Interface Summary | |
CustomizationErrors | Customization errors. |
esriATModality | Specifies the modality of the ArcToolbox tool. |
esriCommandTypes | Command types. |
esriCustomizationEvent | Customization event types. |
esriDockFlags | Toolbar docking flags. |
esriDocumentType | Document types. |
esriProgressAnimationTypes | Progress animation types. |
esriStatusBarPanes | Status bar panes. |
esriWindowState | Window states. |
IAccelerator | Provides access to members that define an accelerator. |
IAcceleratorHook | Provides access to a means to decide if a virtual key should act as an accelerator. |
IAcceleratorTable | Provides access to members that modify the accelerator table. |
IApplication | Provides access to members that query or modify the application. |
IApplicationIdentifyDialog | Provides access to class ID of application's identify dialog. |
IApplicationRefreshBitmap | Triggers the application to call get_Bitmap on the control specified. |
IApplicationStatus | Provides access to the applications status. |
IApplicationStatusEvents | Provides access to events fired by application. |
IAppROT | Provides access to members that manipulate the Esri application running object table, AppROT. |
IAppROTEvents | Provides access to events that occur on the Esri application running object table. |
IArcToolboxFind | Provides access to this tool's properties for the ArcToolbox Find tool. |
IArcToolboxTool | Provides access to members that control the Toolbox tools. |
IAtbApplication | Provides access to the window handle of the ArcToolbox application. |
IColorBrowser | Provides access to members that control the Color Browser Dialog. |
IColorPalette | Provides access to members that control the Color Palette. |
IColorSelector | Provides access to members that control the Color Selector Dialog. |
IComEmbeddedPropertyPage | |
ICommandBar | Provides access to members that modify a commandbar. |
ICommandBars | Provides access to members that work on the collection of commandbars. |
ICommandItem | Provides access to members that define a command item. |
IComPropertyPage | |
IComPropertyPage2 | Provides access to members that control a COM property page. |
IComPropertyPageObjectFactory | Provides access to members that control the COM Property Page Object Factory. |
IComPropertyPageSite | COM Interface 'IComPropertyPageSite'. |
IComPropertySheet | Provides access to members that work with a COM property sheet. |
IComPropertySheet2 | Provides access to members that extend the IComPropertySheet interface with methods for setting the active page. |
IComPropertySheetID | Properties to identify sheet. |
ICoordinateDialog | Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting coordinates. |
ICustomColorPalette | Provides access to members that control the Setting or Creating of a Custom Color Palette. |
ICustomizationFilter | Provides access to members that define a customization filter. |
IDDECommandHandler | Provides access to members that handle DDE commands. |
IDllThreadManager | Provides access to an event that DLL thread managers listen for. |
IDockableWindow | Provides access to members that define and control a dockable window. |
IDockableWindowDef | |
IDockableWindowHelpNotify | Provides access to members that define and control a dockable window. |
IDockableWindowImageDef | |
IDockableWindowInitialPlacement | |
IDockableWindowInitialPlacementNeighbors | Provides initial placement for dockable windows. |
IDockableWindowManager | Provides access to a method that finds a dockable window in the application. |
IDocument | Provides access to other objects in the document. |
IDocumentDirty | Provides access to the dirty flag of the Document. |
IDocumentDirty2 | Provides access to the dirty flag of the Document. |
IFileOpenHandler | Provides access to members that handle the opening of files. |
IGetStringDialog | Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting a string. |
IGetUserAndPasswordDialog | Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting user and password information. |
IListDialog | Provides access to members that work with a dialog for displaying a list. |
IMenuItem | Provides access to extended notifications for commands on menus. |
IMenuItem2 | Provides access to extended notifications for commands on menus. |
IMessageDialog | Provides access to a method that works with a dialog for displaying a message. |
IModelessFrame | Provides access to a means of displaying modeless dialogs implemented with VisualBasic. |
IMouseCursor | Provides access to members that set the system cursor. |
