Interface Summary | |
esriArrowMarkerStyle | Arrow marker symbol styles. |
esriBalloonCalloutStyle | Balloon callout styles. |
esriClippingMethod | Define the different way to clip drawing. |
esriColorRampAlgorithm | This enumerator specifies the type of Algorithm used to generate the colorramp. |
esriDashAttributeType | Types of dash attributes. |
esriDisplayCacheFlags | Flags for Display Caching. |
esriDisplayFilterFlags | Flags for display filtering. |
esriDisplayTransformationEnum | Esri display transform flags. |
esriDraw3DMode | Drawing modes for IDisplay3D. |
esriDynamicDrawPhase | Dynamic display draw phases. |
esriDynamicGlyphType | Dynamic glyph types. |
esriDynamicMapDrawPhase | Dynamic map draw phases. |
esriDynamicSelectionMode | Dynamic map draw phases. |
esriDynamicSymbolRotationAlignment | Dynamic symbol rotation alignment. |
esriDynamicSymbolType | Dynamic symbol types. |
esriEnvelopeConstraints | Esri envelope constraint types. |
esriEnvelopeEdge | Esri envelope edge location. |
esriGDIComments | Symbol GDI Comment flags. |
esriGeometricEffectAttributes | Graphic attributes for geometric effects. |
esriGradientFillStyle | Gradient fill symbol styles. |
esriGraphicAttribute | Graphic attributes for basic symbols. |
esriGraphicAttributeType | Types of graphic attributes. |
esriIPictureType | IPicture Data Types. |
esriLineCalloutStyle | Line callout styles. |
esriLineCapStyle | Line symbol cap styles. |
esriLineConstraints | Esri line constraint types. |
esriLineJoinStyle | Line symbol join styles. |
esriMarkerFillStyle | Marker fill symbol styles. |
esriMarkerPlacementAttributes | Graphic attributes for marker placements. |
esriMaskStyle | Text symbol mask styles. |
esriMoveTextConstraints | Esri move text constraint. |
esriOrientMode | Representation Orient Tool Modes. |
esriOutlineOption | Drawing outline options, used to simplify the drawing outline geometry. |
esriOutlineType | Types of drawing outlines. |
esriPictureSymbolOptions | Output options for layers with picture symbols. |
esriRasterOpCode | Binary Raster op-codes for symbol drawing. |
esriRepresentationDrawingError | Esri Representation Drawing Error Types. |
esriResampleRatio | This enum will help to quickly specify ResampleRatio in the IOutputRasterSettings interface. |
esriScaleSnapping | Scale snapping setting. |
esriScreenCache | Esri screen caching flags. |
esriSimpleFillStyle | Simple fill symbol styles. |
esriSimpleLineStyle | Simple line symbol styles. |
esriSimpleMarkerStyle | Simple marker symbol styles. |
esriTextCase | Text symbol case options. |
esriTextDirection | Text symbol direction options. |
esriTextHorizontalAlignment | Horizontal text alignment options. |
esriTextPosition | Text symbol position options. |
esriTextureInterpolationMode | Modes for Texture Interpolation. |
esriTextVerticalAlignment | Vertical text alignment options. |
esriTrackerLocation | Esri mouse tracking location. |
esriTrackerStyle | Esri selection tracker style. |
I3DChartSymbol | Provides access to 3D properties of chart symbols. |
IAlgorithmicColorRamp | Provides access to members that control the AlgorithmicColorRamp. |
IAnchorPoint | Provides access to members that control the tracker anchor point. |
IAppDisplay | Provides access to members that control the Mx Display. |
IArrowMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control the arrow marker symbol. |
IBalloonCallout | Provides access to members that control the balloon callout. |
IBarChartSymbol | Provides access to members that control bar chart symbol properties. |
IBasicFillSymbol | Provides access to properties of the basic fill symbol. |
IBasicLineSymbol | Provides access to properties of the basic line symbol. |
IBasicMarkerSymbol | Provides access to properties of the basic marker symbol. |
IBasicSymbol | Provides access to methods that control the basic symbol. |
IBezierDisplayFeedback | Additional Symbol properties for BezierFeedback objects. |
IBold | Indicator interface specifying a bold state for a FontAttribute object. |
ICallout | Provides access to members that control the callout. |
ICalloutFeedback | Provides access to members that control the callout feedback. |
ICalloutFeedback2 | Provides access to members that control the callout feedback. |
ICalloutTracker | Provides access to members that control the callout feedback. |
ICartographicLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the cartographic line symbol. |
ICartographicMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control the cartographic marker symbol. |
ICharacterMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control the character marker symbol. |
ICharacterOrientation | Provides access to characters orientation. |
IChartSymbol | Provides access to properties common to all type of chart symbols. |
ICieLabConversion | Provides access to members that control the CIE Lab conversion. |
IClippingMethod | Provides access to the clipping method required by an object. |
ICmykColor | Provides access to members that control the CMYK color values. |
IColor | Provides access to members that control the basic color interface. |
IColorElements | Provides access to the Color Elements Interface. |
IColorRamp | Provides access to the methods and properties common to all color ramp objects. |
IColorRampElements | Provides access to the ColorRamp Elements Interface. |
IConnectionPoint | Description |
IConnectionPointContainer | Description |
IDelayEvents | Provides access to members that control Delay Events. |
IDicerCallback | Provides access to members that control the Polygon Dicer. |
