Class Summary |
AddCADFields |
Adds reserved CAD fields recognized by the Export To CAD tool. |
ASCIIToRaster |
Converts an ASCII file representing raster data to a raster dataset. |
CadToGeodatabase |
Reads a CAD dataset and creates feature classes of the drawing. |
CreateCADXData |
Creates an attribute field called 'XDList' in the Input Table. |
DEMToRaster |
Converts a digital elevation model (DEM) in a United States Geological Survey (USGS) format to a raster dataset. |
ESRITranslator |
Uses the ArcGIS metadata translation engine to export metadata content from ArcGIS to a stand-alone metadata XML file. |
ExportCAD |
Creates one or more CAD drawings based on the values contained in one or more input feature classes or feature layers and supporting tables. |
ExportMetadata |
Updates metadata to contain the most current properties of the ArcGIS item before processing the metadata and finally exporting it to an XML file that conforms to a standard metadata format. |
ExportMetadataMultiple |
Exports metadata for many ArcGIS items to a designated folder. |
FeatureclassToCoverage |
Creates a single ArcInfo coverage from one or more input feature classes or layers. |
FeatureClassToFeatureClass |
Converts a shapefile, coverage feature class, or geodatabase feature class to a shapefile or geodatabase feature class. |
FeatureClassToGeodatabase |
Converts one or more feature classes or feature layers to geodatabase feature classes. |
FeatureClassToShapefile |
Copies the features from one or more feature classes or layers to a folder of shapefiles. |
FeatureToRaster |
Converts features to a raster dataset. |
FloatToRaster |
Converts a file of binary floating-point values representing raster data to a raster dataset. |
ImportCAD |
Converts a collection of CAD files into feature classes and data tables using a predefined and highly normalized schema for the purpose of further translation into GIS data. |
ImportCADAnnotation |
Converts a collection of CAD annotation features to geodatabase annotation. |
ImportCoverageAnnotation |
Converts a collection of coverage annotation features to geodatabase annotation. |
ImportFromE00 |
Imports an ArcInfo interchange file (.e00). |
ImportMetadata |
Imports metadata to the target item after converting the source item's metadata to ArcGIS metadata, if appropriate. |
KMLToLayer |
This tool converts a KML or KMZ file into a feature class along with a layer file dervived from the source render information inside the KML/KMZ. |
LayerToKML |
This tool converts an in-memory or file-based feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of ESRI geometries and symbology. |
MapToKML |
This tool converts a map document into a KML file containing a translation of ESRI geometries and symbology. |
MDPublisher |
Publishes metadata to a metadata catalog such as an ArcIMS Metadata Service. |
MetadataImporter |
Copies metadata from the source item to the target item. |
MultipatchToCollada |
Converts one or more multipatch features into a collection of COLLADA files and referenced texture image files in an output folder. |
PointToRaster |
Converts point features to a raster dataset. |
PolygonToRaster |
Converts polygon features to a raster dataset. |
PolylineToRaster |
Converts polyline features to a raster dataset. |
RasterToASCII |
Converts a raster dataset to an ASCII text file representing raster data. |
RasterToFloat |
Converts a raster dataset to a file of binary floating-point values representing raster data. |
RasterToGeodatabase |
Loads multiple raster datasets into a geodatabase or raster catalog. |
RasterToOtherFormat |
Converts one or more raster dataset formats supported by ArcGIS to a BIL, BIP, BMP, BSQ, ENVI DAT, GIF, GRID, ERDAS IMAGINE, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG TIFF, or to a geodatabase raster dataset format. |
RasterToPoint |
Converts a raster dataset to point features. |
RasterToPolygon |
Converts a raster dataset to polygon features. |
RasterToPolyline |
Converts a raster to polyline features. |
RasterToVideo |
Creates a video file from a set of images. |
SetCADAlias |
Renames one or more existing field name aliases by matching columns from the input table with a list of CAD-specific fields with the appropriate name recognized by the Export To CAD tool. |
SynchronizeMetadata |
Automatically updates an ArcGIS item's metadata with the current properties of the item. |
TableToDBASE |
Converts one or more tables to dBASE tables in an output folder. |
TableToGeodatabase |
Converts one or more tables to geodatabase tables in an output personal, file, or SDE geodatabase. |
TableToTable |
Converts an input table to a dBASE or geodatabase table. |
UpgradeMetadata |
Updates an ArcGIS item's metadata or a stand-alone XML file to the current ArcGIS metadata format. |
USGSMPTranslator |
Uses the USGS metadata parser utility, known as mp, to export or validate FGDC metadata content. |
ValidateMetadata |
Exports metadata to a standard metadata format then validates the exported file. |
ValidateMetadataMultiple |
Exports metadata for many ArcGIS items to a designated folder, then validates the exported files. |
WFSToFeatureClass |
Imports a feature type from a web feature service (WFS) to a feature class in a geodatabase. |
XMLSchemaValidator |
Uses the .NET 3.5 Framework's XML software to validate an ArcGIS item's metadata or any XML file. |
XSLTransform |
Uses the .NET 3.5 XML software to transform an ArcGIS item's metadata or any XML file using an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet and save the result to an XML file. |