Class ExportCAD

  extended by com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExportCAD
extends AbstractGPTool

Creates one or more CAD drawings based on the values contained in one or more input feature classes or feature layers and supporting tables. The Export to CAD tool is contained in the Conversion Tools tool box.

Usage tips:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
Constructor Summary
          Creates the Export to CAD tool with defaults.
ExportCAD(Object inFeatures, String outputType, Object outputFile)
          Creates the Export to CAD tool with the required parameters.
Method Summary
 String getAppendToExisting()
          Returns the Append to Existing Files parameter of this tool .
 String getIgnoreFileNames()
          Returns the Ignore Paths in Tables parameter of this tool .
 Object getInFeatures()
          Returns the Input Features parameter of this tool .
 Object getOutputFile()
          Returns the Output File parameter of this tool .
 String getOutputType()
          Returns the Output Type parameter of this tool .
 Object getSeedFile()
          Returns the Seed File parameter of this tool .
 String getToolboxAlias()
          Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolboxName()
          Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.
 String getToolName()
          Returns the name of this tool.
 void setAppendToExisting(String appendToExisting)
          Sets the Append to Existing Files parameter of this tool .
 void setIgnoreFileNames(String ignoreFileNames)
          Sets the Ignore Paths in Tables parameter of this tool .
 void setInFeatures(Object inFeatures)
          Sets the Input Features parameter of this tool .
 void setOutputFile(Object outputFile)
          Sets the Output File parameter of this tool .
 void setOutputType(String outputType)
          Sets the Output Type parameter of this tool .
 void setSeedFile(Object seedFile)
          Sets the Seed File parameter of this tool .
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool
getParameterValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExportCAD()
Creates the Export to CAD tool with defaults.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the default values specified when the tool was created.


public ExportCAD(Object inFeatures,
                 String outputType,
                 Object outputFile)
Creates the Export to CAD tool with the required parameters.

Initializes the array of tool parameters with the values as specified for the required parameters and with the default values for the other parameters.

inFeatures - a collection of feature classes and/or feature layers whose geometry will be exported to one or more CAD files.
outputType - the CAD platform and file version of the output files. This value overrides any output_type values contained in the keyname column or alias column CADFile_type. Types include DGN-V8, DWG-R14, DWG-R2000, DWG-R2004, DWG-R2005, DWG-R2006, DWG-R2007, DWG-R2010, DXF-R14, DXF-R2000, DXF-R2004, DXF-R2005, DXF-R2006, DXF-R2007, and DXF-R2010.
outputFile - the path of the desired output CAD drawing file. This name overrides any drawing name information included in the input features columns or alias columns named DrawingPathName.
Method Detail


public Object getInFeatures()
Returns the Input Features parameter of this tool . This parameter is a collection of feature classes and/or feature layers whose geometry will be exported to one or more CAD files. This is a required parameter.

the Input Features


public void setInFeatures(Object inFeatures)
Sets the Input Features parameter of this tool . This parameter is a collection of feature classes and/or feature layers whose geometry will be exported to one or more CAD files. This is a required parameter.

inFeatures - a collection of feature classes and/or feature layers whose geometry will be exported to one or more CAD files.


public String getOutputType()
Returns the Output Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is the CAD platform and file version of the output files. This value overrides any output_type values contained in the keyname column or alias column CADFile_type. Types include DGN-V8, DWG-R14, DWG-R2000, DWG-R2004, DWG-R2005, DWG-R2006, DWG-R2007, DWG-R2010, DXF-R14, DXF-R2000, DXF-R2004, DXF-R2005, DXF-R2006, DXF-R2007, and DXF-R2010. This is a required parameter.

the Output Type


public void setOutputType(String outputType)
Sets the Output Type parameter of this tool . This parameter is the CAD platform and file version of the output files. This value overrides any output_type values contained in the keyname column or alias column CADFile_type. Types include DGN-V8, DWG-R14, DWG-R2000, DWG-R2004, DWG-R2005, DWG-R2006, DWG-R2007, DWG-R2010, DXF-R14, DXF-R2000, DXF-R2004, DXF-R2005, DXF-R2006, DXF-R2007, and DXF-R2010. This is a required parameter.

outputType - the CAD platform and file version of the output files. This value overrides any output_type values contained in the keyname column or alias column CADFile_type. Types include DGN-V8, DWG-R14, DWG-R2000, DWG-R2004, DWG-R2005, DWG-R2006, DWG-R2007, DWG-R2010, DXF-R14, DXF-R2000, DXF-R2004, DXF-R2005, DXF-R2006, DXF-R2007, and DXF-R2010.


public Object getOutputFile()
Returns the Output File parameter of this tool . This parameter is the path of the desired output CAD drawing file. This name overrides any drawing name information included in the input features columns or alias columns named DrawingPathName. This is a required parameter.

the Output File


public void setOutputFile(Object outputFile)
Sets the Output File parameter of this tool . This parameter is the path of the desired output CAD drawing file. This name overrides any drawing name information included in the input features columns or alias columns named DrawingPathName. This is a required parameter.

outputFile - the path of the desired output CAD drawing file. This name overrides any drawing name information included in the input features columns or alias columns named DrawingPathName.


public String getIgnoreFileNames()
Returns the Ignore Paths in Tables parameter of this tool . This parameter is allows the function to ignore or use the paths in the DrawingPathName. This allows the function to output CAD entities to specific drawings or ignore this and add to one CAD file. This is an optional parameter.

the Ignore Paths in Tables


public void setIgnoreFileNames(String ignoreFileNames)
Sets the Ignore Paths in Tables parameter of this tool . This parameter is allows the function to ignore or use the paths in the DrawingPathName. This allows the function to output CAD entities to specific drawings or ignore this and add to one CAD file. This is an optional parameter.

ignoreFileNames - allows the function to ignore or use the paths in the DrawingPathName. This allows the function to output CAD entities to specific drawings or ignore this and add to one CAD file.


public String getAppendToExisting()
Returns the Append to Existing Files parameter of this tool . This parameter is allows the output to append to an existing CAD file. This lets you add information to a CAD file on disk. This is an optional parameter.

the Append to Existing Files


public void setAppendToExisting(String appendToExisting)
Sets the Append to Existing Files parameter of this tool . This parameter is allows the output to append to an existing CAD file. This lets you add information to a CAD file on disk. This is an optional parameter.

appendToExisting - allows the output to append to an existing CAD file. This lets you add information to a CAD file on disk.


public Object getSeedFile()
Returns the Seed File parameter of this tool . This parameter is an existing CAD drawing whose contents and document and layer properties will be used for all new output CAD files. If appending to existing CAD files, the seed drawing is ignored. This is an optional parameter.

the Seed File


public void setSeedFile(Object seedFile)
Sets the Seed File parameter of this tool . This parameter is an existing CAD drawing whose contents and document and layer properties will be used for all new output CAD files. If appending to existing CAD files, the seed drawing is ignored. This is an optional parameter.

seedFile - an existing CAD drawing whose contents and document and layer properties will be used for all new output CAD files. If appending to existing CAD files, the seed drawing is ignored.


public String getToolName()
Returns the name of this tool.

the tool name


public String getToolboxName()
Returns the name of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box name


public String getToolboxAlias()
Returns the alias of the tool box containing this tool.

the tool box alias