Class Clean

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Clean
extends AbstractGPTool

Generates a coverage with correct polygon or arc�node topology. To do this, Clean edits and corrects geometric coordinate errors, assembles arcs into polygons, and creates feature attribute information for each polygon or arc (that is, creates a PAT or AAT). The Clean tool is contained in the Coverage Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Clean tool with defaults.
Clean(Object inCover)
          Creates the Clean tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 double getDangleLength()
          Returns the Dangle Length parameter of this tool .
 String getFeatureType()
          Returns the Feature Type parameter of this tool .
 double getFuzzyTolerance()
          Returns the Fuzzy Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 Object getInCover()
          Returns the Input Coverage parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutCover()
          Returns the Output Coverage parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 void setDangleLength(double dangleLength)
          Sets the Dangle Length parameter of this tool .
 void setFeatureType(String featureType)
          Sets the Feature Type parameter of this tool .
 void setFuzzyTolerance(double fuzzyTolerance)
          Sets the Fuzzy Tolerance parameter of this tool .
 void setInCover(Object inCover)
          Sets the Input Coverage parameter of this tool .
 void setOutCover(Object outCover)
          Sets the Output Coverage parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Clean()
Creates the Clean tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public Clean(Object inCover)
Creates the Clean tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inCover - the coverage to be cleaned.
Method Detail


public Object getInCover()
Returns the Input Coverage parameter of this tool . This parameter is the coverage to be cleaned. This is a required parameter.

the Input Coverage


public void setInCover(Object inCover)
Sets the Input Coverage parameter of this tool . This parameter is the coverage to be cleaned. This is a required parameter.

inCover - the coverage to be cleaned.


public Object getOutCover()
Returns the Output Coverage parameter of this tool . This parameter is the coverage created by Clean. If the Input Coverage and the Output Coverage have the same name, the Input Coverage will be replaced. By default, the Input Coverage is replaced. This is an optional parameter.

the Output Coverage


public void setOutCover(Object outCover)
Sets the Output Coverage parameter of this tool . This parameter is the coverage created by Clean. If the Input Coverage and the Output Coverage have the same name, the Input Coverage will be replaced. By default, the Input Coverage is replaced. This is an optional parameter.

outCover - the coverage created by Clean. If the Input Coverage and the Output Coverage have the same name, the Input Coverage will be replaced. By default, the Input Coverage is replaced.


public double getDangleLength()
Returns the Dangle Length parameter of this tool . This parameter is the minimum length allowed for dangling arcs in the Output Coverage. A dangling arc is an arc that has the same polygon internal number on its left and right sides and ends at a dangling node. Dangling arcs are removed for both the POLY and LINE options. If the Dangle Length is not provided, the dangle length is read from the coverage TOL file if the TOL file exists;otherwise, dangle length is set to zero (the default). This is an optional parameter.

the Dangle Length


public void setDangleLength(double dangleLength)
Sets the Dangle Length parameter of this tool . This parameter is the minimum length allowed for dangling arcs in the Output Coverage. A dangling arc is an arc that has the same polygon internal number on its left and right sides and ends at a dangling node. Dangling arcs are removed for both the POLY and LINE options. If the Dangle Length is not provided, the dangle length is read from the coverage TOL file if the TOL file exists;otherwise, dangle length is set to zero (the default). This is an optional parameter.

dangleLength - the minimum length allowed for dangling arcs in the Output Coverage. A dangling arc is an arc that has the same polygon internal number on its left and right sides and ends at a dangling node. Dangling arcs are removed for both the POLY and LINE options. If the Dangle Length is not provided, the dangle length is read from the coverage TOL file if the TOL file exists;otherwise, dangle length is set to zero (the default).


public double getFuzzyTolerance()
Returns the Fuzzy Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the minimum distance between coordinates in each out_cover. This is an optional parameter.

the Fuzzy Tolerance


public void setFuzzyTolerance(double fuzzyTolerance)
Sets the Fuzzy Tolerance parameter of this tool . This parameter is the minimum distance between coordinates in each out_cover. This is an optional parameter.

fuzzyTolerance - the minimum distance between coordinates in each out_cover.


public String getFeatureType()
Returns the Feature Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies whether to create polygon topology and a PAT or arc�node topology and an AAT. POLY is the default option. If POLY is used on a coverage that has an existing AAT, Clean will also automatically rebuild the AAT. This is an optional parameter.

the Feature Type


public void setFeatureType(String featureType)
Sets the Feature Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is specifies whether to create polygon topology and a PAT or arc�node topology and an AAT. POLY is the default option. If POLY is used on a coverage that has an existing AAT, Clean will also automatically rebuild the AAT. This is an optional parameter.

featureType - specifies whether to create polygon topology and a PAT or arc�node topology and an AAT. POLY is the default option. If POLY is used on a coverage that has an existing AAT, Clean will also automatically rebuild the AAT.


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias