Class Index



AngularUnit The units to measure angles. 
AngularUnit.Code The codes defined for the angular units. 
ArcGISAbstractMediaView Abstract View class which serves as a base for attachment and media views. 
ArcGISAttachmentsAdapter Default adapter for attachments 
ArcGISAttachmentsView Default view to display attachments in the popup. 
ArcGISAttributesAdapter Abstract adapter class to display graphic attributes in the popup. 
ArcGISAttributesAdapter.FieldLabelView Default view class to display an attribute label  
ArcGISAttributesAdapter.SeparatorView Default view class to display a separator  

Default view to display graphic's attributes in the popup. 

ArcGISDescriptionAdapter Default attribute adapter displaying only the description in a WebView 
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer The ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer class allows you to work with a dynamic map service resource that is exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API (see the system requirements document for supported versions of ArcGIS Server). 
ArcGISEditAttributesAdapter Default attribute adapter to display graphic's attributes in edit mode 

ArcGISFeatureLayer is a special type of GraphicsLayer that allows you to display features from a layer hosted by an ArcGIS Server map service or feature service. 
ArcGISFeatureLayer.MODE The feature layer can work under 3 modes. 
ArcGISFeatureLayer.Options The options to instantiate the feature layer. 
ArcGISFeatureLayer.SELECTION_METHOD The modes used for the select features method. 
ArcGISImageServiceLayer The ArcGISImageServiceLayer class allows you to work with an image service resource that is exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API (see the system requirements document for supported versions of ArcGIS Server). 
ArcGISLayerInfo While working with the ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer and ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer class, it is possible for you to access the individual layers contained within the dynamic map service through the getLayers() method. 
ArcGISLayout Default layout for the popup. 
ArcGISLocalTiledLayer The ArcGISLocatlTiledLayer class is a type of tiled layer where the data is stored locally on the device, therefore this layer can function even when the device does not have any network connectivity. 
ArcGISMediaAdapter Default media adapter. 
ArcGISMediaFullScreenPageAdapter Default adapter to display media in full screen 
ArcGISMediaFullScreenView Default view to display the media in full screen. 
ArcGISMediaView Default view to display the popup media 
ArcGISPopupInfo Popup information extension including ArcGIS layer information 
ArcGISPopupStyle Default style for the popup. 
ArcGISPopupStyle.STYLE_ELEMENT Types of stylable element  
ArcGISReadOnlyAttributesAdapter Default adapter to display graphic's attributes in read-only mode. 
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer The ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer class allows you to work with a cached map service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. 

Default view to display a popup title. 

ArcGISValueFormat Convenient class to format values in the popup. 
AreaUnit The units to measure for areas. 
AreaUnit.Code Area unit codes. 
AttachmentInfo Information about an attachment associated with a feature. 
AttachmentView Interface to be implemented by attachment views. 
AttributeParameterValue Class holding a single attribute parameter value for an NA task 
AttributeView Interface to be implemented by attribute views (edit mode). 


BaseMap This class represents a base map described in a WebMap. 
BatchGeocodeResult Batch geocode result. 

BingMapsLayer class is used to define the Layer populated from Bing Maps that can be added to the MapView object. 


Map styles available for the imagery:

  • Aerial - Aerial imagery
  • AerialWithLabels - Aerial imagery with a road overlay
  • Road - Roads without additional imagery. 
  • BingMapsResult This class represents a Bing Maps result containing an address and its locations returned by a geocode or reverse-geocode request. 
    Bookmark Represents a bookmark object defined in the Web map. 


    CallbackListener<T> Implement this interface to handle the returned result from an asynchronous call. 

    The CalloutView class draws a callout window and manages its behavior. 

    CalloutStyle The Class CalloutStyle. 
    ClassBreak The Class ClassBreak. 

    A class breaks renderer symbolizes each graphic based on the value of some numeric attribute. 


    Class holding the parameters of a closest facility to be solved on the server. 