IDimDisplayFilter | Provides access to members that control the Dim Display Filter. |
IDisplay | Provides access to members that control the Display. |
IDisplay3D | Provides access to members that control drawing methods specific to 3D displays. |
IDisplayAdmin | Provides access to members that control display administration. |
IDisplayAdmin2 | Provides access to members that control display administration. |
IDisplayEvents | Provides access to members that control Display Events. |
IDisplayFeedback | Provides access to members that control the base display feedback. |
IDisplayFeedback2 | Properties to avoid clearing reference scale & resolution when drawing feedback with WYSIWYG symbology. |
IDisplayFilter | Provides access to members that control the display filter. |
IDisplayFilterManager | Provides access to members that control display filter management. |
IDisplayFiltersControl | Provides access to members that control filters the Display. |
IDisplayName | Provides access to members that return the display name of an object. |
IDisplayTransformation | Provides access to members that control Display Transformation. |
IDisplayTransformationAdmin | Provides access to members that control the DisplayTransformation. |
IDisplayTransformationScales | Provides access to members that control Display Transformation scales. |
IDotDensityFillSymbol | Provides access to the main properties of a data driven symbol commonly used with a dot density renderer. |
IDotDensityFillSymbol2 | Provides access to further properties of a data driven symbol commonly used with a dot density renderer. |
IDotDensityMasking | Provides access to the masking properties of a dot density fill symbol. |
IDraw | Provides access to members that control drawing. |
IDrawingOutline | Provides access to methods dealing with the outline of a drawing rule. |
IDynamicCompoundMarker | Provides access to dynamic compound marker. |
IDynamicCompoundMarker2 | Provides access to Dynamic Screen Draw. |
IDynamicDisplay | Provides access to Dynamic Display. |
IDynamicDisplay2 | Provides access to Dynamic Display. |
IDynamicDrawing | IDynamicDrawing Interface |
IDynamicDrawScreen | Provides access to Dynamic Screen Draw. |
IDynamicGlyph | Provides access to handle to a resource that is used to render a dynamic symbol. |
IDynamicGlyphFactory | Provides access to create dynamic glyphs. |
IDynamicGlyphFactory2 | Provides access to create dynamic glyphs. |
IDynamicMapEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the dynamic display changes. |
IDynamicScreenDisplay | Provides access to dynamic screen display. |
IDynamicSymbolProperties | Provides access to dynamic symbol properties. |
IDynamicSymbolProperties2 | Provides access to dynamic symbol properties. |
IEditInteraction | Provides access to methods declaring how graphic attributes interact with a representation tool. |
IEnumColors | Provides access to members that enumerate through Color objects. |
IEnumConnectionPoints | Description |
IEnumConnections | Description |
IEnumScreenDisplay | Provides access to members that control the Screen Display enumerator. |
IEnumStyleGalleryItem | Provides access to members that enumerate over a set of Style Gallery items. |
IEnumSymbol | Provides access to members that control the Symbol enumerator. |
IFieldOverride | Provides access to the properties of a field override. |
IFieldOverrides | Provides access to a collection of field overrides. |
IFillPattern | Provides access to methods that control the fill pattern. |
IFillProperties | Provides access to members that control the general fill properties. |
IFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control fill symbols. |
IFontAttribute | Provides access to FontAttribute properties. |
IFontColor | Provides access to font color property. |
IFontName | Provides access to FontName properties. |
IFontsInSymbolsEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the environment for fonts behavior in symbols. |
IFontSize | Provides access to members that control the font size object. |
IFormattedTextSymbol | Provides access to members that control the formatted text symbol. |
IGeodeticLineFeedback | Provides access to members that control the geodetic properties of line display feedback. |
IGeometricEffect | Provides access to the Geometric Effect Interface. |
IGeometricEffects | Provides access to members that control the geometric effect list. |
IGeometryDraw | Provides access to members that convert a geometry into a sequence of Win32 drawing instructions. |
IGlobalScreenDisplaySettings | Provides access to screen display settings. |
IGradientFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the gradient fill symbol. |
IGraphicAttributeDashType | Provides access to methods dealing with dash attribute values. |
IGraphicAttributeEnumType | Provides access to methods accessing graphic attribute enumeration values. |
IGraphicAttributes | Provides access to members that control the graphic attributes. |
IGraphicAttributes2 | Provides access to members that control the graphic attributes. |
IGraphicAttributeType | Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of graphic attribute types. |
IGraphicAttributeTypeUsingUnits | Provides access to methods dealing with graphic attribute types that are using to units. |
IGraphicsOutline | Provides access to methods dealing with the outline of a graphics. |
IGrayColor | Provides access to members that control the gray color. |
IHashLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the hash line symbol. |
IHlsColor | Provides access to members that control the HLS color model. |
IHsvColor | Provides access to members that control the HSV color values. |
