Interface Summary | |
esriAdjustmentType | Options for the type of adjustment calculation. |
esriChangeType | Esri Change type. |
esriChangeVersion | Esri Change Version. |
esriConstructionToolbarLocation | Locations for Construction MiniBar. |
esriCourseType | Types of traverse courses. |
esriCurveDirectionType | Options for the type of direction used to describe a non-tangent curve. |
esriCurveParameter | Options for the type of parameter used to define a circular arc. |
esriEditorError | Errors that can occur in the ArcGIS Editor. |
esriEditState | Indicates whether editing is happening or not. |
esriSketchConstraint | Constraints that can be applied to the sketch tool. |
esriSketchOperationType | The type of sketch operation. |
esriSnapToleranceUnits | Indicates the snap tolerance units. |
esriTurnDirection | Describes the direction the curve rotates from the 'from' point of the curve. |
esriVersion | Esri Geodatabase version type. |
esriZCaptureType | Method used by the editor to capture Z-values. |
IAnnotationConstructionWindow | Provides access to the annotation construction window. |
IAnnotationConstructor | Provides access to members that control the annotation feature edit sketch constructor. |
IAnnotationEditExtension | Provides access to members that control annotation feature editing. |
IAttributeTransfer | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the attribute transfer tools. |
IAttributeTransferDefaultSettings | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the attribute transfer tools. |
IAttributeTransferType | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the attribute transfer interfaces. |
IAttributeWindow | Provides access to the Attribute Window. |
IAttributeWindowEvents | Provides access to Attribute Inspector events. |
IConflictDisplay | Provides access to the Conflict display environment. |
IConflictsWindow | Provides access to Conflicts Display Window. |
IConflictsWindow2 | Provides access to Conflicts Display Window. |
IConflictsWindow3 | Provides access to Conflicts Display Window. |
IConstructionMiniBar | Provides access to controlling the construction minibar. |
IConstructionMiniBar2 | Provides access to controlling the construction minibar. |
ICourse | Provides access to members that define a course in a traverse. |
ICreateFeatureTask | Indicator interface that identifies an edit task for creating features. |
ICustomSnapping | Indicator interface that identifies a feature class extension that supports custom snapping. |
IDigitizerButtons | Provides access to map digitizer puck buttons to ArcMap commands. |
IDigitizerSetup | Provides access to members that define the transformation used by the digitizer. |
IDimensionConstructor | Provides access to members that control the dimension feature edit sketch constructor. |
IDimensionEditExtension | Provides access to members that control dimension feature editing. |
IDimensionStyleDialog | Provides access to members that control the dimension styles dialog. |
IDimensionStyleImportDialog | Provides access to members that control the dimension style import dialog. |
IDistanceConverter | Provides access to methods that allow a distance to be converted from one unit system to another. |
IDistanceConverter2 | Provides access to methods that allow a distance to be converted from one linear unit to another. |
IEditAnnotationProperties | Provides access to members that control the annotation properties of an edit session. |
IEditAttributeProperties | Provides access to members that control the short transaction attribute properties of an edit session. |
IEditEvents | Provides access to editor events. |
IEditEvents2 | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditEvents3 | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditEvents4 | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditEvents5 | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditLayers | Provides access to members that control information about layers in the edit session. |
IEditLocation | Provides access to the Editor's Location property. |
IEditor | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the editor. |
IEditor2 | Provides access to methods that extend the IEditor interface. |
IEditor3 | Provides access to methods that extend the IEditor interface. |
IEditorZ | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the z-environment of the editor. |
IEditProperties | Provides access to members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditProperties2 | Provides access to more members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditProperties3 | Provides access to more members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditProperties4 | Provides access to more members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditSelectionCache | Provides access to members that cache the selection for fast hit testing. |
IEditSelectionCache2 | Provides access to additional members that cache the selection for fast hit testing. |
IEditSelectionCache3 | Provides access to additional members that cache the selection for fast hit testing. |
IEditSketch | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the edit sketch. |
IEditSketch2 | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the edit sketch. |
IEditSketch3 | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the edit sketch. |
IEditSketchExtension | Provides access to members that extend the edit sketch. |
