graphic in com.esri.core.renderer

Methods in com.esri.core.renderer with parameters of type Graphic
 Symbol ClassBreaksRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
 Symbol DictionaryRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
 Symbol SimpleRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
 Symbol UniqueValueRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)

Uses of Graphic in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced

Methods in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced that return Graphic
 Graphic MessageProcessor.getGraphic(String messageID)
          Retrieves the graphic which originates from the message with specified id.

Methods in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced with parameters of type Graphic
 Message MessageProcessor.createMessageFrom(Graphic graphic)
          Creates a Message from a Graphic object.

Uses of Graphic in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing that return types with arguments of type Graphic
 ArrayList<Graphic> GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.getGraphics()
          This method returns the Graphic associated with this GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.
 ArrayList<Graphic> GPRecordSet.getGraphics()
          Gets the array of graphics

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with parameters of type Graphic
 void GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.addGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Convenient method to add a Graphic to a GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.
 void GPRecordSet.addGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Convenient method to add a graphic to a GPRecordSet

Method parameters in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with type arguments of type Graphic
 void GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.setGraphics(ArrayList<Graphic> graphics)
          Sets the graphics to this GPFeatureRecordSetLayer object.
 void GPRecordSet.setGraphics(ArrayList<Graphic> graphics)
          Sets the array of graphics.

Uses of Graphic in

Subclasses of Graphic in
 class StopGraphic
          Class providing some convenient methods for setting attributes of a Graphic that are related to routing.

Methods in that return Graphic
 Graphic Route.getRoute()
          Gets the graphic for the full route (polyline)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Graphic
 List<Graphic> NAFeaturesAsFeature.getFeatures()
          Retrieves the list of graphics

Methods in with parameters of type Graphic
 void NAFeaturesAsFeature.addFeature(Graphic feature)
          Adds a graphic to the list of graphics NOTE: StopGraphic may also be used here
 void NAFeaturesAsFeature.addFeatures(Graphic[] features)
          Adds a collection of graphics to the list of graphics NOTE: StopGraphic may also be used here
 void NAFeaturesAsFeature.setFeatures(Graphic[] features)
          Overwrites the current list of graphics NOTE: StopGraphic may also be used here

Constructors in with parameters of type Graphic
StopGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Constructor taking a Graphic and creating a StopGraphic from it

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Graphic
NAFeaturesAsFeature(List<Graphic> features)
          Constructor taking the list of graphics
NAFeaturesAsFeature(List<Graphic> features, boolean hasZ, boolean doNotLocateOnRestrictedElements)
          Constructor taking the list of graphics, as well as booleans to indicate inclusion of z values and whether or not restricted elements should be eligible to be located on

Uses of Graphic in

Methods in that return Graphic
 Graphic ArcGISFeatureLayer.createFeatureWithTemplate(FeatureTemplate template, Geometry geometry)
          Creates a new feature based on the specified feature SubType and feature template.
 Graphic ArcGISFeatureLayer.createFeatureWithType(FeatureType type, Geometry geometry)
          Creates a new feature based on the specified feature SubType.
 Graphic GraphicsLayer.getGraphic(int id)
          Gets the graphic with the supplied id.
 Graphic[] ArcGISFeatureLayer.getSelectedFeatures()
          Returns the selected features.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Graphic
 Renderer<Graphic> GraphicsLayer.getRenderer()
          Gets the renderer of the GraphicsLayer.

Methods in with parameters of type Graphic
 int GraphicsLayer.addGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Adds a graphic to the layer.
 int[] GraphicsLayer.addGraphics(Graphic[] graphics)
          Adds graphics to the layer.
 int ArcGISFeatureLayer.addSelectedGraphic(Graphic g)
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds, Graphic[] deletes, Graphic[] updates, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
          Applies edits to the editable feature layer.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds, Graphic[] deletes, Graphic[] updates, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
          Applies edits to the editable feature layer.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds, Graphic[] deletes, Graphic[] updates, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
          Applies edits to the editable feature layer.
 MapPopup JMap.createPopup(JComponent[] content, Graphic graphic, boolean createAsDialog)
          Create a new MapPopup.
 String ArcGISFeatureLayer.getAttachmentURL(Graphic graphic, int attachmentId)
          Gets the URL of an attachment.
 ArcGISFeatureLayer.EditCapabilities ArcGISFeatureLayer.getEditCapabilities(Graphic graphic)
          Gets the edit capabilities.
 EditInfo ArcGISFeatureLayer.getEditInfo(Graphic graphic, EditInfo.ACTION_TYPE action)
          Gets the available editing information for the graphic.
 void GraphicsLayer.updateGraphic(int id, Graphic graphic)
          Replaces the identified graphic with the supplied graphic.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Graphic
 void GraphicsLayer.setRenderer(Renderer<Graphic> renderer)
          Sets the renderer of the GraphicsLayer.

Uses of Graphic in

Methods in with parameters of type Graphic
static PopupView PopupView.createAttributesView(String itemTitle, Graphic graphic)
          Create an instance of the PopupView that displays a simple list of attributes and values.
 void PopupViewListener.onCancelEdit(PopupViewEvent popupViewEvent, Graphic graphic)
          Cancel edit.
 void PopupViewListener.onCommitEdit(PopupViewEvent popupViewEvent, Graphic graphic)
          Commit edit.
 void PopupMediaView.setGraphic(Graphic graphic)
 void PopupView.setGraphic(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, Graphic graphic)
          Sets the graphic that is to be displayed or edited.
 void MapPopup.setNewGraphic(Graphic newGraphic)
          Sets the new graphic.
 void PopupDialog.setNewGraphic(Graphic newGraphic)
 void PopupPanel.setNewGraphic(Graphic newGraphic)
 void PopupView.ZoomToGraphicCallback.zoomToGraphic(Graphic graphic)

Constructors in with parameters of type Graphic
PopupDialog(JMap map, JComponent[] content, Graphic graphic)
          Instantiates a new popup dialog to display the given content with a callout tail that will point at the given graphic.
PopupPanel(JMap map, JComponent[] content, Graphic graphic)
          Instantiates a new popup panel.

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