| Class | Description |
| ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer | Dynamic ArcGIS REST map service layer. |
| ArcGISImageServiceLayer | Dynamic ArcGIS REST image service layer. |
| ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer | Tiled ArcGIS REST map service layer. |
| ArcGISWebClient | Provides common methods for receiving data from an ArcGIS resource identified by a URL. |
| ArcGISWebClient.DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the ArcGISWebClient.DownloadStringCompleted event. |
| ArcGISWebClient.OpenReadCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the ArcGISWebClient.OpenReadCompleted event. |
| ArcGISWebClient.PostMultipartCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the ArcGISWebClient.PostMultipartCompleted event. |
| ArcGISWebClient.StreamContent | Provides HTTP content based on a stream |
| ClassBreakInfo | An object to group (or classify) symbology and class breaks information for a ClassBreaksRenderer. |
| ClassBreaksRenderer | A custom graphics renderer where the symbology of a Layer is displayed via groups based upon numerical data. |
| Clusterer | Abstract clustering class used for creating custom cluster algorithms used with the GraphicsLayer. |
| ColorMapResult | Contains the result information for the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.GetColorMapAsync task. |
| ColorRange | Utility class used to define a range of interpolated Colors via a Color Wheel using a starting and ending pair of Colors. |
| DataSource | A base Abstract Class used for the creation of Dynamic Layers. It has no Public Properties, Methods, or Events; and cannot be created using the new keyword. |
| Draw | The Draw object used to draw Graphic objects against the Map |
| DrawEventArgs | Draw Event Arcguments used when Drawing Operations are Complete |
| DynamicLayer | Abstract dynamic layer class |
| DynamicLayerInfo | DynamicLayerInfo |
| DynamicLayerInfoCollection | Collection of DynamicLayerInfos objects. |
| DynamicMapServiceLayer | Abstract dynamic map service layer class |
| EditGeometry | GraphicLayer editor |
| EditGeometry.GeometryEditEventArgs | Geometry edit event arguments used by used by the EditGeometry.GeometryEdit event. |
| Editor | Editor object which enables editing and selection support for FeatureLayer and GraphicsLayer. |
| Editor.ActionEventArgs | Action Event arguments, base for CommandEventArgs and EditEventArgs |
| Editor.Change | Edit changes used by the Editor.EditCompleted event |
| Editor.CommandEventArgs | Command Event arguments used by the Editor.EditorActivated event. |
| Editor.EditEventArgs | Edit Event arguments used by the Editor.EditCompleted event. |
| ElementLayer | Framework Element component layer |
| ExtentEventArgs | Event argument for a change in map extent. |
| FeatureLayer | An enhanced version of the GraphicsLayer that enables displaying (and possibly editing) features from an ArcGIS Server REST service. |
| Field | A field in a layer. |
| FlareClusterer | A specialized clustering set of graphics that use both non-interactive grouping and animated interactive flare-out symbols to represent the count of a number of occurrences of Graphic features in a FeatureLayer or GraphicsLayer. |
| Graphic | A visual element that typically represents geographic data used for rendering in a GraphicsLayer of the Map Control. |
| GraphicCollection | An observable collection of Graphic. |
| GraphicMouseButtonEventArgs | Provides event data for the GraphicsLayer.MouseLeftButtonDown, GraphicsLayer.MouseLeftButtonUp, GraphicsLayer.MouseRightButtonDown and GraphicsLayer.MouseRightButtonUp events. |
| GraphicMouseEventArgs | Provides data for mouse-related events on GraphicsLayer that do not specifically involve mouse buttons, for example GraphicsLayer.MouseMove. |
| GraphicsClusterer | Abstract clustering class that implements a common clustering algorithm. |
| GraphicsDataSource | Base Graphics DataSource that allows binding a model or view to GraphicsLayer.GraphicsSource and converting the items to renderable Graphics in the process. |
| GraphicsLayer | A map layer containing a set of interactable vector graphics |
| GroupLayer | Group Layer collection |
| GroupLayerBase | GroupLayer Base Class |
| Histogram | Class that contains information about a histogram. |
| HistogramsResult | Contains the result information for the ArcGISImageServiceLayer.GetHistogramsAsync task. |
| IdentityManager | The Identity Manager is a singleton class that, when enabled, will manage the user credentials for the following resources:
- ArcGIS Server resources secured using token-based authentication. Note that only ArcGIS Server versions 10 SP 1 and greater are supported.
- Secured ArcGIS.com resources (i.e. web maps).
