Uses of Class

Packages that use Unit
com.esri.core.geometry Provides classes for different types of geometries, e.g. 

Uses of Unit in com.esri.core.geometry

Subclasses of Unit in com.esri.core.geometry
 class AngularUnit
          The units to measure angles.
 class AreaUnit
          The units to measure for areas.
 class LinearUnit
          Unit for measurement of dimensions.

Methods in com.esri.core.geometry that return Unit
static Unit Unit.create(int wkid)
          Create a unit class from the well-known id(wkid).
 Unit SpatialReference.getUnit()
          Returns the unit from a spatial reference

Methods in com.esri.core.geometry with parameters of type Unit
static Polygon[] GeometryEngine.buffer(Geometry[] geometries, SpatialReference spatialReference, double[] distances, Unit unit, boolean toUnionResults)
          Calculates a buffer polygon for each geometry at each of the corresponding specified distances.
static Polygon GeometryEngine.buffer(Geometry geometry, SpatialReference spatialReference, double distance, Unit unit)
          Calculates buffer polygon of the geometry as specified by the distance input.
static void Unit.convertUnits(double[] valueIn, int countIn, Unit unitFrom, Unit unitTo, double[] valueOut)
          Converts an array of values to new units of same UnitType.
static double Unit.convertUnits(double valueIn, Unit unitFrom, Unit unitTo)
          Converts an input value to new units.
static SpatialReference SpatialReference.createLocal(Unit unit)
          Creates a local spatial reference.
 double AngularUnit.getConversionFactor(Unit dstUnit)
          Returns the conversion factor.
 double AreaUnit.getConversionFactor(Unit dstUnit)
          Returns a conversion factor from this unit to the destination unit.
 double LinearUnit.getConversionFactor(Unit dstUnit)
          Returns a conversion factor from this unit to the destination unit.
abstract  double Unit.getConversionFactor(Unit destinationUnit)
          Returns a conversion factor from this unit to the destination unit.

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