IMultiThreadedApplication | Provides access to members that control DLL thread managers. |
INumberDialog | Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting a number. |
INumberFormatDialog | Provides access to members that work with the number format dialog. |
IObjectFactory | Provides access to members that allow automation clients to create arbitrary objects within the application's process space. |
IPaletteEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the palette changes. |
IProgressDialog2 | Provides access to members that work with a progress dialog. |
IProgressDialogFactory | Provides access to a method that creates a progress dialog. |
IPropertyPage | Description |
IPropertyPageContext | Provides access to members that helps you find out if property page applies to a set of objects. |
IPropertyPageSite | Description |
IPropertyPageSiteConfig | Provides access to members that configure a property page site. |
IProtectNameFramework | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
IRootLevelMenu | |
ISelectionPalette | Provides access to members that define a palette of selection choices. |
IShortcutMenu | Indicator interface that identifies a context menu. |
ISmallBitmapProvider | Provides access to members that control objects that provide a small 8x8 pixel bitmap. |
IStyleSelector | Provides access to members that work with the style selector dialog. |
ISymbolPickerDialog | Provides access to the SymbolPicker dialog. |
ITemplates | Provides access to members that query the templates collection. |
IVbaApplication | Provides access to members that modify the VBA projects in this application. |
IWindowPosition | Provides access to members that query or modify a window's position, size and state. |
Class Summary | |
_RemotableHandle | Product Availability |
Accelerator | Accelerator object. |
AcceleratorTable | Accelerator Table Object. |
AnglePropertyPage | Angle Format Property Page. |
ApplicationStatusEvents | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IApplicationStatusEvents interface in VB. |
AppRef | A reference to the currently running application. |
AppROT | Esri application running object table. |
BasePropertyPage | |
Button | Button CoType. |
CmykPropertyPage | Esri custom color dialog CMYK page. |
ColorBrowser | Esri Custom Color Dialog. |
ColorNamePropertyPage | Esri custom color dialog ColorName page. |
ColorPageSite | Esri custom color dialog pagesite. |
ColorPalette | Esri Color Palette object. |
ColorSelector | Esri Color Selector object. |
CommandBar | CommandBar object. |
CommandBars | CommandBars collection object. |
CommandItem | Command Item. |
ComPropertyPageSite | COM Property Page Site. |
ComPropertySheet | COM Property Sheet Object. |
CoordinateDialog | A dialog used for getting coordinates. |
CurrencyPropertyPage | Currency Format Property Page. |
CustomPropertyPage | Custom Number Format Property Page. |
DirectionPropertyPage | Direction Format Property Page. |
DllThreadManager | DllThreadManager CoType. |
DockableWindow | DockableWindow object. |
EnumStyleGalleryItem | An enumerator of Style Gallery items. |
FractionPropertyPage | Fraction Format Property Page. |
GetStringDialog | A dialog used for getting a string. |
GetUserAndPasswordDialog | A dialog used for getting user and password information. |
GrayPropertyPage | Esri custom color dialog Gray page. |
HsvPropertyPage | Esri custom color dialog HSV page. |
IAcceleratorHookProxy | Provides access to a means to decide if a virtual key should act as an accelerator. |
IAcceleratorProxy | Provides access to members that define an accelerator. |
IAcceleratorTableProxy | Provides access to members that modify the accelerator table. |
IApplicationIdentifyDialogProxy | Provides access to class ID of application's identify dialog. |
IApplicationProxy | Provides access to members that query or modify the application. |
IApplicationStatusEventsAdapter | |
IApplicationStatusEventsInitializedEvent | Description |
IApplicationStatusEventsProxy | Provides access to events fired by application. |
IApplicationStatusProxy | Provides access to the applications status. |
IAppROTEventsAdapter | |
IAppROTEventsAppAddedEvent | Product Availability |
IAppROTEventsAppRemovedEvent | Product Availability |
IAppROTEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur on the Esri application running object table. |
IAppROTProxy | Provides access to members that manipulate the Esri application running object table, AppROT. |
IArcToolboxFindProxy | Provides access to this tool's properties for the ArcToolbox Find tool. |
IArcToolboxToolProxy | Provides access to members that control the Toolbox tools. |
