public interface


implements OnMapEventListener

Class Overview

Implements this listener to handle WebMap loading on a MapView.


Public Methods
abstract void onWebMapLayerAdd(MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, UserCredentials credentials)
Implements this method to handle the event when a WebMapLayer is added to a MapView and initialized.
abstract MapLoadAction<UserCredentials> onWebMapLoadError(MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, Throwable error, UserCredentials credentials)
Implements this method to handle WebMap loading errors.

Public Methods

public abstract void onWebMapLayerAdd (MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, UserCredentials credentials)

Implements this method to handle the event when a WebMapLayer is added to a MapView and initialized.

source source object which originates the event.
webmap the WebMap which is processing.
wmlayer the layer definition in WebMap.
layer the layer to add. The layer may be null if the error is stopping the layer instantiating.
credentials the current credentials to access the layer.

public abstract MapLoadAction<UserCredentials> onWebMapLoadError (MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, Throwable error, UserCredentials credentials)

Implements this method to handle WebMap loading errors.

source source object which originates the event.
webmap the WebMap which is causing the error.
wmlayer the layer is causing the error.
layer the layer is causing the error. The layer may be null if the error is stopping the layer instantiating.
error the error message.
credentials the current credentials to access the layer.
  • return the action to handle the error.