IIlluminationProps | Provides access to members that control Illumination Properties. |
IItalic | Indicator interface specifying an italic state for a FontAttribute object. |
ILayerColorLock | Provides access to members that control the layer color locking. |
ILayerTags | Provides access to members that control the layer tags in a multilayer symbol. |
ILayerVisible | Provides access to members that control the layer visibility. |
ILineCallout | Provides access to members that control the line callout. |
ILineDecoration | Provides access to members that control the line decoration. |
ILineDecorationElement | Provides access to members that control the line decoration element. |
ILineFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the line fill symbol. |
ILineMovePointFeedback | Provides access to members that control the line move point display feedback. |
ILineProperties | Provides access to members that control the properties common to several line types. |
ILineStroke | Provides access to members that control the line stroke. |
ILineSymbol | Provides access to members that control line symbols. |
IMapContext | Provides access to the context in which geometric effects and marker placements work. |
IMapLevel | Provides access to members that control the map level. |
IMarginProperties | Provides access to members that control uniform text margin properties. |
IMarkerBackground | Provides access to members that control the marker background. |
IMarkerBackgroundSupport | Provides access to members that control the marker background support. |
IMarkerFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the marker fill symbol. |
IMarkerLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the marker line symbol. |
IMarkerMask | Provides access to members that retreive marker mask geometry. |
IMarkerPlacement | Provides access to members that control the marker placement. |
IMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control marker symbols. |
IMarkerTextBackground | Provides access to members that control the marker text background. |
IMask | Provides access to members that control the symbol mask. |
IModifyCircularArcFeedback | Modifies a circular arc's radius, keeping the endpoints fixed. |
IModifySegmentFeedback | Feedback for Moving either the from or two point of a segment. |
IMonitorSettings | Provides access to members that control the monitor settings. |
IMoveBitmapFeedback | Provides access to members that control the bitmap feedback. |
IMoveCurvedTextFeedback | Provides access to members that control the move curved text feedback. |
IMoveEnvelopeFeedback | Provides access to members that control the move envelope feedback. |
IMoveGeometryFeedback | Provides access to members that control feedback for moving a group of geometry. |
IMoveImageFeedback | Provides access to members that control feedback for moving an image. |
IMoveImageFeedback2 | Provides access to members that control feedback for moving an image. |
IMoveInteraction | Provides access to the parameters of the Move Representation Tool. |
IMoveLineFeedback | Provides access to members that control move line feedback. |
IMovePointFeedback | Provides access to members that control the move point feedback. |
IMovePointFeedback2 | Moves multiple vertices in a geometry. |
IMovePolygonFeedback | Provides access to members that control the move polygon feedback. |
IMoveTextAlongShapeFeedback | Provides access to members that control the move text along shape feedback. |
IMoveTextFeedback | Provides access to members that control the move text feedback. |
IMultiLayerFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the multilayer fill symbol. |
IMultiLayerLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the multilayer line symbol. |
IMultiLayerMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control the multiLayer marker symbol. |
IMultiPartColorRamp | Provides access to members that control the MultiPartColorRamp. |
INewArcFeedback | Feedback for creating a new circular arc segment. |
INewBezierCurveFeedback | Provides access to members that control the new bezier curve display feedback. |
INewCircleFeedback | Provides access to members that control the new circle feedback object. |
INewCircleFeedback2 | Interface for a new circle. |
INewEllipseFeedback | Provides access to members that control the creation of a new ellipse. |
INewEnvelopeFeedback | Provides access to members that control the creation of a new envelope. |
INewEnvelopeFeedback2 | Provides access to members that control creating a new envelope. |
INewLineFeedback | Provides access to members that control the new line display feedback. |
INewMultiPointFeedback | Provides access to members that control the new multi-point display feedback. |
INewPolygonFeedback | Provides access to members that control the new polygon display feedback. |
INewRectangleFeedback | Provides access to members that control the creation of a new rectangle. |
INewTextBezierCurveFeedback | Provides access to members that control the new text bezier curve display feedback. |
INewTextFeedback | Provides access to members that control the rotate text feedback. |
IOffsetInteraction | Provides access to the parameters of the Offset Representation Tool. |
IOrientInteraction | Provides access to the parameters of the Orient Representation Tool. |
IOutputContext | Provides access to members that allow to manage the geometry transformation from the map context to the ouput device. |
IOutputRasterSettings | Provides access to members that control New Raster Output Settings. |