    ClosestFacilityResult Class containing the relevant information for the entire server response. 
    ClosestFacilityTask Class executing a service area task on the server. 
    CodedValueDomain The CodedValueDomain class represents the 'Coded Value Domain' details in the Feature Layer of the Feature Service. 


    DictionaryRenderer This is a renderer defined by dictionary. 
    DirectionsLengthUnit The enumeration types for the direction length units. 
    DirectionsOutputType The enumeration types of the direction output. 
    DirectionsString More detailed direction info passed back from a route solving operation. 
    DirectionsStringType The enumeration types of direction strings. 
    Domain The abstract class Domain is the superclass of classes CodedValueDomain and RangeDomain. 
    DynamicLayer DynamicLayer is the base class for all map services that contain dynamic layers and can be added to a map. 


    EditFieldsInfo The Class EditFieldsInfo. 
    EditInfo The Class EditInfo. 
    Envelope Envelopes are the rectangular window that contain a specific element. 


    FeatureCollection The class represents a feature collections. 
    FeatureEditError An error object indicating that an operation failed when processing a REST request. 
    FeatureEditResult The results of a feature edit such as add, update or delete. 
    FeatureSet A collection of features returned from ArcGIS Server or used as input to tasks. 
    FeatureTemplate Feature templates define the information required to create a new feature. 
    FeatureTemplate.DRAWING_TOOL The default drawing tool to use when creating features based on this template.. 
    FeatureType The FeatureType class represents a SubType of a feature layer which includes the over-ridden domains for the various fields. 
    Field The Field class represents a field of a feature layer. 
    FillSymbol Base class for polygon symbols. 
    FindParameters This class represents parameters for FindTask operations. 
    FindResult The class represents a find result value object returned by FindTask. 
    FindTask The FindTask is to perform a find operation on a valid map service resource, which is represented by a URL. 


    Geometry Common properties and methods shared by all geometric objects. 
    Geometry.Type The type of this geometry. 
    GeometryEngine Provides services that operate on geometry instances. 
    GeometryException A runtime exception raised when a geometry related exception occurs. 

    This class represents a GeoProcessing task. 

    GPBoolean The GPBoolean class is a container that is used to represent a geoprocessing parameter of the type Boolean. 
    GPDataFile The GPDataFile class is a container that is used to represent a geoprocessing parameter of the type DataFile. 
    GPDate Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type date. 
    GPDouble Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type double. 

    Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type Graphic record set layer. 

    GPJobParameter This class gives the descriptions of the input GPParameter and output GPParameter by providing their names and values. 
    GPJobResource This class represents a job submitted using submitJob(List)
    GPJobResource.JobStatus The job status. 
    GPJobResults This class is used to return the requested parameters and associated job resource when running a GP job asynchronously. 
    GPJobStatusCallback Implement this interface to create a callback that will be used to notify status update of a. 
    GPLinearUnit Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type linear unit. 
    GPLong Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type long. 
    GPMapImage Container class representing a map image object shared by GPRasterDataLayer and GPFeatureRecordSetLayer 
    GPMessage This class represents messages generated during the execution of a geoprocessing task. 
    GPMultiValue<T extends GPParameter> Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type multivalue. 
    GPParameter Base class for all GeoProcessing parameters. 
    GPRasterData Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type raster data. 

    Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type raster data layer. 

    GPRecordSet Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type record set. 
    GPResultResource This class represents a result of execute(List)
    GPServiceInfo This class provides information on a geoprocessing service at a given url. 
    GPString Container class representing a Geo-Processing parameter of the type String. 
    GPTaskInfo This class provides information on a geoprocessing task at a given url. 
    GPTaskInfo.ExecutionType The Enum ExecutionType. 
    GPTaskInfo.GPParameterInfo This class provides information on a single parameter of a geoprocessing task.Information includes:
    • Parameter name
    • Parameter display name
    • The parameter's category, if any
    • The parameter's type
    • The parameters direction: in or out
    • The default value
    • The parameter type: required, optional or derived
    • A list of value choices
    GPTaskInfo.ParamDirection The Enum ParamDirection. 
    GPTaskInfo.ParamType The Enum ParamType. 
    Graphic The Graphic class is used to represent a feature that can have any of the following types:

    Graphic objects are immutable, which means its state cannot change after construction. 

