Package com.esri.core.gps

Interface Summary
GPSEventListener Interface to provide a listener for GPS Events.
IGPSWatcher The purpose of the watcher are watch GPS messages sent from the GPS source it connects to.

Class Summary
FileGPSWatcher A IGPSWatcher with file source.
GeoCoordinate Class to hold information regarding geo-coordinate.
GeoPosition Class that represents the geo-position - that includes geo-coordinate and time.
GpsGeoCoordinate Class to represent geo-coorindate and other GPS-related information.
Satellite Contains information about a particular satellite.
SerialPortGPSWatcher A IGPSWatcher with a serial port source such as GPS receivers, using NMEA standard.
SerialPortInfo This structure holds serial-port information.

Enum Summary
BaudRate Used to specify connection speed of the serial port.
FixStatus Fix quality of a GPS Connection based on the NMEA GPS quality indicators in a GGA string.
GPSStatus This indicates the status of the IGPSWatcher.
Parity Indicates the parity of the GPS device.
PositionChangeType This enum has a set of flags to indicate the types of position change.
SatelliteSystem Satellite system.
StopBits Represents the standard number of stop-bits per byte.

Exception Summary
GPSException GPS related checked exception.
GPSUncheckedException Unchecked GPS exception.

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