IOverposterTextPath | Indicator interface for overposter text path objects. |
IPictureFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the picture fill symbol. |
IPictureLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the picture line symbol. |
IPictureMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control the raster (bitmap) marker symbol. |
IPictureSymbolEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the environment for picture symbol properties. |
IPieChartSymbol | Provides access to pie chart symbol properties. |
IPointCollectionTracker | Provides access to members that control a tracker with a point collection. |
IPolygonMovePointFeedback | Provides access to members that control the polygon move point display feedback. |
IPostScriptColor | Provides access to members that control the post script color. |
IPresetColorRamp | Provides access to members that control the PresetColorRamp. |
IQueryGeometry | Provides access to members that control geometry query. |
IRandomColorRamp | Provides access to members that control the properties of a RandomColorRamp. |
IRasterOutputSettings | Provides access to members that control Raster Output Settings. |
IRasterPicture | Provides access to members that control the raster picture. |
IReferenceFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the reference fill symbol. |
IReferenceLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the reference line symbol. |
IReferenceMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control the reference marker symbol. |
IRepresentationGraphics | Provides access to the content of a RepresentationGraphics object. |
IRepresentationMarker | Provides access to members that control a representation marker. |
IRepresentationRule | Provides access to members that control a representation rule. |
IRepresentationRule2 | Provides access to members that control a representation rule. |
IRepresentationRuleInit | Provides access to members that initialize a representation rule. |
IRepresentationRuleItem | Provides access to methods defining a representation rule item. |
IReshapeFeedback | Provides access to members that control the reshape display feedback. |
IReshapeFeedback2 | Moves multiple vertices in a geometry. |
IResizeEnvelopeFeedback | Provides access to members that control the resize of an envelope. |
IResizeEnvelopeFeedback2 | Provides access to members that control the resize of a rotated element. |
IResizeInteraction | Provides access to the parameters of the Resize Representation Tool. |
IResizeTextFeedback | Provides access to members that control the resize of a text element. |
IRgbColor | Provides access to members that control the RGB color values. |
IRotateInteraction | Provides access to the parameters of the Rotate Representation Tool. |
IRotateTextFeedback | Provides access to members that control the rotate text feedback. |
IRotateTracker | Provides access to members that control the rotation tracker. |
IRubberBand | Provides access to members that control simple rubberbanding. |
IRubberBand2 | Provides access to members that control simple rubberbanding. |
IScaleTracker | Provides access to members that control the scale tracker. |
IScreenCacheManager | Provides access to a ScreenDisplay's caches. |
IScreenDisplay | Provides access to members that control Screen Display. |
IScreenDisplay2 | Provides access to additional members that control the Screen Display. |
IScreenDisplay3 | Provides access to members that control Screen Display. |
IScreenDisplayBasemap | Provides access to members that control Screen Display Basemap drawing. |
IScreenDisplayOverlays | Provides access to members that control Screen Display Overlays. |
IScreenDisplayOverlaysCallback | Screen Display Overlays callback for client rendering to overlay cache. |
IScreenDisplayZoom | Provides access to zooming the screen display. |
IScreenInvalidate | Provides access to a ScreenDisplay's refresh methods. |
ISelectionTracker | Provides access to members that control the managing of selection handle tracking. |
ISimpleFillSymbol | Provides access to members that control the simple fill symbol. |
ISimpleLineCallout | Provides access to members that control the Simple Line Callout. |
ISimpleLineDecorationElement | Provides access to members that control the simple line decoration. |
ISimpleLineSymbol | Provides access to members that control the simple line symbol. |
ISimpleMarkerSymbol | Provides access to members that control the simple marker symbol. |
ISimpleTextSymbol | Provides access to members that control the simple text symbol. |
IStackedChartSymbol | Provides access to stacked chart symbol properties. |
IStretchLineFeedback | Provides access to members that control the stretch line display feedback. |
IStyleGallery | Provides access to members modify the Style Gallery. |
IStyleGalleryClass | Provides access to members that control the Style Gallery Class. |
IStyleGalleryClass2 | Provides access to members that control the Style Gallery Class. |
IStyleGalleryItem | Provides access to members that define items in the Style Gallery. |
IStyleGalleryItem2 | Provides access to members that describe items in the Style Gallery. |
IStyleGalleryItem3 | Provides access to members that describe items in the Style Gallery. |
IStyleGalleryStorage | Provides access to members that manage the files used in the Style Gallery. |
IStyleGalleryStorageAdmin | Private access to members that manage the files used in the Style Gallery. |
IStyleImporter | Provides access to members that import styles. |
ISymbol | Provides access to members that control symbols. |
ISymbol3D | Provides access to members that control 3D symbols. |