    GraphicsLayer The GraphicsLayer class represents a layer that contains one or more Graphic features. 
    GraphicsUtil The Class GraphicsUtil. 
    Grid This class allows you to control the display of a grid on a MapView by setting its type and visibility. 
    Grid.GridType The Enum GridType. 
    GroupLayer A group layer is a collection of layers extending from the Layer class. 



    The IdentifyParameters class is a container for input parameters that are used during the instantiation of the IdentifyTask object. 


    When the IdentifyTask class performs the identify operation and receives the result for an ArcGIS Server instance, it will only partially decode the results returned. 

    IdentifyResultSpinner Convenient class to display a spinner listing IdentifyResults. 
    IdentifyResultSpinnerAdapter Convenient class to display a List of IdentifyResults in a Spinner. 
    IdentifyResultView View providing a convenient way to display the details of an IdentifyResult in a tabular form. 

    The IdentifyTask class identifies features based on a set of parameters. 

    ImageServiceParameters Represents the image service parameter options used in the ArcGISImageServiceLayer. 
    ImageServiceParameters.IMAGE_FORMAT The format of the exported image. 
    ImageServiceParameters.PIXEL_TYPE The pixel type, also known as data type, pertains to the type of values stored in the raster, such as signed integer, unsigned integer, or floating point. 
    ImageServiceParameters.RSP The resampling process of extrapolating the pixel values while transforming the raster dataset when it undergoes warping or when it changes coordinate space. 

    An InfoTemplate is an object containing a title template and a content template. 

    InheritedDomain The InheritedDomain class represents the 'Inherited Domain'. 


    KMLLayer The KMLLayer class represents a layer based on a KML file (.kml,.kmz). 


    Layer The base layer for all layers that can be added into MapView
    Legend The Legend class provides a legend's symbol and label. 
    Line A straight line between a pair of points. 
    LinearUnit Unit for measurement of dimensions. 
    LinearUnit.Code Linear Unit codes 
    LinearUnitCode This interface is deprecated. Method introduced at Beta. Will be removed at next release. 
    LineSymbol Base class for line symbols. 
    LocationService Class providing UI support to display the current location of the device on a MapView. 

    This class allows you to geocode and reverse-geocode addresses using a geocode service of ArcGIS Server. 

    LocatorFieldInfo This class provides information for an address field of a ArcGIS Geocode service. 
    LocatorFindParameters The class holding the parameters to support the find operation for a geocoding service. 
    LocatorGeocodeResult Class containing the details of a location candidate such as the formatted address, the score, the location and the attributes. 
    LocatorReverseGeocodeResult Class containing the details of an address candidate such as the address fields and the accurate location for the address candidate. 
    LocatorServiceInfo Class containing the information for a ArcGIS Geocode service. 


    MapGeometry The MapGeometry class bundles the geometry with its spatial reference together. 
    MapGestureDetector The MapGestureDetector class is used to detects various gestures and events using the supplied MotionEvents. 
    MapGestureDetector.OnGestureListener The listener that is used to notify when gestures occur. 
    MapLoadAction<V> MapLoadAction. 
    MapLoadAction.Action The Enum Action. 
    MapOnTouchListener An interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a touch event is dispatched to a MapView. 
    MapView The MapView is the main mapping component of the ArcGIS API for Android. 
    MarkerSymbol The base class for all the marker symbol. 
    Message Message contains properties which can be processed by MessageProcessor
    MessageGroupLayer This class is used with the MessageProcessor class to display the graphics associated with processed messages. 
    MessageHelper Helper class which provides user-friendly property names and convenient methods to create message. 
    MessageProcessor A MessageProcessor allows you to process a Message from external resources. 
    MgrsConversionMode The modes for converting between military grid reference system (MGRS) notation and coordinates. 
    MosaicRule Specifies the mosaic rule when defining how individual images should be mosaicked. 
    MultiLayerSymbol MultiLayerSymbol class indicates that the symbol is a multilayer symbol. 
    MultiPath The MulitPath class is a base class for polygons and polylines. 
    MultiPoint A Multipoint is a collection of points. 


