Interface Summary | |
esriGlobeBackgroundOption | Background Options for Globe. |
esriGlobeCacheUpdateMode | Update Mode for Globe Cache |
esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode | Orientation modes for Globe Camera. |
esriGlobeCustomDrawType | Types of custom globe layer draw. |
esriGlobeDataType | Types of internal globe data. |
esriGlobeDisplayGridType | The Esri Globe Display Grid Type. |
esriGlobeGraphicsOrientation | The orientation modes for globe graphics layer elements. |
esriGlobeImageSamplingMode | Sampling/display modes for images. |
esriGlobeLayerBaseOption | Base Options for Globe Layers. |
esriGlobeLayerCacheRemovalOption | Cache Removal Options for Globe Layers. |
esriGlobeLayerType | Add layer types for Globe. |
esriGlobeNavigationType | Navigation types for Globe Camera. |
esriGlobeServerMessageCodeEnum | Product Availability |
esriGlobeSpinDirection | Spin direction type enumeration. |
esriGlobeStat | Different possible statistics reported by the globe. |
esriGlobeTileMemoryType | The Esri Globe Tile Memory Type. |
esriGlobeTipsType | The Esri Globe's tip types. |
esriKmlServerMessageCodeEnum | KmlServer Logging Messages. |
esriLODType | The Esri LOD control types. |
ICustomGlobeLayer | Provides access to members that define custom globe layers. |
IFeatureParameterLayer | Provides information about a Parameter Layer. |
IGeoVideoLayer | Provides access to members that manipulate the georeferenced video layers. |
IGlobe | Provides access to members that control the globe. |
IGlobe2 | Extends access to members that control the globe. |
IGlobeAdvancedOptions | Provides access to the globe data processing and management options. |
IGlobeAdvancedOptions2 | Provides access to the globe data processing and management options. |
IGlobeCamera | Provides access to members that manipulate global parameters of the camera. |
IGlobeDisplay | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe display. |
IGlobeDisplay2 | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe display. |
IGlobeDisplay3 | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe display. |
IGlobeDisplayEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the globe display changes. |
IGlobeDisplayLayers | Provides access to members that manipulate globe display layers. |
IGlobeDisplayLayers2 | Provides extended access to members that manipulate globe display layers. |
IGlobeDisplayRendering | Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering. |
IGlobeDisplayRendering2 | Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering. |
IGlobeDisplayRendering3 | Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering. |
IGlobeDisplayUtil | Provides access to GlobeDisplay utilities. |
IGlobeDrawingOrder | Provides access to members that control the globe drawing order. |
IGlobeGraphicElementPropsStreamArray | Provides access to the array of Globe Graphic Elements Properties for XML/SOAP streaming. |
IGlobeGraphicsElementProperties | Provides access to the Globe Graphics properties. |
IGlobeGraphicsLayer | Provides access to the Globe Graphics Layer. |
IGlobeHeightProperties | Provides access to members that manipulate the height properties of a globe layer. |
IGlobeHeightProperties2 | Provides access to members that manipulate the extended height properties of a globe layer. |
IGlobeHelperPub | an interface with some standard Globe Utility functions. |
IGlobeHelperPub2 | an interface with some standard Globe Utility functions. |
IGlobeLayer | Provides access to members that manipulate the cache-only globe layers. |
IGlobeLayerInfo | Provides access to the available properties of a globe layer info object. |
IGlobeLayerInfo2 | Provides access to the available properties of a globe layer info object. |
IGlobeLayerInfos | Provides access to the Globe Layer Info Collection Interface. |
IGlobeLayerProperties | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties. |
IGlobeLayerProperties2 | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties. |
IGlobeLayerProperties4 | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties. |
IGlobeLayerProperties5 | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe layer properties. |
IGlobeLegendInfo | Provides access to the Globe Server Legend Info. |
IGlobeLegendInfos | Provides access to the Globe Server Legend collection. |
IGlobeRasterizedLayerSupport | Provides access to members that designate layers to be rasterized using generic draw method. |
IGlobeServer | Provides access to members that support Globe server operations. |
