Adding map services on ArcGIS Server 10

You need to publish the map services on the data appliance before you can use them. These services will reference the map caches and map documents on the Data Appliance data collection. You create these services the same way you create any other ArcGIS Server 10 service.

Follow these instructions for each map service that you want to create:

  1. Log in to ArcGIS Server using an account with administrative privileges.
  2. Start ArcGIS Server Manager and log in using your ArcGIS Server account.
  3. In ArcGIS Server Manager, click the Services tab.
  4. Click Add New Service.
  5. In the Name field, type the exact name of the corresponding map cache folder on the Data Appliance, for example, Ocean_Basemap. The name of the service must exactly match the punctuation from its cache folder name.

    Data Appliance 5.1 map service names

    • DeLorme_World_Base_Map
    • NatGeo_World_Map
    • Ocean_Basemap
    • USA_Topo_Maps
    • World_Boundaries_and_Places
    • World_Boundaries_and_Places_Alternate
    • World_Imagery
    • World_Light_Gray_Base
    • World_Light_Gray_Reference
    • World_Physical_Map
    • World_Shaded_Relief
    • World_Street_Map
    • World_Topo_Map
    • World_Transportation

  6. Verify that Type is Map Service and Startup Type is Automatic. Click Next.
  7. In the Map Document field, browse to the source_documents\map_documents folder on the Data Appliance, for example, \\ARCGISDATAAPP\source_documents\map_documents. Choose the map document that you want to publish.
  8. In the Server Cache Directory field (or Cache Directory if you are using Java Manager), select the cache directory you added that references the cache directory on the Data Appliance, for example, cache. If you don't see the directory listed, you'll need to revisit the Configuring ArcGIS Server to use the Cache Directory on the Data Appliance topic in this document.
  9. You have set all the essential properties for your service, so accept the rest of the default properties and publish the service. If you want to make an adjustment to the services, such as changing the maximum number of instances that can be published, you can edit the properties in ArcGIS Server Manager.
  10. If necessary, start the service in ArcGIS Server Manager by checking the box next to the service name and clicking Start.
  11. Repeat this process for any other map services you want to configure.