FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Properties | Example
Parent Resource: Service
Required Privileges:Publisher or Administrator


To edit a service, you need to submit the complete JSON representation of the service which includes the updates to the service properties. Editing a service causes the service to be restarted with updated properties.



Service Description Properties Description
description An optional user-readable description for the service.
capabilities The capabilities of the service. The domains of these values are specific to each service type.
f The response format. The default response format is html.
Values: html | json
runAsync Decides if the operation must run asychronously.
Values: true | false
Service Framework Properties Description
clusterName The name of the cluster to which this service must be deployed.
minInstancesPerNode The minimum number of instances of the service to create on each node within the cluster. The default is 1.
maxInstancesPerNode The maximum number of instances of the service to create on each node within the cluster. The default is 2.
maxWaitTime The maximum amount of time (in seconds) the framework should wait to get a free instance of the service. The default is 60 seconds.
maxIdleTime The maximum amount of time (in seconds) an idle instance of a service must be kept alive before it can be destroyed. The default is 1800 seconds.
maxUsageTime The maximum amount of time (in seconds) an instance can service a request. The default is 600 seconds.
recycleInterval The maximum amount of time (in hours) an instance of the service can live. The default is 24 hours.
loadBalancing The load balancing algorithm the framework must use for using instances of a service among all the nodes within a cluster. The default is ROUND_ROBIN.
isolationLevel The isolation level under which an instance of a service is run. The default is HIGH.
Values: LOW | HIGH
Service Type Properties Description
properties A bag of properties for the targeted service type.
Extension Properties Description
typeName The type of extension. Please see the supported extension types.
capabilities The capabitlities for this extension type.
enabled A boolean to indicate if the extension is to be enabled on this service. Values: true | false
properties A bag of properties for the targeted extension type.


 "description": “my updated map service”,
 "capabilities": "map,query,data",
 "clusterName": "default",
 "minInstancesPerNode": 2,
 "maxInstancesPerNode": 4,
 "maxWaitTime": 60,
 "maxIdleTime": 1800,
 "maxUsageTime": 600,
 "recycleInterval": 24,
 "loadBalancing": "ROUND_ROBIN",
 "isolationLevel": "HIGH",
 "properties": {
   "maxBufferCount": "100",
   "virtualCacheDir": "http://SERVER1:6080/arcgis/server/arcgiscache",
   "maxImageHeight": "2048",
   "maxRecordCount": "1000",
   "filePath": "\\\\machine\\data\\Corine\\",
   "maxImageWidth": "2048",
   "cacheOnDemand": "false",
   "virtualOutputDir": "http://SERVER1:6080/arcgis/server/arcgisoutput",
   "outputDir": "C:\\arcgisserver\\arcgisoutput",
   "supportedImageReturnTypes": "MIME+URL",
   "isCached": "false",
   "ignoreCache": "false",
   "clientCachingAllowed": "false",
   "cacheDir": "C:\\arcgisserver\\arcgiscache\\Corine"
 "extensions": [
    "typeName": "KmlServer",
    "enabled": false,
    "capabilities": "SingleImage,SeparateImages,Vectors",
    "properties": {
      "minRefreshPeriod": "30",
      "compatibilityMode": "GoogleEarth",
      "imageSize": "1024",
      "dpi": "96",
      "endPointURL": "null",
      "featureLimit": "1000000",
      "useDefaultSnippets": "false"
    "typeName": "WFSServer",
    "enabled": true,
    "capabilities": "",
    "properties": {
      "appSchemaURI": "http://SERVER1:6080/arcgis",
      "appSchemaPrefix": "arcgis",
      "enableTransactions": "false"
    "typeName": "WCSServer",
    "enabled": true,
    "capabilities": "",
    "properties": {}