IAtbApplicationProxy | Provides access to the window handle of the ArcToolbox application. |
IComEmbeddedPropertyPageProxy | Deprecated. Internal use only. |
ICommandBarProxy | Provides access to members that modify a commandbar. |
ICommandBarsProxy | Provides access to members that work on the collection of commandbars. |
ICommandItemProxy | Provides access to members that define a command item. |
IComPropertyPage2Proxy | Provides access to members that control a COM property page. |
IComPropertyPageObjectFactoryProxy | Provides access to members that control the COM Property Page Object Factory. |
IComPropertyPageProxy | Deprecated. Internal use only. |
IComPropertyPageSiteProxy | Deprecated. Internal use only. |
IComPropertySheet2Proxy | Provides access to members that extend the IComPropertySheet interface with methods for setting the active page. |
ICustomizationFilterProxy | Provides access to members that define a customization filter. |
IDllThreadManagerProxy | Provides access to an event that DLL thread managers listen for. |
IDockableWindowDefProxy | Provides access to members that define a dockable window. |
IDockableWindowImageDefProxy | Provides access to members that define a dockable window's image. |
IDockableWindowInitialPlacementProxy | Provides initial placement for dockable windows. |
IDockableWindowManagerProxy | Provides access to a method that finds a dockable window in the application. |
IDockableWindowProxy | Provides access to members that define and control a dockable window. |
IDocumentDirty2Proxy | Provides access to the dirty flag of the Document. |
IDocumentDirtyProxy | Provides access to the dirty flag of the Document. |
IDocumentProxy | Provides access to other objects in the document. |
IFileOpenHandlerProxy | Provides access to members that handle the opening of files. |
IGetUserAndPasswordDialogProxy | Provides access to members that work with a dialog for getting user and password information. |
IMenuItemProxy | Provides access to extended notifications for commands on menus. |
IMouseCursorProxy | Provides access to members that set the system cursor. |
IMultiThreadedApplicationProxy | Provides access to members that control DLL thread managers. |
IObjectFactoryProxy | Provides access to members that allow automation clients to create arbitrary objects within the application's process space. |
IPaletteEventsProxy | Provides access to events that occur when the palette changes. |
IProgressDialog2Proxy | Provides access to members that work with a progress dialog. |
IPropertyPageContextProxy | Provides access to members that helps you find out if property page applies to a set of objects. |
IPropertyPageProxy | Description |
IPropertyPageSiteProxy | Description |
IProtectNameFrameworkProxy | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
IRootLevelMenuProxy | Indicator interface that identifies a root level menu. |
ISelectionPaletteProxy | Provides access to members that define a palette of selection choices. |
ISmallBitmapProviderProxy | Provides access to members that control objects that provide a small 8x8 pixel bitmap. |
ITemplatesProxy | Provides access to members that query the templates collection. |
IVbaApplicationProxy | Provides access to members that modify the VBA projects in this application. |
IWindowPositionProxy | Provides access to members that query or modify a window's position, size and state. |
ListDialog | List Dialog object. |
MessageDialog | A dialog used for displaying a message. |
ModelessFrame | Object that implements a ModelessFrame. |
MouseCursor | The the system mouse cursor. |
MultiItem | MultiItem CoType. |
NumberDialog | A dialog used for getting a number. |
NumberFormatDialog | Number Format Dialog object. |
NumericPropertyPage | Numeric Format Property Page. |
PercentagePropertyPage | Percentage Format Property Page. |
ProgressDialogFactory | Progress Dialog Factory object. |
RatePropertyPage | Rate Format Property Page. |
RgbPropertyPage | Esri custom color dialog RGB page. |
ScientificPropertyPage | Scientific Format Property Page. |
StyleGallery | The Style Gallery object. |
StyleGalleryItem | An item in the Style Gallery. |
SymbolPickerDialog | The SymbolPicker Dialog Object. |
tagMSG | Product Availability |
tagPROPPAGEINFO | Product Availability |
tagSIZE | Product Availability |
Templates | Templates collection object. |
Tool | Tool CoType. |
ToolControl | ToolControl CoType. |
The Framework library provides core components to support user interface components and applications.
For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.