Uses of Class

Packages that use SerialPortInfo

Uses of SerialPortInfo in com.esri.core.gps

Methods in com.esri.core.gps that return SerialPortInfo
 SerialPortInfo SerialPortGPSWatcher.getPortInfo()

Methods in com.esri.core.gps that return types with arguments of type SerialPortInfo
static List<SerialPortInfo> SerialPortGPSWatcher.findGPSPorts()
          Scans the standard serial ports (COM* on Windows, /dev/ttyS* on Linux) to search for GPS devices.

Constructors in com.esri.core.gps with parameters of type SerialPortInfo
SerialPortGPSWatcher(SerialPortInfo portInfo)
          Creates a SerialPortGPSWatcher that connects to the specified GPS device.
SerialPortGPSWatcher(SerialPortInfo portInfo, GPSEventListener gpsEventListener)
          Creates a SerialPortGPSWatcher that connects to the specified GPS device.

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