    NADistanceUnit The enumeration types of distance unit. 
    NAFeatures Interface for classes representing stops, facilities, incidents, and barriers of an NA server task 
    NAFeaturesAsFeature Class containing a set of stops, facilities, incidents, or barriers, represented as Graphics. 
    NAFeaturesAsLayer Class containing the name of a layer within the map service containing stops, facilities, incidents, or barriers to use. 
    NAMessage Class containing a message returned by the server. 
    NAOutputLine The enumeration types of output line. 
    NAOutputPolygon The enumeration types for output polygon. 

    Abstract class holding the common parameters of a network analysis problem

    In this class, you can define:

  • a set of point barriers to avoid when solving
  • a set of polyline barriers to avoid when solving
  • a set of polygon barriers to avoid when solving
  • a list of attribute parameter values
  • if the point barriers should be returned
  • if the polyline barriers should be returned
  • if the polygon barriers should be returned
  • the spatial reference of the returned geometry
  • how the route lines should be output
  • a list of accumulate attribute names
  • the name of the impedance attribute
  • a list of the restriction attribute names
  • how to restrict U turns
  • if a hierarchy should be used
  • a precision value for the output geometry
  • a unit for the output geometry precision
  • if z values should be returned
    NAResult Abstract class containing the values common to all NA server tasks. 
    NATimeOfDayUsage The enumeration types of the way time of day value used 
    NATravelDirection The enumeration types of travel directions 


    OnLongPressListener Implement this listener to handle a Long Press event on a MapView. 
    OnMapEventListener Implements this listener to handle events on a MapView. 
    OnPanListener Implement this listener to extend the default pan handling of a map view. 
    OnPinchListener Implements this listener to extend the default pinch handling of a MapView. 
    OnSingleTapListener Implements this listener to handle a single tap event on a MapView. 
    OnStatusChangedListener Implements this listener to handle a status changed event on a MapView or a Layer. 
    OnStatusChangedListener.EsriStatusException Defines the detailed information about the STATUS.INITIALIZATION_FAILED or STATUS.LAYER_LOADING_FAILED. 
    OnStatusChangedListener.STATUS The MapView or Layer status. 
    OnWebMapLoadListener Implements this listener to handle WebMap loading on a MapView. 
    OnZoomListener Implement this listener to extend the default zoom handling of a MapView. 
    OpenStreetMapLayer A tile service layer that supports OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile servers. 
    OrderByFields Controls the ordering. 
    OutStatistics The definitions for one or more field-based statistic to be calculated Note:
    • outStatistics is supported on only those layers / tables that indicate suppportsStatistics is true. 
    OwnershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures The Class OwnershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures. 


