Deploying the data appliance on ArcGIS Server 10

Data resources required for deploying your services are found on the following:

The Data Appliance for ArcGIS data collections consist of map resources that you can publish on your ArcGIS 10 for Server system. These include caches of pre-rendered map tiles, as well as the map documents that reference them. You need these resources in order to create fast-performing services.


If you are planning to upgrade to ArcGIS 10.1 for Server, or if you are already using 10.1, refer to the instructions for Deploying on ArcGIS 10.1 for Server.

Deployment resources

The following resources are available to assist you in deploying the ArcGIS Data Appliance on your system:


Refer to the quick start guide for all deployment steps. You can also view the quick start guides online.

Additional help

If you need more detailed information than what is provided in the quick start guide, the following help topics are available for you.


These topics are not listed in the order each step can be performed.