IEditSketchExtension2 | Provides access to members that extend the edit sketch. |
IEditTask | Provides access to a task that receives notification when the sketch is complete. |
IEditTaskName | Provides access to members that identify edit tasks. |
IEditTaskSearch | Provides access to members that find edit tasks by name. |
IEditTool | Provides access to events triggered by the ArcMap Editor's edit tool. |
IEditToolEvents | Provides access to events generated by the edit tool. |
IEnumAnnotationConstructor | Provides access to members that control the annotation constructors. |
IEnumDimensionConstructor | Provides access to members that control the dimension constructors. |
IEnumFieldMap | Provides access to members that return field maps. |
IEnumMapFeature | Provides access to the layer a selected feature is from. |
IEnumRow | Provides access to members that enumerate rows in sequence. |
IEnumRow2 | Provides access to source of a selected row. |
IExtendedObjectInspector | Provides access to additional members that control a custom feature's property inspector. |
IFeatureSnapAgent | Provides access to members that control a feature snap agent's properties. |
IFeatureSnapAgent2 | Provides access to properties controlling Snapping in Z. |
IFieldMap | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the field mapping tools. |
IModifyTask | Indicator interface that identifies an edit task for modifying features. |
INotifyZFinalize | Provides access to a callback method the Editor will call if Z Attribution of a geometry fails. |
IObjectInspector | Provides access to members that control a custom feature's property inspector. |
IObjectInspectorPanel | Provides access to members that control the default object property inspector. |
IProtectNameEditor | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
IRepresentationMarkerEditor | Provides access to the Representation Marker Editor. |
IRepresentationRuleEditor | Provides access to the Representation Rule Editor. |
IRepresentationRuleEditor2 | Provides access to the Representation Rule Editor. |
IRepresentationWindow | Provides access to methods for working with the representation properties window. |
ISelectionResolutionChip | Provides access to the Selection Resolution Chip. |
ISelectionResolutionImpl | Provides access to the callback methods for the Selection Resolution Chip. |
IShapeConstructor | Provides access to a Shape Constructor to be hosted by tools that build sketches. |
IShapeConstructorTool | Indicator interface for tools that utilize shape constructors. |
ISketchOperation | Provides access to members that control undo/redo capabilities for edit sketch modifications. |
ISketchOperation2 | Provides access to members that control undo/redo capabilities for edit sketch modifications. |
ISketchPropertiesWindow | Provides access to the Sketch Properties Window. |
ISketchTool | Provides access to members that control the main sketch tool. |
ISnapAgent | Provides access to members that snap point locations using a tolerance. |
ISnapAgentCategory | Provides access to the categories of SnapAgents. |
ISnapAgentFeedback | Provides access to feedback in the form of a string to determine what was snapped to. |
ISnapEnvironment | Provides access to members that manage the snap agents used by the editor. |
ISnapEnvironment2 | Provides access to members used to manipulate the snap environment for Zs. |
ISnapEnvironment3 | Provides access to members used to manipulate the snap environment for contraints. |
ISnappingWindow | Provides access to methods for working with the snapping window. |
ITransmogrifyTask | Indicator interface that identifies an edit task for reshaping features. |
ITraverseAdjustment | Provides access to members that perform adjustment computations. |
ITraverseClosure | Provides access to members that report the traverse closure. |
ITraverseWindow | Provides access to members that interact with the Traverse Window dialog. |
ITraverseWindow2 | Provides access to members that interact with the Traverse Window dialog. |
ITraverseWindowEvents | Provides access to Traverse Window events. |
IVersionChangesWindow | Provides access to Version Changes Window. |
Class Summary | |
AlignedConstructor | A dimension feature constructor for creating aligned dimension features. |
AngleDistanceConstructor | Uses an angle and a distance to create a new point. |
AnnotationConstructionWindow | The Annotation Construction Window. |
AnnotationEditExtension | An editor extension for creating and editing annotation features. |
AnnotationInspector | A property inspector for annotation features. |
ArcConstructor | Creates a circular arc segment. |
AttributeWindow | Dialog for inspecting selected/editable features. |
AutoCompletePolygonFeatureTool | Tool that uses the AutoCompletePolygon Task to create a new Polygon from a Line sketch geometry. |
BezierCurveConstructor | Creates a bezier curve segment. |
ConflictsWindow | Window used to resolve versioning conflicts. |
ConstructionMiniBar | An editor extension for working with the feature construction mini toobar |
ConstructPointsCommand | Product Availability |
ContinueFeatureTool | Product Availability |
Course | Creates line segments defined by COGO descriptions. |
CreateFeatureDockWin | Esri create features window. |
CurvedAnnoConstructor | An annotation feature constructor for creating curved annotation. |
CutPolygonsTool | Product Availability |