ISymbolArray | Provides access to members that work with an array of symbols. |
ISymbolCollection | Provides access to members that control a collection of symbols and id pairs. |
ISymbolCollection2 | Provides access to members that control a collection of symbols and id pairs. |
ISymbolIdentifier | Provides access to the members that control the symbol identifier. |
ISymbolIdentifier2 | Provides access to the members that control the symbol identifier. |
ISymbologyEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the environment for certain Symbol operations. |
ISymbologyEnvironment2 | Provides access to members that control the environment for certain Symbol operations. |
ISymbolRotation | Provides access to the symbol rotation properties. |
ITemplate | Provides access to members that control the template. |
ITextBackground | Provides access to members that control the text background. |
ITextBackground2 | Provides access to members that control the text background. |
ITextDrawSupport | Provides access to members that control how text strings are drawn. |
ITextMargins | Provides access to members that control the text margins. |
ITextParser | Provides access to members that parse text strings. |
ITextParserSupport | Provides access to members that control the text parsing support. |
ITextPath | Provides access to members that control the text path. |
ITextPath2 | Provides access to additional members that control the text path. |
ITextSymbol | Provides access to members that control text symbols. |
ITimeDisplay | Provides access to members that control the Time Extent. |
ITimeDisplay2 | Provides access to members that control the Time Extent. |
ITimeDisplayEvents | Provides access to members that control Display Time Events. |
ITransformEvents | Provides access to members that control Transform Events. |
ITransparencyDisplayFilter | Provides access to members that control the Transparency Display Filter. |
IUnderline | Indicator interface specifying an underline state for a FontAttribute object. |
IUpdateLegendInfo | Provides access to dirty flag for some legend classes. |
IVertexFeedback | Provides access to members that control the vertex feedback. |
IWordBoundaries | Provides access to word boundaries for a text symbol. |
IWordTextPath | Indicator interface for word text path objects. |
Class Summary | |
AlgorithmicColorRamp | Defines an algorithmic color ramp, where ramp is defined by two colors and the algorithm used to traverse the intervening color space between them. |
AnchorPoint | Anchor point class for rubberbanding objects. |
ArrowMarkerSymbol | A marker symbol created from a predefined arrow. |
BalloonCallout | A filled background that is placed behind text. |
BarChartSymbol | Defines a bar chart symbol. |
BasicFillSymbol | Basic fill symbol object. |
BasicLineSymbol | Basic line symbol object. |
BasicMarkerSymbol | Basic marker symbol object. |
BasicRasterPicture | A lightweight object for displaying some raster formats in a simple manner. |
BezierMovePointFeedback | Move Point Bezier Display Feedback Object. |
BezierTextPath | Helper object used to align a text string to a curve. |
CalloutFeedback | Move Callout Display Feedback Object. |
CalloutTracker | Display feedback for callout tracking. |
CancelTracker | Cancel tracker class for interrupting drawing. |
CartographicLineSymbol | A line symbol for drawing solid or dashed lines. |
CharacterMarkerSymbol | A marker symbol based on a character from a font. |
CieLabConversion | Use this class to convert colers from and to the device independent CIELab color space using the monitor settings. |
CmykColor | A color in the CMYK(Cyan Magenta Yellow, Black) color system. |
ColorElements | A collection of Color objects. |
ColorRampElements | A collection of ColorRamp objects. |
DimDisplayFilter | Esri Dim Display Filter. |
DisplayTransformation | Display transformation class for converting from world to device units. |
DotDensityFillSymbol | Defines a dot density fill symbol, a data driven symbol commonly used with the dot density renderer. |
EngineRotateTracker | Engine Rotate Tracker Class. |
EnumServerStyleGalleryItem | An enumerator of Server Style Gallery items. |
EnvelopeTracker | Display feedback for tracking envelope resizing. |
esriGDICommentBeginFeature | GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Feature. |
esriGDICommentBeginFeatureAttribute | GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Feature Attribute. |
esriGDICommentBeginGroup | GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Grouping. |
esriGDICommentBeginLayer | GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Layer. |
esriGDICommentBeginMap | GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Map. |
esriGDICommentBeginPageLayout | GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Page Layout. |
esriGDICommentBeginText | GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Text String. |
esriGDICommentBeginTextEx | New GDI Comment structure used to Begin a Text String. |
esriGDICommentEndFeature | GDI Comment structure used to End a Feature. |
esriGDICommentEndFeatureAttribute | GDI Comment structure used to End a Feature Attribute. |
esriGDICommentEndGroup | GDI Comment Stucture for End of a Grouping. |
esriGDICommentEndLayer | GDI Comment Stucture for End of a Layer. |
esriGDICommentEndMap | GDI Comment structure used to End a Map. |
esriGDICommentEndPageLayout | GDI Comment structure used to End a Page Layout. |
esriGDICommentEndText | GDI Comment structure used to end of BeginText call. |
esriGDICommentFeatureAttribute | GDI Comment structure used for a Feature Attribute. |
