Package Index Contains convenience classes that provide a way to display results returned from identify operations. Provides classes for all the different elements of a map. Contains the classes for the available map layer types. Provides classes used to consume Bing Maps services and maps. Provides interface classes used to handle events from maps and popups. Provides classes to work with Open Geospatial Consortium, OGC, layers Provides a class to work with Open Street map tile server layers. Provides interfaces an classes for creating, viewing, editing, and designing Popups.
com.esri.core.geometry Provides classes for different types of geometries, e.g. Contains classes that define elements from feature and image services. Defines an interface to handle responses from Bing Maps. Contains classes that are used to define popups on the map.
com.esri.core.portal Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap.
com.esri.core.renderer Provides different types of renderers used to symbolize graphics.
com.esri.core.symbol Provides different types of symbols used to represent geometries.
com.esri.core.symbol.advanced Contains classes for advanced symbol and message processing.
com.esri.core.tasks Parent package for classes in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.* and also a class that defines the different spatial relationship types.
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find Contains classes for defining finding operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server.
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode Provides classes for working with Locators and results obtained from Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding.
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing Contains classes for connecting to geoprocessing services and parsing the results.
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify Contains classes for defining identify operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. Provides interfaces and classes for doing network analysis including Routing, Service Area, and Closest Facility.
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query Contains classes for defining queries that are executed on an ArcGIS Server.