IGlobeServer2 | Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server. |
IGlobeServer3 | Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server. |
IGlobeServer4 | Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server. |
IGlobeServerCache | Provides access to members for managing a Globe server layer cache. |
IGlobeServerCooker | Provides access to members for Generating Tiles with Globe server object. |
IGlobeServerFindResult | Provides access to the Globe Server Find Result Interface. |
IGlobeServerFindResults | Provides access to the Globe server find result collection. |
IGlobeServerGroupLayer | Provides access to the available properties of a globe server group layer object. |
IGlobeServerIdentifyResult | Provides access to the Globe Server Identify Result Interface. |
IGlobeServerIdentifyResults | Provides access to the Globe server identify result collection. |
IGlobeServerLayer | Provides access to the available properties of a globe server layer object. |
IGlobeServerLayerFactory | Provides access to the available properties of a layer factory for globe server layers. |
IGlobeServerObjects | Provides access to the objects used by the Globe server. |
IGlobeServerSetup | Provides access to members for initializing a Globe server. |
IGlobeStatInfo | Provides access to stats reported by the Globe. |
IGlobeTileGenerator | Provides access to members that control globe tile generation. |
IGlobeTileGenerator2 | Provides access to members that control globe tile generation. |
IGlobeViewer | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe viewer. |
IGlobeViewer2 | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe viewer. |
IGlobeViewUtil | Provides access to utility methods related to globe coordinates and view. |
IKmlChildNodes | KML Child Nodes. |
IKmlConvertor | Provides access to the public Kml Convertor methods. |
IKmlConvertor2 | Provides access to the public Kml convertor methods. |
IKmlLayer | Provides information about a KML Layer. |
IKmlNode | Properties of a of KML Node. |
IKmlScreenOverlayDisplay | ScreenOverlay Display Status. |
IKmlServer | Provides access to a method that returns a KMZ file representation of a query of a MapServer object. |
ILookAtKmlNode | LookAt support for a KML Node. |
INavigate3DHookHelper | Provides Navigate 3D Input Device Extension access to App's GlobeDisplay and Active SceneViewer. |
INavigate3DView | Provides access to utility methods which assist in Navigating the 3DView. |
ISensorEventsListener | ISensorEventsListener Interface |
Class Summary | |
AnimationTypeGlobeCamera | The globe camera animation coclass. |
AnimationTypeGlobeLayer | The globe layer animation coclass. |
GeoVideoLayer | The georeferenced video layer. |
GeoVideoLayerFactory | The layer factory for GeoVideo layers from .agv files. |
Globe | A container for the display and manipulation of data in the Globe. |
GlobeAdvancedOptions | The globe advanced options object. |
GlobeCamera | The globe camera component. |
GlobeCameraKeyframe | The keyframe for globe camera animation. |
GlobeDisplay | The globe display object. |
GlobeDocument | The GlobeDocument coclass is used to read and write globe document files. |
GlobeGraphicElementPropsStreamArray | The array of Globe Graphics Element for XML/SOAP streaming. |
GlobeGraphicsElementProperties | The Globe Graphics Element Properties. |
GlobeGraphicsLayer | The Globe Graphics Layer. |
GlobeHeightProperties | The globe layer height properties. |
GlobeHelper | A class to serve as a utility helper for common functions. |
GlobeLayer | The cache-only globe layer. |
GlobeLayerFactory | The layer factory for globe layers from gmx.xml files. |
GlobeLayerInfo | The Globe Layer Info coclass provides information about a globe layer. |
GlobeLayerInfos | The Globe Layer Info coclass collection. |
GlobeLayerKeyframe | The keyframe for globe layer animation. |
GlobeLayerProperties | The layer extension containing globe layer properties. |
GlobeLegendInfo | The Globe Legend Info coclass provides information about a globe layer. |
GlobeLegendInfos | The Globe Legend Info collection coclass. |
GlobeServer | A Globe Server class that serves Globe Tiles. |
GlobeServerConfigurationFactory | GlobeServer Configuration Factory Class |
GlobeServerCooker | The Globe Server Cooker coclass for Generating Tiles with globe server objects. |
GlobeServerFindObject | Provides programmatic access to a simple globe server layer find results object. |
GlobeServerFindResult | The Globe Server Find Result coclass provides information about a 'find result'. |