DigitizerExtension | Extension for working with the digitizer. |
DimensionEditExtension | An editor extension for creating and editing dimension features. |
DimensionInspector | A property inspector for dimension features. |
DimensionPropertyPage | A property page for modifying the properties of dimension feature classes. |
DimensionStyleDialog | A property page for creating new dimension styles. |
DimensionStyleImportDialog | A dialog for importing dimension styles from on dimension feature class into another. |
DistanceConverter | Converts distance values from one unit to another. |
DistanceDistanceConstructor | Creates a point from two distances. |
EditEvents2 | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IEditEvents2 interface in VB. |
EditEvents3 | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IEditEvents3 interface in VB. |
EditEvents4 | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IEditEvents4 interface in VB. |
EditEvents5 | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IEditEvents5 interface in VB. |
Editor | The Object Editor Extension. |
EditSelection | Enumerates the editable selected features. |
EditSelectionCache | Caches the selection for fast hit testing. |
EditTool | Editing tool which edits features. |
EditToolEvents | Helper coclass for working with the outbound interface on noncreatable object classes in VB. |
EndPointArcConstructor | Creates a circular arc segment. |
EnumDimensionStyle | Enumeration of dimension styles. |
FeatureInspector | Default feature inspector for the Editor. |
FeatureSnap | Snap agent that snaps to a feature in a specified way. |
FollowFeatureAnnoConstructor | An annotation feature constructor for creating annotation that follow the feature. |
FreeAlignedConstructor | A dimension feature constructor for creating alingned dimension features. |
FreeLinearConstructor | A dimension feature constructor for creating linear dimension features. |
HorizontalAnnoConstructor | An annotation feature constructor for creating horizontal annotation. |
IAnnotationConstructorProxy | Provides access to members that control the annotation feature edit sketch constructor. |
IAttributeTransferDefaultSettingsProxy | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the attribute transfer tools. |
IAttributeTransferProxy | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the attribute transfer tools. |
IAttributeTransferTypeProxy | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the attribute transfer interfaces. |
IAttributeWindowEventsAdapter | |
IAttributeWindowEventsOnActivateEvent | Product Availability |
IAttributeWindowEventsOnDeactivateEvent | Product Availability |
IAttributeWindowEventsOnPositionChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IAttributeWindowEventsOnSelectionChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IAttributeWindowEventsProxy | Provides access to Attribute Inspector events. |
IAttributeWindowProxy | Provides access to the Attribute Window. |
IConflictDisplayProxy | Provides access to the Conflict display environment. |
IConflictsWindow2Proxy | Provides access to Conflicts Display Window. |
IConflictsWindow3Proxy | Provides access to Conflicts Display Window. |
IConflictsWindowProxy | Provides access to Conflicts Display Window. |
ICreateFeatureTaskProxy | Indicator interface that identifies an edit task for creating features. |
ICustomSnappingProxy | Indicator interface that identifies a feature class extension that supports custom snapping. |
IDigitizerButtonsProxy | Provides access to map digitizer puck buttons to ArcMap commands. |
IDigitizerSetupProxy | Provides access to members that define the transformation used by the digitizer. |
IDimensionConstructorProxy | Provides access to members that control the dimension feature edit sketch constructor. |
IEditAnnotationPropertiesProxy | Provides access to members that control the annotation properties of an edit session. |
IEditAttributePropertiesProxy | Provides access to members that control the short transaction attribute properties of an edit session. |
IEditEvents2Adapter | |
IEditEvents2BeforeStopEditingEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2BeforeStopOperationEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnAbortEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnCurrentZChangedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnSaveEditsEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnStartOperationEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnStopOperationEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnVertexAddedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnVertexDeletedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2OnVertexMovedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents2Proxy | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditEvents3Adapter | |
IEditEvents3BeforeDrawSketchEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents3Proxy | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditEvents4Adapter | |
IEditEvents4OnAngularCorrectionOffsetChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IEditEvents4OnDistanceCorrectionFactorChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IEditEvents4OnUseGroundToGridChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IEditEvents4Proxy | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditEvents5Adapter | |
