FRAMES | NO FRAMES | Description | Parameters | Response | Example |
URL: | http://server:port/arcgis/admin/services |
HTTP Method: | GET |
Parent Resource: | Site |
Supported Operations: | Create Folder Create Service Rename Service |
Child Resources: | Folder Service Types Permissions Report |
The root folder is a container for all sub-folders and GIS services. A root folder can contain one or
more sub-folders and GIS services.
You can create a new sub-folder by using the Create Folder operation
and a new GIS service by using the Create Service
The Permissions resource on the folder will let you
set permissions on your GIS services and subfolders. Setting permissions on a folder is a
convenient way to toggle permissions on a large number of services.
The types resource returns a list of all the service types
and their extensions supported on the ArcGIS Server.
Parameter | Description |
detail | Parameter to indicate that a detailed description is expected.
The default value is false. Values: true | false |
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
{ "folderName": "/", "description": "Root folder", "webEncrypted": <webEncrypted>, "isDefault": <isDefault>, "folders": [ "<folderName1>", "<folderName2>" ... ], "foldersDetail": [ { "folderName": "<folderName>", "description": "<description>", "webEncrypted": <webEncrypted>, "isDefault": <isDefault> }, ... ], "services": [ { "folderName": "<folderName>", "serviceName": "<serviceName>", "type": "<serviceType>", "description": "<description>" } ] } The full name of a service is represented in JSON as follows:
{ "folderName”: <folderName>, "serviceName”: <name>, "serviceType”: <type> "description”: <description> }
{ "folderName": "/", "description": "Root folder", "webEncrypted": false, "isDefault": false, "folders": [ "System", "Utilities" ], "foldersDetail": [ { "folderName": "System", "description": "The System folder contains automatically deployed services that are used by ArcGIS Server.", "webEncrypted": false, "isDefault": true }, { "folderName": "Utilities", "description": "The Utilities folder contains automatically deployed services that can be used by application developers.", "webEncrypted": false, "isDefault": true } ], "services": [ { "folderName": "/", "serviceName": "SampleWorldCities", "type": "MapServer", "description": "The SampleWorldCities service is provided so you can quickly and easily preview the functionality of the GIS server. Click the thumbnail image to open in a web application. This sample service is optional and can be deleted." } ] }