Interface IEnumRow

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
IEnumRow2Proxy, IEnumRowProxy

public interface IEnumRow
extends Serializable

Provides access to members that enumerate rows in sequence.


The IEnumRow object is an enumeration and methods to cycle through it.

Use the Count method to identify how many objects exist within the collection.

Use the Next method to retrieve the next object in the enumeration.

Use the Reset method to reset the enumeration to the first object in the collection.

Click on the example to see the associate example of how the IEnumRow interface can be used when building a custom feature inspector. Also note that this example does not fully explain what a custom feature inspector is. Refer to the documentation of IObjectInspector for details.

When To Use

Use the IEnumRow object when you need to maintain a collection of IRow objects.

The collection itself can consist of any object that implements the IRow interface. For example, the Feature coclass implements the IRow interface so you can use the IEnumRow object to maintain a collection of features.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.

See Also:
com.esri.arcgis.editor.IShortTransactionObjectInspector, IFeature, IFeatureCursor

Method Summary
 int getCount()
          The number of rows.
 IRow next()
          Retrieves the next row in the sequence.
 void reset()
          Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.

Method Detail


int getCount()
             throws IOException,
The number of rows.


The Count property lists the total number of IRow objects in the enumeration.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.

Supported Platforms


The count
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


IRow next()
          throws IOException,
Retrieves the next row in the sequence.


The Next method retreives the next IRow object in the enumeration. If the enumeration has been reset, the Next method will return the first row in the enumeration. If the enumeration is at the end of its collection, the Next method will return a NULL object.


Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.

Supported Platforms


A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IRow
IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.


void reset()
           throws IOException,
Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.


The Reset method will reset the enumeration so that the Next method will retreive the first IRow object in the collection. Use the Reset method if you need to recycle the enumeration.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.

Supported Platforms


IOException - If there are interop problems.
AutomationException - If the ArcObject component throws an exception.