FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Response | Example
Parent Resource: Root Folder
Child Resources: Extensions


This resource provides metadata about all service types and extensions that can be enabled on each service type. The services framework uses this information to validate a service and construct the various objects in the service.

The metadata contains identifiers for each object, a default list of capabilities, properties, and other resource information (like WSDL and so forth).

Type information for a specific service type can be accessed by appending the type name to this URL.



Parameter Description
f The response format. The default response format is html.
Values: html | json

Response Format

	"types": [ type1, type2, ...]

The JSON schema for the type is defined as follows:

	"Name": "<name>",
	"DisplayName": "<display name>",
	"CLSID": "<clsid>",
	"Description": "<description>",
	"CfgFactoryPROGID": "<config factory progid>",
	"ObjectFactoryCLSID": "<object factory clsid>",
	"Properties": {
		"<name1>": "<value>",
		"<name2>": "<value>",
	"Info": {
		"<name1>": "<value>",
		"<name2>": "<value>",


	"types": [
		    "Name": "GlobeServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Globe Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriGlobeCore.GlobeServer",
		    "Description": "Esri Globe Server",
		    "CfgFactoryPROGID": "esriGlobeCore.GlobeServerConfigurationFactory",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {
		      "AllWebCapabilities": "Globe,Animation,Query",
		      "DefaultWebCapabilities": "Globe,Animation,Query"
		    "Name": "MapServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Map Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriCarto.MapServerObjectFactory*",
		    "Description": "Esri Map Server",
		    "CfgFactoryPROGID": "esriCarto.MapServerConfigurationFactory",
		    "ObjectFactoryCLSID": "esriCarto.MapServerObjectFactory",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {
		      "AllWebCapabilities": "Map,Query,Data",
		      "DefaultWebCapabilities": "Map,Query,Data"
		    "Name": "GeocodeServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Geocode Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriLocation.GeocodeServer",
		    "Description": "Esri Geocode Server",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {
		      "AllWebCapabilities": "Geocode,ReverseGeocode",
		      "DefaultWebCapabilities": "Geocode,ReverseGeocode"
		    "Name": "GPServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Geoprocessing Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriGeoprocessing.GPServer",
		    "Description": null,
		    "CfgFactoryPROGID": "esriGeoprocessing.GPServerConfigurationFactory",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {}
		    "Name": "GeometryServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Geometry Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriGeodatabase.GeometryServer",
		    "Description": "Esri Geometry Server",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {}
		    "Name": "ImageServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Image Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriCarto.ImageServer",
		    "Description": "Esri Image Server",
		    "CfgFactoryPROGID": "esriCarto.ImageServerConfigurationFactory",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {
		      "AllWebCapabilities": "Image,Catalog,Metadata,Download,Pixels,Upload",
		      "DefaultWebCapabilities": "Image,Metadata"
		    "Name": "GeoDataServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Geodata Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriGeodatabaseDistributed.GeoDataServer",
		    "Description": "Esri GeoData Server",
		    "CfgFactoryPROGID": "esriGeodatabaseDistributed.GeoDataServerConfigurationFactory",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {
		      "AllWebCapabilities": "Query,Extraction,Replication",
		      "DefaultWebCapabilities": "Query,Extraction"
		    "Name": "SearchServer",
		    "DisplayName": "Search Service",
		    "CLSID": "esriSearch.SearchServer",
		    "Description": "Esri Search Server",
		    "CfgFactoryPROGID": "esriSearch.SearchServerConfigurationFactory",
		    "Properties": {},
		    "Info": {
		      "AllWebCapabilities": "Search",
		      "DefaultWebCapabilities": "Search"