Class Summary |
AddItem |
Adds a new blank or zero item to a new or existing INFO table. |
AddXY |
Adds the items X-COORD and Y-COORD for labels or points to the input coverage PAT, or for nodes to the input coverage NAT, and calculates their values. |
AggregatePolygons |
Combines disjoint and adjacent polygons into new area features based on a distance. |
Append |
Combines an unlimited number of coverages into a single coverage. |
ArcDLG |
Creates a Digital Line Graph from a coverage. |
ArcRoute |
Creates a route system by creating whole arc sections for each arc in the input coverage and can also be used to append arcs to an existing route system. |
ArcS57 |
Converts ArcC/Info coverages to S-57 object files. |
Buffer |
Creates buffer polygons around specified input coverage features. |
Build |
Creates or updates feature attribute tables and polygon topology. |
Clean |
Generates a coverage with correct polygon or arc–node topology. |
Clip |
Uses the outside polygon boundary of the clip coverage to cookie-cut features and attributes from the input coverage. |
CollapseDualLinesToCenterline |
Derives centerlines (single lines) from dual-line features, such as road casings, based on specified width tolerances. |
Create |
Creates a new coverage. |
CreateLabels |
Creates label points for polygons that have no labels and assigns each a User-ID. |
DefineProjection |
Records the coordinate system information of the Input Coverage including any associated projection parameters, such as datum and spheroid. |
Dissolve |
Creates a new coverage by merging adjacent polygons, lines, or regions that have the same value for a specified item. |
DLGArc |
Converts a Standard or Optional formatted Digital Line Graph (DLG) file to a coverage. |
DropIndex |
Drops an attribute index from the specified item and INFO table. |
DropItem |
Deletes one or more items from an INFO table. |
Eliminate |
Merges the selected polygons with neighboring polygons if they have the largest shared border or the largest area. |
Erase |
Creates a new output coverage by overlaying the polygons of the erase coverage with the features of the input coverage. |
Export |
Converts a coverage to an interchange file for transfer to another platform. |
FindConflicts |
Finds where simplified buildings overlap or are too close to each other, based on a specified distance. |
Generate |
Generates a coverage from coordinates stored in a file. |
IDEdit |
Updates User-IDs in a coverage after they have been modified in a feature attribute table. |
Identity |
Computes the geometric intersection of two coverages. |
Import |
Converts an ARC/INFO export interchange file. |
IndexItem |
Creates an attribute index to increase access speed to the specified item during query operations. |
Intersect |
Computes the geometric intersection of two coverages. |
JoinItem |
Joins the item definitions and values of two tables based on a shared item. |
Near |
Computes the distance from each point in a coverage to the nearest arc, point, or node in another coverage. |
PointDistance |
Computes the point-to-point distance between each point in a coverage to all points in the same or another coverage within a specified search radius. |
PointNode |
Performs a spatial JOINITEM on the point coverage and the node coverage. |
PolyRegion |
Converts polygons to regions in a one-to-one mapping in a region subclass. |
Project |
Changes the coordinate system of your coverage including its datum or spheroid. |
RegionClass |
Converts arcs to preliminary regions in a new or existing coverage or appends preliminary regions to an existing region subclass. |
RegionPoly |
Converts a region subclass to a polygon coverage and creates an INFO table containing overlapping region information. |
Renode |
Updates arc–node topology by renumbering nodes for the input coverage arcs and identifies arcs that share the same node locations. |
Reselect |
Extracts selected features from an input coverage and stores them in the output coverage. |
S57Arc |
Converts data from S-57 format to Arc/Iinfo coverages. |
SDTSExport |
Creates a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS). |
SDTSImport |
Creates ArcGIS coverages or grids from a Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) Topological Vector Profile (TVP) or Point Profile Transfer. |
SimplifyBuilding |
Simplifies the boundary or footprint of building polygons while maintaining their essential shape and size. |
SimplifyLineOrPolygon |
Simplifies a line or a polygon boundary by removing small fluctuations or extraneous bends from it while preserving its essential shape. |
Split |
Clips portions of the input coverage into multiple coverages. |
Thiessen |
Converts input coverage points to an output coverage of Thiessen proximal polygons. |
TigerArc |
Converts a set of U.S. |
TigerTool |
Converts a set of U.S. |
Tolerance |
Sets a coverage's tolerances. |
Transform |
Moves all features in a coverage based on a set of from and to control points. |
Ungenerate |
Creates a text file of x,y coordinates from the input coverage. |
Union |
Computes the geometric intersection of two polygon coverages. |
Update |
Replaces the input coverage areas with the update coverage polygons using a cut and paste operation. |
VPFExport |
Converts a coverage into either a Vector Product Format (VPF) Coverage or VPF Tile. |
VPFImport |
Converts a VPF table to an INFO table, or converts either an untiled VPF coverage or VPF tile to an ARC/INFO coverage. |
VPFTile |
Creates cross-tile topology for all tiled coverages in a Vector Product Format (VPF) database library, or topology for an individual tile in a VPF library. |