esriGDICommentFillWithPattern | GDI Comment Stucture for FillWithPattern. |
esriGDICommentMaskLayer | GDI Comment Stucture for mask layer. |
esriGDICommentMaskLayerBeforeClipping | GDI Comment Stucture indicating mask layer before clipping. |
esriGDICommentPlayEnhMetafileBegin | GDI Comment Stucture indicating begin of call to the PlayEnhMetafile function. |
esriGDICommentPlayEnhMetafileEnd | GDI Comment Stucture indicating end of call to the PlayEnhMetafile function. |
esriGDICommentSetCmykColor | GDI Comment stucture used to set CMYK color and spot colors. |
esriGDICommentSetTextExtra | GDI Comment stucture used for Setting Extra Spacing between Text Characters. |
esriGDICommentSetTextJustification | GDI Comment Stucture used for setting text justifictaion in line. |
esriGDIFeatureHyperlink | GDI Comment structure used for a Feature Hyperlink. |
FontAttributeBold | Controls whether the text will be drawn in bold type. |
FontAttributeItalic | Controls whether the text will be drawn in italics. |
FontAttributeUnderline | Controls whether the text will be underlined. |
FontColor | Controls text color. |
FontName | The name of the font. |
FontSize | The size of the text as specified in points. |
GeometricEffectAddControlPoints | Assigns control point status to line vertices. |
GeometricEffectArrow | Constructs an arrow of a given line. |
GeometricEffectBuffer | Constructs a buffer polygon from any type of geometry. |
GeometricEffectCut | Produces a shorter line based on distances at extremities. |
GeometricEffectDash | Generates a dashed/dotted line based on a template. |
GeometricEffectDonut | Inserts a hole into a polygon. |
GeometricEffectEnclosingPolygon | Constructs enclosing polgon. |
GeometricEffectExtension | Extends a line by a given distance and deflection angle. |
GeometricEffectJog | Constructs an Jog effect on a given line. |
GeometricEffectMove | Applies a move transformation to a geometry. |
GeometricEffectOffset | Offsets a line by a specified distance. |
GeometricEffectOffsetTangent | Moves a line a given distance in the direction of one of its outermost segments. |
GeometricEffectRadial | Produces a line from a point, based on direction and length. |
GeometricEffectRegularPolygon | Creates a regular polygon from a point. |
GeometricEffectReverse | Reverses the direction of a line. |
GeometricEffectRotate | Applies a rotate transformation to a geometry. |
GeometricEffectScale | Applies a scale transformation to a geometry. |
GeometricEffectSimplify | Simplifies a geometry by eliminating vertices. |
GeometricEffectSmooth | Smooth a geometry by approximation with beziers. |
GeometricEffectSuppress | Suppresses part of a line or polygon outline. |
GeometricEffectTaperedPolygon | Creates a taper polygon from a line. |
GeometricEffectWave | Creates a regular wave from a curve. |
GeometryDraw | Converts a geometry to a sequence of Win32 drawing instructions. |
GlobalScreenDisplaySettings | Display settings class. |
GradientFillSymbol | A fill symbol composed from a ramp of colors. |
GradientPattern | A gradient fill pattern object. |
GraphicAttributeAngleType | Angle graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeBooleanType | Boolean graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeColorType | Color graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeDashType | Dash graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeDoubleType | Double graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeEnumType | Enumeration graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeIntegerType | Integer graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeMarkerType | Marker graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeSizeType | Size graphic attribute type. |
GraphicAttributeTextType | Text graphic attribute type. |
GrayColor | A color in the grayscale color system. |
GroupFeedback | Feedback for a group of feedback objects. |
HashLineSymbol | A line symbol for drawing hashed or slanted lines. |
HlsColor | A color in the HLS(Hue, Luminance, Saturation) color system. |
HsvColor | A color in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color system. |
IAppDisplayProxy | Provides access to members that control the Mx Display. |
IBezierDisplayFeedbackProxy | Additional Symbol properties for BezierFeedback objects. |
IConnectionPointContainerProxy | Description |
IConnectionPointProxy | Description |
IDicerCallbackProxy | Provides access to members that control the Polygon Dicer. |
IDisplayAdminProxy | Provides access to members that control display administration. |
IDisplayEventsAdapter | |
IDisplayEventsDisplayFinishedEvent | Remarks |
IDisplayEventsDisplayInvalidatedEvent | Remarks |
IDisplayEventsDisplayScrolledEvent | Remarks |
IDisplayEventsDisplayStartedEvent | Remarks |
IDisplayEventsProxy | Provides access to members that control Display Events. |
IDisplayFilterManagerProxy | Provides access to members that control display filter management. |
IDisplayNameProxy | Provides access to members that return the display name of an object. |
IDynamicCompoundMarker2Proxy | Provides access to Dynamic Screen Draw. |
IDynamicCompoundMarkerProxy | Provides access to dynamic compound marker. |
IDynamicDisplay2Proxy | Provides access to Dynamic Display. |
IDynamicDisplayProxy | Provides access to Dynamic Display. |
IDynamicDrawingProxy | IDynamicDrawing Interface |
IDynamicDrawScreenProxy | Provides access to Dynamic Screen Draw. |
IDynamicGlyphFactory2Proxy | Provides access to create dynamic glyphs. |
IDynamicGlyphFactoryProxy | Provides access to create dynamic glyphs. |
