Uses of Class

Packages that use EsriSecurityException
com.esri.core.internal.catalog Contains convenience classes that provide a way to display results returned from identify operations. 
com.esri.core.portal Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find Contains classes for defining finding operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify Contains classes for defining identify operations that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query Contains classes for defining queries that are executed on an ArcGIS Server. 

Uses of EsriSecurityException in com.esri.core.internal.catalog

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.catalog that throw EsriSecurityException
 void Catalog.signInToMCS(String uname, String pwd)
          Allows a user to sign into a mobile content server.

Uses of EsriSecurityException in

Methods in that throw EsriSecurityException
static void UserCredentials.setTrustStore(KeyStore keyStore)
          Sets a KeyStore that contains trusted self-signed certificates for accessing HTTPS GIS service endpoints in an application.
static void UserCredentials.setTrustStore(KeyStore clientCA, String password, KeyStore trustCA)
          Sets KeyStores which contain server and client certificates for accessing HTTPS GIS service endpoints in an application.
static void ProxySetup.setupProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort, String scheme, UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
          Setup proxy server access through the given host, port and scheme using the given user credentials for authorisation.
static void ProxySetup.setupProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort, UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
          Setup proxy server access through the given host and port using the given user credentials for authorisation.
static void ProxySetup.setupProxy(String proxyUrl, UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
          Setup proxy authentication for proxy access set up on the JVM command line.
static void ProxySetup.setupProxyAuthentication(String proxyUrl, UserCredentials proxyCredentials)
          Deprecated. ProxySetup.setupProxy(String, UserCredentials) instead.

Uses of EsriSecurityException in com.esri.core.portal

Methods in com.esri.core.portal that throw EsriSecurityException
 org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser Portal.postRequest(String requestURL)
          Sends the customized request and let users handle the response.
 org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser Portal.sendRequest(String requestURL)
          Sends the customized request and let users handle the response.

Uses of EsriSecurityException in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find

Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.find that throw EsriSecurityException
FindTask(String url, UserCredentials credentials)
          Instantiates a new find task.

Uses of EsriSecurityException in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode

Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geocode that throw EsriSecurityException
Locator(String url, UserCredentials credentials)
          Constructor accepting the URL of a Geocode service

Uses of EsriSecurityException in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify

Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.identify that throw EsriSecurityException
IdentifyTask(String url, UserCredentials credentials)

Uses of EsriSecurityException in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query

Constructors in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.query that throw EsriSecurityException
QueryTask(String url, UserCredentials credentials)
          Instantiates a new query task.

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