ArcGIS Server supports a variety of GIS service types. Each service is made up of a
specific set of properties that are defined for the type. You can create a new GIS service
by submitting a JSON representation of the service to the
Create Service operation.
This document defines the list of supported service types and all their properties.
Supported types:
{ //required the full path including the file name of the map document file "filePath" : "", //optional maximum number of records returned in query or data operations default : 500 "maxRecordCount" : "", //optional maximum number of selected features that can be buffered for map operations default : 100 "maxBufferCount" : "", //optional maximum image width allowed for the requests default: 2048 "maxImageWidth" : "", //optional maximum image height allowed for the requests default: 2048 "maxImageHeight" : "", //optional - supported image return types default: MIME+URL "supportedImageReturnTypes" : "", //optional boolean flag that indicates whether the map service is cached or dynamic default: false "isCached" : "", //optional boolean flag that indicates whether the map service should use the cache default: false "ignoreCache" : "", //optional boolean tag specifying whether cache tiles should be created on demand //and added to the server cache directory as users navigate the map. default: false "cacheOnDemand" : "", //optional boolean flag that indicates whether clients are allowed to cache tiles //locally default : true "clientCachingAllowed" : "", //optional - physical directory where the tiles should be stored "cacheDir" : "", //optional - virtual directory from where the users can access the tiles "virtualCacheDir" : "", //required - physical directory where the temporary output files will be created "outputDir" : "", // "maxRecordCount" : "" //required - virtual directory where the output files can be accessed "virtualOutputDir" : "", //optional numeric value representing the number of seconds between validity checks/ repairs //on sde data connections used in a map service default : 300 "connectionCheckInterval" : "", //optional - boolean tag that determines whether the map service will acquire schema locks for map layers //that come from a geodatabase. By default, the locks are acquired, so this property is true. //If the locks impede your workflow, you can add this tag and set it to false to disable //schema locking default : true "schemaLockingEnabled" : "", //optional maximum number of domain codes that can be returned from all fields, subtypes, //layers, and tables in a map service default : 25000 "maxDomainCodeCount" : "", //optional boolean defining whether the ArcGIS Server map caching mechanism will write //bundle files to a local directory and copy them into a shared cache directory, //instead of writing the files directly into the shared cache directory. This option can improve performance, //but it only applies to the compact cache storage format when multiple machines are working //on the cache default : false "useLocalCacheDir" : "", //optional antialiasing mode for drawing vectors in the map (possible values are: FASTEST, FAST, //NORMAL, BEST, NONE) default is NON "antialiasingMode" : "", //optional antialiasing mode for drawing vectors in the map (possible values are: //NORMAL, FORCE, NONE) default is FORCE "textAntialiasingMode" : "", //optional boolean flag that indicates whether to disable processing the related //records as a part of identify results. If there are too many relates this could help //improve performance for identify. default : false "disableIdentifyRelates" : "", //optional - boolean flag that indicates whether the map service should allow dynamic //layer functionality like reordering layers, changing symbology per request etc. "enableDynamicLayers" : "", //optional - Workspace connections that will be available for the web clients applications for //adding dynamic layers per request. This is a string value representing the JSON array containing //JSON objects describing the workspace connection. // eg.: // [ // { // "id": "<id>", // "WorkspaceFactory": "SDE", // "workspaceConnection": "<sde_connection_string>" // }, // { // "id": "<id>", // "WorkspaceFactory":"FileGDB", // "workspaceConnection": "DATABASE=<path_to_fgdb>" // } // ] "dynamicDataWorkspaces" : "", //This property is set for optimizing the performance of a MapService that //uses data which does not change. When a MapService is published by copying the data //to the server, ArcGIS Server will automatically set this property //"hasStaticData":true for that MapService. If the MapService is published without //copying the data to the server and if you know that the data does not change, //you may set this property by editing the service using the ArcGIS Server Administrator Site Directory. "hasStaticData":true|false }
{ "supportedImageReturnTypes": "MIME+URL", "connectionCheckInterval" : "", // One of the following three optional properties is required: 'path', 'connectionString+raster' or 'serviceURL' //optional - the path to the published raster dataset, or raster layer "path" : "", //optional - the connection properties of a geodatabase containing the published raster dataset "connectionString" : "", //optional - the published raster dataset name in the geodatabase specified by 'connectionString' "raster" : "", //optional - the published classic image server service URL "serviceURL" : "", //optional - the maximum number of columns of the image returned by GetImage/ExportImage "maxImageWidth" : "", //optional - the maximum number of rows of the image returned by GetImage/ExportImage "maxImageHeight" : "", //optional - the max number of images is to be used for generating a mosaic image "maxMosaicImageCount" : "", //optional - the max number of records that can be fetched "maxRecordCount" : "", //optional - the max number of images that can be downloaded "maxDownloadImageCount" : "", //optional - the transmission compressions allowed "allowedCompressions" : "", //optional - the level, 'none, basic, full', of raster item metdata allowed "allowedItemMetadata" : "", //optional - the allowed (visible) fields "allowedFields" : "", //optional - the list of allowed mosaic methods "allowedMosaicMethods" : "", //optional - the allowed mensuration capabilities, 'none, basic, height, shadow, 3D' "allowedMensurationCapabilities" : "", //optional - the default compression quality "defaultCompressionQuality" : "", //optional - the default resampling method "defaultResamplingMethod" : "", //optional - the physical output directory "outputDir" : "", //optional - the virtual output directory "virtualOutputDir" : "", //optional - the list of ';' separated physical directories for direct download "downloadDir" : "", //optional - the list of ';' separated virtual directories for direct download "virtualDownloadDir" : "", //optional - the list of ';' separated published raster function templates (.rft) "rasterFunctions" : "", //optional - the list of ';' separated published raster types (.art) "rasterTypes" : "", //optional - flag indicating if execution of a raster function is allowed "allowFunction" : "", //optional - flag indicating if pseudo-color images are to be converted to RGB images "colormapToRGB" : "", //optional - the list of ';' physical directories for storing uploaded images "uploadDir" : "", //"optional - the type of published source data type, including //'esriImageServiceSourceTypeDataset', //'esriImageServiceSourceTypeLayer', //'esriImageServiceSourceTypeCatalog', and //'esriImageServiceSourceTypeMosaicDataset' "serviceSourceType" : "", //optional boolean flag that indicates whether the map service is cached or dynamic default: false "isCached" : "", //optional boolean flag that indicates whether the map service should use the cache default: false "ignoreCache" : "", //optional boolean tag specifying whether cache tiles should be created on demand //and added to the server cache directory as users navigate the map. default: false "cacheOnDemand" : "", //optional - physical directory where the tiles should be stored "cacheDir" : "", //optional - virtual directory from where the users can access the tiles "virtualCacheDir" : "", "useLocalCacheDir":"", //optional boolean flag that indicates whether clients are allowed to cache tiles //locally default : true "clientCachingAllowed":"", }
{ //required - path to the published document "filePath" : "", //required - path to a location on the file system where the globe cache will be stored "cacheDir" : "", //optional maximum number of features that can be buffered by the service at draw time per layer "maxBufferCount": "", //optional maximum number of result records that can be returned by query, find, and identify operations "maxRecordCount": "", //optional specifies whether client applications can locally cache tiles. Default is true "clientCachingAllowed" : "" }
{ //Required - path to a toolbox that is the source of the geoprocessing service tasks. "toolbox" : "", //"Optional - Asynchronous | Synchronous //Synchronous means that the client waits until the server has finished executing the task. //Asynchronous means that the client is free to do other work while the server executes the task. //The default is asynchronous.", "executionType" : "", //Optional - {true | false} indicates if a map server will be used to draw the geoprocessing results. The default is false. "resultMapServer" : "", //Optional - maximum number of features the geoprocessing service will return. The default is 1000 "maximumRecords" : "", //Optional - {true | false} Include tool processing messages in geoprocessing service messages. The default is false. "showMessages" : "", //Required - path to the jobs directory where the geoprocessing service output will be written. "jobsDirectory" : "", //Optional - URL to the jobs directory. "jobsVirtualDirectory" : "", //Optional - path to the directory that returns the files which will be written. "outputDir" : "", //Optional - URL to the output directory. "virtualOutputDir" : "", //Optional - {true | false} use the temp directory for the jobs directory when executing tasks. The default is false "localJobsDir" : "" }
{ //Required for locators in databases - String that contains parameters for a connection to the geodatabase storing the locator "locatorWorkspaceConnectionString" : "", //Required for file-based locators - String that represents the path to the location on disk where the locator file is stored "locatorWorkspacePath" : "", //Required - String that represents the name of the address locator for the geocode service "locator" : "", //Optional - Suggested number of addresses to send to a server in one batch geocoding request. Default is 1000. "suggestedBatchSize" : "", //Optional - Maximum number of result records that can be processed in one batch geocoding request. Default is 1000. "maxBatchSize" : "" , //Optional - Maximum number of result records returned by the FindAddressCandidates method. Default is 500. "maxResultSize" : "" }
{ "mapFile" : "", "dataFrame" : "", "connectionString" : "", "filePath" : "", "maxRecordCount" : "", "outputDir" : "", "virtualOutputDir" : "", }
{ }
{ //required path to the index location "indexLocation": "", //required path to the jobs directory "jobsDirectory": "", //required path to the jobs virtual directory "jobsVirtualDirectory": "", //required path to the output directory "outputDir": "", //required path to the virtual output directory "virtualOutputDir": "" }