IDynamicGlyphProxy | Provides access to handle to a resource that is used to render a dynamic symbol. |
IDynamicMapEventsAdapter | |
IDynamicMapEventsAfterDynamicDrawEvent | Remarks |
IDynamicMapEventsBeforeDynamicDrawEvent | Remarks |
IDynamicMapEventsDynamicMapFinishedEvent | Description |
IDynamicMapEventsDynamicMapStartedEvent | Description |
IDynamicMapEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the dynamic display changes. |
IDynamicSymbolProperties2Proxy | Provides access to dynamic symbol properties. |
IDynamicSymbolPropertiesProxy | Provides access to dynamic symbol properties. |
IEnumColorsProxy | Provides access to members that enumerate through Color objects. |
IEnumConnectionPointsProxy | Description |
IEnumConnectionsProxy | Description |
IEnumScreenDisplayProxy | Provides access to members that control the Screen Display enumerator. |
IEnumSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control the Symbol enumerator. |
IFieldOverrideProxy | Provides access to the properties of a field override. |
IFillSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control fill symbols. |
IFormattedTextSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control the formatted text symbol. |
IGraphicsOutlineProxy | Provides access to methods dealing with the outline of a graphics. |
IlluminationProps | Esri Illumination Properties Class. |
IMapLevelProxy | Provides access to members that control the map level. |
IMarkerSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control marker symbols. |
IMoveInteractionProxy | Provides access to the parameters of the Move Representation Tool. |
IOffsetInteractionProxy | Provides access to the parameters of the Offset Representation Tool. |
IOrientInteractionProxy | Provides access to the parameters of the Orient Representation Tool. |
IQueryGeometryProxy | Provides access to members that control geometry query. |
IReferenceFillSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control the reference fill symbol. |
IReferenceLineSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control the reference line symbol. |
IReferenceMarkerSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control the reference marker symbol. |
IResizeInteractionProxy | Provides access to the parameters of the Resize Representation Tool. |
IRotateInteractionProxy | Provides access to the parameters of the Rotate Representation Tool. |
ISimpleTextSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control the simple text symbol. |
IStyleGalleryItem2Proxy | Provides access to members that describe items in the Style Gallery. |
IStyleGalleryStorageAdminProxy | Private access to members that manage the files used in the Style Gallery. |
IStyleImporterProxy | Provides access to members that import styles. |
ISymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control symbols. |
ITextDrawSupportProxy | Provides access to members that control how text strings are drawn. |
ITextParserSupportProxy | Provides access to members that control the text parsing support. |
ITextSymbolProxy | Provides access to members that control text symbols. |
ITimeDisplayEventsAdapter | |
ITimeDisplayEventsDisplayTimeChangedEvent | Product Availability |
ITimeDisplayEventsProxy | Provides access to members that control Display Time Events. |
ITimeDisplayProxy | Provides access to members that control the Time Extent. |
ITransformEventsAdapter | |
ITransformEventsBoundsUpdatedEvent | Product Availability |
ITransformEventsDeviceFrameUpdatedEvent | Product Availability |
ITransformEventsProxy | Provides access to members that control Transform Events. |
ITransformEventsResolutionUpdatedEvent | Product Availability |
ITransformEventsRotationUpdatedEvent | Product Availability |
ITransformEventsUnitsUpdatedEvent | Product Availability |
ITransformEventsVisibleBoundsUpdatedEvent | Product Availability |
IUpdateLegendInfoProxy | Provides access to dirty flag for some legend classes. |
IWordBoundariesProxy | Provides access to word boundaries for a text symbol. |
LineCallout | A series of line symbols that link text to a specified location. |
LineDecoration | Places a marker (decoration) at a specific location along a line symbol. |
LineFillSymbol | A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported line symbols. |
LineMovePointFeedback | Move Point Line Display Feedback Object. |
LinePattern | A line fill pattern object. |
LineStroke | A line stroke object. |
LineTracker | Display feedback for line tracking. |
MapContext | The context in which geometric effects and marker placement work. |
MarkerFillSymbol | A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported marker symbols. |
MarkerLineSymbol | A line symbol composed of repeating markers. |
MarkerPlacementAlongLine | Places markers along a line. |
MarkerPlacementAtExtremities | Places a marker on each extremity of a line. |
MarkerPlacementDecoration | Places markers as line decorations. |
MarkerPlacementInsidePolygon | Places markers in a polygon. |
MarkerPlacementOnLine | Places one marker along a line. |
MarkerPlacementOnPoint | Places a marker on a point. |
MarkerPlacementOnVertices | Places markers on curve vertices. |
MarkerPlacementPolygonCenter | Places one marker at the center of a polygon. |
MarkerPlacementRandomAlongLine | Places markers randomly along a line. |
MarkerPlacementRandomInPolygon | Places markers randomly within a polygon. |
MarkerPlacementVariableAlongLine | Places markers with variable size along a line. |
MarkerTextBackground | A marker that is placed behind text. |
ModifyCircularArcFeedback | Feedback object for modifying a circular arc. |
