Creating shares for a data collection update on ArcGIS 10

The Data Appliance for ArcGIS must be configured to share the data collections. The following instructions are for a data collection update on Windows with ArcGIS Server 10.

  1. Log in to the Data Appliance for ArcGIS as administrator.
  2. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
  3. In the Computer Management application, click Shared Folders to expand the tree, and right-click the Shares folder. Select New Share.

    New Share options for Shares folder

  4. In the Create a Shared Folder Wizard, click Next to begin.
  5. For Folder Path, click browse, and navigate to the hard drive with the data collection (usually drive E). Select the cache folder (or the source_documents folder) and click OK.

    Browse For Folder with cache folder selected

  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Name, Description, and Settings dialog box, enter the Share name for cache or source documents and enter the Share path for the appropriate directory.

    Name, Description, and Settings dialog box with the share name and share path for the cache directory

  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the Customize permissions option and click Custom.

    Shared Folder Permissions dialog box with Customize permissions selected

  10. In the Customize Permissions dialog box, click Add.

    Customize Permissions dialog box showing the Add button

  11. Add the following users and groups if needed: Administrator, ArcGISSOC, ArcGISSOM, and ArcGISWebServices.
  12. Make sure the permissions for the users and groups are set to Full Control.
  13. Repeat steps 3 through 12 for the source documents share.