    PictureMarkerSymbol Used to draw points and multipoints on the graphics layer using an image. 
    Point A Point is a zero-dimensional object that represents a specific (X,Y) location in a two-dimensional XY-Plane. 
    Polygon A polygon is a collection of one or many interior or exterior rings. 
    Polyline A polyline is a collection of one or many paths. 
    Popup Popup class. 
    Popup.PopupListener Interface for a listener triggered by different changes of state of the popup  
    PopupChartMediaValue The PopupChartMediaValue class extends PopupMediaValue and represents the chart type of media. 
    PopupContainer Class containing multiple Popups and allowing to swipe through them. 
    PopupContainerView The PopupContainerView class provides the basic user interface (UI) and behavior for displaying and editing information about graphics in a popup. 
    PopupDateFormatValue The PopupDateFormatValue class extends PopupFormatValue and represents the date format. 
    PopupDateFormatValue.DATE_FORMAT Enumeration of all the date formats that are supported by a popup. 
    PopupEditable Interface to be implemented by popup views if they want to implement a behavior when switching to and from edit mode 
    PopupEditingListener Implement this listener to handle events on editing buttons of a PopupContainer. 
    PopupFieldInfo The PopupFieldInfo class defines information about how a graphic's attribute (field) should be displayed in a popup. 
    PopupFormatValue The PopupFormatValue class is an abstract class for popup value formats such as numbers or dates. 
    PopupImageMediaValue The PopupImageMediaValue class extends PopupMediaValue and represents the image type of media. 
    PopupInfo The PopupInfo class represents popup definitions for features that need to be displayed in popups. 
    PopupLayer Interface to be implemented by MapView layers if they provide a method to create a Popup

    Interface to be implemented by classes used as layout for the popup. 

    PopupMediaInfo The PopupMediaInfo class represents information about a media in the popup. 
    PopupMediaInfo.MEDIA_TYPE Enumeration for popup media types. 
    PopupMediaValue The PopupMediaValue class is an abstract class for popup media such as charts or images. 
    PopupMediaValue.VALUE_TYPE Enumeration containing the valid types of popup media. 
    PopupNumberFormatValue The PopupNumberFormatValue class extends PopupFormatValue and represents the number format. 
    PopupRefreshable Interface to be implemented by popup views if processing needs to be done when the popup is refreshed. 
    PopupStyle Interface to be implemented by popup styling classes. 
    PopupUtil Utility class providing convenient methods for the popup. 
    PopupValid Interface to be implemented by popup views if they take part in the validation of the popup. 
    Portal This class is used for connecting to a Portal and searching for items, users and groups. 
    PortalAccess Signifies the level of access that an object has. 
    PortalException This class encapsulates exceptions that may be raised when communicating with a Portal. 
    PortalFolder This class represents a folder associated with a PortalUser's profile, maintained in a Portal. 
    PortalGroup This class represents a Group in a Portal. 
    PortalInfo Class used to hold some information about the Portal such as default basemap, featured groups, etc. 
    PortalItem This class represents an Item stored in a Portal. 
    PortalItemComment Class that holds the content from a comment on a PortalItem such as owner, comment, created date. 
    PortalItemType Represents the type of a PortalItem stored in a Portal. 
    PortalListener<T> Implement this interface to handle the returned result from an asychronous call. 
    PortalMode Signifies the tenancy mode of a portal. 
    PortalQueryParams Creates query parameters suitable for finding content contained in a Portal. 
    PortalQueryParams.PortalQuerySortOrder Describes whether the query result order returns in ascending or descending order. 
    PortalQueryResultSet<T> A class that contains the results of queries performed on a Portal. 
    PortalRelationshipDirection The direction of the item relationship. 
    PortalRelationshipType A relationship of a certain type between two items. 
    PortalUser This class represents a registered user on a Portal. 
    PortalUserContent Class that holds the PortalUser's content as a List of PortalItems and PortalFolders. 
    PortalUserRole Signifies the role of the portal user. 
    Proximity2DResult Proximity operators are used to find the distance between two geometries or the distance from a given point to the nearest point on another geometry. 



    Class holding the parameters of a query to be executed on the server. 

    QueryTask Class executing a query on the server. 


    RangeDomain The RangeDomain class represents the 'Range Domain' details in the Feature Layer of the Feature Service. 
    RasterFunction Specifies the processing to be done to the image service. 
    RelationshipQuery Defines parameters of a query to be executed on the server that fetches related records. 
    Renderer<V> Base class for all renderers - use SimpleRenderer with a GraphicsLayer. 
    Response<V extends Result>

    Generic class to handle responses from Bing Maps services. 