IEditEvents5OnCurrentTemplateChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IEditEvents5OnShapeConstructorChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IEditEvents5OnTemplateModifiedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents5OnTemplatesAddedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents5OnTemplatesRemovedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEvents5OnVertexSelectionChangedEvent | Product Availability |
IEditEvents5Proxy | Provides access to more editor events. |
IEditEventsAdapter | |
IEditEventsAfterDrawSketchEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnChangeFeatureEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnConflictsDetectedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnCreateFeatureEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnCurrentLayerChangedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnCurrentTaskChangedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnDeleteFeatureEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnRedoEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnSelectionChangedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnSketchFinishedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnSketchModifiedEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnStartEditingEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnStopEditingEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsOnUndoEvent | Remarks |
IEditEventsProxy | Provides access to editor events. |
IEditLayersProxy | Provides access to members that control information about layers in the edit session. |
IEditLocationProxy | Provides access to the Editor's Location property. |
IEditor2Proxy | Provides access to methods that extend the IEditor interface. |
IEditor3Proxy | Provides access to methods that extend the IEditor interface. |
IEditorProxy | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the editor. |
IEditorZProxy | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the z-environment of the editor. |
IEditProperties2Proxy | Provides access to more members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditProperties3Proxy | Provides access to more members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditProperties4Proxy | Provides access to more members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditPropertiesProxy | Provides access to members that control the properties of an edit session. |
IEditSketch2Proxy | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the edit sketch. |
IEditSketch3Proxy | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the edit sketch. |
IEditSketchProxy | Provides access to members that access and manipulate the edit sketch. |
IEditTaskNameProxy | Provides access to members that identify edit tasks. |
IEditTaskProxy | Provides access to a task that receives notification when the sketch is complete. |
IEditTaskSearchProxy | Provides access to members that find edit tasks by name. |
IEditToolEventsAdapter | |
IEditToolEventsOnBeginMoveEvent | Remarks |
IEditToolEventsOnFinishMoveEvent | Remarks |
IEditToolEventsOnMoveEvent | Remarks |
IEditToolEventsProxy | Provides access to events generated by the edit tool. |
IEditToolProxy | Provides access to events triggered by the ArcMap Editor's edit tool. |
IEnumAnnotationConstructorProxy | Provides access to members that control the annotation constructors. |
IEnumDimensionConstructorProxy | Provides access to members that control the dimension constructors. |
IEnumFieldMapProxy | Provides access to members that return field maps. |
IEnumMapFeatureProxy | Provides access to the layer a selected feature is from. |
IEnumRow2Proxy | Provides access to source of a selected row. |
IEnumRowProxy | Provides access to members that enumerate rows in sequence. |
IFieldMapProxy | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the field mapping tools. |
IModifyTaskProxy | Indicator interface that identifies an edit task for modifying features. |
INotifyZFinalizeProxy | Provides access to a callback method the Editor will call if Z Attribution of a geometry fails. |
IntersectionConstructor | Intersects two line segments to create a new point. |
IProtectNameEditorProxy | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
IRepresentationWindowProxy | Provides access to methods for working with the representation properties window. |
ISelectionResolutionImplProxy | Provides access to the callback methods for the Selection Resolution Chip. |
IShapeConstructorProxy | Provides access to a Shape Constructor to be hosted by tools that build sketches. |
ISketchPropertiesWindowProxy | Provides access to the Sketch Properties Window. |
ISketchToolProxy | Provides access to members that control the main sketch tool. |
ISnapAgentCategoryProxy | Provides access to the categories of SnapAgents. |
ISnapEnvironment2Proxy | Provides access to members used to manipulate the snap environment for Zs. |
ISnapEnvironment3Proxy | Provides access to members used to manipulate the snap environment for contraints. |
ISnapEnvironmentProxy | Provides access to members that manage the snap agents used by the editor. |
ISnappingWindowProxy | Provides access to methods for working with the snapping window. |
ITransmogrifyTaskProxy | Indicator interface that identifies an edit task for reshaping features. |
ITraverseAdjustmentProxy | Provides access to members that perform adjustment computations. |