ModifySegmentFeedback | Feedback object for modifying a segment. |
MonitorSettings | This object stores color settings specifically for one monitor to optimize color representation. |
MoveBitmapFeedback | Move Bitmap Display Feedback Object. |
MoveCurvedTextFeedback | Move Curved Text Display Feedback Object. |
MoveEnvelopeFeedback | Move Envelope Display Feedback Object. |
MoveGeometryFeedback | Display feedback for tracking geometry move. |
MoveImageFeedback | Display feedback for tracking image move. |
MoveLineFeedback | Move Line Display Feedback Object. |
MovePointFeedback | Move Point Display Feedback Object. |
MovePointFeedback2 | Move Points Display Feedback Object. |
MovePolygonFeedback | Move Polygon Display Feedback Object. |
MoveTextAlongShapeFeedback | Move Text Following Geometry Display Feedback Object. |
MoveTextFeedback | Move Text Display Feedback Object. |
MultiLayerFillSymbol | A fill symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiLayerLineSymbol | A line symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiLayerMarkerSymbol | A marker symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiPartColorRamp | Defines a multi part color ramp, where ramp is defined by a list of constituent color ramps. |
NewArcFeedback | Feedback object for creating a new circular arc. |
NewBezierCurveFeedback | New Bezier Curve Display Feedback Object. |
NewCircleFeedback | New circle feedback object. |
NewEllipseFeedback | New Ellipse Feedback Object. |
NewEnvelopeFeedback | New Envelope Display Feedback Object. |
NewLineFeedback | New Line Display Feedback Object. |
NewMultiPointFeedback | New MultiPoint Display Feedback Object. |
NewPolygonFeedback | New Polygon Display Feedback Object. |
NewRectangleFeedback | New Rectangle Feedback Object. |
NewTextBezierCurveFeedback | New Curved Text Display Feedback Object. |
NewTextFeedback | Move Text Display Feedback Object. |
OutputContext | The context provided to pass from the map context to the output device. |
OverposterTextPath | Overposter Text Path object. |
PictureFillSymbol | A fill symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PictureLineSymbol | A line symbol composed of either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PictureMarkerSymbol | A marker symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PieChartSymbol | Defines a pie chart symbol. |
PointTracker | Display feedback for point tracking. |
PolygonMovePointFeedback | Move Point Polygon Display Feedback Object. |
PolygonTracker | Display feedback for polygon tracking. |
PresetColorRamp | Defines a preset color ramp, where ramp is defined by a list of exactly 13 manually specified colors. |
RandomColorRamp | Defines a random color ramp, where ramp is a list of randomly picked colors. |
RepresentationGraphics | An object defining a free representation. |
RepresentationMarker | A representation marker object. |
RepresentationRule | An object defining a representation rule. |
RepresentationRuleItem | A representation rule item object. |
ReshapeFeedback | Rubberbanding class for editing a shape. |
ReshapeFeedback2 | Feedback object for moving multiple vertices. |
ResizeEnvelopeFeedback | Resize Envelope Display Feedback Object. |
ResizeTextFeedback | Resize Text Display Feedback Object. |
RgbColor | A color in the RGB(Red Green Blue) color system. |
RotateTextFeedback | Rotate Text Display Feedback Object. |
RubberCircle | Rubberbanding class for circles. |
RubberEnvelope | Rubberbanding class for simple envelopes. |
RubberLine | Rubberbanding class for lines. |
RubberPoint | Rubberbanding class for points. |
RubberPolygon | Rubberbanding class for polygons. |
RubberRectangularPolygon | Rubberbanding class for rectangular polygons (rotatable envelopes). |
ScreenDisplay | Display class for drawing to window. |
ServerStyleGallery | The Server Style Gallery. |
ServerStyleGalleryItem | An item in the Server Style Gallery. |
SimpleDisplay | Display class for drawing to any HDC. |
SimpleFillSymbol | A fill symbol comprised from a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleLineCallout | A simple line that links text to a specified location. |
SimpleLineDecorationElement | Simple Line Decoration Element. |
SimpleLineSymbol | A line symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleMarkerSymbol | A marker symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleTextParser | Simple text parser object. |
SimpleTextPath | Helper object used to align a text string to a geometry. |
SolidColorPattern | A solid color pattern object. |
StackedChartSymbol | Defines a stacked chart symbol. |
StretchLineFeedback | Stretch Line Display Feedback object. |
SymbolCollection | Collection of symbols and id pairs. |
SymbolIdentifier | Groups a symbol with both an ID and Name. |
SymbologyEnvironment | Controls how symbols are drawn as Graphical Device Interface (GDI) objects. |
tagCONNECTDATA | Product Availability |
tagPOINT | Product Availability |
Template | Stores information on the mark and gap patterns for lines. |
TextSymbol | A symbol that controls how text is displayed. |
TimeDisplayEvents | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound ITimeDisplayEvents interface in VB. |
TransparencyDisplayFilter | Esri Transparency Display Filter. |
VertexFeedback | Vertex Display Feedback Object. |
WordTextPath | Word Text Path object. |
The Display library contains the components that support drawing symbology to an output device. Screen displays, symbols, colors and feedback objects, along with their supporting objects are all defined in the library.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.