    Result Interface that result classes handling responses from Bing Maps REST services must implement 
    Route Class holding the information for a single route 
    RoutingDirection Class containing the relevant information for one direction of a route 
    RoutingManeuver The enumeration types for a direction maneuver. 

    Class holding the parameters of a route to be solved on the server. 

    RoutingResult Class containing the relevant information for the entire server response. 
    RoutingTask Class executing a route on the server. 


    Segment A base class for segments. 
    SegmentIterator This class provides functionality to iterate over multipath segments. 

    Class holding the parameters of a service area to be solved on the server. 

    ServiceAreaResult Class containing the relevant information for the entire server response. 
    ServiceAreaTask Class executing a service area task on the server. 
    SimpleFillSymbol Used to draw polygon features on the graphics layer using simple patterns. 
    SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE The fill style. 
    SimpleLineSymbol Used to draw linear features on the graphics layer. 
    SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE The simple line style
     DASH        dash line. 
    SimpleMarkerSymbol Used to draw points and multipoints (or nodes of polylines and polygons) on the graphics layer using simple markers. 
    SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE The marker style. 
    SimpleRenderer A simple renderer uses the same symbol for every graphic. 
    SpatialReference An abstract class that represent the spatial reference for the geometry. 
    SpatialReference.Type The spatial reference type can be local, geographic, or projected. 
    SpatialRelationship Enumeration of spatial relationship 
    StopGraphic Class providing some convenient methods for setting attributes of a Graphic that are related to routing. 
    Symbol Symbols are used to represent "geometries" on the map. 
    SymbolDictionary The SymbolDictionary class contains functionality to get information about the dictionary including lists of symbols and their associated information. 
    SymbolDictionary.DictionaryType Enumeration of the supported types of dictionary. 

    The SymbolDictionaryFilter class is to be used with SymbolDictionaryQuery to query the symbol dictionary to get a filtered list of symbols. 


    The SymbolDictionaryQuery class is used to build up queries against the symbol dictionary to return a list of symbols. 

    SymbolHelper A convenient class which parses JSON representation of the symbol into a Symbol instance. 
    SymbolProperties This class represents a symbol record in the dictionary. 


    TextSymbol Used to display text at points on the graphics layer. 
    TextSymbol.HorizontalAlignment The Enum HorizontalAlignment. 
    TextSymbol.VerticalAlignment The Enum VerticalAlignment. 
    TiledLayer TiledLayer is the base class for all tiled layers that can be added to a map. 
    TiledServiceLayer The Class TiledServiceLayer. 
    TiledServiceLayer.TileInfo A class wrapping the tiled info. 
    TimeAwareLayer This interface should be implemented by any layer that can be filtered by date/time (time aware). 
    TimeExtent This class can be used to define either a single date/time or a range of dates/times. 
    TimeInfo This class contains information about time aware map service layers or individual layers within a map service. 
    TimeOptions Time options 
    TimeOptions.Units Units for time options. 
    TimeReference This class represents the timezone of a time aware layer and indicates whether or not daylight saving is respected. 
    Transformation2D The affine transformation class for 2D. 


    UniqueValue Instances of this class represent unique value objects that are used in unique value renderers. 
    UniqueValueRenderer A unique value renderer symbolizes groups of graphics that have matching attributes. 
    Unit A base class for units. 
    Unit.UnitType Unit type (linear, angular, or area) 
    UTurnRestriction The enumeration types of U-turn restriction 


    WebMap This class represents a WebMap and provides access to the base layers and operational layers within a WebMap. 
    WebMapLayer This class represents an operational layer within a WebMap. 
    WebMapLayer.Mode The operational mode of an ArcGIS Feature layer. 
    WebMapLayer.Type The type of layer in a WebMap. 
    WebMapQuery Represents an ArcGIS query task data defined in the web map. 
    WebMapSubLayer This class represents a sub-layer of a higher level layer within a WebMap
    WMSLayer A layer for OGC Web Map Services (WMS). 
    WMSLayerInfo This class represents a layer in a WMS map service.