Uses of Interface

Packages that use Symbol
com.esri.core.renderer Provides different types of renderers used to symbolize graphics. 
com.esri.core.symbol Provides different types of symbols used to represent geometries.   

Uses of Symbol in com.esri.core.internal.value

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.value that return Symbol
 Symbol ClassificationDef.getBaseSymbol()
          Gets the base symbol that the requested renderer will base its symbols on.

Methods in com.esri.core.internal.value with parameters of type Symbol
 void ClassificationDef.setBaseSymbol(Symbol baseSymbol)
          Sets the base symbol that the requested renderer will base its symbols on.

Uses of Symbol in

Methods in that return Symbol
 Symbol Graphic.getSymbol()
          Gets the symbol for the graphic.

Methods in with parameters of type Symbol
static Graphic FeatureUtil.newGraphic(int uid, Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, InfoTemplate infoTemp)
          Created a Graphic with the given UID.
static Graphic FeatureUtil.newGraphic(int uid, Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, InfoTemplate infoTemp, int drawOrder)
          Created a Graphic with the given UID.

Constructors in with parameters of type Symbol
Graphic(Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol)
          Instantiates a new Graphic object.
Graphic(Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, int drawOrder)
          Instantiates a new Graphic object.
Graphic(Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, InfoTemplate infoTemp)
          Instantiates a new Graphic object.
Graphic(Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, int drawOrder)

Uses of Symbol in com.esri.core.renderer

Methods in com.esri.core.renderer that return Symbol
 Symbol ClassBreaksRenderer.getDefaultSymbol()
          Gets the default symbol for the renderer.
 Symbol UniqueValueRenderer.getDefaultSymbol()
          Gets the current default symbol used when a graphic does not match any of the unique values.
 Symbol ClassBreakInfo.getSymbol()
          Gets the symbol used for this break.
 Symbol UniqueValueInfo.getSymbol()
          Gets the symbol associated with this unique value.
 Symbol ClassBreaksRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
 Symbol DictionaryRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
 Symbol SimpleRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
 Symbol UniqueValueRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
 Symbol Renderer.getSymbol(V graphic)
          Subclasses must override this method.

Methods in com.esri.core.renderer with parameters of type Symbol
 void ClassBreaksRenderer.addBreak(double minValue, double maxValue, Symbol symbol)
          Adds a class break to the renderer.
 void ClassBreaksRenderer.setDefaultSymbol(Symbol symbol)
          Sets the default symbol for the renderer.
 void UniqueValueRenderer.setDefaultSymbol(Symbol symbol)
          Set the default symbol used when a graphic does not match any of the unique values.

Constructors in com.esri.core.renderer with parameters of type Symbol
ClassBreakInfo(double minimum, double maximum, Symbol symbol)
          Create a class break definition.
ClassBreaksRenderer(Symbol defaultSymbol, String attribute)
          Creates a renderer with a default symbol and the name of the attribute value being used.
SimpleRenderer(Symbol symbol)
          Instantiates SimpleRenderer with a symbol.
UniqueValueInfo(Object[] value, Symbol symbol)
          Creates a unique value.
UniqueValueRenderer(Symbol symbol, String attribute)
          Creates a renderer with a default symbol and using a single attribute.
UniqueValueRenderer(Symbol symbol, String attribute1, String attribute2)
          Creates a renderer with a default symbol and using two attributes.
UniqueValueRenderer(Symbol symbol, String attribute1, String attribute2, String attribute3)
          Creates a renderer with a default symbol and using three attributes.

Uses of Symbol in com.esri.core.symbol

Classes in com.esri.core.symbol that implement Symbol
 class FillSymbol
          Base class for polygon symbols.
 class LineSymbol
          Base class for line symbols.
 class MarkerSymbol
          The base class for all the marker symbol.
 class MultiLayerSymbol
 class PictureMarkerSymbol
          Used to draw points and multipoints on the graphics layer using an image.
 class SimpleFillSymbol
          Used to draw polygon features on the graphics layer using simple patterns.
 class SimpleLineSymbol
          Used to draw linear features on the graphics layer.
 class SimpleMarkerSymbol
          Used to draw points and multipoints (or nodes of polylines and polygons) on the graphics layer using simple markers.
 class TextSymbol
          Used to display text at points on the graphics layer.

Methods in com.esri.core.symbol that return Symbol
 Symbol PictureMarkerSymbol.copy()
 Symbol SimpleFillSymbol.copy()
 Symbol SimpleLineSymbol.copy()
 Symbol SimpleMarkerSymbol.copy()
 Symbol TextSymbol.copy()
 Symbol Symbol.copy()
          Gets a copy of this Symbol object.
static Symbol SymbolHelper.createSymbol(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser)

Uses of Symbol in

Methods in that return Symbol
 Symbol ArcGISPopupInfo.createSymbolFromTemplate(FeatureTemplate template)
 Symbol GraphicsLayer.getSelectionSymbol()
          Gets the selection symbol.

Methods in with parameters of type Symbol
 BufferedImage GraphicsLayer.createSymbolImage(Symbol symbol, Geometry geometry, int width, int height, Color color)
          Returns a swatch image of the given geometry rendered with the specified symbol.
 BufferedImage[] GraphicsLayer.createSymbolImages(Symbol[] symbols, Geometry[] geometries, int width, int height, Color color)
          Returns a swatch image array of for the given geometries rendered with the symbols.
 void GraphicsLayer.setSelectionSymbol(Symbol selectionSymbol)
          Sets the symbol to use for selected graphics.
 void GraphicsLayer.updateGraphic(int id, Symbol symbol)
          Replaces the symbol of the identified graphic with the supplied symbol.

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