To enable the Identity Manager, you have only to provide a challenge method by setting the ChallengeMethod. |
| IdentityManager.Credential | The Credential class represents a credential object used to access a secure ArcGIS resource. |
| IdentityManager.GenerateTokenOptions | This class contains optional information about the credential to generate. |
| IdentityManager.ServerInfo | This class contains information about an ArcGIS Server and its token endpoint. |
| JoinDataSource | Data source that represents a join operation |
| Layer | This is the base class for all geographic data that can be added to the Map Control. |
| LayerCollection | A collection of Map Layers |
| LayerDataSource | LayerDataSource |
| LayerDefinition | Allows you to filter the features of individual layers in an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer layer map by specifying definition expressions for those layers. |
| LayerDrawingOptions | LayerDrawingOptions for setting rendering options on ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer |
| LayerDrawingOptionsCollection | Collection of LayerDrawingOptions which are used to construct a Dynamic Layer. |
| LayerInfo | Contains information about each layer in an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer service. |
| LayerLegendInfo | Information about the legend/TOC entries for a layer. |
| LayerMapSource | LayerMapSource |
| LayerSource | A base Abstract Class used for the creation of Dynamic Layers. It has no Public Properties, Methods, or Events; and cannot be created using the new keyword. |
| LayerTimeOptionCollection | Collection of TimeOption objects used for each sub-layer of a time-enabled ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer. |
| LegendItemInfo | Information about a legend item (a label, an image and, optionaly a description). |
| Lod | Levels of detail (LOD) for a TiledMapServiceLayer. Each LOD corresponds to a map at a given scale or resolution. |
| Map | Represents a Map control with a set of service layers that can be navigated using mouse and keyboard controls. |
| Map.MapGestureEventArgs | Gesture event argument for touch gesture events. |
| Map.MouseEventArgs | Mouse event arguments |
| MapImage | The results of an export map operation or Geoprocessor GetResultImage method call. |
| MosaicRule | Specifies the mosaic rule when defining how individual images should be mosaicked. It specifies selection, mosaic method, sort order, overlapping pixel resolution, etc. |
| OpacityRange | Utility class used to define a range of interpolated opacity (i.e. visibility) of a Symbol using a starting and ending pair of doubles. |
| PointDataSource | Point Graphics DataSource that allows binding a model or view with X/Y or Latitude/Longitude properties to GraphicsLayer.GraphicsSource and converting the items to renderable Point Graphics in the process. |
| ProgressEventArgs | Holds event data for the Progress event. |
| QueryDataSource | A type of DataSource object that allows querying data directly from a Workspace Type of Database using SQL select statements to construct a Dynamic Layer. |
| RampInterpolator | Display a gradual change in symbology across a specified Map.TimeExtent for a TemporalRenderer of a FeatureLayer. |
| RasterDataSource | Data source that represents a workspace raster file |
| RasterFunctionInfo | Raster function info |
| RasterInfo | Raster function info |
| RasterTypeInfo | Raster type info |
| Renderer | This static class is used to create a Renderer from a string in JSON format. |
| RendererInfo | Base class for RendererInfo |
| RenderingRule | Specifies the rendering rule for how custom images requested for an ArcGISImageServiceLayer should be rendered. |
| SimpleRenderer | Simple graphics renderer returning one symbol. |
| SizeRange | Utility class used to define a range of interpolated sizes of a Symbol using a starting and ending pair of doubles. |
| StringToInt32ArrayConverter | String To Int32 Array Converter |
| Table | Represents Table information found in a service layer. |
| TableDataSource | Data source that represents a workspace table |
| TemporalRenderer | A custom graphics renderer where the symbology of a FeatureLayer is displayed based upon time information. |
| TiledLayer | Abstract tiled/cached map service layer class |
| TiledLayer.TileLoadEventArgs | Event Arguments for the TiledLayer.TileLoaded and TiledLayer.TileLoading event. |
| TiledMapServiceLayer | Abstract tiled/cached map service layer class |
| TileInfo | Contains information about the tiling scheme for a TiledMapServiceLayer. |
| TimeClassBreakInfo | TimeClassBreakInfo for the TimeClassBreaksAger. |
| TimeClassBreaksAger | Provides a mechanism to display different symbology for temporal based FeatureLayer data by groupings of time ranges. |
| TimeExtent | Time Extent. |
| UniqueValueInfo | UniqueValueInfo for the UniqueValueRenderer. |
| UniqueValueMultipleFieldsInfo | UniqueValueMultipleFieldsInfo for the UniqueValueRenderer. |
| UniqueValueMultipleFieldsRenderer | Custom graphics renderer |
| UniqueValueRenderer | Custom graphics renderer |
| VertexAddedEventArgs | Draw Event Arcguments used when Drawing Operations are Complete |