ITraverseClosureProxy | Provides access to members that report the traverse closure. |
ITraverseWindow2Proxy | Provides access to members that interact with the Traverse Window dialog. |
ITraverseWindowEventsAdapter | |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnActivateEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnAddCourseEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnChangeCourseTypeEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnChangeCurveDirectionTypeEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnChangeCurveParameterEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnChangeTurnDirectionEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnDeactivateEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnLoadTraverseEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnPositionChangedEvent | Product Availability |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnSetFinishPointEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnSetFocusToMeasureEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsOnSetStartPointEvent | Remarks |
ITraverseWindowEventsProxy | Provides access to Traverse Window events. |
ITraverseWindowProxy | Provides access to members that interact with the Traverse Window dialog. |
LeaderAnnoConstructor | An annotation feature constructor for creating leader annotation. |
LinearConstructor | A dimension feature constructor for creating linear dimension features. |
LineFeatureTool | Tool that creates a new Polyline sketch geometry. |
MidpointConstructor | Adds a point at the midpoint of a line. |
MirrorFeaturesTool | Product Availability |
PointAtEndOfLineTool | Tool that creates a new Point/Multipoint at the end of a line geometry. |
PointConstructor | Constructor for adding a point to a point/multipoint sketch geometry. |
PointFeatureTool | Tool that creates a new Point/Multipoint sketch geometry. |
PolygonFeatureTool | Tool that creates a new Polygon sketch geometry. |
ReplaceGeometryTool | Product Availability |
RepresentationClassPropertyPage | A property page for modifying the properties of a feature class representation. |
RepresentationInspector | A property inspector for features containing representations. |
RepresentationMarkerEditor | A dialog for editing a representation marker. |
RepresentationRuleEditor | A dialog for editing a representation rule. |
RepresentationRulesPropertyPage | A property page for modifying the collection of rules of a feature class representation. |
ReshapeFeatureTool | Product Availability |
RightAngleConstructor | Adds segments perpendicular to the sketch. |
RotatedLinearConstructor | A dimension feature constructor for creating linear dimension features. |
SelectionResolutionChip | An editor extension for resolving selection of multiple features. |
SimpleAlignedConstructor | A dimension feature constructor for creating aligned dimension features. |
SketchAngleDistanceCommand | Initializes a new AngleDistanceConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchArcCommand | Initializes a new ArcConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchBezierCurveCommand | Initializes a new BezierCurveConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchConstructor | Constructor for the Sketch Tool. |
SketchDistanceDistanceCommand | Initializes a new DistanceDistanceConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchEndPointArcCommand | Initializes a new EndPointConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchIntersectionCommand | Initializes a new IntersectionConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchMidpointCommand | Initializes a new MidpointConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchOperation | Provides undo/redo capabilities for edit sketch modifications. |
SketchPointCommand | Initializes a new PointConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchPropertiesWindow | Dialog for modifying sketch geometry. |
SketchRightAngleCommand | Initializes a new RightAngleConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchStraightCommand | Initializes a new StraightConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchTangentCurveCommand | Initializes a new TangentCurveConstructor on the Editor. |
SketchTraceCommand | Initializes a new TraceConstructor on the Editor. |
StraightAnnoConstructor | An annotation feature constructor for creating straight annotation with an angle. |
StraightConstructor | Constructor for adding a straight line sketch to the end of a segmented sketch geometry. |
StretchProportionalCommand | Product Availability |
TangentCurveConstructor | Creates a circular arc segment, tangent to existing sketch. |
TemplateGeneralPropertyPage | The General Property Page for an Edit Template. |
TraceConstructor | Adds segments by tracing existing features. |
TraverseAdjustment | Performs Traverse Adjustment Calculations. |
TraverseWindow | Dialog for creating traverses. |
UnplacedAnnotationWindow | Esri unplaced anno window. |
VersionChangesWindow | Window used to find changes between versions. |
The Editor library implements ArcMap’s object editor, including in this is topological display and editing, and the editing feature geometry and attributes. The library supports both a user interface and a programming API to allow developers to extend the core functionality of the editor with their own editing commands and tasks.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.