GlobeServerFindResults | The Globe server find result collection. |
GlobeServerGroupLayer | Provides access to a globe server group layer. |
GlobeServerIdentifyObject | Provides programmatic access to a simple globe server layer identify object. |
GlobeServerIdentifyResult | The Globe Server Identify Result coclass provides information about an 'identify result'. |
GlobeServerIdentifyResults | The Globe server identify result collection. |
GlobeServerIP | Product Availability |
GlobeServerLayer | Provides programmatic access to a globe server layer. |
GlobeServerLayerFactory | Provides programmatic access to a globe server layer factory. |
GlobeServerLP | Product Availability |
GlobeServerObjectDescription | Product Availability |
GlobeTileGenerator | The OnDemand Globe Tile Generator coclass. |
GPDeleteGlobeCache | Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer. |
GPDeleteGlobeServerCache | Delete pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer. |
GPExportToKML | . |
GPGenerateGlobeServerCache | Generate pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer. |
GPGlobeFunctionFactory | Product Availability |
GPGlobeServicesFunctionFactory | Product Availability |
GpKMLFunctionFactory | Product Availability |
GPKMLToLayer | . |
GPLayersToKML | . |
GPManageGlobeCache | Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer. |
GPManageGlobeCacheWorker | Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer. |
GPMultipatchToCollada | . |
GPUpdateGlobeServerCache | Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer. |
GPUpdateGlobeServerCache2 | Update pre-rendered tile cache for the GlobeServer. |
ICustomGlobeLayerProxy | Provides access to members that define custom globe layers. |
IFeatureParameterLayerProxy | Provides information about a Parameter Layer. |
IGlobeDisplayEventsActiveViewerChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsAdapter | |
IGlobeDisplayEventsAfterDrawEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsBatchTileGenerationStartedEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsBatchTileGenerationStoppedEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsBeforeDrawEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsInteractionStoppedEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the globe display changes. |
IGlobeDisplayEventsTileOverflowEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsVectorOverflowEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsViewerAddedEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayEventsViewerRemovedEvent | Product Availability |
IGlobeDisplayRenderingProxy | Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering. |
IGlobeDrawingOrderProxy | Provides access to members that control the globe drawing order. |
IGlobeHelperPub2Proxy | an interface with some standard Globe Utility functions. |
IGlobeRasterizedLayerSupportProxy | Provides access to members that designate layers to be rasterized using generic draw method. |
IGlobeServerCacheProxy | Provides access to members for managing a Globe server layer cache. |
IGlobeServerGroupLayerProxy | Provides access to the available properties of a globe server group layer object. |
IGlobeTileGenerator2Proxy | Provides access to members that control globe tile generation. |
IGlobeTileGeneratorProxy | Provides access to members that control globe tile generation. |
IGlobeViewer2Proxy | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe viewer. |
IGlobeViewerProxy | Provides access to members that manipulate the globe viewer. |
IKmlChildNodesProxy | KML Child Nodes. |
IKmlNodeProxy | Properties of a of KML Node. |
IKmlScreenOverlayDisplayProxy | ScreenOverlay Display Status. |
ILookAtKmlNodeProxy | LookAt support for a KML Node. |
IMSGlobeLayerFactory | The layer factory for globe layers from ims globe services. |
INavigate3DHookHelperProxy | Provides Navigate 3D Input Device Extension access to App's GlobeDisplay and Active SceneViewer. |
KmlConvertor | The Kml Convertor object. |
KmlLayer | Esri KML Layer class. |
KmlServer | The Kml Server Object Extension. |
Navigate3DView | The 3DView navigator component. |
SensorEventsListener | SensorEventsListener Class |
SpaceNavigatorExtension | SpaceNavigatorExtension Class |
The GlobeCore library contains objects for performing analysis of globe data, along with the support for displaying globe data. A control is available in this library for developers to use. A 3DAnalyst extension license is required to work with objects in this library.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.